HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-6-28 " ,~"~;,,""..:,.: ....-. ,,','-~~ . .-:.,..... '. ......-:-. '.. ". ..-.-.. _, ..'-:..._'..s;:.;.~..,... c..~,~....~ ~ _,. .. RESID~T1AL" APPLICATION /PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street Springfield. Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Locatian: S'fr(., '701+<0"- I f)-O 6 <Jy4- d..1 /JU. (J,/b.:J~ Assessor:: Map H Subdivision: CUner: ;(f"...... ~ ~ Address: 17~.t c..",M_~.J;f- L.--./J, o City: 9 7 ~ of , ~ IX I, n n NC"!.l AdditiCrl Remodel ,'!ob{'le Home Date of Appliaaticn c,h-df8' :,:on:-rac::ora Tcz Lot # / /.;J- / L ,,+ ,;;- Phone: '1J-53/7 (." Zip: ~ 7<,(0/ Describe II'ork: Ofe-,,~AI Co-,sL{,,,,<v S'f~ Value ;)(." =--> AdLiresG f~(",~ "8 ~ 17~J-.C..-,~ -1-8....-.. 77'1'->/ Plumbir." r. I.;, r~I.d.-' (/Jf,,_b J>of:.,,,-~3~ 'Cv-->;7~..o( EleatrieaIRlLc-4~-j-. 7f)o34:J_v3d...(,i C,- Y7'h./' I,!eohar.ieal e../t-JJ ~ ?$"70 I::A~ 1<Ht., k~ 'F7't'aL ~ v Genera L ConstMlctic:m Lender .3",{'I? ..27fDl ?J-<l'3.:.. JO>....." .....~. . /1 [) to Rece:ot OJ ) b\ f III1 \./ 'f~ d Siqr.ed: Date: /C- -Be rR~ (,/ J.-2-/ lr Y L...::;c. ~ l:."=r-ir:!s Fr.OrlC </6'7 .rIff 7/A'i'- ..J .Js-'7' 4I!i.--.3;7 (.. f'ft',,- S..!.>. ~ YYL-_~"7 L ?V/ooo L- It is the resp071oibiZ:i.ty of ths permit holder to see that all irwpec:tions crre r.:ade at the proper timc, that ::::eh .::ddress is rca.:!.aDZe from the street, and that the pcrrrrit c:a:rd is l.ocated at the froont of the property. -Eui!di:-.g Di.vi:;io~ approt:ed plan sr,!;:.ZZ rer.:ain on t~ Bui.Zdinp Sit:: a: aZZ times. P:?OCEDUPE POP. INSPEc:rIOtl REOUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City JesilJr..::.ted .iob ntD:':ber. job ac.cress, ty?C of in:::pcctiC'rl 1"aqucstcd a.....d when you uil.Z. be ready for ir.spcction, Cont:ractors or Owners r.c:~e cr.ci phor.e n:.t.~er. Req",.l.cs:s received cofera 7 :00 a::': :.:iZZ. os IT'.a.a.e the same dc.y, requests r.u:ae c.ft.::r 7:00 ern LrilL 0.2 made the n.:::.:::t :.>arid.,...; cia:,'. All project conditions, such as the installat{.on of street trees, c~~letion of the. required landsccpir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDI/.'G FINAL can be requost::d. ~r...rt Tr!R"...",tir.1'I.<t ::g ~T'""r I"O:;-~~"''''IO'''' T' . ,~...;.~ '''_.~':'J. ... 0 De maae excavation, but prior tc set -:..... forms~ ::J after up of W1DERSLI..E PLVl.fEING. ELECTRIC1L & NECH-J.::..-C;.L: To be made before any work is covered. ~FCOTIlft. ~ FOW~TIO!l: To be mule ~ after trencnes are excavated and forms arc erected, but prior to pouriro(l ecneret, 0 I ~ (p '\l-YNDERGROU::D P:.u:.f3ING. SEWEH, ~',1TE.r?1 ~ DRI..I1:AG~: To be roo:1e prior to fil- liro(l trenches) I / ., I ~U"Drot"r~r:- nrU'~I"G . 1'-C"AI'Ie'" I ...... ~L._:.... ..., ..~.. CJ '.Co "" . _"'oJ. To be rr.:::;.ae prior to 1.n::;taLZatt.on of ~ j100r insuLation or decking. U.....POST Al.'D BEAM: To be made prior to ...dI instcZ.Z.,:;:;iclI of fZoor insz.;latior. or deekin;. :>"l, I ;', \.