HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 -. 00 RESIDENTIAL" ?cce:;;=: .ii ~ C7-l-1 Cf Lj S APP[ICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sp~:ngfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 It is the resp011cibility of the pernrit holder to see that aU inapecnons are ~ade at the proper time, from the street, and ::i!at; the PC1'm"~t c:z..vod is Zecated at the f1'C7lt of the property. 'gui!di7'".g D-:::Ji::io,-: ap;rot:ed ;!.Cn s;...::::ll remain on tha BuiZding ~i.t;;; at all times. ?.'"!OCSDU,oS ,"'OR I?ISP::CTIOn R.:QUE:ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state YOUI' City designated joe nw;;ber, re~~est;cd a~d ~~en you will ce ~eady for inspection, Contractors or Ck~ers r~e crd phone number. ....'iZl be rr.ade the same day, requests mG,je afte:I' 7: 00 am wil.Z be made the n=t :.;orkinq day. ,Job L.oc::.ti.on: .314-7 ~~.~ \ flffi ~ \4, \ T= Lot if 0Jf110 Lp As"es"or:: ."~ap ,Ii Subdi:Jision: ';:.-ner: ~~tI ood' ~. Md.ness: PO, If ~ ..5.~CJ7 &/iLJ./ ~ ~ L/, Phone: tit, ,-l{""l ffS- . Zi?: 9'7~q.s-. Ci ty : .Yt::!'..J Describe 'Iiork: Add:' ticn Remodel ;;?_~~ '-lJt-JJ~. , VaZue \QSD ~ ' .'.1ob~!2 ,=!cma Date of Application Conr;rcc:;o:-s Address Ceneral Pl:m0inq ::Zect't'ica Z .'.fechanic:: Z ;}li-tJ~' t1i~i~ 7~ ~ .- I L./-R..::..~ . Const~~cti~ ~cnder ~eouir~d !~srpct~c~s Your Ci~d' Desigr4ted Job Numb€I' [a: D'C!-!OLITION OR ;'.~'DV::; 3UILDIiiCS o SITE I,~lS?~C':'::JN: To be made after excavctivn, bu~ prier t~ se: up of forms. D INSULATION/VAPO.9 BARRE.'? D!SP::C'I'ICN: To be made after all insul~twn ard' racr~ired vavo:r bcrrriers are in "lace but before any lath, gypswn bedI-d or wall covering is cpplied, era before any insulation is concealed. o UND~?SL;3 ?L0~BI~G. ?[2~~RI~t~ 1 l".'ECHAaIC:"L: To be maae bef(;"r'e c.ny WOrK is, ~cvc:'ed. o o F'COTI:1C ~ ?C!.H1DAT:CN: To oe .~de af:er ~renches are e=cxJcted ar~ forms ere 21'€C-:.zC3 .=uz pr:.cr to pou~r~ ccnc~et~. V m- :> ~ 0 MASO!1RY: Steel '~~....i:.RG.=:C'H.'!) ?~l,;'II.f3I;VG. 5:::12.., W.1T.::.9) . ..' DRAINAGE: :'0 ce rrYZ:ie :;r:c!' ~o J~"'i z- oeG7n:J 3 grou... ~nq , . ~ accordance with l~r.g o:rer.cr.ez. 2415. U:'IDER!:DJC.'? !'!JJ.',,'BDIC ~ i-f::':,'!,4cVIC:.L: l' WGODS'I'OVG: Aft..r installation is To be ~-ce vri~r to ~n3~cLZ~t~on- of cc~iat~d. floor insukoion or ceci<.ing: . , . ?'JST A:'ID 3::A!1: To:-e rr:c.de pr-~or. to D CUPB 3 A.Z'P.9CACH ins=all~ticn 0: f100r in3~La:icn or .=re erected but decki~~. co~~rete. o D.r?YWALL iNSP2CT:ION: Tc be made after all &;jwaZl is in place, but prior to any taping. [J, location, bond or verticaZs in U.B.C. Section o A?,CON: Aftar forms proior to pCUI"'~"'.g o RC~!G;~' ?!J~~BI:/G~ =:E:::'.