HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-10-20 .. RESIINTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spri~~field, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD : Job Loa.:::ion: Ie{ gS 6'--' /e-,,--s~ U' \ l () ~ ~ c:=1 ~? T= Lot # Ot<W-U Cu-o--od s-f~ (?~ I' U~ c?~" CJJ-<...".I ~\ o,Q' 1 b- 20 -;;2- r-va,ue DO. (\'ru,u,V 3";ct~J-'~~-^,/ AJ, !;iJ;,?<4 ..tS.7eSGOl'Z .\!ap .1/. Subdiv-i.sicn: ~'7l:el': rYJevnJ ~A4~-fw' 1'-1 'l..<" F~~f ~ JO[I J , t! Add.....es3: City, [)<l ~ n n '/0'.1 Addi ticn R~Oc..81. ,'!oo-:.1..:2 ,game] Date of Application !.:ontrc.ctors General. Plumbing ~lectM.caZ N9Char.ic::.l. ru.~ Constr~ctian C~~er Pr..one: 7,;(.C,,9z71 77 '177 I Rcce-:pt .ra 13 6'9g77 Zi:l: De8C1""'~be II/ark: rY~~ yio ,?; IS', 0'0 ::: .bO sll )UTJ ;), /;; D Siar.ed: ;2fL/ Ie> '2.4-<,?2---' Date: E-",il'~S Phone 7~/-IS/r:. J i JI J It is ~he l'esp01'toibility ot ens permit holder tc see that at! incpections are "~ade at the proper :im~, that ~ch ::.ddr98S is re""':""~:;;I .ll'Om ehs street, and that the pcrr:n;e card i8 z...."Ca:ed at the f'l"Ont of the property. .Eui1di~~ ir;vi=io~ ap;~'ed p~ ~ll remain on tho Eu~lding Sit~ at ~ll times. P.70CSDVRg .:oOR INsprCTIOII REQl/ESn!CALL 726-3769ftccorderJ sta'te your City Jesigr-'Zted ;'00 n:.c;;ber, job adC.rcss, type of in3pec-;icn raquestcd a~.d !.Jhen you !JiZZ be ..ec.ay lor t.nspcct:~on, Contractors or Ol..."7te:os ,..ane c.r.d Fhone number. Requt>:sts recei!:ad befere 7;00 =:'l :..>ill De Ir.ade thE; same day, requests made afta' 7;00 ern r.ril.} b3 made the nc:t '..)Orkin:; day. ~'22o be; _~/uyui........r1. r".,<:'I"protir.",q O c:....C' "'IS?~f"'"''''''"I'' T' , ...l~_':. :'~._'Jj.; 0 as m:::ae e.=cavation, .:ut prior t:: Sst forms. o aft2l" up of UNDERSL';.B P!J./.'.f'BI.'lG. El:EC':'.:?IC,IL 1 ,~.'ECi:'A;IIC...[.: To be rr.ad2 be[oroiJ work is .::ovcroed. o FOOT !;'IG 1 .:oOlHlD,l T :C:I: To be .-:ru:!.e after trenches arq e:c~~ated a~4 forms are arec:i!d., but:: prier to pourir.g ccnc:oet.::. [] U.\'DZRG.o/)U.'.'D ;::'W.f2D'G. SE:.rc::~. ;.t.1TE".1, DRAINAGE; 1'0 oe r.:a.::8 prior :0 fi i..- lir.g trsr.cr.ss. 0' UNDERF!.OO.~ ?!.U.'..'9T:1G -1 :.!"rCHA.VIC'u,; To be rrr....ae prier to -::n:.1ta4i.Jt:ion of floor insui.a::wn or' decki"9' ?JST AND 3EA,'.{; To be Ir.aac prior to instal.z.a::ion of floor ir'.st.:Zat::ion 01' d8ckiru;. o o RO'.'CH ?!.JJ.'~ET'lC. !!.EC"!'.r?!CA[' 1 .'.fECH- AtlI~A!.:. .':0 ,-!or~ -::,3.:0 j~ co:.'~rea ur.t~L ;r.csa :r~=ec=~Op.s ~u~ ~eer. m...-d.e ar.d ,=?pr::l:J~d. FI_~EP!.ACE; Prior =0 ;i.c.cir'.f! facing mc.:arta:..s ar-.d b~fore frc:mir.q inspec- twP.. o o PRA.'