(). '0.... ROUCH PLlJ?.'BI.',IG_ ELECTRICAl. f, '.fECH- ~ AHICAL: No ~ork is to DC covered Ii:> .w:tiL these inspec:;ior.s haUl] beer. .. " maac ana CDprovc_. ,j?....FI.1:!EPLACE:-- Prior to pZacir.g facing :o~ ~~~~iais and before framing inspee- L A'RA!1I!/C: Nust be requeated after ~ approu.::l of rough plUffhing, aZectri- cal & mecr.anical. AU roOfing bracing & chimneys, etc. nr~Gt be ;complcted. no work io to be con- .. cealed unti.l thiD inspection has "been made and approved. ~ ~ Kl ] dt'l FIliAL PLWBIIIG ?l', FINAL P.E~HA.:.'ICAL vI"') FINAL ELEC:RIC~L It) Q FIliAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be requeoted aftt1r the Final PZun:bi113 ELectrical, and Mechar.ical Inspectiorur hQ.vo been made and approt1ed. y~ Cit;y Deoigr.atc1 <Sb Number Is: r\l Il/SJLATION/VAPOF/ BARRIER I.'lS?!CTIO!.': ~ be IT'.a.de after all insulatian ~.d required vapor c~icrs are in place but cefore any lathJ gypsum board or u:zZ,l covering is applied, and before II any insul.ation is concealed. r::lYRYWALL I/,'SPECTION.: Tc be made LM"'?fter aU d1>ywal.Z i8 in place, .I but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel. beam:;, grouting accordance LJi th 2415. D WOOD~TOVE.: Aftar instal-ration is ccmp(..eted. LO(1ation, bond or verticc.ls in V.B.C. Section C; I 40 ~CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte::o forms ~ are erected but prior to pouring con::rete. ll_SIDEWALK & DRIt'EWAY: For aU con- ~crete paving. within street right- of-wcy, to be made after all e:r:ca- vating complete & fo~ work & ~ub~ base material in pl.a~c. D !'Ef.'CE: ../hcr. compl.zte -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. D <6605.50 DE.':JLITIO!.' OR ;'.:OV::; aUILDI:.'QS ~ Sani tary 8e'.Jcr ::apped ::~. p~op~rt-:i linc ~ Septic tank p~~~d ~~ filla~ with gra~aZ I Final - ll'hen abcve ite.':is arc cC.'r.oZetcd ---3 ar.d when d~clitior. is c~Leto or st~~- ture moved and pr~3Ds cle~ned up. J.:obiLe Hcmca ~ Blocking a7Ui Szt-~p ~ Plumbing connections sewer and ua:or ---, ELectrical c,cnr.ection - Blocking, Bet-up --.J and plwnbing (1071nections IT,''''..:st tc apprat.'e:! before requesting elec:ricaL inspectio~ ~ Acces:;or'.:f Building :J Final - I.ft~r p~rcr.es, skirtir.g, decks, etc. arc cample:~d. o -ALL UANHOl.ES AND CLEANOlnS HtJST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fE:lTTq ~E 1-:'1DE I.!' 1.'0 c~sr TO C!":Y I P::~e ! of 2 JOB No.~D550s0LAR ACCESS REQ.- zO":c: I ~ OcC'Uz;anC:J CT"C'..l.- ~ ?,U-/ Ti.'Pc/Cor.st: Lot Sq. Ft;;. . t::7~S- LeT TY'?E ' I Lot Faces - .;t:"A-:?7 ~ ::;1 !.at C:nJcram; "79~-",> V Interior I H sctl"CcCb .' ~ P. L. OLiS.;' arQO!! II.CCC33. ..; of Stories 7 Corner flortn I /;2 J'otaZ Height::;?':? Panhandle lEast /&; I?~ ....,...,~ IS""th I /b> I Topogr=phy ~ ~ ~~ CUZ-de-sac IWest I ~O !'!'E:.! . sQ.t7'C .'.Jain /?'~:? I, <(Be> I, i I I ~aCi! Carver: -tcccssor:1 TOTA[. 1~4LUE S.D.C, 1., = ItlCt.:.l':) Builc:ing Fermi t State Surch."crre Total Cha.:oge3 :TE,'-.' ,',~{). 1 .::'i.=t1.:.res .