HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-10-24 .. RESIDENTIAL" , APPLICATe/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: IdS!:) Ple;:::;J,,?pn-T \f\(JociL04l T=wtll l~()nn A008000rs Map H SubdilJioion: Q.me~: [' :=::;~;::), \-e r"){' 'Ro5' \\..Id Address: \;;J S c: PI ,.on ,~cS} t'\ -r Phone: City: '<),rr -r <"\0 +l ~ I d Zip: c: ClnmJ n Addition n Remodel n ,'-labile Homa Date of Application Contractors General i Plumbing I Heehanieal I E~"ctrica 1 Superv1.."Sing Electrician __0- _ 1..') S(.~Y\he~ qq ~ -(n{n 'X.>? Cj)ij77 Describe rl'01"<o' \()-:)L[ -'81 Acidress ( Value ~ 3ooE9 Lise. II BIdrs l1'r:l:f':i't ,;j ;;i; ;;fo q ~ dJ Sigr.ed: 9d~'1 Data,' Boa rd Re'!, Expires P)lnnp j It is the r6GponDibil~ty of the permit holder to see that aU inllpectionn al'e made at :lIe proper time, that each .:ddrB88 is raadab:e from the street, and that the permit card is located at tha front of t1u] property. ~5ui!di~ Divi::io.,,: approved plan shall J'emain on tile. Buildbl[l SUil. at all times. PtWCSOURE FOn INSPECTION R~QUEST~CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your city desianated .job 'lumber, job aac:rc:;:::J type o[ in3ptlc~icli requested ar.d when you /Jill. be ready [or inspection, Contractorn 01' OlJncr'3 nr.me .::.nd r-}IOllO number. Requests received boroN) '1:00.-:01 ....ill be mado the same day, requests mc.de afta' 7:00'ern /Jill b$ rrude the next ~rki"",; day. , .q1..(!U1:,,:~A Tlln,f!,..'!t,:r....,q D S.ITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to sot up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work io ao~cred. o o FOOTING J FOUNDATION: To be 11r1de after trenches are exca~ated and fOrnls are erected, but prior to pouring ccncrete.. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING, SEWER. W,1TE,rr, DRAINAGE: To be ma:te prior to fi l- Ur..g trlJnches. o o UNDEHFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL,- To be mado prior to insta'LLation of !tOOl' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to insta'Llation of floor insulation 01' decking. ROUGlI PLUMBING. Ef.ECTRICAf. & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be eOL'ered w:ti'L these inspections have beer.. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Priol' to placir.(J facing matol'ia'Ls and before f1'C11lling inspec- tion.. ' FRA1~ING: HuGt be requ6Dted aftel' approvaL of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mocJranical. AU roofing braaing 8 ahimncys, et.:. ,",';'Bt be . comploted. No work is to be CQn- . coaled until thiD inspection has 'b6~n made and approved. D D o Your IC~ty Del1ignatcd Job NlImbG.}' In: D,INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIEU INSPECTION: To be made after aLL i11Gu'lati.:m a::d required vapor carriers are in place but before aHy W t1tJ aypnllJ1l bOa1'Cf or wU covorina is applied, and befoJ'o any .insulation if; conceal-cd. 0, ORyr{ATJL' INSPCCTION: To be made aftor laU drYIJall. in in place, but prior to any taping. I , O MASONRY': S:~el beanf3, groU...Ulg accordance wi tll 2415. loca tion, bond 01' vertical:; in U. B. C. Section o WOODSTOVE: acmplet~d. AfLm' 1:Il:Jt;allativn .ie; <t;Cf II 3 ~ I DE:NOLIT ION OR ;'.:OVF;D RU TLOIilCS ~ Sanitary S~J61' ~apped :::t p:.op.:rtii lir:(J =.J Septi~ tank p:A.-:p,;d a:-u1 fiLt~d with (jr(l:.:ai. :J:Final - liThen abcve ita~s arc ccmpleted Q1:J'wJzan der.lOlitio~: is complota o}' atrl...:- turo moved and pr,;:"i36s cleanod up. I />lobi la Jicmen :=J Blocki"g and Sot-:Jp ~ ,Plwnbi1lg comlections .- Scwe}' a1u! lJa~or ~ Electrical Conr.ection - Bloekilw, set-u~ --.J and plwnbil1g com:c.ctions r.r~Gt b~ approl.:'eJ boforc }'equesti.ng e!ec~l'ical i1Ispec~io~: ~ Accos~ol';; Buildi.llg , ' :J Final - After F:Jrd:eo, t e tc. arc comp lo t;:d. skirting, deCKS, o CURB & APPRCACl/ AP.WN: Afta:> forms al'e ereated but pl'iol" to pouring aOnoJrete. 