HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 '.",.,. RESIDENTIA L" AP?LICATION/PER~aT 225 North 5th Street. SDrinaf"ieZd~ Oreaon 97477 .. "'... ..." Build~ng Division 726-3753 I' ','" "I '" . ft' .." " J ,~ 39 .~ " \ ID~'~\4' '\ T= Lot # C~q () ~ ~Tob [.oc~tiart: AS:3e'sGorz Map Subdivisicn: ~~er:~~tI _~ ,~,. :4ddr-ess: I/f-!q), If tj; ~53~7 &/LL/ I~ (J ~. Phone: t it .~. ~..y gS- - Zip: 9' 7 ~o'-S- " Ci t-,j : 'Desoribe i,'ork: .Y~..J Add--:' ticn I I :J:A-~ --u)~~. I, Value \oSO 90 ' Remodel II ~. ","1 ':l .., .,,00 _.02 "cm~ Date qf Application Conr;rac-:o:,s Addrgss General Plumbirzq E:lectricaZ Ne:=har:io:=l W~-Ui~>> &~~~ 7~ (.., - I L}..R..S"":' . Const~Acti~ L~nder . .~cce-:''9~ ,it 5L1 '-1' L( (p I ..~ SiW.d~m Dat,e:' '----'" \ t -Y) ~n6l. Lise.;:! Exvir2S Phon;;; . It ,is ,the responcibility of ths permit holder to see that all inapeotions are ,-:;ade at :;he proper ti.'TIe, that e;:;.:=h :=.ddrgSS is rea.::ab:e from the street, and. thp.t the permit ca.....u is l...--cated at the f:rcnt of the property. AEui!di:-,.g D-:vi::io~ approved plan sh:::.Zl. remain on the; Building :;:.tcat all times. PfWCE:Vu,oE: .='OR INSPE:CTIOll R.:QU:.'ST:CALL 726-3769 (rcoorder) state your City desiqr.ated job nur.;ber, r~quested a~d ~~en you will be ~eady for inspection, Contraotors 01' Ow~ers r~e cr~ phone n~cr, ':-'ill be made ,the 'same d.c:y,' requests mc;de aft<-.'" 7:QOam will be made the n<:zt :.;ork~nq day. R~oui~~d !nsr~ct~c~~ Your Ci~i' Desigr~ted Job Number o 'SIT~ I.VSP:;C7':ON: To .be made ajt2I' excavation, but prier t= se: up'9f forms. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRE.=1 D!S?r::CTICN: To be made after an insul~tion a:'.d re~~ired varor carriers are in plaoe but belore~y lath, qypswn boa:rd or wall oovering is cpplied, ar.d before an& insulation is oonoealed. D o UNDEPSLA3 ?[J./~fETVG, EI.2C':'.9ICAL i i'~.'ECj~'.J.aIC;"0: To be mcae befQY'e q.ny work is ;:cverec. n LJ ,PCO'!'T:1C ~ ?OU:1DAT::C.'1: Tobe aft~r ;r~ncnes are exc~Jated forms are erect2d~ but prior to pou~~r~'ccnc~et~. ~'XZde and o DRYWALL INSPECTr,0N: To be made a.fter aU &,jwaZl is in plaoe, but,prior to any taping. o O i'1ASONRY: Steel UNDJRG_,=!crR.7D ?~UM3rvG~ s~rI2P. .W.1T.:R, beam3~ grouting D..:AINAG2.- . To be f'r!a:ie pr-....cr'. '!;O fi Z- a::Jcor'Cance !Ji th hr.g r;rer:cr:es. . '. 2415. , UNDERPr,COR !':W,'3DG1 /,rE:C.'fANIC:.J,: .~. ;'i(}OD~TQ'R.: After installation is To be made prior to in3tallar;ion,oj ocmpoet€a. 11001' insular;ion or decking. ' POST AND BEAN: To be [nadc pr-::or, to '0. CURB 11 AJ'PFlCACH APRON: Aft.ar forms ins=al~ticn of f100r in3u~ticn OP . .=re 2re~ted but p!