HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1982-6-16 ~ I. J . .. Rt::iIDENTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Loc~t~O~: .... '~i 8"l0 (~. ~iJill:f" T= Lot # Assessors Map ,# Subdivision: Ulu Il/UOCtO rf~ 3'-/ Cl.7ner: 73i (j) LfAiLJJ1-) Address: City: ,v""..; Additicn ~~ Remodel ;'.fooi le Home & -/ltJ~, K-2-- Date of Application Contrac!:ors Genera l Plumbinq Electrical Nechar:ic~l Const~~ction Lender /~ Phone: Zip: DescT""~be ({ork: .~ Value Add.~ess No /YYl / f ItnO wr~';' 232 W.s+r- W~ '.1 s9./9'D ~=?cce:pt ,ij , l ~: ~ /O.(l) .'-/0 ~ I 0; t./O c;7o Signed: Date: &~ouL w'< 1-(P~8~ Lisc.# Eroires Phone 4- Q!l -44~6 It is the responsibility of the permit hoLder to see that all inspections are made at the proper time, that e~ch ~ess is re~~:e from the street, and that the permit ca:t'd is located at the front of the property. ~BuiZdi~4 Divicio~ approved F~ shall remain on the Building Sits at all times. , PrlOCEDUPE POR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorcer) state your City desig7'.tlted job nw;;ber, requested ar4 when you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or Owners ~~e end phone n~~cr. :..'ill be made the same dcy, requests made aft~ 7: DO an will bs made the nczt :.JOrkinq day. Re~~iI'ed Tnsoections O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but PI'"~or to set up of forms. . O UNDERSLAB pWI.mI:lC. ELECTRICAL & I . NECHA.'IICAL: To be made before any work is Qovered. o FOOTING 3 FOUNDATION: To be made afteX' trenches are e:z:cavated and forms are erected, but prior to pourir~ ccncret~. UNDSRGROUND ?LUI1!3IHG. SEWI?R. W.1TER, DRAINAGE: To ce made prior to fiZ- lir4 trenches. [J o UNDERFWOR PLij,'.:BDIG & NEOHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of 11001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made orior to installation of 11001' insui7tion 01' deckinq . o D ROUGH PLUMBING, 2LECTRICAL d LVEC'Fl- ANICAL: No ~ol'k is to De coverea until these insoecticns h~ve be~ made and approv~::. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir4 J~cing materiais and before Jramin4 inspec- tion. D o FRAHING: Must De reqUEsted after approval of rough plwrJJing, electri- eal & mech.anical. AZZ roofing bracing & chimneys, et~. ~~st be . completed. No work is to be con- . cealed until this insoecticn has ~been made and approved. Your City. Desigr.ated Job Number Is: o INSULATION/'1..1POR BARRIER INSPECTlOo'!: To be made after all insul~tion ~4 required vapor baI'!'iers are in place but before any lath, gypswn ooard or walt covering is appUed, and before any insulation is concealed. jOb address, type of inspecticn Requests received before 7:00 ~ g-.2-0(o(W DEMOLITION OR ,',~#OVED BUILDIilCS ~ Sanit~d s~~er capped at p~oper~d line ~ Septio tankp~ed ar4 filled with ;ra,el ~ Final - (/hen above ite~s are cc~leted ~ and when de~cZition is comvZete or st~~- ture moved ar4 ?rem-~ses cl~aned up. . ,\!ooi le Homes ~ ~ Blocking and Set-up Plumbir4 connections s;;u;er and water D DRYWALL INSP:::CTION: Tc be made after d l Crywa II is in place, but prior to any tapin4. ~ Electrical Connection - Blockir4, set-up ~ and plumbing connections ~~st ce approved before requesting eZectrical inspectio~ :=J Acces;o~~' 3uildin4 ~ Final - Aft~r ?