HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 RESIDE'NTIAL .. APPLICATION/PERfdIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Loo.::tion: .qq I/"'~ \I)()~'~\41 C;... ..1 I I.,.. ......_ I...l...~,:oo.._.l. ,..~. . u.olJI . ..10, I AS:Jessorz Map ,~ T= Lot # cmD Subdivisien: ~l.:ner: ~v'~. ~" .4ddr-ess: fI:}((J, Ii ~ .e..~, 11, . f/,~v / City: ~ f...t-1..Jl-/ (J ~, Phone: t it ~ ~co/ gS- - Zip: r 7 ~O.s-. 'DesoT"'~be 'i.'ork: NC!".JJ Additio~ Remodel :J:A-r-n.r-~ --u)t-JJ~ , Value lo~~' ,I.foo-i. le aoma Date of Applioat~on Contractors Address General Plumbirzq E:lectrioal ~ (jj~1 7~' - I '-I-R...~ . Nechar:io::l CO"st~~ctionLender Rcce:.~i; ,~ 5Gl q L{(P ~ d' co-' .. v1..qr.ea: , M Date: - - \ t -y.) ~P,6l. Liso.# Expires Phone It,is the I'esponoibility of the permit hoUier to see that all inspeotions are ~ade at the proper t~~~, that e.::ch .::ddress is reaiaa:e from the street, and. that the permit card is l.:;cated at the frent' of the property. ~3uiZdi~4 Divi=io~ approved p~ shell remain on the Building ~itc at a.ll times. PtIOCE:DU,oE: POR INSPECTION RE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (reoorder) state your City desig7'.ated job nur.;ber, JOO address, type r~quested a~d when you will ae "eady for inspeotion, Contraoters or Ow-ne s 7'.ane and !,hone nwnoer ,eques." r_oe1...ed :.>ill be made the same dc.y, requests mc:ae aft;;:!' 7:DO am will be made the ~at :.;orkinq- day. 8'~'" ~. ~ dr-,' (') Your City, Desigr~ted Job Numb;;:!' Io: r:)J~~ · J Reouired !nsv~cticns O 'SITE' INSPECTION: To be made after , excavation, but prier to set up of forms. D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSF'XTICN: To be made after all insul~tion ar.d reauired VaDor barriers are in 'place Cut before any lath, gypsum boird 01' wall oovering is applied, a7'.d oefore any insulation is ooncealed. o UND~RSLAB ?LUMBING, ELECTRICAL d ,~.'EC2;!'NJC:'L: To be made before any work is coverea. [J , FGOTI:'IG' ~ 20UNDATICN: To be after trenches are exo~vated' forms' are erectac, but prier to pou.~r~ ocnoret~. =de a".d D DRYWALL INSPE:CTION: Td oe made after all &,jwall is in plaoe, but prior to any taping. C] O ,'1ASONRY: Stee l UND'ERG:~OU;~.7D ,?[;UMST:VG. S2rRP, W.1TE'R, Oexer/a, groutina D~AINAGE: To oe made prior '0 J~~- accordance ~:th h7'4 r;renohes. '. 2415. UNDERPLOOR !'!'Ut~nIG .j YE:CHANICAL:~' ',oiOODSTOV'e: After installation is To be mace prior to installation of ccmpleted. j7.oor insula;;ion 01' deoking. ' ' POST AND BEAU: To' be made prior to D CURB & ,4..T'PROACH APpeN: After forms installatien of [7001' insulation or are ere~ted but pl~or to p~~ri"4 deoking. ~oncrete. looation, bond or verticals in U. B. C. Seotion 0' o o ROUGH ?LUMEItlG. E=ECTPICAL ,j MECH.':'" AHICA!..: No '..)orK '~.3 to DC covered ,; until these ir~cectic~s have bee~ mo~e ar~ ,appr?ve~. FI."-::;PLACE: Prior to placir4 facing materiais a~-i before fr~7'4 inspeo- tion. o SIDEiv'ALi( & DRIVEWAY: For all oon- orete paving within street right- of-wey, to be mad.e after all' exca- vating complete & fo~ ~rk & 3ub~ base mc.tep':al in pla~e. o D D ?ENCE: ~~en.compZ~te -- Provide gates 01' movable' seotions'through P.U.E. 'P.9...4.NI;~lG: MU.st.:;e requeated c.f-:ep approv~l of rough plwrhin4, eleotp':- oal & mech.ani~al. Al! r'00ji7'4 braci7'~ B chimneys, et~. ~~st be ,comvleted. ~o ~rk is to b~ oon- ,0eGied until this insDeotien r~s 'been made end approved. o of inGDeotien before' 7: 00 c."; , DElIOLITION OR ;',;OVS:; BUILDIiiCS :J SanitXl"d se'.Jer :xrpped =t p~opert'd line ~ Septi:) tank p:i--:-:pedc:.nd fiZZed with ;rc..:e: ~ Final - ~~en abcve ite~s are oc~leted ~ and when de~cZ~tion is co~iete or st~~~- ture moved ar~ pr~~3es ~le~ned U? I MODi 19 Hcmas =:J =:J Blooking crr.d Set-up Plumbing conneotions sG:Wer c:r.d wc:.-:;er ~ Eleot1":oc:.l Conneotion - Blocki~4, set-~? ~ Gnd plumbing conneotions ~.;st be C?pro~'ec: before requesting eleotrical ins?eo7;io~ :=J Ac.