~or to p~~~;~~ deokinq. co~~rete. location, bond Oll verticc.ls in U.B.C. Seotion o o o ROU~H' ?!.J~-1PT'/G. "~!..EC':'.r?~C.4[' j .1,fECH- ANIC)!.: .~,'o :.lorY... '~d ::::; Dc cov2...";'ed until :;r..cse. ir'..3"Cecti.cr.s ~^v.g beer:. mode ~.d=pp!"?ve~. FI_~~?LACE: ~':'or to pic.~ir'.q fc.aing ma"eriaZs ar~beJore 'fr~r.g inspec- .tior:. o SIDEWALl<. & DRnrcfiAY: For all oon-, orete paving withinstrect right-: ol-~y, to bc made after al! eXCa- vatinq ccmvlete & fo~ ~rk & sub- base ;cter.;al in pZa::e. o D F'FLtl~I.'IIj: Nu:;t QB recueated aftel' approv~l' of ro~qh ;l~1i~.g, .aleot1":- cal & meohanical; At! roojir.g ,braoirq &. chimn~us, etc; ,~~st be ,corrrole"cd, ;'10 ~r,< is to be oon- ~ cea-Zed ~a:tiZ this ir.soec~cn has 'been made and approved. o :~Ncr: ~~2n compZite -- Provide gates 01' movable- seotions through P.U.G. o JOo adircss, type or inspecticn Requests received b~fcre- 7:00 ~ Is: S<A) t11\() l DF:llOLITIOH OR /:OVE: 5UILDI,7CS I Sanita1"d se..,er :::apped -::.t p~op,;rt',i lir:.a ==:J Septic tank p~ed and filled with gravel ~ Pinal - i/hen abcve items ~e oc,-::vletec ~ and ~hen ~~~clitior. is oompl.ate 01' St7~C- ture moved ar~ pr~~ses cleaned up. MobiLa Ec.~es ~ ~ Blooking ar.d Set-~p Pl~~ing aonnecticns s<:wer cr.c Water ~ .:l~otrical Connection - Blockir~, set-~= ---J and pZt~binq connections ~~st t~ ap?~avai beforc requesting e!ec~rical inspection -I "~~e"~~',. 3u"''';-'n~ --1."l........... ".;;'VJ.;j "'{..'-~"t' I' Fin:z l _. ..1ft;;r F~rcJ:es ~ -.J etc., <Zr'e ocmple;;;;d. sk::.!'t-=-ng~ dec~~3~ o AlZ pY'o.jec~ (!OT!c:..::.ons> JUcZ: cs che ,,-':ns~a'Z.la.~icn'C?f street =1".28S> ~~.~!"a::..)n of tit€ r'equ.ired Zand3ccpir~~ etc. ~ ."nUS."!; oe sari;sfi.cd oC,J."'ore th.a .3UILDI:/r; Fr:,'AL :'~n =e r2q"...l:2st.1d. O. FIllAL PW>,f3I.'iG D. FINAL ,',!E::HA.'IICAL CJ. PINAL ZL2C':RICri~ o , , FI~4L 3UILDING: The Final Buildirq Ir.s~eotion ,~st oe rgauedted ~!:;er tr.e ?i~~l ?~~T.bir~ ~lecc'l'ical~ c:nd .'.fear4r;~cc.l Inspectiona IUIva been t'7ade a.nd c:::n:rctJ~~. r---< !~ AAL[, MANHCr.ZS AND CLZANCUT2 ,'W:;:' 3:: ACCE:S:=;:3LE, .4D~'US7'nE.':'!' TO 3Z ",~";;E ,1'1' ::0 ::S:' TO r;I'l''! I ::>-:'e 1 of :! JO B NO. E'=ce 2 . L-COG~ SOL A k Ace E SS R E Q.- 3ed...""'':)oms: :~~: ('c:::'.J.:;anc~ Grcr,.c~: Lot Sq. F~. ~ ~f !Q: ;~e~~q~ .- oj 5toT"'~es :'ota! Heiqh: 7cpogn;ny I I7'~.'! 1'(.-,' "._"n I ':"...::!'=c~ I SQ...-:~'J , , !~=!'~ I. I .-1C~eS3a"!'-:J . I I I I Is.D.c. 1.5= I 'TO~.-1~ ?A~UE ( ::c. ~~t;; Building Per.r:i: State SUJ'cn::rro-:1e ':'ota l Cr.a::'ges I I':':::.f I.:-::-'~es I:> " '" b ') , I ..e3'Ul.mtu: ~ ,1 atr. i Scn.i t.::.ry Se'wJ2't' I i/c-:e:!' ,'.'0. I I I I Pbmbing " '., .. err:::. to- "State Supcr.aI'ge TctaZ Ch.arces 12DI I !'