HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 RESIDENTIAL'. I~. I i. * b--\ ({U{j? '=:cce~?= ,if. APP~ICATION/PERfiIT 225 North 5th Street Sp~:ngfieZd~ Oregen 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 , ~ :J:/LntT~v --u)~xR~~' ValueWSO~, Job 31/~ ~ \n(')~3 \~ \ Loc.::tiQ11; ASGesaoI'z gap ., Subdivisicn: ~~er: ~~tI.~ ~. .-l~ess: !/PO, Ii ~ ~~(:)7 ~/,/LL/~ (J ci t-,j : n I I I ,'1,,"~ Addition Remo.:!.d ,I,fooi Z2 .':lema Date of Application T= Lot # ()Qq()Lf ~, Phone: t, it ,- ~<-Y gS-. Zip: 9' 7 ~C{S-. Desoribe rvork: AdargS3 ~onz;rcc=o!'s General Plumbirzq ::lectrioa.l Ne:=har:ic:= l LilLui~ &~'-r>Ulu--/' 7~ (.., .- I'-/-R.,:;- . CO"st~~cti~ [~nder ~ Sigr.2a~ 1M D. '---' ar;8~. \ t-fS~~~ &isc.# E=ir~s Phong /1 [~.is the res~onaibiZity of the permit hoUier to see that aZZ in~Dections are ~ade at ;he proper ti~~~ that ~ch ~esa is ren~~~!e from the street, and. that the Permit ca..."'C!. is l.:;cated at the frcnt' of the property. ~Eui~di~.g Viu.i=io~ qJ?rot:ed F'ZCn sr..:=.lZ :remain on tha Eu-:.Zding Sits at a.ll times. P.'?OCE:DUF!S .='OR INSPECTION RE:QUE.'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desiqr.ated job nur.;ber, Job adCress, tur;e of inG:!ec-;;icn r~quested a~d ~~en you will be ~eady for inspection, Contraoters 01' ~~e~s r~e cr~ phone number. Requests receiv~d c~fcre' 7:00 ~ ,,-'ill be rr:ade the seme dc.y, requests mc.cie afta' 7: 00 a:n will be made the nat :.;orkinq day. Your City, Desiqr.ated Job Numba" 113:. '6 8Q ~ qq /'1 0 MASO'lFlY: Steel UNo.IERG:~crR!D ?:..r.;~.f3r:VG. S:::.f2.~, rJ.1T.:.1', , oaCiJilG, grouting DRAIi'/AGE: 1'0 o.e tr!c..ie pr-:.c!' !:o fi Z- . l. . =oor~oe ?.r~th l..r.q orer:cr.ez. .' 2415. UNDERE'[,(JOR !':..iJ..,.'9ElG ~ :.r::C.'!.4VIC:'&: JD '.iOODS'!'OVF:: Aftar installation is To ce mace prior to in3taiiation' Of. ocmpiat~d. floor insuZcoien o~ ~eci<.ing. ' POST AND 3EA!1: To be mc:ce prior, to ins=al~ticn of f100r ir.s~Za=icn or deokinr; . Reau~~ed !nsc~ct~C~8 o o UNDE?SLAa ?LL~5IJG, 2[2CTRI~tL 3 /.;'ECi-::AaIC:"0: To be ,!,ccie :;et"'Ci'fl8 any work is .:!c7Jcrec. o PCOTI;'IG 3 ,"'O!!:lDAT:C.'l:To be =de aftar or~nches xre i=ocr.Jated and terms ere erec=2c~ but; prier to pourir~ ccnc~et~. [J, D o o ROUGH ?r.~~B!;'.'G. ~!.Z::I'.~!C.c!..~ 1 .';rF;CFl- AilIe,!.,!.: .';0 ..;orK.~.s ;0 be co~'er€ci un~il t~cse :r~~ec~i~~s ~ve bee~ mo~e cr~ '=P?~?~~~. FI"~~?L/"(;E: .Prior to p;'c.~-f,r..q f'c.c-:.na mc=:zriaz's and b€jore j"rcc:ir.g inspec- tier.. o D FP...4}~I"Ir;: 1'.fu.3t be requ20ted cf-;er approv~l of rough plW7~i~.q, aZectr-~- cal & mecr.ani.:aZ, At! roofir.q brc:cirq & ohimncus, at.:. '"..1St be , cOf1TDle;ed. ;'10 '';;rk is to be oon- , ceG:Zed untiZ this ir.sDeo7ien r.as 'been mada end approved. D INSULATTON/VflPOR BARRE.'