HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1986-4-21 . . . ~~ /09:;' f)u~ /, . M E M 0 RAN DUM City of Springfield Apri 1 21, 1986 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Cindy McClenathan, Licensing Supervisor Cindie Harmon, Permit Coordinator WEAPONS DEALER LICENSE FOR GUY MAYES Attached is a license that was referred to our office for a weapons dealer. The applicant has listed his residence as his place of business. As we discussed in a meetfng with Joe Leahy and Greg Mott, this 1i cense cannot be approved because the Zoning Code prohibits sale of merchandise in residential districts and the City Code requires weapon dealers sell from the address on thei r 1 i cense. Since adopted ordinances prohibit the approval of such licenses, it seems inappropriate for any applications of this nature to be accepted. By accepting these applications it causes the applicant to pay for a 1i cense unnecessari 1y because we know the 1i cense cannot be issued. I have attached several copies of Section 14.08 of the Spri ngfie1d Comprehensive Zoning Code and request that Finance either refer applicants to this office or give them a copy of this section, rather than accepting their license application. Please call me if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss the issue further. cc: Joe Leahy Greg Mott Sally Johnson . . " ,\. . . ", SPRINGFIELD COMPREHENSIVE ZONING CODE 14.08 HOME OCCUPATIONS It is the intent of this Section to allow home occupations as long as they are not in violation of the terms of this Section and do not alter the residential character of the neighborhood nor infringe upon the right of neighboring residents to the peaceful enjoyment of their homes. A. One non-illuminated wall sign will be allowed not more than 1-1/2 square feet in area. B. There shall he no display other than a sign that indicates from the exterior that the building is used in whole or in part for any purpose other than a , dwelling. C. The building shall retain the characteristics of a residence. D. There shall he no outside storage of materials. E. No meChanical equipment shall be permitted except such as is compatible with residential ~urposes. F. There shall be no employees other than family members who reside at the dwell i ng. G. The use shall nnt be a nursery or child care facility as defined by. this Ordinance. H. No commodities shall be sold on the premises in a wholesale or retail manner. I. Temporary SaleslDisplay Stand Tempo~ary sales of produce is permitted provided: 1. The greater share of the produce for sale shall have heen grown on the premises from which it is being sold. 2. The sales area shall be located entirely on private property. 3. The operation unreasonably on-street or shall increase off -street not create hazardous traffic conditions in parki ng. traffic conditions residential areas or for If any of the terms of this section are violated, produce sales shall immediately cease. J. If the proposed use requires building modification (to the residence o~ accessory building) of a nature that is not typically found in residential districts, the proposed use shall be considered inapprnpriate and therefore ineligible as a home occupation. K. Commercial automotive alignments, body-fender not be permitted. repair, to include but not be limited to tune-ups, work, painting and detailing, and upholstering shall ~ . " pv~,~.~}~'..s~~.~~~,~:m~~~~~~~.:~~~T~l~~~~~~f~~~~~~~~f~~~t~~;~~~d;(~~Wl?~~~~:~~~.~:~~~~.~t~h:'~ti~~~:f.~~~':; ~~~JIl_it!"~~~~~it.~:$~ ',. ;[~i~;~:i~J~::::i~~:~~iX~~;; ',~1:' ~; ,~:.- ' :,~!;;". .':_'~:):::T;.~.;<~~< < :::"~':., ~;0;~: ._'._ '; ~;~"}.7'\cr:..>, > ,. .... :~~':~'~~S' E ... '~~~~~~kqs~'~~~~.;Zj,(.;--::-.-!:t;. / '.~ '~'~~~~~:"~~~~34-.'t~~'~J:a~~~%lf~'..~t}i}.iJ.:ti~.Ah@t~'I?~J~~~}~~.:tf.tr. . \!' :.J::':".......}~Qo.;......;'O<:~-t- .~~,,,..~~.p~:....:;.;{~\J."'... 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ZIP: SAME PHONE NUMBER: 746-7793 PHONE NUMBER: , ,. LICENSE APPROVAL APPROVEO: f'1il: OCED: ~ ft?/?t: DATE ,. DEPARTMENT HEAO Approved by the Common Council of the City of Springfield. DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE i' DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE 1 DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE OATE FINANCE DIRECTOR THIS LICENSE IS NOT TRANSFERABLE !l "11