HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 ." .. RESIDENTIAL" AP?~ICATION/PERfdIT 225 North 5th Street c: . ~'1' () vp~~ngJ~e~a~ Jregcn Build~ng Division 726-3753 97477 Job ~oc~tion: . Q9L/-iP ~ ASGesGoZ"z Yap' \ () 0 ~6 \ ~ l :J:A-~~ --u)~~. \cfb~ Subdivisicn: ~l.;ner: ~~tI _~ ~. Addr-ess: !PO, Ii ~ ~53if'j &/U-JJ ~ ' (J Ci t-,j : .'1C!".J Add~ticn Remo.:!.d .Jfoo~!.:J .=!cma Date of Applicaticn ;",....on-:rc.cr;ors General Plumbirzq E:lectrical Ne:=har:ic:= l ~~(),~~ _. -- T= Lot # ~, Phone: tit ,-' ~<-Y gS- . Zip: 9'7 ~C{,S-. Desop-~be rvork: Value Address Const~~cti$n L~n~der ~~I &~~i 7~ (.., - I t./-g<,- . I: is =he responaibili:y of the permit holder to see that alZ inl1pections are ,~ade at :he proper ti.'11~~ that from the street, and. that the permit oard is l.:;cated at the frent' of the property. ~Eui!di~~ ~ui=~on cp?ro~ed F~ sr~lZ remain on the BuiZding Sit$ at aL2 times. Pf?OCE:DU.oE: ,='OR INSPECTION RE:QU:.'ST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City desiqr.ated job n:.o;;ber, Z"~questcd a~d w~en you will be ~eady for inspcct~on, Contraotcrs or ~~ers r~e cr~ phone numbcr. ....'in be lr.ade the SC7ne dey, requests mc:de afta 7:()O = will ba made the next :.;orkin.; day. O MASONRY: Steet UNDJRG_~crR.'D ?~L?f3I;"..~C. S~:I2..~. W.1T.:.9J baam3.) croutina DI.:AINACZ: .:0 be rr.a.ie ;r~c!' 'Co fiZ- aecorddzce '.Jith Z~r4 "rer.or2S. 2415. U.'/DER~:'OC::! !',JJY3DG j Y'5:':HA,VIC/,[,: ~ WOODS7'OVE: Aftar installation is To ce ~-c.e ?r~or to ~n3~~iZa~ion of cc.~ieted. 11001' ,nsula"~n or CecK~ng. ' POST AND 3EA!1: To;;e lr.ade prior to ins=al~=icn 0; j700r ir.3~~ticn or d.eckir~. ?~aui~~d !r.sroct~c~~ o SIT~ I~S?~~:]N: To be made after excav~civn, bu~ prier == se; up of forms. o Ui'ID~PSL:"2 ?!.-U,J.f3I.VG. ~lZC':'~=?Ir:rl~ 1 /._~cr.::J:aIC:"0: To be ffic.ae be[cyt€ any wor.~ is ~c:;c'!'ed. o FCOTT:1G ~ :OU1'lDA.T:C..~1: To be made aft~r ~rench2s ~e excxJated a~~ ferms ere erectac., =ut; pr-tcr to pourir~ o~noret~. 0, o o o RO~iI:;H ?!.~~E!:.'C. ~:2~P!C.~::' '1 .I,rE;CH-. .Jj/ Ie):,.: ::0 :.;or;:' ~.3 ::J be aOi,'21'BC un~il ;~C3€ :r~=ec:~~~3 ~-Vq bee~ mo~e ~d =PP~?~~~. FI_=.'~;?!.)"CZ: FTior:o ma~eriaLs ar~ before .. . ~~on. o feeing ;nc.c-:'r4 fl"c::r:r~r..g inspeo- D FFVtl~I.'Ir;: ,'.!u3t ~e !'ec.u2:Jted cf'-:er approv~l of rQ~qh ?l~~in~, zlectri- oal & mecr.anicaZ. Al~ rQoj-:.r4 bracir~ ~ chimn~ys, et~. .~~3C be ,comple=ed. ;'1o-.;Qri( is to b'2 con- ~ cealed un::i Z thi.s ir..soec-:icn r.as 'been made end appr?ved. Your Cit-';F Desiqr.ated Job Number 1G: D INSULAT10N/Vt1P0.9 BARF/E.'