~!C.':'I. j .I,(ECH- A.HIC)..~: ::0. ~o!'i-:. ~3 ::0 DC covered ~=il ;~CS€ ~r~=ec;i~~3 h=v~ b€e~ m(1:ie zr.d -ippr?;;~:3.. FT_~:;?!../tCZ: ..~":or 'to p'i,c,~-:'r..q .rc.c:.ng . mcr::~riaZ.s ar.d before f'rc=:nr..g in3pec- tio1':. D SID::r-lALK 5 DRI:''CY;'Y: For all con- " crete pavir.g wiohin street right- oJ~~Y, to be mc.de after al! excc- :Jatina comvlete & form ~rk & ::ub- base ;ater:.~az. in ?lace. D [] o ~2NC~: ~~en,complcte -- Provide gat;es or movable sections through P.U.2. PP,A!1I..,r;: MU.3t ~e reque::;ted cf'-;er approv~Z of rQ~gh ;l~~ir~, ..Zectri- cal & mechanical. Al! rQof:.~.g b:rc.cirq & chi,nn~us, ..tc. ,~~sc be ,comPle;cd. No '~ri<. is to Cq con- ~ cec.-Zed ~n:iZ this insvec:icn ;'~8 'been mada end apprQved. o ~ Si~2a~lM Date: ~ \ t-R~n~ Lise. # Exoires P,11.0ne that ~ess is P€~b:e .;;c.ch JOo adircss, type 0 f ina:Jecticn Requests received b~fore' 7:00 ~ ~404 I ScmitaI":} Se".Jer capped ct p~"per-=:,' li~e ~ Septic tank ?~~ed end fill...d with ;r~_eZ ~ Pinal - Itnen abcve ite~s are cc~Zetec ~ and ~henie~cl~tio~ is co~Zet8 or st~~~- ture moved ar~ ?r~3eS cl2~ned u~. MoiJi Za 2.c....nf!s :=J :=J ~ BZocking ard Sat-~p ?Zumbing connecticns sewer cr~ water Electricc.l Ccnnect:.on - Blockir~, set-~~ and DZt~binc connecticns ~~st ~~ cp~~~~~i befo~e requ~st:.nq eZec;rical ins?ecjio~ -I ' ~ "~n " 3 .'Z".' --1 ,....c....e.... ';';";.L;J Ul; ...""r.g ~ Fi~l - Aft~r ;~rc~esJ etc. are c~?l..ted. ak-:.rt:.ng, c.ef,; r:3 J o AlZ 'Cro.f~ct ~or.c:":;-:.onsJ JUC~ '::5 th.e ~..ns~a:~a~-::~'n of' street :raes, :J::'7:..a~:"',Jn.:Jf';ne . . required Zand3ccpi~q, etc., .~8t oe sat~s!~c~ oc;ore the 3UILDI~~ :r~AL ~cn =e r2~~2s:2~. il,' . ~ !"I:/AL ?!.JJXBl.'fC ::=J, FDAL !,fECHA.'IICAL []. ..='I.VAL 2~EC':RIC/"~ !~ '0 ,FI~4L 3UI~DIJC: The Finc.l BuiZdir.g Ins?ecti"n ,~st be re~eGted ~!:er or.e :ir~l ?l~~bir~ ~l.zct;rica~J c:n.d Necr.ar:.:.cc.l Inspeacion::J ;.,..ava been mace ar.d ~?prcv8::i. 'ALc, MANHCr2S AND CL::ANO!J'::;; !!U~T 32 ,K':F:S:;::2!.F:, AD.JUS-:-::::::'!' TO BE .',~~CE /11' ;':0 ::::S':' TO ':IT'! I ?C?i! oj' ~ JO B NO, ?=qe 2 . . L-COG~ 1 :7!':iJ: ~~.~.J.:-:,-'nc:J IJr'7..J.=: SOL A i-\ '" C C E S S R E Q,- =e6-')om3: I L.ot ::Ices- I , ?~. ,=-fOu,3e Vlo!"tf! cast 50'';' tn IWest ':;~'pe/Consr; : 1nr;e!"ior -"'eat: I Lot Sq. F';.q. I ~~ ~f !o: ~~e~~c~ I . ~ ,i of ~tor-:.es I ~ .. 1 :J ' . ~... o ",a.. ...21..Cn: i - 1m . f J. cpograp r:.y I II~E~ SQ.:T~ I,"k:in l.eT ':""~:' COl'7!er Panhandle Cul-de-sac X '1aZue I c...:!'=c~ ! \...~Jr=~r= I. I :ic~aSS~!':J I I I I S.D.C. I 1.5:: 7'QTA.G :'ALUE I !)C1..:..l;;) Building ?er.r.i t State Su:f'cn.rge To~ l Cr.a:oges I 1':::.'1 I :i=tures !::> .. . 