HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-12-13 (2) .. ~;~~,.~!r':~I,e,~" SPRINGFIELD 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Viviaion 726-3753 ;'-l ..' .' I> ;, !:',:,:,';'j'lfi I f'\ fS es ,~ b2(p, () 1 .lob [.ocation,' '1 ~~+' \ 1 ~4 V ~_tnM.J(\"*!~, \llnoBI 04 8. TC-'-I"'t~' O<6U(Y) '..1 IIDne.aLlor~ Map H - Slthdiuision: ::::3: \fg \y~ \~f\~~n": City: ~l ~ ~- \ \-W ') zip: (Xl~"1 ( \ 1)-') ~ UNPl'l ,[ll .1dditicn [) D \) _ f) ':l.. " n.~mo..!el \~\ \ \' eX 00\ ~c :~~'::':~':=:::icn t~. t3 ~ q ___ V.,!ne -t;rl) cO (:;:::l~r::l~c'ibvV. :f"\D~ N, '_\\~t';,'nl AlP:lA(\), (t;'. I' IlIlIIbJI1;; \)~~~\j\ \ \ ~'()\f\{'\ i H~chan:ical. - \ I 1Ct.,ccri,," , SlI1>('rv:t1!.Lllg t~lt..t'rl'II' i;lll Denc,.-ib,~ r,'orl~: \I S,:qr:cd: lJat;a: 1 YJ'tfYL) t ;t -l-;;;-X~ "::\'(!~'~1f~~ Ih\~1 rei l{(.e. '!:::>x<ZSS?- D rN8fJ1.A'rroNIlll1.l'>(1.'l' I~AfmIf:U f.'1SPEC'rmN: '['0 b,~ flkde aj'tcl' <Ill iw:ml..;'.'::Jn a.'ut )'cqll-:"'tJ(J vapor l:w'J'ial'IJ are in pl.aco bit. l;cJ{)l'c any l.ath, (lYpmun boaI'd 01' UJ,U t:ovcJ'ing is applied, and before any imlulation i:; concealed. D DRY/tIlU, IN:;PEC'J'!ON: '1'e be m..'Ida arte,' all (fr'ywaLl iD in place, bllt !,rior to all!) taping. .., I ..J I 1 ,J ..1 rea_aoo1 It is tho reflponfl,:!',:!l:t,y or thl1 pel'l1l1:~. holdm' to soc that alt bWflcctiOtUJ arc r.IlldG at t.}le ~I'Vpt3I' tin/(;, t1:at l:cch .:ddroDD is [rom tho lJtrcat., and that the pOJ'fn1.t C:1l'(/ itl l':'X:flted at Ow fl'C.mt of t.he property. ~!Jlli!di!1.!1 OilJi::i()~: api'!'oved [-'l,11/ 3/u;!.l 1'(~m"i1/ v.'l t!l;; /Jli:.ldhl(l :;ii~ at all times. P::OCSDURF. FOR IN:JN:(,.''rrO!l RS.QUF.,<;T:CALL 726-3769 (l'c(!oT'd,!r) state yOUJ' City Jenign...,t(y/ ,ioe nw..:bcJ', job address, typo of itl::pac~icll l'(]IIUC:Jtccl a..;d Ll.':el/ you l.n:ll hlJ l'cmly .lOr' innpcet:'OII, Cl.llltl".wtO)'.': 01' OIJ'W:--O 1/("Jnc ,:1/11 Fllmw munbcJ'. RequcstD rocaLL'cd bofcl'r. 7:00 <';~ :.'ill be made th.; l:(une "cy, requosts ml;dc alt.;,. '/:00 ,en I.Jill b;: made the next :.Jarki'L] day. (1 YOW' City n"aigl:ated Job lI.unl,ol' ~o: ~ I ~ l~ J Hmlllirc:d TnGrN~t,J:';llll O SlTE INSN.'i'..".",''/,\': 'fo b,; nude aj'i,?" e:r:cavati,JII. !J14t pl'iol' to aat Ill' 0;" forms. O UNDEHSr,A8 PLUMBING, ELF.eTHIc,ll. .'; MECIIA,V/CA/,: '/'0 btJ made bo.!for.t! ':"Y wcn'k is ,::oUCJ'(Jd. o FOOTfNr; ~ FO!JNfJ,1TTCN: To be IIU"!':: after tl'oJ1Ulh."]:J arc I1J.."C1f1uated an,[ forms are '1rc<1ted, but privr to pouring CCII(lret.;. D :;SIt,.:H, W.1'."F!\~ I.'I'LO" to J~..l- U.VDSRf:ROIl,~'D l'li.!fP (N!:~ o.rMINAr:r:: 'f',} h.: "'fl.-.It: lir.a .Ot7cll,:!w::. o UNDENn,orw ,Pf,flrm (,'Jr; ,11 m:r:!!ANrr.M,: 'fo be nlt.1d;;'-,-:,7l:;-;;:-to iWliallat"ioll oj' floor i1IOt.l,:.I.'!.OH or d(Mkill(f. o POST AND m:AM: 'ro be n:mi,i prior to (" floor inm.:latiol7. OJ' rtl.. R(rf./(;!' ['U!"