HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 [~.i8 :he responaibiZity of the pe~t hoLder to see that at! invDections are ~ade at ;he proper ti~~, that from the stree t, and that; the permi t a.::...">'d is 'l...-cated Clt the f1'C7lt' of tr..e property. 'Eui!d~~ ~vi=io~ ap;roved ;~n sh~ll remain on tha Building 5it~ at all times. P[,IOCE'DUPg POR INSPF:CTIO!l ,'?E'QUE'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorc.el'J state your City desiqr.ated job mc;;qer, request;cd a~d when'you wiZl be ready for inspection, Contractors or Ow~el's r~~e cr4 phone number. :..'ill be made the same day, requests made aft<2' 7:00 a:n will be !rade the nt:Xt :.Jerking day., -. RESIDENTIAL'. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Svrinaf'ieZd, Oregon 97477 - ~. BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Loc.::tion: ~31'6 tj tt;,~ Assessors Map.' \ ()[),83 \4. ( T= wt" ()ryqO') SulJdiv':'sicn: ~~er: ~dtl~, ~. .-lddress: fl/-!o, (j rf-- 63(:)7 &/LL/ ~ . ~ k/, Phone: tit ,- [feY J1'S - Zi,,: r 7,/-0...,,-. Ci ty : .'lC!".J Describe fior/<.: Addi tion Remodel . 1 d;AA,tr~ ~t.-JJxfi~' . VaZue \ O:{)po ,I.foo";' 12 :=!oma Date of Application ~onr;rc.c::ors Address General PZumbing SZectriaaZ ..1 "l /, i IJ/A..L-ti~ UI/~u--/ 7~ {; - I LJ--R:.::..- , Nechar.ic.::l Const~~cti~ Lender Raoui~~d !nsrpct~c~s Your Ci~i' Desigr~ted Job Number Is: o SI7.'~ I.7SP~.'::'~:JN: To De made altar excavati~n, ~ut prier t~ set up of forms. . o INSULATION/VAPO,9 3AR.9E,'? I."!S?::CTICtl: To be made after all insul.::t-wn CI7".d reau,~red VaDor caI'T'iers are in lJ lace but before -any lath, gypsum coard or wall covering is applied, Qr4 before any insulation is concealed. o UND~.~SLAa ?DU~..8TVG. EDEC':'RIC..tL ~ NECHAaIC:"~: To De mccie befoJ'8 c.ny work. is ~cvcred. o PCOTI:1G ~ ?Of.H1DAT:C;V: To be after trenches are e=c~Jated [QI"mS c:.re erec:ad~ but prier paurir~ .ccnc~et~. ,mee a1"4 o DRYWALL INSPE:CTION: Tc be r.:ade after all drJo;a~l is in place, bu t prior to c.ny tapil"~~ to' [J, O ,~SO!~?Y: Steel location, bond UND2RG~Clj~D ?~~~BI~G. S~:JF2, ~1T~R~ beam3~ grouting or vertic~ls in D~AINACE: .~o oe maie prier ~o fil- accordance ~~th U.B.C. Section hr.g z;rencr:es. . 2415. UNDE:RFD]O.~ !,:'iH,'3nC ~ ,'ECHANICAL: 1. WOODST07E:: After installation is To ce ~-ce ~~i~r to in3~alZation of cc,~Z2t€d. floor insuk:z;ion 01' decking. . , . POST AND 3E:AM: To be rr.ade ::>r.:.or to 0 CUPB & A,T'P,9GACH insvalLaticn of f100r in3~i2ticn or .=re ereotad but decking. concrete. 0' o .4?~r:()N: Afta:, forms pr.:.or ~ pcuri,.,.g o F.CUG;~. ?DT!P!;./C. ~DEC':'.f?!C.4~ j VEC.1- AHIC)"~: .~...o '..JorY.. ~a '::.:J be cot:ereti un~iZ tr.cse :r~~ect~~~3 ~-ve ~€e~ mo~e ~.d =pp~?ve~. FI~~~?