~r~~es, sk~rt~ng, da~k3J ~ etc. are ccmple=~a. D [Ji FnlAl, PLUMBI!IG All p~oject condi=ions~ suc~ as ~he instalZa~ion of street traes, ~~~~~~~on of the ~equired landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING lINAL ~an be requestec. o FIlIAL ,'.fE::HAtlICAL [] FINAL ELECTRICAL [J o FINAL BUILDING: The linal 3uildin4 Inspection ~~st be re~~eGted cf=ep Elec~rical, and Mecr~r.ical InSpections r~va been made ar4'apprcved. '. *ALL MAl/HOLES AND .CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, .4D~]UST:.rzi'IT TO BE !~,!}DE -,l~ :'.'0 ~:;Sr:' 7:0 CI'I'Y o MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting or verticals in accordance ~th U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTO'fE: completed. After installation is D CURB & Al'P."IO.4CH APRON: Afte-:o forms are erected but ppior to pGUI'"~ng ;;onorete. D SIDEfiALK & DRIVF:fiAY: For aU con- crete pavin4 ~ithin street right- ot-wcy~ to be. made after alZ 8Xaa- vatina comolete & form work & sub- base ,;ate;'~al in p'tace. o PENCE': ~'her: complete -- Pro:Jide, gates or movable sections through P.U.E. o the FinaZ ?Zu~oi~~ I "~'-e - O]"~ 2 I JOB NO. ?520lol to SOLAR ACCE i 7 . 1 ~or.e. Oc::n<vanc:.J G!'C"'J.V: Lot Sq. Ftq. , ~ Qf lot CQVerag~ i # of Stories ITotal Height I I Topography I I ITEM I SQ. FTC. I Main . ~~ace i Car::-cy,t i. l.-!ccessoY'''..J I I IS.D.c. ! TOTA[, VALUE: (VCl.UC) 1.5 = Building Permit State Surcharge Tatar cra.rges I ITEM I Pi... --tu:!'e s 'Residential (1 bath) Semi tar"j SeUle!' I Wat e1' I I ,"'ITEi! Plumbing Perri t State Surcr.arge Tetal Gr:L:.!'oes I I Re's. Sa. fta. jNaw/E--tend Cir~J.its !TemporaI'Y Service I ITSii! Furmce ETU' S E:::haust Hood I Vent Pan I . r Woodstove I Electrical Permit State Suroh.arae Total C)!a!'ces Permi t Issuance Me::hanic:zl Permit State Surch.c:rae Tote.! C"raroes -- ENCRCAC3NENT -- I Sea"..J..r-'~t?-! DZDO:;it I Storc.qe I Naintera.n.::e , Permit I G-.a be'J. t Sidezvalk ?en::e Total C'flflrqes EZectrical Label Mobile Home I'OT.4.L M!OUNT DUE:: * NO. No.1 ?E:E;" I I II I 'I NO. t I I I I I LOT TZPE: Interior Corner Pannanale Cul-de-sac X Value I I I I FEE CHARCE: . . C.~jJ~qG.t - f I I /0.00 I FEE 10.06 .40 lo.L/OI C.'lARCE I I I I I I I I I , /0.40 Page 2 REQ,- L -CO G~ Tyoe/Const: Bedrooms: j I J I U1 I J I j I Lot Faces - I I P. L. INorth lEast ISouth IWest I En2T'GU Sources I .'feat I I I I I I I I T:r:J e Setba::ks I.. I r ,"ouse . "araqe I Access. I I I Water .'!eat~r- Flange ?ireDlace Woodztot:e Faes Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express co~~ition that the said,const~J.ction shall, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance .adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccnst~<cticn and use of buildings, and m::zy.oe suspended or revoked. at c:r.y tii':?e u.por.. vie-I lation of any provisions of said Ordi~~nces. , * I I I I * I Plan Cheak Fee: Date Paid: IRec~ipt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person sh~ll construct, install, alter or change'any new cr e=isting plumbing or drainage systenin whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except thAt a person may do plumbing work to property which is ow~ed, leased or operated by the appli- oont. I I * Electrical Permit Where State ,Law requires thAt the electI'";caZ work be done by an Electrical Contractor, theelectI'1.~al portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Oontractor. Mechanical Permit P ~CL/l. Exc::miner uar;e I HAVE' CA.?EFULLY EXANINED t.'w completed application for permit, and do hereby certifY that all info~ation hereon is true and correct, ar~ I f..