HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-7-3 ) ,.. ,'. .. RESI'~T1Al" A PPLICIt 1 "!'tJ1!PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieLd, Oregon 97477 BuiLding Division 726-3753, . Job Loc:Jtion: 13'0\ LVlHLDDl\x, \f){')~~S~& . Tc;r:lbtR ~VJ,\Ju 0 T ~ (')~ArY) AooooooJ"S Map I SlJulivision: I . elmc", '- 'tJ0Q'\-\\C) f\ \~\fC1 Q n ) : Ad<bo...: \~?J\ l1)\9..D.J'{\Jl-t) Phons:I'f\\Q ~4Crt : City: ~~ ~ (1\)1 \ ;\\lXu Zip: C('l4ll I \ ~~~7w- ~tR-J ...0 '~l~~ Value V \ ~ [lNPU n Additicn nRl11tfOdeZ.' n .~Iobile lloma 'I ~-q() Date of Applicaticn Contractors . General : Plumbing I Hechunicul/f\ I E~~ctri.!"al( ~ tf\ 9 I Sllllet;~ntl;ir."I~ Electr:ician rJ -~-- .-' Siqr.cd: Date: ~\H0 '7 - ,"<, -G{ rJ I Acldre~R LiRe. II Bldrs lIoard I(ec. Phon", YOUl' City DODigr.atcd Job Number Io: O INSULATION/VAPOR HAURIER INSPECTION: To b. made aftel" aU insulatian a!".d '. raqu.-:.rod vapol' bCU"l"iel"s aro in plaoe. but beroN any lath~ !PJpSW1I board 01' wll covering is applied~ and bsfoJ"O any inoulation io concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To bo mado after all drytJall io in place~ bu t proiol' to any taping. . O MASONny: Steot location, boiul beamo, g~tina 01' verticals in aocordanco L1ith U.B.C. Seotion Z41S. O JIOOOSTOVr., After instellation is ccmpZeted. o ~unB & APPROAC/I AP.WN: Aftel' fomlS are oroated but prior to pouroing .:xm"l"8to. SIDEfIAl.X .( "DRIl'F.1!I.Y: For all con- oroote pavina within streot right- of-LJC.Y~ to bo made aftel' aU e%oa- "vating oompleto & fonm ~rk & Dub- base tmterial in pla~e. I~XPi"('(~S I! ~ b' I rCQ_Q ..It It ia the roaponaibility of tho pe~it lwtder to 888 that all inopections are ~da at the propsr tim~~ that oac'l ~ddresD is from the streot, and that the pormit oard is located at the front of the properoty. "Yui!di!1!J Ditli::ior: approl,.'cd plan shall remain on tha Bu-:..ldin!1 Sit:: at all times. P.7OCEDUP.E FOn INSPECTION I1!'OUEST~CALL 726-3769 (l'ccoroe,.) state your City deai!Jn:zted Job nun:ber~ Job cu!d.Jocss, typo of in3poc~iclI requcsted ar.d w};en you Ll'iU be ready for inepootion, Contraotoros or Qmors ru:me and phons number. R.qu08ta r"ooi1JN before 7:00 C':I Io.~U be made th,: Bame day~ roquests made after 7:00 am L1it.l be made the nat :.xJrkin.J day. J!J:m!i,.,..1f, r'1J'l1"J",.tir...v~ O SITE INSPE:C'TION: To .be mado aft.,. ozoavati:on, but prior to B.~ "up of fol'ftls. . O UNOERSLAB pLI:~mINC. r.Lr.cTRICAL & . /ofECHJI.YICAL: To be made bolor" any work iB iJotJcred. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be ".,de after trenches: are e%catJated and forma. are e,.octed, but prior to pouring ccncret~. U.YDSRGROU.YD P~UMSINC. SEWeR. W.iTE.q. DRAINAGE: To be roode prior to fil- Zi,..g trenchet:. D. UNDr.RFWOR PW/.!BI.YG & MI:CIIANICAL, To be made prioJO to inatal.Zation of floor insulation or dockin!J. O POST AND BEAM,. To be ma5iOJO to installation of floor: SI.: tion or deoking. ~ G. flQUGIJ Pf.ll.'!/JI{JC. .!r.F.CTRTCllr. of MECI/- . ANICAf~: No tJO is to be tiered ur.til these in pection aue boor. made and appro O FIREPLACE: PM.or to pZccirJ) facing materials and befozoe {raming "in8peo- tion. . O FRAMINr."~ Nuat be roqueated after appro""l of rough plwr.bing. al.ectri- oa~ & mechanical. AU roofi"IJ bracing & chimneys, st.::. must be ,completed. No LlOrk ie to be con- , ee4!~ Mnm .thin ingpGgnar. /lag 'l;c~ IiiCidll arid approuia. o o O !'ENCE: When campZ.to -- Provic!e gates or movable sBctions through P.U.E. . o .'- qtO~~y; DEI./OLITIO!l OR /.lOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sani~J seuer :tapped at p,,::,pcrty l.ir.o :=J Ssptia tank po_cd and fillad with ilra,.l , ] Final - '~en abouB items are completed and ~hen demolition is oompl.te or Otru3- turo moued and prmsos cleaned up. Nobile Hemes :=J Blooking and Set-up =:J Plumbinil connections -- SCWD2" and IJater 'I Eleotrical. Ccnn.otion - Blooking, set-up I ~ and plumbin!1 connoctions nr.Jst I:e app1'Ol,.',d before l"8questing elec~"":cal i"8pac~io:1 =:J Ao.?essoro,i Build~na ] riMl - AftDr r:;)rcJ:es~ akirtin!1, duoks, eto. are c(X7Ipletcd. o "" ~ All projeot conditions. duch as the instaLlation of atroet trees. C~LDt'O" of thi required i.