? INS?::C7'ICN: To be made after all insul~twn CX"~ reauired vQVor carriers are in olaoe but bejore ::.my lath, gypsum beard 01' wall oovering is applied, ar~ before any inau lation is concea led. Liso. ,~ '] .~.::;ce"~:'::: ii ~qq4.~~ o DF/?WAU INSPE:CT10N: T~ be made after aU d:ryo:;aU is in plaoe, but prior to any taping. I j ~~ ) , Si~,nlM D. ~ ate: \ t-YS~R~ location, bond or verticals in U.B.C. Seotion o CUPB Ii A..I'P.9CACH APRON: After forms are erected but pz~;or to PCU1";"'4 .:J071~re te. EXQir~s Phon,;; o SIDEf-lALK Ii VRITi;rifl.Y: For aU con- orete pavi"'4 wi~hin street right- of-~y, to bc made after alL exca- vating ccmp Zete d f'om 'Wr'K & Zu1:J- base matep-;al in ?iaoe. ecch address is rga:::.a~i"e o ?~NC~: ~~en compZ~te -- Provide gates 01' movable" seoticns through P.U.E. job accress, type of in3oec~icn Requests reoeived c~fcre" 7:00 ~ ~d~()~ va/OLITIO;,! OR :',fOV:;: 3iJILDliiCS ---, S .... . t 'l ~ an~~ard s~~er ~ap?ea = p~?p~r~' i~e ~ Septi~ tank p~~ed end f~lled ~ith ~a~eZ I Pinal - r!hen abctJe ite:::s are oO:T:pZeted ~ and when de~cZ~ticn is co~iata or st~~~- ture moved ar~ ?r~ses ~leanei up. Mobi!.:;! Ecrnes =:J =:J ~ Blook~ng ar~ Set-up PLumbing connections s<:wer cr~ water o Eleotrioal Ccnneot~on - BZooki~4, set-u; and DZt~binc connections ~~st be C?~~~v~c beforc requ~st~ng eLeo:rical ins?ecjio~ ~ Ac~es$c~~ 3uiZi:r~ ~ FinaZ - Aft~r ~~rc~es, etc. are ocmpZeted. a K-:..!'"C':ng, c.ae i-~3 , o AlZ ~rojeat COP.ct=~onsJ JUC~ as the {ns=aZla~:cn of street =r~es, ~~.~~e~~Q~ af :~ required "Lana.sccpir.g, etc., .'7TUst oe sa1;isj'ic:i bC.fore the 3UILDI.~':; FI::).L ::::.n =e r3C{o.i3S7;3d. CJ, PINAL PW:',~BI:fG ~. FI:/AL .',!E::.'!A.'/ICAL CJ ?I.VAL 2!.EC':'.9IC:"~ o F1~AL BUILDING: The FinaZ Build:~4 !nspeotion ,~st be re~~aGtec ~fter tr.e ::r~l 2Zu~bir4 Eleccrical, ar~ )fucr~~:ccZ Inspeccicna I1aVC been made ar4 ~pprcv~~. ----, !~ 'Ale MA:'/FiC['2S AND CL2ANCU':':: .'IUST 3:.' .4CC2S:;I2~2, AD,JUS-:-,',:::;'! 7'0 2:=: .'.~1CE i:7' :':0 ::57' TO ':I':''! I :)~,-~ of 2 JO 6 NO. :~a: L:Ot Sq. F~. j~ '1. ~ i ~: ~Q~ _~e~=q~ ! " oj S:OP-;t3S Ion... ... :.J.' . t.o.a:. ..at-en:; i . I '1'cpog~hy I !7'~:! I.",' "._~n I I':"~::c~ I::=r==!":; I. i ....~~2S3:;!'.J I I I 7'Q~A!' Z4LUE I S.D.C. I 1.5= I :;c;.:;,;;j Euilding ?er.r.i: Stc-:e Sur~;,::rg€ '1'o'tal Cr.c.~geJ I !':'~.\f I P-:""-7:u.1'eS !" .. " f b ') I..eswantu:.. .1 a:;n I Sc:r.i t:=Z'"j I ;';c'ta!' Se'.Jer' Pl:Jm&:.ng Perri: Stata Surcr..:::.rge TctaZ cr.c.~ces , 2[.'./ f .~€S.. Sa. fttr. IN~/E=tand Cir~~its IT~C!"~! SeZ'"Jioe Ele~tricat ?€~t St:::'te Sur::;,.ar-::e T~~aZ C;'..f1:!'ces I ~7''='\' ?:Lryo.::;.ce 2TU 'S E:=haust Hood I Vent :::71 I I ;/oodsto;;e 1/" Pe~t I;;su=e .lfe::;;,.anic:::Z Permit St:lt~ SU!'