?es. 5'7. fta. , ,'iO. I I I I I I' New/E.-tend Cir~~its Terrrocrc:ru Se1"ftce I . - Ele~trica! ?e~t State SUJ':=nar-:e . Tota! .C',.,..a.rces ,:""";"l:"'A I ;::;. I . I ?:.trr"::CIZ ?T'J' S E.=ha:Ust Hood I Vent Fan I ' I ;/:Jodsto::e I ,I / Perrdt I3=e Med'.c.nica r ?erm-~ t Stata SUJ'chcr-:1c I 1 ,!,,,~,~! C1o.cr-:r'?:) C::1C.':CAC.':::,::;:.', 1_. . I~e~~~=u D2~03t; Stor'2qe ;.-!a-::nt.err..cr~e I p '., ... Crr.rl... I Total ~~r~es I i Cur~C:..It ! Sid2!Jal~ I 1 :t?n~e 12r.zor:r:.ca l [cl:;e r [ .I{obi le H.:;me /V~~ I rOT,,: ,'!"\!OU:/T aur:' x lC'I' ;::'? ~ Ir.tericr Corner l'anh.and le Cul-de-sao ;.'aiue C2A?C:.' C,:'iA.RG2 eHA.Fi.CE _~ OJ) /() QA). I ~'f7 > F ~I) I /500 I. I I I I I I 3). <Q 0 I ~ot :a.ces- I I 7''i~e/Cor.st : 1 -I 2nerau SOu.Y'~.e3 j I .'{eal; J I I I I I I : !:J'ce ? ~. Setba~.~s I .'{ause I Cc:raae ! , I I I i Pireoic.ce Woodsto:;e j .-l.ecess. ;./ateY' .~'.gC:=-2!" Ranq~ !North [as t SO'...th lWest Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express ~ondition that the said_const~~otion sha~~,,~n~ll.resp~~ts, ,;onfo~ to th~ Ordinanoe ~do~ted?y the City ~f Spl''tngf:-eZa, :.nc~ud.:.ng =rze Zon-:..n.g Crd:nar!.ce, r'egut.,c.ttr:.g t~e CCr.st:":lct~:..C'n and use of buildings, and m~y be 3u3per~ad or revoked at ~~ t~~e ~pon vie- lation of xr.y provisions of said Ordir~nces. . IPlan CheoK Fee: Date Paid: Reozipt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit /. I No person shall oons~~ot, instalZ, al:er or onar4e any neW 01' e=is:ing plumbing :J~drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a.valid plumber's lioense, e=oept tr.at a person may do plumbing ~orK to proper~,j whioh is ow~ed, leaszd or operated by the app~i- cant. / I. Electrical Permit Where State [,aw requires tr.at the eleotT"'~oal worK be done by an Electrical Contraotor, the eleotrioal portion of this permit shaH not be valid until the label has been signed by the Eleotrical Contraotor. I I , . Mechanical Perm!t PLan Z::c:niner L/aca I I r · i I J I I I I I HA VE CAREFULLY EXA.'1INf:D t.1-..e oorrrp lated c:pp l.ioation for permi t, end do hereby oertify that alr i~jo~ation hereon is trua a.rd correot, ard I furth.er oe:!'tijif that any czr.d all work ;:er!,o=ed shall be do:1e ,in czccor- danoe, :.ri th the Oi>din.::noes of tne CUy of Springfie ld, and ::hz Lc;:-..;s of the State of Orecon D3rt~inina to the work desoribed herein, cr~ that NO QCCU- PJ.NCl :.rilZ b~ made of any" struoture without ?3rmissior. of the 5uiZding Di- vision. I further ~ertif~~1 tr~t o~ly ~ontra=to~s ~~d ~l~y€es wh~ erg in co~pZianoe with CRS 701.05& will be used en this projzct