=esso.L'Y 3ui,l3..-:r:.q ~ Pinal - Aft~r F~rches, et~. are ocmple:ed. 3k-:'Y't:.ng~ dec~:s, o All proJect cO?".dit'1~ons~ Due!: as the .tns~a~~a~i~n..of street ~:~e~, ~::'7let7,Qrt. of the ~ required Zandsccpir.q, etc., ,~st be sa~~sj~ea oejore th2 3U~~Dlj;G :~,AL ~cn ~e r2~~9st2a. 01. FINAL PLUXBI:IG [J. FINAL i1E;;P.A:IICAL !--, PINAL ELECT.9ICAL L_L [J o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Ins~eotion ~USt be re~~ested ~fter tr.e,?i7'~l Pl~T.bing Electrical, and Meah4~iccZ Inspections liava been made a~4 a?prOv8~. 'AU MANHOLES AND CLEANOUT:; HUST BE.' AC;;ESSIBLE, ADJU5?:'!Z.'J'I' TO 3E :,fjlDF: !IT NO C':;ST TO CITY I "~:-e 1 of 2 I JOB NO. I' :cr.e: Lot Sq. Ft;. ;~ ~f tot C~erag~ I !.~ of StOT"'~es ! TotaZ Heicht i " I Topogra;hy I ITE.'.'J I !,fain I~:::c~ SQ.FTG ! Car=~r'C I. I .,c~esso!':J I I I I TOTAL ~TALUE I vc~ue) S.D.C. 1.5 ;:: Euildirtg ?errr.-"~t: State SW'ch:II'ge Total Cr.a::'ge3 \ n::i1 I FL-tures !" .. . l 1,.esU1entUl (1 bath) i Sani ta!"j I ;,.'c~ er I Se-wier Plumbing Pern:i t State SW'or.arge Tcta Z C'l1C.raes 12[.'1 I.'?es. Sa. ftc. INGW/~-tend Circuits I Temporary Servioe E2e~tricaZ Permit State SW'cha.rae Total Ch.arces ";'7'-:'.'.1 F'-l2'r.aoe' 2TU'S E::ha1.lst Hood Vent Fan I "'/oodsto;;e I Permit Issu=e .'1ecr.anioc.Z Perrrri t State Surcharae Tota l C'''.tI1''le3 -- Z."lC~-::,,]AC.:'gEHT Ie. . l~e~~~~tu D2=03~t I Stor~qe I Ma-:,nten.c.l"..Je I ~ 'j. .t" aI'm"'... ..... I TotaZ C'l1C.r'les r cUrb~.,lt f Side,;alk. I ~ :en~e i F:Zeotrica Z LaJ:;eZ I : Mobi le Home ,(.()..I/I.iU .:'''-. ~ TaTAr. AMOUNT DUc:' SOLAR P:::qe 2 'L-COG~ CC~..J.~anc"..J GrO"...t:;: J C E S S R EQ.- BeCr'.Joms: NO. .vo. I :;;;'r;' I I I I ;;C. I i LOT TYPE x F~E Interior Corner Panhal".dZe Cu l-de-sao Value I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I j I 1 · CHARGE' . "'1 CHA.i?GE CHARGE J,o V 10 ,0>> /1--,0 f) t;J I.~IQ .3/.~() I ~ot F~oes - I I ' P. L. North East S=th IWest 7'{peICor.st: I I ~narau Sour~es j I h.'eat i I I I I I I I I I Tuoe Setbao.'<'s , House I Ca:rage I I i I Acoess. ~later g~a4;2T' Rarzqe . ... Pir'evlace Wooa.:;to-:.:e Pees I, I Building Value & Permit This pernr~t iG granted on the express condition that the said,construotion shall, in aZl respeots, conform to the Ordinanoe adopted by the City of Spr'ina fie ld, inoZud-i-ng the Zonina Crd-:nance, -reauZc.tina the ccnst-:'7.lcticn. and u~~ of buildings, and m~y beususpe~~ed or'r~vokec ~t cr.y tine upon vic- lation of xny provisions of said Ordir~nces. Plan Cheok Fee: Date Paid: Reo;;;ipt #: Signed: P~umbing Permit No person GhaZl oonstruot, instaZ?., al,ter 01' ohange any new cr e:::isting plumbin,J'~Or drainage syste.71 in '.Jhole 01' in pa:rt, ur.less suoh person is the Zegal possessor of a vaZid pZumber's Zicense, ~oept tr.at a pe::'son may do plumbing '.Jork to proper~,j whioh is ow~ed, Zeas;;;d or operated by the appZi- cant. I I · Electrical ,..- I Permi t Where State Law requires tr.at the eZeotrioal work be done by an EZectrioal Contraotor, the eleotrioal portion of this permit shaZl not be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the EZeotrioaZ Contractor. . , l I I I I I I I , . I Mechanical PermH Plan E=c:niner uar;a , I -I · j I HA VE CAREFULLY E.'XA.'1.INED t.".B oomp Zeted :::pp l ioation for permi t, c:t'.d do hereby oertify that aZZ inJormation hereon is true al"~ oorreot, and I f.A.I'ther oertifythat any ar.d aZl work perrormed shall be done in accor- danoe :.lith the Ordinanoes of the City of Spr"~ngficld, and th;;; La-..;s of the State of Oreaon Dzrtainina to the work desoribed herein, ar~ that NO OCCU- PANCY wizz b~ made of any" struoture without permission of the 3uiZding Di- vision. I further certify th~t o~Zy aontra=tors ~~d ~lQyees Wr~ ere in oompZianoe with ORS 701.05E wiZZ be used en this prQjzot ,~~Iy /2~"I/ ~/t.;).