HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-12-5 -- 1.!2::13 'J-. .. RESID~T1AL" APPLICAT_PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Ol'egon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: /2 (p I f/ L e/lS IJ ~ ABceBaors Nap H J f)(J7) d,{o4 I 7'"", Lot H /8( tJ(Y) Subdivision: CLme1': ,/",,,,k' A"'L E/17 ,j'rf/'l/ d/9i..? HOl-iJE~' c12. ~M 5 ,P R ,ct.1J Phone: :r '7 (. -2'1'.;Jd" zip: 9 7 l/ 7~ Address: City: n n fXl n NP1J Addition GAR4c-e Remodel :-Iobi 1e Flom;) /1- Ic(-r:f' '1 Date of Application Contractors General i P J.umbing iH~chanical I El,,,ccri,,al l Sl1De~1.."'S~ng t~lectr.ician Describe rl'ol"k: Cut VI': .er/ON TO ~,PHcJ!: ~ I v,.vt:. Siqr.cd: !hJ1/ tis L do' o' 1::,-0'1 I Date: Value 2150 0 Lise.' HJ.drs Hoord R,~. Addrpss J,IZ. /CL.EPI,fTC"" 8'''''0 C v.5, Toa., ~''''~K'N~ IV/+- /lerel?-#eo ~Ohd'. Expires Pl,nnp <F '7~-l'lU It is the l"esponDibility of the pe~t hoLde,. to Bce that all inopections are made at the proper time~ that eech =dar888 is l"cadabZe from the Btl'eet~ and that the permit card is l,xated at the front of the property. ~!Jui!.di~ Divi:;io~ aPin'ot:cd plan shell remain on th~ Bu~lding sit:;; at all times. PflOCSDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:.,QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'ccol'dep) state your City designated job number~ I-aqucstcd ar.d when you /Jill be ready for inspccti011~ Contractors 01' Ot.mers name end phone number. ~'ill be made the same day~ reqtlestD made after 7:00 am will bz TOOde the next :xJ1.kin..J day. job address, type of in::pectic11 Requests received beforo 7:00 ~ .t?IU'I}l1:J>pA rn,fi!?"Cti.mw O SITE INSPECTION: To be made aj'tel' excavation~ but prior to set up oj' forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC,lL & MECH~!,VICAL: To be made betoNJ any work io ~ovcred. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be roode after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior> to pouring ccncret~. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEr/p.R, W.1TEH, DRAINAGE: To be ffcld'e priOI' to fil- Zir.g trenchBe. ~ o UNDERFWOR PLUJ.!8ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of [loor insu1.ation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor in8~lation 01' deckirl{j. ROUGlI PLW-!BTllG. ET.ECTRTCAL ,: ::.::::_. ..tft'1'C1tt: No wol.k is to be covered . ur.ti l these illfJpectior:s have beer. made mu1 approve:!. FIREPLACE: Pl'iot' to pZccir.(J facing materials arul before ft>aming inspec- tior:. FRAJ~INC: Muut be requeuted aftet' appt'oval oj' rough plwnbing. electri- cal & mecJu'.mi.::al. An rooj'ing bracing tl c}limnc!1s~ et~. l1r~st he . completed. No lX>rk is to be con- . cealed un~il t.hiD inspection has . b6c::n made and approved. o o o I [2J Yout' City Designated Job Munb€r 10: ~ INSULM'ION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECT1UN: ~ To be r~zde after all insulatian a~4 required vapor bart'iers are in place but before any lath, gypsum board 01' LXll.l. covering is applied, and beforo any insulation is concealed. r:A DRyr/ALL INSPECTION: To be made l.cJ after all drYlJal'L is in place, - but prior to any taping. location~ bond or verticals in V.B.C. Section O MASONRY: Steel beanw, gl'OU ting accordance wi th 2415. O r';OODSTO'lE: After installation is ccrrrpleted. D CUR8 & APPROACH APRON: After- [o1'ma w'e ere~ted but pl'ior to pounng ~oncrete. f?9/-:</c:> I DEMOLITION OR ;'.:OVED BUILDINGS ~ Sani~aJ.'Y seuel' capped ::It p:.oparty Zine :=J Septi::: tank pumped and fillC~ Lrith iJpa~cZ --, Final. - tl'hen above items are cempleted ~ ar.d when demolition is complete or stru~- turc moved and premises cleaned up. - /oJobi lo Hemes :::J Blocking and Sat-up :::J Plumbing connection8 .