HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-5-27 W,. 1 ..1 . . .~;, - .. ... ,>' .~ .'. 'RE"S i 64~\N T i'Ai". ~ APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: ,;/i"'iS6" 4J?ji-~ ,~ 1'1-0;).-3~-,y.3 .488e8801'3 ;1"fap Subdivision: T= Lot # 3/00 W~{cl! rf/A JIlfiJvi:!7J ~..s 'De) /J-g lEI( Phone: ~~j/ Zip: -1/ Cl.;ner: Address: Ci ty : n I I /1) 79/~/:>>J,p. ;J 7~? 7 N"".J DescI"':be fiork: ~ Addi tien I()(lRemode l I ,,", " "'oo~ (.,e i7.0me S~~'f,-fJ v.....' Value (~C) () Address Date of Applicatien Contractors 1 Rcce:pt ~ . )P ; . t a J 'P-r 6'9//() 3d. 00 y I,J8 4/~ '-l tf () 3 c:; Cb I. cJO ~ /5.00 ,<00 i_P/(j " ':1'fl{J ';;xJ. 50 19~ L./1o ~c:{ Lahti Ha78'B I ~ Signed: Date: &ncL~ c,t' , 5 -,:)7 -R'{;)'/ Lisc.# Eroires Phone fQ r 1) Y[g,1( General Plumbing EZectrical Nechar.ic.::l Const~~ction Le~~er '-' It is ~he responsibiZity of the permit hoUier to see that all. inspections are made at ~he proper tims, that each ~ess is reaia=ce from the street, and that the permit card is Z-xated at the front of the property. ~BuiZdi~4 Lr:vi=io~ approved p~ shel.l remain on the Building Sit~ at alZ times. PI10CSDUF?E FOR INSPECTION REQUE'S~:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state YOUI' City designated job nwnber, JOO aac.ress, type of inspecticn requested a~4 when you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or Owners ~~e end phone n~her. Requests received beIere 7:00 eM :.>iZZ be rr.ade the same ciay, requests made afta> 7:00 am wiZZ b:z made the nat :.!Orkin;; day. rt;?-:~ ,~ ~ 3 d~ tf(/;( Re~~i c InsDcctiens SITE INSPSCTION: To be made excavation, but prior to set f01'lTls. o o after up of UNDERSLAB PLUNBING. SLECTRICAL d NECHA!IICAL: To be made before any work is covered. ~ FOOTING:'! FOUNDATION: To be made after trencnes are excavated and ferms are erected, but prior to pourir.g concreto. UNDSRGROUND ?Wt'1JJINC. SSW:::. W.1TE,'?, DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- ,Zir4 trenches. UNDERFWOP. PWHBT.IG 1 MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instaZLation' of j100r insuLation or decking. POST AND BEA/,f: To be made prior to instalZation of'j1oor ins~Zation or decking . ~ o D ~ ROUCH ?LUMBItJC. ELECTRICA& & HECH- ANICAL: No '..Jor'k is to be co~'ered ' untiZ these insvecticns h~ve beer. made crr~ app.rov~d. FI.~EPLACE: Prior to pZC.cir4 facing mate!"'~a ls and before framing inspec- tion. o ~ FR4.HINC: Must be requested after approvd of rough pZwrhing, electri- cal & mech.anicaZ. AZZ roOfing bracr:ng & chimneys, et.::. ~~st be, ,completed. No work is to be con- . cealed untiZ this insvection has "been made and approved. Your City, Desigr.ated Job ,~her Is: (l] INSULATION/V,1PO,? BARRIER INSPECTION:, To be made' a/te'P all insulatwn c:r~ required vapor ba1'!'iers are in place Cut before any lath, gypswn board or walZ covering is appZied, and before any insulation is concealed. 1 DEMOLITION OR :',~IOVE~ BUJ.1.JUJ..dGS =:J Sanitc.I"d S8'..)er capped =.t p~opert;;' Zine =:=J Septic tank p~cd c:r~ filled with ,;ra~eZ ~ FinaZ - f(.hen above items are cc~Zeted ~ and when de~cZitio~ is compZete or stru~~ ture moved crr~ premises cleaned up. " , ,\'obi Ze Hemes =:J BZocking =:J PZumbing ~ EZectricaZ Connection - Blockir.a, set-u~ ,...-J and plumbing connections ~..st !;~ approvad before request~ng' elec~ricaZ ins?ec~io~ a:nd Set-:.<p connections s<:wer ar~ watar [Xl DRJ"fIALL INSPECTION: To be made after alZ drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. :=J Accasso~~' 3uildinq ~ n' Z A '. . c 1,Yl..2 - nJ v;)r ?~r~r;es, etc. are ccmple~ea. sK.