-;...ds-:t;;ir.g, etc. ~ must be satiefiad bcforoe t1:tJ BUILDINC FINAL .can be 'l'squtJ8t:rd. o FIliAL PWMDIIIG o FINAL NEe/IANICAL ~;AL r.U:CTRIC/.L , o FINAI,iJUILbING: The Finel Building Inspection must be ..squeeted after tho Final PlU1llbi/l.3 Elcafrical~ and MBohar:ical Inspectiono have beon mad. and app'l'Ou:td. , n I I .Af.T. UMmer.F.:: AN" r:r.F./I"Nour:: }f1l.':T m: ACCF.'!J$IlfLF.', AtJJlJSTm:NT TO m: 1-L1m: AT NO r~lST TO Cf'!'Y I fl:l!1r ! of.'! I I JOB No,C{('['J:;d SOLAR AC;CESS Zone: - Occupa"C~ Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT.,r::' S "f lot C.:J1)erag~ . Interior !f o{ Stonos C01'7lor Total Heiuht Panhandle Topouraphy CUI-de-sao I lITEM I Main SQ. FTC Ca.7:'rlae Caroo.ot I Accessol'11 I I Is.o.c. TOTA& VAWE: el}a'UC} 1.5 :t: Bui~ina Permit Sta td SUJ"charge Total ClllJryJea 11TE:M I FUtU1'08 I Reeidenticl (J bath) I SanitaJ"Y SebJel' I Water Plumbing Penr.i t Stat. Sw-cl-.aroge Total Chal"l1DS NO. x Value FE:E: CHARCE: IITW I Ros. Sa. (tn. I Now/Ertend Circuits I TemporCU"y Service E1..eatrical Permit State Surcha.rae Total Cha'N;OS lITEM I Furmce !!TU' S I E:hauot Hood I Vent - Fan I J/3odstorJtI I .,. p~t la8u~a "Nechanical P6rmit Stato SurcharatJ Tntnl CharottO -- E:NCROACHHE:NT -- I SeC"J.n t'" D2'OO3i t I Storaga I H:1in tenal1ee Permi t Total ChaMCS Cu1'bcu~ I Sid_Ik 1.f1t!n3t1 I E:lectrical Lobel I !lobi I. Hom~ I I IWVI"Ar. AIV'I/U''1' Otll".,4 .' NO. '} NO. FEE CHAHCf: J S p:..; \5,e:o , Y) '" 1'6,00 FEE CI/ARCE . -.,~ - REQ,- L-COC"'" . 0' ~ Bedrooms: Tyve/Cor.at: I Lot Facee - I Setbacks I P. L,' House earage INorth ~a8t Sou th West I I f:ner({!1 SOUMOS I I !leat Access. I I Water .'Inatpr I I Ra"Ue I I Fircplace 1 ' Woods tove Tlli"e -- Fees Building Value & Permit This pennit iD granted on the O%preos oondition that tl,o said construction shall, in all respeots, conform to the Ondinance adopted by the City of Spnnafield, including the Zoning Ordinanco, regulating the CC1fotru.zticn and UDe of buildings, and I1I3Y b,c suopended or revoked at cr.y time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordincuices. I- I I I I- Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Rec~ipt H: ISigned: Plumbing Permit No pereon ohall construct, instaL!, alter or chango eny neW or- o:::iating plumbing or ~inage system in whole or in part, unless such peraon is the legal possessor of a valid plumber-'s license, e:tcept that a peraon may do plwnbing lJork to property which is OlJned, leased or operated by the appli- , cant. . Electrical Permi t Where State Law requires that the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the Label has been oigned by the Electrical Contractor. - Mechanical Permit " ',' ,...... I- I I I I I- I I I 'VI.Wl I:::rann.ner ,,,,,e r IIAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit~ and do hereby certify that all info:ma.tion hereon is truo and oorreo,t, ,and I further certify that any ar.d all work pe'l'fol"med shall be do~ti in aocor- dance with the ordinanoea of the City of Sprinafield, and th& La-..;s of tho State of Oroeg>Jn p~rta.ining to tho work described herein, and tllat NO OCCU- PANCY will be mde of any Btructur~ IJithoi.lt parmis3ion of the Building Di- vision. I further oertify that o~ly contra"tors ar.d e:npz.,yet>s w1:o are in compliana~ with ORS ?Ol.0~5 will be used on this projeot , ~-~~JJ3~~ !5.v)~ ,~3~ ~-3-q() lAl'te -- - ., .. . ~; / / Permit No: q f\{)2 3'>< Address: \ ~0 \ J)l 0 n [)('Vt t ; Issued by: r7\J ryn.._ ) Date: 1J!3.I9() STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701,010(7), ne!ld not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 2B: 1,~ I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. 2. A. L-..J My general contractor is Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR / B. LJLI I will be my own general contractor. If I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors registered with the Construction Contractors Board. If I change my mind and ao hire a general contractor, I will contract with a contractor who is registered With the Construction Contractors Board and I will immediately notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contractor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the Information Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. _ _ A :-J!.n~ ignature of Permit Applicant 7-3-or~ Date CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD 0244J 10/24189 \)V\I--J ~- COPY TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE COPY TO APPLICANT ' ~.