!{lf,,'/ .1_ El,r:("Il1r(.'A~li~'i.:. ~ ANIC l,: ',IOl'!: in to be eOL'I?I'j:.{ ur.til IC[l,~ [,Jw/H?(.':.im:a hozllf! bCI:I: made and apfJ!";'vr.:!. D FIRF.f'!.ACl:.': Prior to plccir.g facillfl ~;:t~~'ialS ",v1 l/erol''' framing ""'1'""- FRN~lNr:: M,::t; be rcqucDtcd ar~.al~ approvoAl oj' !'oua'l pZw:;bi,lg, ~le,.~t.I'i- cal & mcahlni.::t1I. Al! l'00[iIl9 braci.nt] .1 ehimneY:I, I?t.:1. m:.wL' !J,~ completed. .'.'0 r.~rk ilJ to be COIl- coaled until tlli:J inspect'ion luw 'bG(m made cmd (I(lproL'oJd. ~-=UI"/JI:IG o [.oea t ion. bond OJ' vCI,tical:, in fl. B. C. SCd.l:01l I m:t.XH,l'fIO!l OR ;'.:OVED BUlLOfl/CS :=J Sani~(ll'!J SC'.Jer ~appcd ~t p:opcl'tii 'lir:n :=J Septi~ tank p~~d and filZ~d ~ith ara~c I Final - tl'han axve ita,'.'ts aI'C ccmpleted ~ QI:d when :lcr.tOlitior. io compl.ato or' atl'li..!' tUI'O moved and Pl'cmi:ws cleaned up. /oIobi le IIC1fI111: :J :J Blocking anci Set-up Pl.wnbillg connections DC1JO" Qlu! lJa~ar ~~'!!!!!l!1.: :;tcel /"?I1J1/;l, f/t'flll!;iJlU IU!,~o,'dil1/(!e lJit.lt ::<1.1::. o IIft.el' i1l:;(..(ll1at1:on io I Electrical Ccnnaction - Blo(:killg, 80t-14;' .-.J and plwnbing connoctions nr..:st !:o appl'ol::!, bofore requcsting alec~l'ical inspac:.io:: ~ Acccs~or;i aui Lding ---, F1.1lal - Aftcr porc1:co, -1 a tc. al'a c.:rnp la tcd. okirting, docks, ImOIJ::'{'(JVf:: -;C;'~J~tct,:d. D cumJ ,~ I1Pf'HCACI! 11,..WN: Arte~ j"Ol'tIW tlJ'.? ;:l'I!;.!t'ed but. jl,"iol' to pOIII.ing .:!on::l'etc. D flU /1,'o';,:,:i (.'0I~dit1:01UJ, :111(.'.'; Wi the 1.,I1:J1.aLla~i()1I or L1~I'.:!at tl'.:Iaa. c:o.','plati..m of t;ll: ,'cqlli,.,:,[ law!::(jr.p-ir.a, ct(:., ml/st be satiaJ"il!'/ bi:[ol'o t':e BUILDINC FINAL can be r:1qucDtad. r\/:.,I N:1!, f/lIU,!JrNt;: 'flw Filial BllildinU Inlljlt:(11.":011 nnmt bCl raquaatcd alter tlzo! Pinal rlumbin:1 W f.'l.:c:tl'h'al, am! Mcc:lzar.ilJIll Dwpl!etionn hWJl! beall mada and approlJad. ,\-, -.J FINM. MF.(,.'/f.lNICAl, o FIIIA& EU:C/'H:C/.I. ,r=J o Sfl).t,UI1[,K ,f, DRIl'f;/{,1Y: For all COIl- lJl'et..: lKwin{) within stJ'oct rigllt. O[-I';'-:y, to be made aftar a'll excaw vatillf./ canplatc ,t: [om IJOrk & :;u},. ba!.e 1Ik':terial in pla::c. lAl.f, ,'-J,l,":,I;'/'/ I::; AN" CU:,1Nmfr:; ,'/fIST !If: I1CCp.[}.';rm,/;', Ao.ltJ::T!U-:,'J'f TO. m: ,'!AD/-: .-1T NO ('CYST TO r.l'!'Y I P:I!-:.' of:! D :'F.'NCP.: Wher. cO;llpl;;tc -- Provi.t!e gat.c:: 01' movable Doctiona tlu'ougJ: P.II.E. o JOB NO. SOL A RG~~n<iii.. S S Occu.?O.nc-" '-...14. T,OT TYPI: Zona: Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ ~f Lot CDverag~ ,V of Stories Total Height ~OrogM?}l!J Interior CorneT' panhmui La Cul-dr.