HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-12-13 .. RES1"D~T1AL'. /1l'PLIC/1 'I'I()N /f-'I.:mfI'I' 225 Nor-tll 5th Stl'eet Springfield, Ol'c(Jon 97177 Duildin(J InviDion 72G-3753 SPRINGFIELD - I ,c=., F-> !") "-~ cP{p, c71 h',:,...':';'l,1I Job (.acatia,,: I} ~ ~ +' I ) ~ 4 V \U(\lY1x\{ !tt, \'1nodlo48. Tr.rl.ot~n Oy:'U(Y) IIG:lCDoor= Mill' H Subdivision: Qmer: Address: City: ~ UN....'.I Zip: (Xl~ r ( -. fh.!/Wl-ilJi! ,,'or'k: II I-'-l n RR? -d3~ .1drliticn Tr.mk'''!C/. :fob-:'Zc llrv,'w Dote of t1ppLil.'.'ltiv/I V..,llw scP Sr:ar.er/: 1 Y"lDiJ ~;t - l-:z,-x~ !Jate: I\lla rei R('l.~. '~'I<'?SS3 ~q44'X I';}~ Il:! n"H Phnrr. II ~)r4k-'()&':5~ eHlnm j i . (;;:::l~rr';,~t{iOruJ.oY~ M1IOOtTn1 ~P~/LA(\) (t;~. I' I IIll1hi 11;; \.)\(\. \L ~~X'u "~'\l\\ \ ~,{)\\\l\ I flcdWl1 i.c~ll - \ I E1..ctri';" I SllIH:"rv'1~ll1g Ell.'{'l'I'II'i;lll It io the reflporlf.101i.Lity or tho! por."n::. I/Oldm' to Dee t.hat aL~ inol1t!ctiona ara r.radc at ~lle p'OjJtll' time.. t1:at cc.ch .::.ddresIJ is rcadab:. [rom tho lJt-red, md that the PO}'mit em'll 'it' kJCmtaJ <.It tllo1 fl'ont of the property. 4!Jl/i!di.'1!1 o{,Ji::ilJ.': (/fJPl'OI:t:,] Fl.UI ul,,~/.1 1'1'~tI""::1/ v!I tl/.;. /lu-:.lJi.lIU :;u~ at (Ill times. PHOCSDU.c:F. FOR lNE:,!:C"rrOf/ '~Jr..':T:CALL 726-37G9 (/'C(!01"<.!i:r) Dtatl! YOUI' City dcsia'L-rtml Jol; I1w;:be,', job address, typa of itl:Jpac~i.clI "l!llucstCc/ a::c/ 1.1.':':'1 you wn l "IJ f'cmly j'al' inllpcet!,oll. CUlItrac,!to"II lJr (l.Jna:"lJ nr.me ,:TId phone munbcl'. Raqucuts received befcI.t! 7 :00 (:"~ :.,'ill bo made tift: ::arm: dc!!, requ/Jsts m,;dc aft'::J' l:()O len Llill b:: m.ule thD next :JOrkin] day. f1 You,' Cil.y V""'y,:atcd Jub NlUnbGl' ~": ~ I ~ }~I _'/Nl!lir:".\-I r'l'!lt."yl.7~i~"~1 o o STTE ..N.'Jl'f.'I.".",'.I.\': 'f,' v,~ m.l(la a)'l..>/' e:ccuuati.:m, !!-;;t pril.'I' tc :It!: 11[' oJj' forme. UNDF.'!\$(.A8 PLU!./BING. ELF-ei'HIC,!(. ..; Mf.'CUA.Y/CI1/.: '1'0 bo1 made vafor.t? ,:ny wol'k is .'!oueJ'cd. o FYJOTTNG ! FOl/lJD.1TTCN: 'To be '!)'li!e after tl'lU/a/wo ar'e d.tvalJoted an,l forms are o!J'c.:ti!d, bllt prior to poLu'ing "CllC~rct.;. Y}'{JSRr;t~().!I.~'{J !~!1}j:! r N.!:'J..JJ..:.~'(t!!J~ttt~'(, !!!1Al!!Njf~: 'J'o Ill! I1KI~h' /"'/.01' to j'i 1- Lir.!J trendl,':::. o o UHDEH,..UJ(lU !'r.llfmrNr. .r, f.ff.,'r:.'IANrr.f1[.: 'fo be nu.Ja-i7,-:--':;;;:-io i,w-;:;~fratr:;;; oj' floor ill:1ldd..t.Oll or dr,'ckinoJ. r!?!l:LAN!Ll!l!!!:1..: 'fa bc.r n:m[.~ pr.iol' to instnllatLlJJI r floor illD:;latiol'i ai' dcckiru;. rfl. R(1!./CI' Pf.{!llIlJ...../ J_..fr.f'y":'j(!(.'A't-:Ulftfl.__ ~ ANIC r,: ',1(.11,1: in to be eot.'(?1'..." ur.til Ir.G.~ ...;Iwpr......tim:a h,we be,:,; made and appr':'lJr!.-!. o FI!?F:Pl.ACt:: Pr"~or to plt:d.r.g facilt(f ~;:t.