[ACZ: ETior- to p~~ir.IJ fc.c:.ng ma::eria~s ar4 before frc:r.rir~ inspec- ,,' ~ .or.. o SIDE:f-IALl<.3 DRI,rc;f-iAY: POl' all ccn- cret;e paving wiz;hin street right- of-&X:y, to. be made after aU e:::c:a- vatina ~omvlete & fo~ ~rk d $uO- base ,;ater1:al in "lace. o [] o :FNCE: ~~en.compl8te -- Provide ga::es or movable' sections through P.U.E. PFlA..I~I:Ir;: i'.!u:;t be requ.e:Jted cf'.;er ap?rov~l of ro~qh ?l~~i,.,.g, zZectri- caZ d mechanical. All T'oofir.g bracir~ 8 chi,r.neus, etc:. .~~sz; be ,co.miJle::ed. ,'10 ';'rk is to be con- ,ceaied un::il this insvec7ion r~s .been rr.ade and approved. o .~cc{r.,.';= ,if. 0YCfUS I ~ o'=ed- \ ~l 'f\ (\ v~. nUJH\ Date: '---". ,I \ ~ -Y) ~~!::).... Lisc..# E:r::;ir<Js Phone e~ch ~ess is ren;n~:e JOo aiiress, type of insDec-tien Requests received befere' 7:00 ~ 3;1c04ns DE:f.!OLITIO:'! OR ;~,.OV:;:; 3UILDIiiCS ~ Sani-ta:t"'J se"..Jer cap;;ed at property line ==:J Septic:. tank p~~ed and filZed with ~ra_eZ ~ ?inal - ~~en abcve ite~s are cc~leted ~ and when de~cZ~tio~ is co~Zeta or S~~~~- ture movee ar~ pr~ses cle.::ned up. Nooi l.z 2'c.-nes ~ ~ ~ Blocking ar4 Set-up PZumbing connections s<:1o)er cr~ wc.:;er Electrical Connection - Blockir~, set-u; and oit~binc connections ~~st =e ~~r~vac befo~e requ~st:ng eZec=rical ins?ea~io~ ~ Ac~es~o.~ 3uil~~r~ ~ F'ina.l ~ ..1 f't~r :::Jrcr.es, etc. are ;cmpla:ed. ., .;, SK::.:--r;:.n.g~ d.eC~:3 ~ o All project conditions, JUC~ as the insz;allc.z;ion of street ::rees, ~=,~~ez;~on of ths required ?.andscc:p"~r..g, etc. ~ ,?1Ust oe satisfied bC,J-"ol'e th2 aUILDI.~'~ F!;':A.L ~cn ::e rzt;o.I.:2s"C.2c. 0, FIt/AL PW!1BI:/C D, FINAL :',fE'::HA:IICAL 0, ?I.'IAL 2L2C':'~9IC/"~ o PINAL BUILDING: The Final Bu~ldir~ Inspection .~st Oq requested =!=er z;r.e :ir~l ?lur.bi,.,~ Elec'Crical~ c:nd Ne~;..ar:.";'cc.l Inspecticno I1aVC been made a1".d =pprcv2:i. ,'--' :~ 'ALL NA;'lHCLE:S AND CL2ANO!j':'~ :'fU5'I' 32 ,4(':::;5::::3['2, AEJT.:S-;:::::/'!' TO BE :,!::DE .'11' :':0 c-:SI' TO ~r:'! I "~,-,, oj' 2 I I I I I I I I 1'))\ tlrh~~ 2J\ JO B NO, :~a: I Lot Sq. F+;g. i !~ ~f !~: ~~e~=qz I ! ,i of St"r-~es ! ""r.~....1 :J ..0..... .. ,_",~~~ ..a_~Il~ i , " I Tcpogn;:ny I?'~.'.! 5Q. ..~7''J .~~~n 1-:--..=1'-::c~ !:.....lr=~r~ I. I :ic~ass~!"".J I I I I IS.D.c. I 7'~~.~ [.. :" A LU2 1.5::: ( :;cf..:.u:.) Build-:.ng ?e~; t State Sur~n.~ge ~o'ta L ::r.aZ"ges , I 1'::::1 I :L~es I ' .. . i ReswmtuzZ [1 bath) , :.'0. I I I i I I I Sen.-:. ta!"j Se'..Je't' I wc'te!" PZUlntr:.ng Perri t State Surcr..a.r'q€ Te'taZ C'r'.a!'ces I :'~~[."I I !~es. S~. fto. I .10. I I I I I I I i I N~/E--tar4 Cir~~its '!'er,ocraru Se~Jice I ' . EZe~tricaZ Pe~t State Surer.a!'