~I:Ir;: ,\1u.1t be r'eq"-'e3ted at:er approv~l of rough pl~hing, i!Lect~;- cat ~ mecr.anical. All rooj:.r~ bracing ~ chi.7m;:Ys, at.:. :7r""3:: be . corrwle:cd. ,'/0 ..;ark is to be C071- - cec:Led .m::il :his insoec::icn r.as 'been mad~ and approved. Your City, Desigr.atcd Job lhunhuo Io: o ;NSULATIONIVItPO.~ BARRIER I.'!SP::C':'ION; To be :i1ade after aLl. in:S"",l..::ti::m 1X"'.d required vapor' bCI1""1"iers are in place but before any lath, gypsum beard or wU covering is cpp!i.ed, ~.d be;"or"e any insulation is concealed. DEUOLITIO;V OR ;'.::;V::; Sl/ILDI;iCS ~ Semi :a:rr.J S8"..Jer =C!?ped ::::t ~opO::r't:t. lir:a ~ Septi.:: tank p~~~d ~ f:.llad ~th ;r~~~! ---, P:.nG:L - [lhen c.bcve ite.~s are cc:~:plef;(;d ~ and ~hen: i~~:.::ior..is c~la:~ 01' s:~~~- tur8 moved ar~ ?r~3aS ::ls=n~a up. ;'.100i(8 Hc.~es =:J Blocking and Si!t-~p =:J Plumbing connections -- 8~Qr ar~ Wa:ar 'I E'Zcctr;ca'Z Ccnr.ect:.on - Bl.ackiYl3, set-up ---1 and pZumbing com:ections r.r..st =8 crp?!'~:;6d be:orc request~n:g atec:~;cal inspec~:.o~ ~ Ac.:;es$o" ';j Sui Zd:.r..g ~ final - A~t~r ~~rcr.Bs, skirting, dec~3, ~ etc. are ~=-mpL8;&d. D All projec:: cor.di:ions, JUC~ as tr~ ins;a~Laticn of 8:reet ;r2e8, :~~~a:~~n Qf :hr required Landsccpi,..g, etc., 111Ust oe sat;isl~cd o;;;'Ore tr.e 3UILDD'C j'I.~',U, ~cn: ::e r2(fU23:.2d. D. fINAL PLWaJI:iG D. PIlIAL ,'.!E~IM.:IICAL CJ FI."AL 2!.EC':'RIC/'!. i~ o PINAL BUILDINe; The Final 3uild:.nq .!r.s"ti3ction .--:use 013 requested =.~~=ar thO] ::':.~.:::l. ?lur.:bin.; Eleccri.::al., and Mecr~~-::ccl Inspece-::on:s ~4VQ been m~de ar~ apprcvi!d. any o DR"r"ALL INSP::CTTON: To be made ~l=er a L ~ Cr:lW l.l is in place, au r: prior to any tapir"]. O MASO.'IRY; SteeZ z.ocation:, bond oaam.1, grouting or v81'ticals in: accordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. ~"OODS'::'OVE".; After installation :.s p xmp~e:E:d. o CURE & Al'P.fUJACH .4.P.~N; Aj'te::> forms a:re ere::ted but prior to pouring ,:u,ncrete. SIDEWALK & DRnJEW'A'!: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-oc'ij, to be made a;'t..er aZ!.. e:::cc- vatina ccmole::e & for:':! ~rk & sub- base ;',c:te~;al in ?la.::e. .AU MA:lflCLES AND C[.EANOUTS .'IUST 3E .-iC~ESSI3r.G, ACJUS7;'!~:,'T :0 32 ,'.!.1DE ..!T ;','0 :;'5':" T~ CT:Y I ~"'.'a of:J o o ::''ENCE:: :/her. comoLHa -- ?rovu;e gates or movable' sections through P.U.E. o I JOB NO. eZlO~9 I i :C"!'!e: ILot Sq. Ftg. I ~ Jf !o: CJVerag& !.'# of Stories I:ota! Haiqht; I Topography I !'!E.~! l.'loin l~.':ca i I Car=ar: I, I :ic~eS3or"J I I sr;. FTC . 70T..1!. :'ALl./S l :;c.~UC::J Is,D.C. I 1.5 = &u.il.ding ?errr::. t: State SuranZ!"ge TotaL Cr.a.......ge~ 11':'::;'1 1,'fO. I :t.... -:-..uoes I Reaidzntial (1 bath):' I Sc:::nit.7l"J SelJer' I ".Ic.