~rtin.g, de~,!.:.s~ O f!ASONFlY: St~eZ tJeccrr3, grou"ti..rtg accord::::nce W'~ th 2415. location, bond or verticals in U.B.C. Section o FINAL PLUMBnlG All project condi:~ons, suc~ as ehe installaeion of streee traes, cc,~Zetion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the aUILDI,'lC iIVAL c=.n be requested. []j [&J ~ D' PINAL NECHA.'lICAL ~ FINAL BUILDING: The Final BuiZdi~.a Ir.svection must be !'e~~ested ~cter the Final ?Z~bir~ Electrical, and Necr.ar.iccl Inspections J..ava been made a~.d'approve:i. '. FIliAL ELECTRICAL o WOODS TO 'IE: IXl1T[! Zete:d. Aftar instaZlation is ~ALL MAlIHCr.ES AND CLEANOUTS NUST BE ACCESSIBr.E, ,4D,jUST,'SiIT TO BE ,',fh:E fIT :'10 :::S';' ':'0 CI7'J I P~;e 0,.':1 D CURB ~ APPROACH APRON: Afte::, f01'lTls are arected but pF'~or to pouring , concrete. SIDEriALK & DRIV-SfiAJ: For alZ con- crete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after all exca- vatino comvlete & form work & sub- base ,:natariaZ in' place. o D iSNCE: a~en complete -~ Provide gates or movable:' sections tr~ough P.U.E. o Il ~ 'To 02,(',.' JOB NO, ~dJJ~/).... SOLAR I Zone: ~~ Lot Sq. Ftg. &~AAIT, .:: E S S R E Q,- Oceuvanc:J Grouv: ~ Qf lot C~erag~ fI. of'Stories I Total Height I I Topogrcr,;hy ITEM SQ.FTG ;\fain C~ace i CaT'::'crt I J, I ,~CJessor:J I PEM() DGY . I TOTAL ?ALUE I S.D.C. ! (vct,UC) AlJ-l ,- 1.5 ::: Building Pe:=rit State Surch:1I'ge Total Ci-Llr'ges i ITEM I Fi...-tu.res I _' -' . 1 f b hJ i ResU421lt-z.a~.l at j SanitaI"j Sewer , r.,'ateP NO. FEE: II flo/) 'L. &.1'# II Plumbinq Perd- t State Surcharge Tetal cr.c.roes IITEl1 I NO. I I Res. Sa. fta. I Naw/E:::tend Cir~~its ~ !Temporary Service I ' I Electrical Permit St.=te Surcha:rae Total Cl!G:rc;es I ITSM I Furnace :'!TU' S I E:::hau.st Hooc. I Vent Fan I i Woodstove I .vc. t FEE I /1 ~I J.~i Perrrr~t Issuance Mechanic::l Permit State Surchc:rae Tot.~Z C',..-.araes LOT T:rpE x Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac Value SI~CJD ,I * I 3.~ .001 /.dtf( 33. ~$ * CHARGE I 2S Ol) /0,00 35: ()O I. tfl) , 3(". Cjlo] * CI~'jJ~~'G2 . i /0:00 I I IS.LJO ,(d) /5.140 I C!fARCE I I 41. $0 I " .f)C) /0.00 .a.~,~o ,t'^ ;J.J, J..;t C;llCRCACCi,'.fENT -- iSe~~~~tu D2V03it Storc:ge . Uainter.ar..ce I Perm-Z t I Total c;,.c.roes Ic-.ubeut 1 SidlZ'.vall< I !?ence I I Electrica l Lc.be l I i Mobile ibme TCTAL AMOUNT DUE:' ,~o JO{P,~O Page 2 :w' f , ~. ',. L-COG."" . ' -:, TiiPe/Cor.st: Bedrooms: Lot Faces - I c~8ra~ Sour~es I Heat I I I I I I I I I I Tu::e P. L. INor:;h EaST: SouT:h West Se-:baJKs I Hou.se Carage I I I I Water ,'fea-:er Flange ?irev Zc.ce r-lQod;;:;ot::3 I Access. I I Faes Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express co~~ition thnt the said_const~ction shnll, in aZI respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpringfieZd, incZuding the Zoning Crd:nance, regul~ting the ccnstr~cticn ar~ use of buildings, and m~y De suspe~~ed or revokec at ~y time uFo~ vic- Zation of c:Y'.y provisions of said. Ordirnnces. Plan Check Fee: q. to D Date ?aid: .s - &'1- cj' 2... R~cd~t #: Cf~tJ9,~1 IS'!.g:-:ea: d' ty~ V~~_ Plum.~i_ng Permit No person shnll construct, instal!, alter or change any new cr e=isting plumbing or drainage systen in whole or in part, unless such Ferson is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except trnt a person may do plumbing work to property which is o~~ed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State LCI:hJ requires trnt the electp"~cal work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the elect~'~al portion of this permit sha!! not be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Elec~~cal Contractor. Mechanical Permit iLL ..[;;;( If,. y 4- P7..(I"!i E::::.:mine!' I I * I HAVE' CAREFULLY EX..4NINE:D th.e completed appZication for permit, and do hereby certify that all i~fo~ation ~el'eon is true and correct, ar~ I f~rther certify that a:ny ar.d all work perfor:ned shall be do~e in accor- dance :Jith the Ordin..."7!ces of the city of Springfield, a~~ thz Lc:-..;s of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work describod herein, cr~ that NO CCCU- P~NCY wiZl oe'ffaie OT any structure without ,ermission of the 3uiZdina D-~- vision. I fUr~h8~ ~~rtif~ th~t Q~Zy ~ontrc~tors ~:d ~~Z~uees who ar~ in co~pliance ~ith ORS 701.055 will be used on this projzct " /1!JAm 1-. . .-.r · _ .J 1..qr:,za /' '. ~,~?J~ Date' ..----J