~e TotaZ O.11!"ces I ,-7':",' I :~~..::zc~ ~T!J' S I E:::haus t Hoo.:. I Vent Pan I . I -"ooo.sto;;e I ;:r:. I "' I I Pe~t 13su:::nce Me::r.anic::.Z ?errr"~ t ~"State Sur::hc!"~€ Tt?~.::Z C"'r.cT':1t?:J :::/C?CA c.:.',::::.'':' i _, , I .';-eC"'~p"..:u Da:,o$t. t . I Stor-:!qe 1:la-:.ntlimCr.0e It> '.. _ C!"m"_.... TctaL C"OU::l'':"i?S I Cur.?~.4t ! Sid2:.J<l L7< I i :~11::e I EZ,acr:l'-:.ca L L-=beZ i ,\foci L,a Heme .TOTA!, ,~\!OU.'IT DUE::' SOL A k ACe E S S R E Q,- ,":c=-..J.=a."..c~ ,:Jl'C'..J.:i: leT TY?E Interior Corne!' PanharuiZe Cu.L-de-sac x ;raZue CHARGE C.1A.RGE' CHARCE I I I I __.. I It''J. 00 '/1 . I (f),DO I I~,DO I I. toOl 11~~~()j * I ~o P=qe 2 . L -CO G~ :,{1!e/Consr:: ~g60')or.7s: :'ot :aces - I I ! A-::cess. I I ! I I I I I I I Watq!, ,':.fQC:-:2r' 3an.qe Fir'eoicc8 Wooci.~to::e Zn2!'O!J SOU!'':'3S ,:':ea-; I':r::~ P. ~. ::f!tca~.i.:s ll:{ause I C:::..rcae ! ' I I lIo!",; h lEast So...,th jWest -- F:;es \ Building V:a'lu~ ,.& Perm i t This pel"r.ti.t ia granted on the e::press::orulition that the said, construC1::-:.on sha~L, in aZL respects, confo~ to the J!'dinance adopted by the City of Sprinaf':.eZd, ":nc!udina the Zort-:.na Crd:nan.ce, r'eauZctino tl7.e ccnst:r:l.,::t:.cn. and u;~ of ouildings,~ an4 m=y beu dusper~ed or r~vckec ;t cr.~ t~~e u;on uic- Zation of ~y ?rovisions of said Ordir~nces. Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: IRecC:i?t #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit NOI pereon shaLL ConStl"'.,lCt, instalZ., a!ter or change any new 01' e:::-:.sting pLu.mbing OT' drainage syste~ in ~hoLe or in part, unLess such ;e!'son is the ZegaL possessor of a vaLid pLumber's License, g:cept tr~t a pe!'son may do pZumbing work to prope!'~d which is ow~ed, Leas~d or ope!'ated by the appLi- cant. .. Electrical Permi t Whe!'e'State [,GlJ) requires tr~t the eLectr-;caL work be done by an EZectricaL Contractor, the electricaL portion of this permit shaH roOt be vaLid until the ZabeL has been signed by the ELectricaL Contractor. I I I , * Meche nical PermH Plan 2:::c:::niner ua:;a I I I * I I ] I I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA!1INED t,/w compZeted cp?Lication for permit, and do hereby cert-:.fy that aLL i~Jo~at-:.on hereon is true ard correct, ar.i I further ce!''':ify that any ar.d aLL '-Jork. ;;er;'o?':1!ed shaLL be don.e i~ ac::!or- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of 5pringfi~Zd, and thz Lu~3 of tha State of Oreo=n D2rtaininc to the work desC't'ibcd herein, ar~ ch.at JO OCCU- pt.!/eY ~lZ b~ maie of any" 3tr'..cture without ?armissio~ of the 3u-:.Zdir.g 0-;- vision. I further ~ertify th~t on.Zy ::ontractors ~:d ~L=ye€s wr~ are in c~pl-:.ance with CRS ?Ol.05S wiLL be used en this projzct W~~Lc. /l~,,//hk:< . '