- 8cwor and watsr :::J Electrical Connection - Blocking~ Bot-up and plumbing com:cctions rrr~st co approl.'l1d before requesting olec:ricaL inspoo~ion ~ Ac~e8cory Bui Zding " I Final. - After p:Jl'cr.e8~ skirting~ decks. ~ etc. are completed. D All pl'odct:t conditions~ suc!: as the -:".nntallation of stt'cat trees, cor:rplotion of the requi1"ed l.andacr:.pir:(]~ etc., must be satisj'ied bcfoI"c tho BUILDINC FINAL caf! bo requost:zd. [XI FINAL PLUMB[t/G D FINAL MECHANICAl. rn FINAL ELECTRICAL o o SIDEr/ALK ,( DRII'EfIAY: Fot' all con- ot'ate paving within set'ect right- of-tx.:y, to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & cub- base ~terial in place. (B PfNAL BUnDING: Tho Final Building Inopection rmlDt be requeoted after tho Final Plumbina Elactl'-ical. and Mechar.ical InBrections hav(3 been made and approved. o fENCE: Wher. complete -- Provido gates 01' movable sections through P,U,E, 'II/.!. t.lilN!lf.'II'::;. Mff) CU:ilNO{J'!':; Nf/.';'T rw MX,',:';:;J/JU:. AD,W.','l':';;','N'!' TO m~' f.:.~m~' /1'1' NO C:}S'l' TO CI~"Y I/'a~..... oj":) o -- I JOB NO,$'7/'::z/C> I Z07Ia: Lot Sq. Ftg. S of lot CJlJerag< # of Stones Total Height T...r,;;;1.....r-hy lITEM SOLAR A'aSS Occuooncy Grou.. SQ. FTG Main Ga:raae Cal"OOl't AccessorII ~.. ;;.......:.A:c:. I Is,D.C, TOTAL VALUE tvat.UCI 1.5 :J: Building permit State Surcharge Total Charge. I ITEM NO. I Future' / I He.idential II bath) I Sanitary SehJel' Water Plwnbing Permit .M/d. State SUI'cr.arge Tota1. Charqes lITEM NO. I Res. So. fto. 'Naw/EXtend Circuits I Temporary SS'f'VicG I Elsctrical Pe~t State Surcharge Total Charqes IlTE:M I F'ta'nace !!TV'S I Exhaust Hood. I Vent Fan I WOodstove I He. FEE Permit Issuance , Mechanical Pernrit State Surcharoe Total Charaeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- i: I S6C'olntll D:roo3it I Storage I Mainterta~e Permit Total Cha1'QC8 I eurbcut I sid_!k I Fen,:,e I Electrical Lobel I Hobi 1.6 Home I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' FEE FEE LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac x Value I I I I I -.:?:5"~--I CHARGE /,-5": ...... -75"1 $?51. CHARGE I I 1 CHARGE 5"~.I&> ~-- REQ,- L-COC"" Type/Co~[Jt.' A Bedrooms: ~ I Enel'f]lf Sources I I Heat AccenB. I I Water> .flf?a tt'-f' II Range Fircwlac{J. I I Wood:; tove II I 1 Lot Faces - Tlme p, L, North East South West Setbacks House Cara(le Faes Building Value & Permit This permit is gronted 011 the exp'I'ocs condition that the sdid conntruction shaU, in all respects, conform to the ordinance adopted by the City of Spl'ingfield, incZuding tile Zoning Crdinance, regulating tile cOl1struction and uno of buildings, and ma.y be ouopended 01' revoked at al:Y time upon vio- tation of any pl'oviGions of said Ordinances. . . I Ploll Check Fe., '7). t!> 3 Date Paid: //~/ '7' B"7 IRecdpt #: ',?~So/ ISignad: ~~~ . . .- Permit Plumbing , No person ehaU construct, install, atter 01' change any new or e:::isting plumbing 01' drainage sY8te~ in whole 01' in part, unless such perGon is the legal possessor of a valid pluw~sr'B license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased 01' operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Perm it Where State La:1J requiren that the electrical. work be done by an Electrical. Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been cigned by the Electl'ical. Contractor. ~/'?#-rz!! CLE<773/~C. '/~/T,7;b . J3C- ~(;::'/hT#~ '.3'7-" CC ~.r?'?r~c.. .c::'~m#=?=/f'" . . Mechanical Permit . 4~r ;,%~ ./ //- <'7-0'''2- tfa:i.e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLl i'YOformation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfo1':7ted shall. be do:1e in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Sprinaficld, and tht= Ur.J8 of tho It State of Oregon pertaining to tho wol'k described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rrr:J.de of any otructU1:'2 withou.t permisaion. of the Building {)i- vision. I further certify that o~ly contl'actorB ar.d e.~pl"yee8 who moB in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project "L9J-1:~ , ' Iz-Is~ v- D..'1te /~ - ---'