-sac ITEM SQ.FTG x Value ."'aiP1 C":.1't'lce Cm'PO)' t tlCCC:Hlorl/ S.IJ.C. TOTAL VAWe I vat.u.c) 1.5 :r S60, Buildi,l(l Permit Stata SurahaY'ge Total CM:oge3 1 ITEM NO. I Fi.xturcs .3 I Uesidential (] bath) I Sani t...'ll'Y Sewer FEe CIlAHr;E cOR. .W Ivt'::te.r 1 ~a.5U[ \\.:.:)1 ~ CIfAUGf; I 1 Plumbing f'err.:i t State SUl'c1:arge Total C}lQrncs 11'J't'M I Res. $(1. NO. 1'0'1; rta. N~/EXtand Circ~its Temporary Service i Ele~trical Permit State SUrc1111rQe Total Clvzrqcn CI/AlleI.' IITSM I FUrnace rrru' S I Exhau.s t 1lood I Vent Fan I W~odn to:JC I NO. I PSI'.' Pcrmit [:;suancz Me.::Jranic:ll Pcrmi t State surchaJV'c Total C111lrac3 E'NCROACHMENT I Sc,,"."': t" Dano.it I Storaga I Maintenance I Permit Total Charges Curbcu.: \ Sid_lk ,r;'eYl:::a tlectrical Label I Mobilo Home I I I...."..., ",,....,,,,,,, ""1.'. ( , , ,~q .~~){ REQ.- L-COC"" . R(!,:!roomo: ~f.'J!.11'111 SO:W{!Co 1 I !/cat 11 II 11 11 II 1 I 1 1 I .1 1 'fypa/Cc'r:r, t: T!lrc rJOt Faces - P.I.. NOl'ell };Ilst .'lol,th ["ant Setbacks flou.ne (:tlI'a~!t? !,f.:f:e:w. Water' .'/cntm' HallUc f.ircfJlI/{:(! Wood:; tOl:C F..~eB Building Value & Permit This per'mit; in granted OIl Llw axp,'(!1;:; cmulition that tJle :J,rid con:JtructiOlI shaU, in a'lL r'ellpcc!;/;, (!oll}<wm to [,11,; O,.di,lm:c(]. .'ldopte.-l b!! die City of sprinrrficld. inc!u(ElIU the :'Am~lIa c,'d:'.llflllCf? l'caulati';!l tllo:: CC/1Gtl'1l.:'!ticl1 and twe o[ lmil.din(/,;, wulll/.';Y lJr! ::Iwf.'I!lldt7d or' rmJokec! at ':':!I time upon vic- laLiaY! of any pr.:Ju/::n:m:n oj' ~:fll:d nl,..f1>:mll:a!l. ' IJ'lr1l1 r.Jwck I'.'fl[,(: Paid: I Hr.c,;ipt H: js{!p:ml: Fer,: Plumbing Permit No percol1 nhall. con.:Jt"/lct, -i..rwtaU, a!Ler 01' change ellY neW eJ' e=iDtit1!J plwnbina Dr' drainaga DY:J(;e.7' ill :Jhole (}Y' in par,t. unLO!;:l :mch person io the legal pofHJCS:lOr of a v(ll.1:d pllunbcJ' '[I U~cn!1c, except that a l'ernon may do plumbina work to prOl,l(?J'ty which in OIJIlCd, leased or opCl'ated by tho appli- cant. Electrica I Perm it /{}wY'e St.atl~ f.aw rcquil'IW tl:at the r.L"f;t;,'ical work be dmw lJ!I an ElcdJ'ictl1. Contr>actor, the electl'ical portiol: or :.hia pCl'mit Dllall r:ot. b,~ valid until the label has b:=en sianel! by t;he f,'Zl'?cl.l'ical [:oIlLJ'actor. 1 I I I. , 1 1 1 j j 1 I I ] . I I Mechanical, Permit L'at.l: Plau EXGJllt.l1e1' , I lMVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed appli.cation .fa I' pcnnit. and do hereby certify that aLL b:fo~'lnation hO!'eon. in true and COJ'I',;ct, and I furtJ:er certify that all!! ar.d an lJOl'k porfoJ':1Icd sJtaU be dO:1e in ac::!ol'- dance :.lith tile 01'dinanc(l!l of the Cd!! of SpJ'1:~lafidd, and LIt;: La"..:o of tTla State of Orea~m pcrta.ini.ng to tlw work desc1'1:bad IICI'O:':fI, clld that NO OCCU- PANCY will be nude of arty :.:tr'luJtw'a luithout p.2t'l1lt3aiort of tile Buildit1a D~. vistort. I further ceT'tifiJ that o:tZy contT'llct.ors (v:d c:nrl"yccs w1:o a1'6 i.11 (!o::Tp~iartcc IJ-~th (}US 701, 05E /.tli~l. 1.'(: lined ort tllis pl'oject ~ /d-~-'?7 IJ.:/,'.,;