~~'iaL. "",],/,c[o"" [mmi"y "'''1'''''- FRIl/~TNr.: Ioht::t be rCfjucDted oft.:!)' appI'olJ.:Jl of ,'ouOII pZlu::bill[J, alCo~t.r.i- cal & mccl/.lni~lll. Ill! l'OoJ'ina braci.ng ~ ehimnO::!!I', at;:. m:lDt b,; completed. .'In 4I;Jrk in to be con- . cealed .mtit thiD inspect'ion }U1:; . bti:en made WIl! lI[Jpro~'l!d. o I ;;::;'-:UI!lJlIIC D !PE.!!.!..f1'1' lON/V/ll'f1/L1!M!1lJ.Ji!LJ."C:PF:C'f!ON: '1'0 b.? }/Ho/e llJ't;cr' alt i1llm/,.;ti:m (I.'ul t'c'll/ired vapor L.tU'J'ieJ'fJ aru in pl.ace but l;ejol'e any llltlr, !l!1rsum boa1"f.! or /.Xl U c::olJcring is applied, and before alt!! immlatiofl ia c01Jc:caled. m.'IKH.l'flON Oil !.:OVf:D FItJ/LDIil(;S .:J Sanit-m'y oC'Jcr ~appcd ::t p~op::t'ty linn ~ Septi.::: tank p:Jm?.:d and fiLZi:d with ara"Jc ::J Final - ,nlen a~ue ita:.1s m'c ccmpleted arid IJlIcn :1cmolition is complete or atr'1..:. ture moued and pro:mi3elJ ~le.:Jned upo I Mobile ItCII/t!I: ~ nlocking and S~t-~p ~ Pl.umbing connections .- G::tJeJ' aru! IJ(t~er , ElcC'!trical Ccmnt1ction - Blockillg, sot-II!, ---1 and pllunbing connactions m'..st ~c approl:3. befol'c requesting eledr'i~(1l in:ti'ec~io~: ~ Ac~es:;orZj lJui ld~ng ] Fin:Jl - Aft;!r p~l'c1:eo, etc. arc c,,",pletcd. Dk~rt~na, decks, o aRYIIAM. TN:Jpf.'C'r,fON: Tc be made aj"tCl' all dJ'YIXlLL in in place, but prior to GUY tapina. MI1:;ONUY: ~:tec1. l(lcatiotl, bond jj"P.:;;i;;-al'(J//!;i"o 01' lJc,.t.ical:, in ,w'!OI~i,,/l(.'a ,Jitl, ii, n. c. 5ect1:o,1 :!oI.I.'i. D ',Ii o D !!!!!':'!.1f:'l'fWf.': (.mllJ'!l.!t.::d. Art,n' illsV,llation iD 11/.1. IJI'(l.i'~I!t cm:ditl:tJna, :llll.'!: WI Lite i.n,'1/.atlat-:.on of stt'Cut tlooea, (.oO!:'lplaLi03n of ti,e' /'(-'fllli,..!.! lmU!ll<jr.p'ir.a, etf!" ImIDt be oaLinlil.!.J beforo tho DUIWINC FINAL cun bo rsqllcatacl. D cUlm..: AI'rIWAC!! APRON: After.. }'o""/:J ;;:.! i!"I!;1ta.riJut. pl'iu,' to pourina .:!on~I'(!tc. D srm:IIAf,1\ t~ fmTl'r."t.Y: FOI' all con. -;;;:';t.!"llCl.vi"g witllin ob'eet riallt- of-I"':!], to be made after all e:z:ctt- vat-ina ccxnplotc t~ for::t work & :;llb- bm:c IIIt:terial in pLaceo 11--' --1 FI!iIlf. Hf."w'/I.lNIr:Af, o f'lNAL F.La"f!lIC/.(, rv :..tNM. IIt1ll.IJrN(;: 'fila "'illal Bllildin!1 IntJjJ/!(!tT:OII muot ba requctated after . tIlt! Pinal Plumbino W f,'1'I!Cltr.t~~(Jl, anr! Mechar.i(."lIl bwpactiotlD hUlJa boan made and approl.l~d. o ;:KNCF:: Wher. co:npZ.te -- Prou1~t!e atttc:; or' molJablc :loctiona tltrougl: P. II. F.. ,1--, ...r """,,"".' ...,. ,.t,....,."",... '''W'T' TlI.' )Ir,~,.":<:rn'_'.' An.III.':1"/.'.','}'" TV !/.l: ,':,~f'l~' /!T NO ('C~T TO (.'l7'Y 1'\t~~" of :~ o JOB NO. SOLAR ACCESS OCcu?ancy Grotm. WT TYPi: Zone: Lot Sq. Ft(j. S ~I lot Cvverag~ ,f of StorieD I Total Udaht Topogra?hy InteJ-iol' Cornel' Panhawi La Cut-dn-cae J'fi:M SQ. FTC x Value Mnin r;..:rflfJ(j Carnot't ,leconnorll 'ls.I}.c. I !1Ct.UCJ 1.5 :r: ,~co-;- -'-'1 J' '(~.~ . ..!.~-1 J. 'S . rJS I TOTAL VAWe Building Parmi t State SUl'c1Ul1'!16 Total Cha:oge3 c!