-::nar'1C '!'~~,~ Z C}.c:r":J,!:; ~:/C.~,:;ACE'.:E:!7' iSe~~~::u D2~C3i~ Sto!"~qe !1a-::nt€7'U:r~.g I D '.. _ crr.rr...... I Tetal r;";U:r'7as I Cur~~~t I Sidez.;a l7< I 1 ?~n:;e j E:!actric:z Z !'d;e Z i .lfobila H.::me SOL A K ACe E S S R E Q,- .':'C~..L::=.ncJ Cr?'..L:;: SQ...=-7'-IJ ,':0. I 1.'iO. I I I I I I I I I' ;:C. I I I I I dJ -LuA.M-df....i.L/ 1'~O'7" r '110U'IT "U"'" _ .......oJ /"U. . V W' . LeT TY?~ Interior Corner Panhandle C:J.l-dt3-sao x la Zue CEARGS CHF~~G2'. I I I I · Cl/;IJiCE I I ...<;:'f/U) I I If'), Of) I LSoJ I ~O I iSl, 0 , . I I I I I I · 3/. &0 P=qe 2 . L -CO G~ :"it?eIC:;r:st: 3ec..z,';)o~s: I I ~nera'.J J I 1 I I I I I I I ~ot :'2ces - SOU~~g3 f:.J'(),a ?~. 5etca,=.~s I ,'ieuse I Caraoe I " i I I .~'ea': I Aecess. i ;/c.tq"!' .~. 2C~.z!' INorth lEast SO".A.th IWest 3ang-'" Fi"f'eDic.ce WGoci~ to"...:a Fees I . Building Va'lue & Permit I I I I j . I I I This permit is granted on the e=press ~onditi:;n that the said_constZ'"~o~ion I sha~l, ~n ~Zl .resp~~ts, ,:onfo~ to th: Ordinance ~do~ted ?y the City ~f Spr1..ng..f':.eZa, :.nc!ua:.ng :;ae 2on-:..n.g Ord-:.ru:nce, 't'egu.t,c.ttr:g tt:e ccr:st:":.l.ct....cr: and use of buildings, and m=y ce $u3Fer~ed or revokec at cr.y ti~e u;on vic- laticn of xr.y pr:;visior.sof said Ordir.anoes. IPlan Cheok Pee: I Date Paid: IReo<:ipt #: ISi~ed: I Plumbing Permit " , ,',\ ( No; pe~ro';l shall oonstruot, instal!, aZter 01' change any new 01' e:::isting plUmbing-or drainage syst~~ in whole 01' in part, ;;.r.Zess such person is the legal possessor of:z valid pl~~cer's license, e=cept that a pe~son may do pl;;.mbing work to proper~,j which is ow~ed, leas<:d 01' operated by the aFP~i- cant. . Electrical Permi t Where State Lc:w requires that the eZeotT"'~cal work be done by an Elect1"'~cal Contraotor, the eleotrioal portior: of this permit shall roOt be valid until the label has been si~ed by the Eleotrioal Contraotor'. Mechanical PermH P~an Z=c::niner L/a'C.2 I HAVE CAREFULLY :.'XAMINE:D t.z...e oompZeted c;;;plioation for permit, c:nd do hereby aertify that alZ in;o~ation he!'eon is true cr4 aor~~c:, ar~ I f:J.r:her oe!''tijy that any c:r.d all work ;er;'o~ed shall be done in 0.0::01'- danoe :vith the Cirdin:moes of the City of Springfield, and th<: La-..;s of the State of Orecon Dzrt:::ininc to the work descr'ibcd herein, ar~ =r~t NO OCCU- PANCY wilt b~ made of any.struoture witho:J.t permi;;sion of the EuiZding ~i- vision. I fu.rther~erti.f~' tr.::.t O:1Zy ~cntT'a.=tQrs a;-:d e:m:;Z.;uees u;r.o eTe t.n . o~pliance with ORS ?Ol.05E will ~e used on this project " ,~~4J 12~,//ft;,k~