=e.'" I Pl.:.unbing Pem t Stats Surer.arge T~tal cr.c!"oes II!'E,'1 I Res. Sa. fta. N~/EZtend Circuits Tempcl'ary Service ElectricaZPermit S~te SUl"Cr.a......09 Total C'rtaI'ces I :?2M I ?:.a>r"::Cq ?TU'S I E=haust Hood. I Vent: Pan. I ilOodsto:;e Permit I:;su:::n.ca M8::r.anic:zl ?e't'r.'Tit: State SurcJu:rac '!'"tr:.! CJ.rn-o"!tJ ~:IC'='CAC::::.~:!'!' I" ' n ' I .::::ec-..Q'""t. tu ;J2=>OS-:' t I Stor-:zq6 I ;'1a~71terter~e Pcrr:ri.t Total C'ftCl''7CS I Cur~C'..l t I Si.dmJal~ I :en::e I cl~cericaZ. Lahel , t ,"fobi La !l~e (:rOTA!. ANOY.'IT DUE:" I.YO. I '.n I ,."" I I SOLAR t:ESS ('CC'".l::C71C:J Cl'C'.l:;: LOT TYPE Ir.:erwr Corner Panhandle C-..lZ-de-sac x "a~ue ~:.~ CHARGE :;':;'1;" CHARGE :;'':''1;'' CHARCE I I I I 1,,00 I I I I (00 I I <;, ~ 0 I 11 Is' & () ?::go 2 , . L-COG~ REQ.- T:{oeICor..s'C: 3edr,oms: I Lot Faces . I I P.I.. INorth I~:~h West 1 I Enerau Sour~es I I Heat Ii II II II II T:J'ce Setbaaks I Rou.ae : CaI'cae I I I I Access, :.later> =!Rt'!~:n' Ranqe .;;'iroeoiace WOOa.7tolle -- Fees Building Value & Permit I I I I ,- I I I ,- This pernri.t ia gronted on the e:presB c:ondition that the sa'id. aon8'C1"Uc'C~on shaZl~ in all respects, confo~ to the Ordinance adopted by the Cit~ of Sp't"ir.cf:eZd, :.nd:-<<i~ng ;;:e Zoni,..a Crd:.rr.ance, l"ecrJ.Zc.ti,:a ~he CCr:S'Cl":iC::'Cr. and u;~ of buildings, and m~y bc~ Juspenaed or r~voked ~t cr.~ t:.~e ~;on vie- Lation of ~y provisions of said Ordir~es. Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Rec.ipt Ii: I Signed, Plumbing Permit I I I I I- No pereon ehaU construct, in8talZ.~ aZter or change any r'.elJ cr e:::isting plumaing or drainage system in ~hole or in part~ unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e=cept tr~t a pe~son ma~ do plumbing :.;ork to propert-!;/ which is ouned, leased or opera.ted by the q;pZi- cant. Electrical Permi t I I I I I- Where Stats ~ requires t;..at the electrical !JOrk be done by an El,eatr-ical Contracto~, the electrical por~ion of thi~ ?e~it shaLL r~t be ualid until the ZabeL has been signed by the ElectricaL Contractor. Mechanical Permit Pl.at1 Z=c;m..ner L.!ar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY ~XA.'!I:IED :he compLeted ~pZica'tion [or permit, c:nd do he~eby aertijY chat alL i~jo~tion hereon is true and aor~cct, ar~ I t.ao-:her cel"tify that any cr.d all work perfor:ned 3haU oe do:'%B in aC:Jor- dance :.vi-th the Ordinances of tr.a City of Spl'ingfio:ld, and th;; l.<:";3 of tha State of Orea.:m ozrt.!inina to the work descr~bcd her9in.~ c:.r.d tnat NO acc;.;. P/;.!lCl iiu ba ntlde of eny'" ai:ructura without ?:Jrmission of the 3uilding tr;- vision. I further ~ertif~ tr~t ~ty acntra~tor8 ar.d ~loyees wr~ ere in c~ptiance lJith CRS 701.05E wiLL be used on this projgat ~!J S;#'/~~ //,>h",/~2- -Dale Si~r.3d ~ /