1 I b ') 1..esw<mtU!~.l atn I Scr.it:z!"j Sl!'wJer ,I "'ate!' I NO. C2ARCE I Plumbing Pemt State SUI'cr.a?;e Total cr.aI'ces 12[.'.f I !'1es. Sa. fta. I New/E--tend Cir~...its I Tempcrc:ry SeroJice . .'iO. I I Ch.A,F?GZ Electrical Pe~t State SUI'cnar,;e Total cr.a:r'ces I':::.\f :-~""C~ ETU' S I ~~s~ Hood ;:D. I I CII,UrCE Vent ?::n I ;'oodsto:.:e I Jt00 t Permt 1:;=ce /nad lobO U t,0 laC) ,~ Mec r.anic:::. l Penrr~ t State SUI'chc::rae To~.:: Z CtoC'!"~q3 Z.VC.=:,';ACH.'.!~:!': -- i - '.!J . l~e~~~J~u' 2~03~t I Storage Il~a:.nte,.u::r..:e I.. '. _ CrT7r"_" I Total ~rtCr7es ' I ~b~~; ! S'id=al7<, I i?t;!~e 12!..c"r~:zZ f.6el : .\fobi l.. H.::me ~y~ I ~O'" ,r ""OU'IT DUt".. \ .. .......oJ f'\.I.. .... 31.~ 0 I I ! I ! I I I I 2nerau S07A.!''::'3S f~~~ Setca~.v..s I Cc::rc.qe I Access. j I I ;/at;qyt ,=f2C.-:2!' 8anqe Fireo iace Wooci:;to:,'a -- F~es Building Va'l,ue & Permit This 'permit ia granted on the express ~ondi;ion tr~t the said.const~~c;ion shall, in aZl respects, ~onfc~ to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Sprinaf':.eZd, inc!ud~ng ;i!e Zoni.na Crd:nance, 'l'ecr..A.lc.tina ti:e acn3t~t~t:.cr: and ~;~ of buildings, and m~y ce~ susper~ed or r~vokec ;t cr.~ t~~e u;on vic-; ~ticn of zr.y provisions of said Ord:.r.ances. I, I ~ I 'I Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Reczipt II: Signed: Plumbing Permit :....t .Ndtperio,n shatz construct, instal?, atter or change any new '::1' e:::isting plumbing:o? drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e=cept tr.at a peI'son may do plumbing work to proper~d which is ow~ed, lea8zd or operated by the appli- cant. / I I · Electrical Per m it Where'State LauJ requires th.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Centr'actor, the electrical por;ion of this permit shall roOt be valid until. the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. I I I I ~ Meche n ice I PermH P Zan Z:::C::n7..ner J.,lar;2 I I , ~ j I I I I .#~~~ 12~"II~k~ I HAVE CAREFUl,LY EXANINED the completed application jar pe~it, =.d do hereby certify that aZZ ir:fo:-'mat:.on hereon i.s true CZl'.:1. correct, ana I fur-;her ce!''ti..j'y that any ar.d all work ;er;'o!':7led ahatz be done in ac~or- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Springfie~, and thz L~~3 of the State of Grecon o2rtainina to the work descr<~bcd herein, ~~ the.; NO OCC~- PP':'ICY ~lZ b~ rraie of any" 3r:l'UctUI'e without peI'lllisaion of the =u:.Zdinq ~i- vision. I further ~ertif~ tr~t o~Zy ~ontra~tors ~~ ~Z~yees Wr~ arg ~n c~~pZiance with QRS 701.055 will be used en this project