? INS?::C'!'ICN: To be made after aU insul~ti.::m iX"~ reauired vavor carriers are in D laoe but cejore ~y lath, gypsum bom-d or wall oovering is C?plied, ar~ before any insulation is oonoealed. I DCtfOUTIOH OR ;',fOrr:;-; 3iJIWliiCS I Sani tary se".Jer cGF'(?ed at p~op;;r8' Zir.a ~ Septi.: tank p~~ed and f~lZad ~ith ;ra~eZ 3 Pinal - ~~en abcve ~~e~s are oo.r.vZeted and ~hen ie~cZ~;ion is co~Z2te or st~~~- tura moved ar~ ?r~~3aS cle~ned u~. o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be ",ade' after all d:rYl;;aZl is in place, but prior to any taping. MODi l-8 2'C."n8S location, bond or verticc.Zs in U.B.C. Seotion o CURB Ii ,4.t'P.'?CACH AP!'CN: Aftar forms .=e erected. but pr"';or to p=r"~~.q cor..:!re te. ~ ~ =:J BZocking ar~ Set-up P!umbing conneotiar.s S<:lJer ar~ water D SIDE:r-lALi{ 3 DRI~'E:riAY: For all con- oreoa paving wiohin street right- of-wcy~ to be m~de after alZ ezcc- vatina ccmvZete & for':':7 '.UOrk. & zuO- base ,:;'.ater~al. in plaoe. Elaotrioc.l. Connection - Blockir~> set-up ana pit~binq connections cr~st be ap?~~~~C before requesting eZectrical ins?eotio~ D ?~NCS: ~~en compZ~te -- ?rovice gates 01' movable' seo-;;iens through P.U.Z. -, ' ~ ,,~~ ,. 3 ,'1..,' ---1 ..... c.... 2.. ~v';:J U... "'.....""r:.q ~ fi~l - Aft~r ;~r~~es~ etc. are ccmpZet~d. 3K:':'"t:.ng~ deci-:s ~ ..._.~ o o . AZZ crojec~ conc~=~ons~ JUC~ cs th~ ins:aZla~:cn of street :raes, ~~.~!e~~~n ~f ;he required landscc:pir-fl~ etc. J .-r:ust oe sat;isficd. 'be/ore the 3UILDI.~'(; .="[t,'/"L ~cn 3;e !'2C;...L:2S:3d. D. PI.'!AL PWX3I:iG D. FDA[ ,',!E~HA:lIC:'[ D FINAL ~:ZC7'.9!Cri:' o FI~AL 3UILDING: The Fincl Buildir.q Ins?eotion ,~st be requ~atad =!ter tr.e :i~~Z ?l~bir~' ~lec'Cri:JaZ., cn.d .1>fe~;'.ar::.cc.Z Inspeacicna ;1Q.VC been "~ad.e ar.d c.?pr~v~:::. ~ i~ 'AU, MA:lHCL2S AND C~E.'A"'C!.j'::; :fUE? BE.' ,4C~E.'SS:3.~2, ADJUS-;:::::."!' TO B2 :,~'.uE.' :11' ,':0 :::S: T~ cr::: I =,~,." oj 2 I . i JOB NO, I :7.(1: I Lot Sq. F';g. !. ~f 1_. ~;ve~~~~ j'. ~~~ J_ ._~~ ! ,i 0 f ,;toT"'~e s I ~ . 1 " . . I.O..C... ..21.Cn: i . I Tcpog~it'd I !;'~:/ ,'.,Ia~n '-:-~=c~ i .......::.r-~,...~ i ~ - -' - j ..;~~aS3:)"!'"J I I I I S.D.C. I 70~.-1!.. :"AL!../~ 1.5= ( ;;c.:..u.~) Euildir.g ?er.r:-~ t State Surch=ge ~o~ l O:r.a:oge3 t I':'~.'.f I :L~W'es I . . . 1 I b ') i Resu12ntUl~.l ati'! I Sc:r.~ t:=1'"j Se'.JcI' I ;;ater I ?Z=b~r.g Perd. t State Su.rcr~2 T::ta! C'".al"ces 12DI I.~es. Sa. fta. IN~/E=tend Cir~~its ITer.pcr~d Se~Jice I fZe~tr{oal ?e~t St:::.te Sur~;,.ar'::e T~,.taZ O.aI'ces I ~7'::-'" I ?-.a-r..:zce '3T'J' S I E=r~st .!{oo.:: I Vent Fan I ' I ;';oodsto;;e I I Pe~t I:;suo:r.ce .'1e:::r.anio:::.l ?ermi t State Sur:::ha:r'1c ,!,,,~,~ Z C"r.cr~"!3 ~.VC.::.::'AC.=:'.'.:~:r: 1_. . I :;eC'"~1".tu Dz:;c:n,t I Stor'!qe '1"1a~nt€1".cr~e I p '. _ c.!'mt..... I Tet:::.! ~~r~es I C:a-~C"..l: ! SidZ'JalK. I . j. !q:n~e " P:::.:::e 2 , L'-CO G~ SOL A R ACe E S S R E Q.- :-:'C=-..J.:::;,nc:J /Jr7.l.~: ':,"" ":-ror ."lI,..... J x :/0. I , I i I I I .'i0. I I I I I I I II ( I :;']. I I I I ,I I . I I I - 'I ~+L/I : ."'obit'a Home ,/ ~!e6f"ric::r.l [~el ~OT~~'~~OUJT DUE:. ,1..". LeT TY?S Interior Corner , Pannandle Cul-de-sao 'faZue C2AP.GE C.i"A...QCE CHARGE ~~" U lOW A-') 0 0 J;; () I~O 3/...:{o '-::.'oe/CQr.sr; : 3e6-?oms: z,ot ?~ces - , j I J I I I II I I Watq!' .~'f!C~-E!' Rarzqe Fi reo ic.ce WoociGto:;e Znero!l SOU.!,~q3' h'ear: . I'r,J'C;! Setca~.v.s I C:::.rG.ce I ' I ?~. I r10rA,38 WOl"1;il I East 50'... tit IWest I AJ1Cess. i -'- Fees ,. I , j I I I I. Building Val~e & Permit This perm:: t i" granted on the e=:press::!ondi t'ion that the said. const!'Uot~on sha~Z, in a.Zl respeots, ~onfc~ to the Ordinanoe ~dopted oy the City of Sprinaf':eZdJ inc!ud-i.na the 2on-::na Crd:nance, r'eauZc.tir'..a the ccnst~lct::cn and u;~ of Duildings,"and m~y ce- Guspe~~ed 01' r~vcked ~t cr.y t~~e ~~cr. vio- Lation of ~y provisions of said Ordir~nces. I Plan Cheok I Date Paid: IReoeipt #: ISiqned: I I I I I I Fee: Plumbing Permit /. ' No person "hall OonSt-ro..lOt, instalZ., a!,ter or change any new 01' e:::isting Jplumbing 01' drainage syste~ in ~hole 01' in part, unless suoh person is the Zegal possessor of::r. valid plumber's licen~e, e=oept tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing ~ork to properp,j which is ow~ed, leased or operated by the appZi~ . cant. / . Electrical Per m it Where'State Lc:z,; requires that the eleotrical work be done by an EZectrioal Contraotor, the eleotr-~oal por;ion of this permit shall'7:ot be valid until the Zabel has bzen signed by the Eleotrioal O:ontraotor. Meche nical PermLt pz.c:n 2=c::n.iner L'a:::a I I I · I I , I I I ff;r~~4J.. ~~ //hk.;J. 56Gr.3a Dace . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINfD t.w oOfTr?lated c'f)'f)Zication for permit, c:r'~ do hereby oertify that aZi. info:'mat~on hereon is true ::r.r.d ~o1'"!'eot, ar.d I fu.rther oe~t~fii that any ar.d all work ;:erfo!":l1ed 3h~Zl be done in ::o:Jor- danoe ~th the Ordinc:noes of tha City of Spp-~ngfie~, and the LC~3 of th3 State of Orecon o$rtainina to the work desoribed here~n, ar.d that NO OCCU- PAHCY wizz b~ made of ~y- struoture without permis3ion of the 3uiZdir.g q~- vision. I further ~ertif~ th~t o~ly ~cntra=tors ~~d ~Z~yees ~r~ ~g ~n c~pZiance w~th CRS 701.05E will oe used on this proj$ct