<rthe1' certify that any ar.d all work performed shall be done in accor- dance :ftth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ Lc:-..:s of the * State of Oregon pertaining to the work des~;bed herein, ar.d tra.t ~o occu- P~NCZ will be ~a.ie of any structure without permission of the 3uilding 0-;- vision. I further certify thAt only contractors ~~ ~lcyees who are in compliance with CRS 701.055 will be used on this project .... 6/ o/f:z- ,{;ate / ,"' \ .. \..\- L \ :t" \ APPLICATION FOR ELE~TRICAL I~ "" . \O'}-.L.. Q<..- Y ,C ~ r. OJ)o/1 <36 (Name or firm - please print) (Mailing address) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . 'BiJILDING DIVISION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD INSTALLATIDN LABELS E,\ ~.e~ (City or town) P',.J-20 REV. 12-77 346 r'lain Street Springfield, Oregon 97,',i7 't'110 I ltJl'\-~ (Zip code) (Coun~y) Hor.1E OHNER'S - I hereby certify that I am the 0I1ner of the property described belo\1, at which location I propose to make an electrical installation for my own use and this pt'opertY1S not being constructed for sale, lease or rent. ~I ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ~'Enclosed find $ for electrical installation labels. (Number) IS THIS BEING SUBMITTED TO COVER ONE ELECTRICAL JOB? .~ YES NO No. RESI DENTlAL Residence wiring less ,than 1000 sq. ft..................@ $ 15.00 Residence \./iring less than 2000 sq. ft..................@ $ 25.00 Residence wiring over 2000 sq. ft..... ..... ........... ..@ $ 35.00 Electric heat installation in existing residence........@ $ 10.00 Label No. Amount Recei ved $ $ ::, $ $ \O~ $ $ $ $ $ $ S SERVICES \ Temporary Construction Service..........................@ $ 10.00 Service change only in an existing residence............@ $ 10.00 Multifamily ~lith Central Service,commercial or Industrial: Service not over 100 amperes..............................@ $ 15.00 Service over 100 amperes but not more than 200 amperes..@ $ 25.00 Service over 200 amperes but not more than 400 amperes..@ $ 35.00 Service over 400 amperes but not more than 600 amperes..@ $ 50.00 Service over 600 amperes.......,....... ........:........@ $ 65.00 Service over 600 volts..................................@ $150.00 COMMERCIAL AND lNDUSTRIAL FEEDERS Installation of Alterations or Relocation of Distribution feeders: Not more tha~ 100 amperes..~..... ............ ...........@ S 10.00 Over 100 amperes but not' more than 200 amperes.. ........@ $ 15.00 Over 200 amperes but not more than 400 amperes.... ......@ $ 25.00 Over 400 amperes........................................@ $ 30.00 Feeder over 600 volts........'............................@ $ 40.00 s S $ $ S MI SCELLArlEOUS A $10.00 label shall apply for the following installations: A. Each trailer or mobile home space...................@ $ 10.00 B. Each supply for mobile home.. .~....... .... ..........@ $ 10.00 C. Each farm bui lding other than residence.............@ $ 10.00 D. Each irrigation pump................................@ $ 10.00 E. Each cl~ctric sign or' outline lighting....... ........@ $ 10.00 F. Each residential sl-lilllming pool......................@ $.10.00 S $ S $ S S . BRANCH CIRCUITS One neVi circuit; alteration or extension................@ $ 10.00 TVlo or more neVi circuiti; alterations or extension.... ..@ $ 15.00 TOTAL ADD SURCHARGE: SUGTOTAL 4;(, of Subtotal) DTAL s s s \()~ s S \.C\ ~ HOME OWNER - The actual installation will be made by me or by (Name and address) who is a member of my family. Relationship: ~\J.'iI~ (Home Owner's Authorized Signatur,e) Electrical Contractor (Si.\ll,nature ,of SUJ2.ervisor) , 6LO'- CJ7 c.. . GcP Electrical License Number b~(}k-3 / / \