0, AU pro,ject cor.dit1:OIW, ~;ue.': m. Uw i.,wt.ailatioll of street trees, ~c:'71'lati.;m of the required lalld"ccpi':a, etc., mU:Jt be r;atinfirJd boforo the BUILD.TNC FINAL can be r:lquast$d. o FIliAL PLUMBIIIC o FINAL MECIIANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o D SIDE'vAr.K & DRII'E1"I.Y: Fa}' all con- crete pavin{J /Jithin ctrect right- of-way, to be made aftm' all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & aub- baae material in pla::Je. , " o FINAL BUILDING: T]w Fillfll BuiZdil1{1 bwp.:ctioll must bo rcqui1:Jtod aftr.r tho Filial PlwnbillJ Elac:trical, and Meehar.ical Illnpccti.QIl[l "avo beml made and approv<!d. D r'ENCE) fI'1uu: cO.71ploztc -- Pro~ide gates 01' mo~able aectiol1r. tlu'oug1: P.U.'E. I " Er' ?"e\ (' \'YI('A.d\"~ I' . I., I .ALL UANlICLES AND CLEANpllTS J/UST BE ACCF.S:;I8l.,F., AD.T1IST:'tE,',IT TO BE 1.~"DF. AT NO C~ST TO CITY raile! of :1 I JOB NO, I:-:lma: Dot Sq. Ftg. ! Qf lot CQverag~ .~ of Stories Tota l Heigh t Topogl'aphy I [n'M IMain IG:!1'nae I Cm'vOl't 111coc8801'u I SQ, FTC I I I I I I Is,D,c, TOTAL VALUE (ucl-ue) 1.5", Building Pcrmi t Sta te Surchargc Total Chm'ge;; li'l'EM Pi:rturcs I Hesidentia l (1 ba thJ I Sanitary SelJer' Ilvhter I Plumbing Perr;:i t State SW'c}:arge Total CharGes 11'l't'/./ I Re,<J. Sa. fta. I New/Extend Ci1'cui tfJ I Temporary SCl"Uicc Eleatt'ical PCl'TTIit St:::te SU1'::hal'Qe Total CJral'c;efJ I InM I F'urn::we I Exhaus t I Vent Pcm ETU'S Hood I1:>odsto:;e Mc::!hanical PCl'nrit State SW'charnc Totnl CharOp.G -, ENCROAC/lMENT I SCC'.4M.tl/ D2P03it I Storage I Maintenance I Permi t I Total ChaT'flcS I Curbauo I Sidewa lk I PC!I1:!c , I Electrical [.abel ; I Mobi Le Home I II : 1'1'0'1"'[' ,'!.fOUNT VIIE:- L-COG~ SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- OcCUpanCl{ G~ WT TYPE InterioI' x I NU, I I I I I "gf: I I I I I I Pr.= \ c't'V\ ( ';'~V-l A I 11S-$-O I Pe~mi t Issvdnc-;- I I I j I NO, I I I I I I I F/.'/.' NO, FSE COl'no!' PanhmulZe Cu l-dc-sa~ Value CI1AHr;t; ",HANGf: CHANCE.' ISE.9 1S'S9 1600 I [JOt Paeen - I I P,[.. lNol.tiz lr:(wt: ISu"tl1 llieat .' I E~lel'qy SOl~roaea !leat Access. I I i~1 Tu"a 'l'ype/Cor.~J t: Bedrooms: S'et.backa I !Iouae , r:al'aqe , I ' I I I I Water' YI?ntP.r> Ra11!J'{] FirevZace Wood:; tave F:Jes I I I I I I I , - I I I Building, Value & Permit This per'mit to granted on the exp1'608 condition that the sa'id construction shall, in all }'cupeats, conform to tll(! OT'dinarwe adopted by the City of Spl'ingj'ield, incZuding'the Zoning Ordinance, regu.lating the CCl1otl'ucticn 'I and Iwe oj' buildings, and m::y be Dunpended 01' revoked at cny time upon vio- 1,.1 lat'ion of any provisions of said Ordinances. . , I i ,I I I I Plan Check Fee: I Date Paid: /Hec:::ipt #: I Signed: , ,I " 1 ! I I I I I I I I I- Ph,Jmbing Permit No pel'con a}Ulll. COmJtl'lwt, irwtaU, alter 0'1' change any new 01' e:::iDting plwnbing 0'1' dl'ainage syste:n in whole 01' in pat't, unless su.ch perDon is the legal pO:JDeSRor of a valid plumber's license, except that a perBon may do plw:tbing WO'f'k to property which is o!Jned, leased 01' operated by the appli- cant. I I I I I I I I, Electrical Permit f{hcl'e State T,aw requil'es t}:at the electrical lJOl'k be done by an Electrical Contractor>, the electl'ical portion of this penmit shall r~t be valid until the label hav b~en signed by the Electrical ~ontractol'. Mechanical Permit I I I, I I I I I- I I I I ~1f/t4 as qjell-l- t&r , I ~~;/a. 5m"~ rer.5onq / ref,/'E'5("llftr!/ V~ I OF~p ~ ,..,c rf?os/l1d 'W.,5>>otJi!Y'I Ip,Zc;-&,'t I Si UII y{ --/ Date Pl.an Excnnnm' va];e I HAVE CAREFULLY E'XAMINED the completed application fop peT"mit, and do hel'eby certify that aLl ir.for>mation hereon is true and eOl'l'cct, and I fUl'thcl> cel'tij'y that any ar.d all work pel'foP.1led shall be done in. accol'- dance :.nth the Ol'dinanCCB of the City of Springfield, and tht: Ltr.JS of tho State of OregQn pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will. be made of any atructtl"rc without parmi83ion of the Buildblg Di- vin-iolJ. I fw,thw' cel.t7:fil t}lat only cont!'l1ctorB and e:rrployecs w}:o are in co.-nplianr:e wi.th ORS 701. 05S will be used on this project