/~IM~' I lITeM I Fi.rtW"cs I /leDidentiaL (1 batllJ I sanitary Sewer IIJatp.r 13 ff:,: plW1lbina Psrr.:it :-J8 .5U \\~ ~ CIMlu;r; Seats Surc1:n.l'fJR Total Cllal'!]cO 11't:J.I 1 NO'1 fi:i: Ren. S(I. (tn. N~IJ/EXtcnd Circ~itD Temporary Service r.to~tricaL Permit State Surc11f1l't76 Total Chnrr,on 11T,~M \ furnace I r;;;hmlot I Vent Fan NO. I CllAUC/': PSI-: .m-u'S llood woods eove Permit !:;8uanca Me.::hanic:;(Z PerIni t State Surchar{7c Total C1rrrt7cn __ f.'IICROAC/lMeNT Sacul"'itl, Daoo3it Storagn I Haintenan..:e I Panni t I 1CW'~cu~ 1 SideIJaLk I fen~a I glec trica l Label I Mobi la 1/oms I I ! Total C1,arqc8 -3C1.'~?f' h\'. ~ fl EQ.- ./t L-COG I ToOt Face. - I I P.T.. INor'tll 1~:nDt ISoHth II/aat " fl.!droom."l,' F:ll;?l''1.'1 :;O:lIV~(!!l I !feat Il,e,:o:JI1, 'III llntm' .'I''(ft"" Uatlur. f'.irr:J,I.tll:'! IluQ(I::I"n:p. ! I I ., 'fypP./Cot:n t,' TlfflC Sethackn 'Uo'Wl! 1(:<11''''10 f'..~e8 Building Value & Permit This pCl'mit i:; (JrYII1tcd 011 a'll a:rpl't!!;:; (.'01ulitiou t.JUlt Lila D:lid conlltrouctioll ohaLL, in all J"'lIll'~ct;G, 1!01l)'0I.", Lo LIl.! o,'dillm:ca :7dopLtd hy t1l(~ City of Sprinafield, ine!u,EIl!l !;lIc :'.lJ/liJl!l Cl'd:'.t1tl1u!a, "(!aulaLil1~l l."~ CCllOtrlldicl1 amI W.lC of /,uild,:I1f/:;, c'I11d /In!! 1)1" :w:;l't!/uJr...J OI' revoked. at.' I':I:U t{,mr. upon vir.- lation of alIYlwmJ/::;hmfl oj' :!tdtl OnIi,1:flI/l:lln, I 1,'zlIIl r.JICck ,.'ef?,' 1,'aLr,' raid,' u(u.!:;ipt No' St:!F:UtJ,' Plumbing Permit No percOIl nJrall cottnt,'uct, .i.,Wt;al.L, n!Lt:r' 01' c11/.l11{]C G.lIY /lCU el' e:::iDtiug plwnbil1{} 01' drainaao. D!luf;e.'tl in whola ,-,r in pm.t, ur.lcall lJuc:h po.rc;oll in the legal poGocsr;or of a va!.l:d pLlUnbaJ' ':l !,-iIJCIID03 axaept tI:at a pa:'Gon may do plwnbina IJOJ'k to propm.ty widell ill Ol.:llcd, lca:u:d 0" ol'cmkd by the appLi- cant, Electrical Permit 1 I 1 I I. 1{}lere Stat,: rALJ )'cquiJ'tH) t1:at tha .?l""o'l;I":c1al wewk. be dOtIc1 1}!J ml Sle~tt'i(.'ul Con trac tOl'3 tha clectr'ical port1:0I; oj" !,lliJ pCI'tnit. ahaLL 1:0t b.: valid uut it the label haa b<:an dVl1o.d !Jy t.lu~ r:lp.cI.l'il!Cll ~:()lIt.r'ac1tor. Mechanical, Permit PLan t.'Xl1J11t.l1e,' l.~Jl..: I 11.1VE CARSfULLY EXAMINED tho. cOf//I'Il?t.cd appli.catioll fOl' pcnwit, and do Ilereby certify tJlat all -i:-o[o:'1l1atioll 1IcI'con in true and aGI'l'eet, and I further certify that allY orA all. I,xH'k l'o.rfoJ";f/cd alUlU bo d0:16 in accor- dancG :.lith the Ordinanca.'J lJf tile City of spJ't:~laridd3 0/1.1 Lh: {g..;s of t11(1 State of OrCa"" pcrt.:zining to tile IJOJ'k deRcrl:bcd Ilcr'n:'lI, cnd that NO OCCV- PANCY will be rode of fln!J {:trU(!tlU'.:] IJitJ,o:J.t par,ni:;aLon of the !Juildina Di..- vinion, I furthc!r cart,ifil th~t o:ll-!J contractora m:d c."tIpl..:Jyceo ",/:0 are ill cailplianee IJ:.th (.l{,'S 701. O:i!i !.lin be lI(;nd on tllis pl'oj:::at ~4. / r.'h.';!t LrJ -~ - 'i?7 1~', /..: