HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 I" . .. RES IDE N T I A L" .~cce"':'-;= .~ tJYGl LUn AP?~ICATION/PERf{[T 225 North 5th Street Sp~:ngfield~ Oregon 97477 Build~ng Division 726-3753 Job ~oo.:::r:ion: -.59 J.3 ~ AB~eSGO!"Z :.!ap ',' \ 1 ) OR 3'\ L\. \ , . ~. +JL~ --u)~~' ~' . rP Value 'l 0 c:J.:) l Subdivisien: ~~er: ~tI.~. ~. Ma.~ess: ,PO,!J ~ ~5:.~(:)7 City: '&iJiL-.JJ:~ (J .'TC!'.J Additic11 Remod.el ,I.foo-:. Z.a .::cma Date of Applicatien :':onr:rc:or:OZ'B General Plumbirzq E:lectrica l .~!echar:ic:: l .1 . v- f \(1 ("\c::... T= Lot if. un'-1 A.J ~, Phone: tit.- ~<-Y gS-. Zi?: 9' 7 ~C{,S-. DescT"'~be 'riork: Address Const~Action Gende!" W A-uJ/7J./ {Ji;-t--r.v~ 7~ (.., :- I'-/-R..::..- . ~~ Sio/-'a~ lrn V. ~ ate:. . \ t-B~B~ Lisc.iI E:r;:;irfJs Phon;;; l~ is :he res~onGibiZi:y of the permit hoLder to see that aZ! inDDec~~ons are ~ade at :he proper t~~€~ that ~~~h ~gSS is re~bZ.e from the street" ar.d that the Permit c:z...J. is l.:;cated at the j'rcnt' of the propeI'ty. ~Eui!di~4 ~~i=io~ cp;roced F~ sr~lZ remain on the au~Zding Sit$ at aZl times. Pf?OC::DU.oE: POR INSPECTION RE'QUE:ST:CALL 726-3769 (rcoorder) state your City desigr.ated job nur.;ber, JOO aeciress, type of' ins::Jec;;ic11 r~quest~d a~d ~~en yeu will be r'eady for inspection, Contraotors 01' Ck~e~s r~e cr.d Fh~11e numocr equesv~ r~oe~vea b~fcre' 7:00 ~ ....'ill be rr:ade the same dc:y, 'requesr:s made afte.r 7:00 am uill be made the nc:::t ;;;orking day. ~ ~.~~- ;,.;;' Your Ci~d' Desigr~ted Job Number Ia: l')~(:)J~ ~ O .'1ASONPY: Steel UND'ERG.=?CfR,'!) ?~L?,f2l:VC. S:::./?~, ;,r,1T.:.,\ b2am.:;~ grouting DR.AI:'.'ACZ: .:0 be rr:a..::.e ;r--:.c:' ~o fiZ- accordance !.lr:"th hr.q ;:;rer.or.ez. 2415. ' U.'ID~::?F:'.']O.'? !':JJ.\.'3T:JG ~ :e:,:~,VI~,,[,; .~' r.iOOD~':'Ovz.: Aftar installation is To ce ~....ce pr't.cr to ~n3t::ct..~a:::.on or . ccr:rp{"2t~a. 11001' insularion o~ decking. ' PQST ,4,'lD 3EA!1: To be ",c:dc pr-ior to ins=al~~=icn 0; j700r ir.3~Zaticn or decki1l{; . ~eauirod !ns~~ct~c~s o SI?~ I.7SF~t;':::]N: To De made aftar excavctiQn, bu:: prier == 3e: up of forms. o UND~PSL:"2 ?T..l/'.!3I.'IG, F:l:2C':'.":?I(',1!" ~ /.;'ECr.:A,'iiC;"~:. To be meae be:c;~€ any work is ~cvc~ed. o FCO'!'T:lC ~ ":O!}j'lDAT:CN: To De ,":XZce after t~;.;cr.es are a.=CtrJateri Cl7'.a f~r:n3 ere erectad, buz pr-~cr to poU!"'~r.g con:=Z'eta. [J, o o o RGUe.:; ?!JJ~1P!;..'G. ~!..2:::-:'PIC.J..L ~ .',ECH-. AHIC:"'::. ::0 ':;or~ ~.3 :::.:J be cot:8!'ed un~il ;~C3P- ~~~=e~:~~~s h~J~ beer. mo~e ~d=pp~?~qd. F I.~~?!..;l.C:::: Prior to p Lc.c-:'r.g f'cc-:,ng mc=ariaZs ard before fr~r~ inspec- tier:. D o PFL4"'~I.'Jr;: .'ofu:;::;;e r-equeated c.f"~er approv~i of ~?uqh ;l~~ir~, zZectri- cal Ii mec;.~nicaZ. ...IE '!'oof:.r.q braoir.g Ii ohi.r.ncys, et~. ."~St be , comp Ze<;cd. "/0 '..;o!",,< is to !;~ con- ~ cee.Ztld ur:tiZ this ir.svec~cn r.as 'been made c:nd appr~ved. D INSULATTON/V/lPM cARRE.'? INSP'::C':'ICN: To be made after all insulv.twn w.d rea-..ired vavor baI'T'iers are in '0 laoe but before :my lath, rrYpswn bom.d or wall oovering is c:pplied, ar.d cefore any insu lation is oonoea led. . D'C/.!OLITIOH OR :,,!avs:; 5UILDliiCS ----, .-J T- Sanitard s~~er capped ~t pr~p~'!'~' Zine Septi~ tank p~~ed ~nd f~ZZad with =r~~gZ D DR'!WALL INSP:.'CTION: To be made after all Cr,jo;aZl is in place, but prior to c:ny taping. ~ Pinal - ~~en cbcve items are oc~leted ~ a~d when de~cl~tion is CQ~Zet8 or st~~~- t~e moved ar~ pr~~3es =Ze~ned u.~. MQoiZa t!c:::es location, bo~d 01' verticc.Zs in U. 3. C. Seotion D CUPB Ii A..I'P.'?OACH A?"'ON: Afta:> forr.7s .=:re are~te:i out ;n.-i.or to pC"~~~Y'-fl ~o.,.,~re te. ~ ~ T- Blooking ar.d Set-~p ?Z~~ing connect~Qns s;;wer c:r.c water D 5IVE:rlALi< Ii DRITEriA'!:. For all ccn- creta pavir.g within street right- of-~y, to be mc:de after all ezca- vatina comvlete & fo~ ~rk & zUo- base ;;ctePial in pla.~e. EZectI'":oaZ Connection - Blockir.q, set-~? and piz.unbing connections r.r~st =e -=??Y'~~'ac. before requesti~.g eZeo<;~~cal ins?ec=io~ D ~'::NC~: Wher.,oomplata -- ?rovide gates cr movabla seo=ions through P.U.::. ~ ~ Ac~eS~OLY 3uiZd:r~ Fir~l - Aft~r ;~r~r.esJ etc. are c~ple:~d. .s k-:.:'t:.ng, cec ;.:3 , o o AlZ project cor.c~=~ons, JUC~ ~s the ~ns~al:a~icn ~f street ;r~es, ~~.~~a~:Qn" af t~ . l"equired ?.an.dscc:;;ir.g, etc. J :nust; be $cr;-:.-sf'.....ca o.c./ore the 3UILDI:/G :r~''')'L ~c.n =e r2'1.J:2s:..2~. 0, FIN"L PW'.!3I::G ==:J. FI::':'r. ,~!ECHA:/ICA[' []. PI.VAL Z.LEC':'.r:IC:'~ o o FIdAL 3UILDIJG: The Finel BuiZd~~~ !r.s~ectiQn ,~st Oq reaueacec ~~:ar tr.e ::r~l ?l~bir~ Eleccrical, czn.d ;.-.!echar;:,cc.l Ir:specr;icna :"w.vc been l~ad2 and' c.;;prcv'-8~.. 'A['[' NAllHCLES AND CLEANOU,[,~ "'VET 32 ACC2S5I3:''C, AD,ir':S';,':::.,'':' ':0 3:: :,~t,[)~ ..~T ,':0 :::5': TO cr:-: I ~~'-(i! oj :: I i JOB NO. 1 :7.a: I Lot Sq. F';g. ! ~ .:;f !.Q: .-;.;ve~=c~ I . !.> of ~tories I... ... 1 :J . . ' I .o...a~ u2t.cn: i " 17'~pog~ny I [;<:;:1 I..,.rc:in I r:..:::o=c 2 SQ. ..~T'J : ! \.."...::r=::r~ I. I .-iC~~ss-:rr".J I I I I ,ls.D.c. 1;5 = I 'i'O?'.~Et :'ALur (uci..uc) Building Per.r:-~ t State Su.r~hxrgt3 To'ta Z C".a:,geJ ! r:::.'1 I :i..~es ! . . . 7 IRes~<nt~~ (1 ba:h) i Scr.-:. t.::.!"j Sfr.JeI' I '.Ja";;e:!' PZ:.mb-:.ng Pern:i t State Su:rcr.arqe T:::taZ O.c.rces 1 I'E.'.f !~es. Sa. fta. New/~-tend Cir~~its Tempcrcry Se1"Jioe Ele~t~:caZ P€~t State Surcnar!Je TotaZ wurt'ces I ~7'-:-U ?:a-r..:zce =TU' S E=haust Hood I Vent :an I ' I ;';ooasto:Je I Pe~t 13su=e Me:: r.anica Z Pe1'm"~ t State Surdu::~!'(]e '!'o:,~l C'r.cr~q3 c.~rCR::;ACE;'.f:::!7' Jge~~~:tu Da=o3it I Storc:J.qe I !~aint=r~e /" P ermi t T~taZ C"f!CI"NJS Cur~~~~ I Sid=l~ I i :qn.~e I EZ,zctr-:.ca l [C!;el : ".fobil,z Home i lO~R_ 1"'0'7"" "'OU"T ,"'U"o' ... .....""t..,J /"U', .f ..,.... ,,';0. I I I I I I I I I I I I Pace 2 . , ' .;<.. , L-COC-': SOL A h ~ C C E S S R E Q.- 11,{O. ;il]. I ."':> /~~~':-:,"7nc".l Gt'(r..l:;: I ~ot :~C2S - I I 2'.~. /lIorr;h East South I;,.'est T":fpeICor,sr;: 3e~?oms: Interter Ti.J'Oe r.,.,'" '7".r::;:;" \"I... ... _....... Corner ?annandZe Cul-de-sao , ,I , x Value C2ARGS CHA.R.CE C[f;JJiCE , I I I . ~0llJ /0 . fa....} IS:. a.i) &0 l6~o 3/.~O I I ~narau So~:r'::es j I .':'ear; I I I I , I I 5etl;a~.~s I ,'io:.;ae I Carace I ' . I I Access. Water .=-!ec-::ar' Ranq:J I Pireoicce , WooaGto:;e i Fees Building Valu'e & Permit This permit is granted on the e=press ~onditiQn that the said constr~o~ion sharl, in alZ respeots, confor.n to the Ordinanoe adopted by the City of Sp-rinaf":-eZd, inc!ud:i.ng the Zonina CT'd--:'nan.ce, r'ecr..,llcti1'!O ti7.e acnst:"':.lc~:'Cr: ar~ u;e of ouildir~s, and m=y ce~ dU3pep~ed or r~vckec ~t cr.y t~~e ~?Qn vic- lation of xny provisions of said Ordir.anoes. I, I. I I Plan Cheok Fee: Datc Paid: Reoe:ipt #: !Signed: ., Plumbing Permit No.pereon sh.all oons~~ot, instal!, alter or ohange any r~w cr e=isting ,~plumDiryg 01' drainage syste~ in ~hole 01' in part, unless suoh person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e=cept tr~t a pc:'son may do plumbing ~ork to proper~,j whioh is ow~ed, leas;;d 01' operated by the app~i- aant. / Electrical Permit Where State Lcw requires tr.at the eZeotT"'~cal work be done by an Electrical Contraotor, the electrioal portion of this permit shall roOt be valid until the labeZ has been signed by the Eleotrioal Contractor. I I I I · Mechanical Permtt . I I I I I I · j I j I j I ,'f!t~ ~~. Hk,/I hk~ Plan. 2=c::niner l..a~a I HA TIE CARSFUl,l,Y EXA.MINeD th.e oomp Zeted cpp Z ication for permi i:, c:r.d do hereby oertify that all in;o~ation hereon is true ar.d correc:, ar.i I f:.lI'tJ:er oertify that any ar.d all ;:ork ;:eI'{o~ed ar.all be do"e in ~o:;)or- dance :.lith r;he Ordinc.nces of the City of Sp1'ingfi;;U1, and the: [C";3 o{ tha State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, ar.i thet NO OCCU- PI-NCY wiZl be made of any str~ot~'e without parm-:'3aion of the =uiZdir.g Di- uisio~. I furthe~ ~ertify tr~t o~ly acntra=tDrs ~~d ~Z~yees ~r~ arg in ca~plianoe with CRS 701.055 will be used on this projz:;)t