=?esider.tiaZ :j beti:) 5 5c=r.i~1 Set..1cr , I ~;~h)U?A/HJdj Plur.:b.;.r.p Pe~~-; State S:ucr~pe Tctc~ cr..::~ac.~ . '.~ '. I:,..,. j 1/1 "cs. So. ft=. /~.c'3 ~3W/E=ter~ Cir~..lits Tc:::porc::ry SC1'1Jice / ?t?i:> /l- 4'~V/.cF 1/ ,. Elc~tricaZ Pc~it St::ta SUJ':!Ca:roe Total C'r.:u>ces .";":;-.. I::;. 1/ / // ;"urr..:tce ETU IS ~haust Hood :'lmt Fan ~':>ods to:Je ?e~t Issu::nc.:! Me::,...:::.r.ic::. Z Pcr.:i.. t State Surchcroc To't;cZ Ch:1rOf'r: -- E:.rCRQACHXt.:.,',i' -- 'c(:",,(T'itu D:mo~it 'toraOl2 '-:intl?T..!:r..:,'" crmit Totel Ci:.aral2s ~.;cu: 1- :fa / b'g' ide'~ulk ('n::c (,,~. Labd JE/4'?,'7 F'> ::bile Home I I I I I I I I S6.~.--I I g~o, -.., .-)"). I 9'e>/........1 /,5.~.)1-- ,)- "3/6 .0s I, x ~'aZ.uc I I 67.50 I , ,.,:> I ~. I$': ~p I 2.0.- I /'22. ;5""".oI-s- 6. /31 I/~& .631 Cr:'-i.:':,-;;: ....;::.""'.~._.- '3'7 ::01 I ,/5~ -e>1 ?I7. sol 90 ........-!--'-/ ~.sol I 7'/.50 , I c...';.i;c~ I 6.~ I 7',~ '5.~ I /7. ~ F~E I I 22.""",.j-l... 1-/3'1 '2'?,~ 31 ' I I r I I, L-COG~ ~/ Be:iroor-:s: '=? '-,-r Ener"o 50"""3 I Hcc' ~ ~ <'7 I Watc!' _i.i~:!~f'!' ~..a-~ I Na,,,,.' ,e'L~7: I I' I FirCDiac,'" ! I Wcoa.:; ~o1.'':? II I T;J~C F;;cs Building Value & Perm i t This permit is gM-nted on the exprens condition that the said con:;trLu~tion shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted by tiU? City of Springfield, incZwling the Zoning Crdi.nancc, regulcting the ccnstr'..lc::icn and une of buildings.. and m::J.Y be sUDpended or revokec at cr.y time upor. vie. lation of any provisior.s of said Ordinances. /~ Plan Check Fee: I 'f S, td '1 Date Paid: III - ;t-;;l -,r f i Recdpt #: t' '0.- /l. J / , '1/ I ISig"ed: /J,. I J ./ Plumbing Permit No percon chalZ construct, instalZ, a~ter or change cny new cr e:istir.g pZu~Dir~ or drainage spsten in whole or in part, ur.Zess suer. ;cr~on is the legal possessor of a valid plu~ber's license, except tr~t c pc~son ma~ do plu~bing worK to proper~~ which is Ok~ed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrica I Permi t Where Stete Law reouires tr~t the electrical wor~ be don~ cJ an Ele::trical Contractor, the elec~r~cal ~ortior. of this PC~~t sr~ll r.o~'bc v~lid until 'the /..a.bel has beer. :;ignec' by 'the Ei..e~r;ricaZ: :::'ot;:-r.:c:or. Mechanical Permit " r?1. //pLr6 'Pi-an EXC:m..ncr ({-2.~-8?; vaLe I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.~!INE:D the corr.pletcd application for permit, end do hereby certify that all i~fo~~tion hereon in true ar.d ccrrect, ar~ I f:4rther certify that any ar.d all. work perrol':71cd shaH be do:'1l2 in ac::or- dance ~th the Ordin~ncr.s of the City of Springfield, and th= L~~~ of tr.c State of Oreg~n pcrt~ining to the work cescribcd hcrei,l, end :r~t NO OCC~- P/'.!lCY will be rr.a:ic of any stl'Uatul'.:? witho:,;,t parmis3iort of the Bui.lding Di.- /0/. 5.0 I J-;) vision. I further certifii that o~z.y contra::tors a,.d c:npl~yecs lJr.o arc i,; ~..~~ 1)1 c~pZ.iance wi.th ORS 701.05t will be used on this project .20 I .ill '/37 .71. _ .~~.i.. i.....:.ji.J:.~. i;v:;: ~ ~Lf I I 1 I ;, If{ A,.~ ?,{,l..J&= V /