HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1985-11-4 ) .."- , ~ .. RESIDE~ ~AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Looation: 3?c;/) ?1A1Zbt~ /70:23/ 1/ T= Lot # /blt(fy~(}() Asaessors Map # Subdivision: OWner: ~;V~a~ -IeduJ q It:) C 8z {Jt:triu.J t4--> / I Zip: Add:ress: Phone: of 0 --;23 02 '-f Ci ty : fZl n I I I I Nr:!w ~'~ Addi tion Remodel Uobile Home rf---- Date of Applioationd {;"7-75 ' ~ft;,tltJe' Contraotors Adcl~ess General 9-I~CLd ~ tf2/Jt!hJ.r?4JtOAfL Plumbing " 1/, ' , ' eipt fi A lo~?'O ~vPO GoJ n{J~ ~ /LAUtJK- vJcrv . Signed: Date: te / /- if -f/!>- Lj h3/ J ExpiN3s R-/2-Rtb 'E1..ectrioal Mechar.ioal Construotion Lender Liso.# Phone It is the responsibility of the permit haUier to see that all inspeotions are made at the proper time. that each ~ess is ren~n~:e from the street. and that the permit card is ''located at the front of the property. ~Bui!ding Divicio~ approved plan shall remain on thz Building Site at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (reoorder) state your City designated job nwnber, job aac.:!'ess, type of inspeotion requested a~d when you will be ready for inspeotion., Contraotors 01' OWners name and phone number. Requests reoeived before 7:00 ~ ...'iZZ be made the same day. requests made after 7:00 am lJiZZ be made the n=t =rking day. Reoui~ed Ins eotions [J SITE INSPECTION: To be made after -', 'exoavation. but pr'ior to set up of foI'IT/s. 0, UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & : MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. Your City Desigr4ted Job Number Is: o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation ar~ required vapor barriers are in plaoe but before any lath. gypsum board or wU oovering is applied. and before any insulation is oonoealed. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenohes are exoavated and foI'IT/s are ereoted, but prior to pouring oonorete. UND'SRGROUND PLUMBING, SEWER, W.1TER} DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- liY'.g trenohes. o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU drywaU is in plaoe. but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel looation, bond beams. grouting 01' vertioals in acoordanoe lJith U.B.C. Seotion 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After instaUation is oompleted. o [J UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation' of floor insuZation or deoking. I POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to D ---l installation of floor insulation 01' deokiYl{; . I ROUGH PLUMBI:lG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- --l ANICAL: No work is to be oovered ' ,until these inspeotions have been made and approved. ~ FIREPLACE: Prior to plaoiY'.g faoing ~ materials and before framing inspeo- tion. ~ ~ PENCE: r.'hen oompl.;te -- Provide, ~ FRAUING: Must be reque~ted after . gates or movable sections through ~ approval of rough plwnb1-ng, eleotr1-- P U E cal & meohanical. All rOOfing . . . , bracing & chimneys, etc. TIT'.J.st be 0 ' ,completed. No work is to be con- ," cealed until this inspeotion has 'been made and approved. CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms are erected but prior to, pouring oorwrete. o SIDEWALK & DRIVE~/AY: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-lJay, to be made after aU exca- vating oomplete & form lJOrk & sub- base material in place. ~ ' FINAL PLUMBIl/G ] FINAL MECHANICAL J FINAL ELECTRICAL ] g5/0!5-3 DEMOLITION OR ;~;OVEIJ BUILDI,i(;i:i =:J Sani tary se'..Jer capped at p~opc:rty line ~ sept~c tank p~~ed and filled lJith gT'aveZ I Final - i.'hen' above items are oomvleted ~ and when demolition is oomplete 01' struc- ture moved and premises cleaned up. I Mobile Hemes ~ Blooking and Set-up ~ Plumbing oonneotions s~er and Water ~ Eleotrioal Conneotion - Blooking. set-u? ~ and plumbing oonneotions TIT'~st be approved before requesting eZec=rical inspection ~ Accesso~d Building I Final - Aftc:r porches, skirting, decks, ---l etc. are oompleted. o All projeot oonditions, such as the installation of street trees, oo~letion of tne required landscaping. eto., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL oan be requested. o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspeotion must be r>equeGted after the Pinal Plumbing Electrical. and Meohanioal Inspections have been made and approved. *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/tEl/T TO BE g1DE n NO CDST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 J I i JOB NO. I Zone: ILot Sq. Ftg. I 1% of lot Coverag~ !' # of Stories .Total Height I I Topography I I lITEM I Main I Cc:raae I Carport I Accessorl/ I I .~51 js:J SOL f -- b, C C E S S R E Q.- , SQ.FTG TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. (va~ue) 1.5 x BuiZding Permit State SUI'oha:rge Total Charges lITEM Fixtures .J..) .... '. Residential <(1 'bath) 1 ! Sanitary Sewer I Water I I Plwribing Perrr:it State SUI'or-.arge Total Charoes JITEM I Res. So. fto. I Naw/Extend Circuits I Tempora:ry Servioe Ele~trioal Permit State Surcharge Total Charc;es ITEM i Furnaoe PTU' S I E::;haust Hood Vent Fan Woodstove Permit Issuanoe Me~hanioa l Perrrri t State SUI'oharoe Total Charoes -- ENCROACHMENT Ise~~rity Deposit I Storage I Maintenance I Permit I Total Charaes I eurbcut I Sidewa lk I Fen~e I Electrioal ! Mobi le Home Label TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * Oocupanol/ ~roup: l NO. I FEE NO. NO. LOT TYPE x FEE FEE Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac Value I CHARGE CHARGE CHARGE !?rU() I ! ~~OO L - C 0 G~ TiJpe/Cor.s". Bearoor.1s: I Lot Faoes - I Setbaoks I P. L. House Carage INorth East South IWest I I Enerau Souroes I I Heat I I I I I I TiJ'De Aooess. Water Heater Range FireDlaoe Woodsto1Je -- Fees '-- I Building Value & Perm i t I I I I This permit is granted, on the express oondition that the said oonstruotion shall, in aZl respeots, oonform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inoZuding the, Zoning Ordinanoe, regulating the oonstruction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir~noes. . * * I Plan Cheok Fee: Date Paid: IReodpt #: I Signed: .J Plumbing Permit No person shall oonstruot, install, aZter,or ohange any new 01' existing plumbing 01' drainage syst~~ in whole or in part, unless suoh person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's lioense, exoept tr-~t a person may do plumbing work to property whioh is oumed, leas.~d 01' operated by the appli- cant. * Electrica I Permi t \ Where State Law requires tr-~t the eleotrioal work be done by an Ele~trioal Contraotor, the eleotrioal portion of this permit shall not be valid untiZ the Zabel has b~en signed by the Electrioal Contraotor. * r I I Mechanical PermH * Plan Examiner Uate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA1>JINED t~;llompleted applioation for permit, and do hereby oertify,that all info~ation hereon is true and oorreot, and I further oertify that any arn all'work performed shall be do~e in ac~or- danoe ~th the Ordinanoes of the City of Springfield, and the L~~s of the * State of Oregon pertaining to the work desoribed herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any struotUI'e without permission of the BuiZding Di- vision. I further certify that o~ly oontraotors w~d e~ployees who are in co~plianoe with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this projeot * Date ( (- !(/~ /