HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 I"""'~ .. RES IDE N T I At . . ApPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfie Zd, Oregon 9'74: 7? Building Division 726-3,753 Job !:.oc::tion: 39CJ3 ~ Asaesaors Nap ,~ '\ f)();:y~\ 4,( T= wt # ();)(JOa Subdivisicn: ~:ner: ~tI =1-' ~. Maz.ess: fl/-!D~ g r:L 63(;"7 City: &/'zLlu ~ tJ I ~, Phone: tit '-.lfc.Y IrS- . Zi~: y' 7 ~o,-<:;-. , I I ,'1~.J i I Add~ ticn I I I I Remodel. , ., , I I i ,I.!obi le! .?cmal Desc1"'~be i~ork: d;lLrnI~ '-UJI--JJ >4tnh' ,. Date of Applicat~cn Coin;rc:cr:ors Value Adcir'iisS Ceneral Plumbing Slectrical I) iJ) li-li~ ~ . j UI~~1..u-.-/ 7~ ~ - I Lj.R..~- , Nechzr.:ic.:: Z Const~~cticn L~nder .=:cce:p~ .:i. ~q Cf~ I ~.~ \.}\ Si~d~lM Date: '-.../ \ l-P) ~Bbl. Usc.# EroiT'2S PhonOl . , I't. is 'the l'espont;i);ility of" ths permit holder to see that.' atZ in.Gpections are .'7:ade at ~he p:z:opel' ti.71f;~ that ec:.ch ~8SS is l'ea.::abZa from the street, and that the Permit ca.>'d is kcated ~t .~~e: f1'077;t of. tr..e pr~perty. '3uildi:-.g Divicio~ C;P?roved ;:C:::n sh:::.ll remain on the ou:,,,a:.ng S:..ti? ar: allt1..mes. P.'?OC:;Dur~:: POR D1SPECTIOllRE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state YOUI' City desiqr.ated job nw;;ber, JOO cu:.c:!'ess, type of in:;pec:;ien r~quested ar.d ~~en you ~ill ~e ~eady jor inspection, Contractors or Ck~e~s r~e cr~ pr~ne number. ' Requests received befor'ii 7:00 ~ ..'ill b~ made the same dc.y, requests made aft<::l' 7: 00 ccn will be made the nc:rt :JOrking dc.y. Reaui~qd -!nsrpct~c~~ Your Ci~d' Desiqr.ated Job Numb<::l' I:;: o SIT~ I.vSP~.7:~.JN: To be made after excavctivn, but. prier t= set 'up. of forms. D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRE,'? IHSFE:CTICN: To be made after all insul~twn CI:'~ rccr..<ired varor barriers are in place but before 'any lath, gypsum' bocird 01' wall covering is applied, ar~before any insulation is concealed. o Ut"1D~PSLA3 P!J./YB!.VG. ED2CTRIsilL 3 J'.fEC{-;,AaIC:"~: To De meae be,,fGY'e cny "ZM'qrk is ~cvcred. [J ["COTTIG ~ POU;lDAT:CN: To be =de after trenches 'are a:::ccrjated ar~ fcrms are erecti2c, but pri.cr to pourir~ ccncret~. o DFCWALL INSPE:CTIO,v: Tc be made after all Grj1.Jall is in place, but prior to any taping. o O MASO!IRY: Steel U,VDZRC:'!OT};'!D ?~JJI,r3gG. S:;:rcR. W,1TE:R, . ..' DR.AINAGZ: . To be ma.ie .pr~cr ~o fil.- ::~-&m;::~~ ,hr.g r::r'iir-cr.es. , 2415. UNDfRF:COR !':U,',$T:!C ~ Y:;CHANICAL: 1 WOODSTOVF:: After installation is To be ~-ae prior to in:;r::allar:ion of ccmplet~d. f1.oor insuu::z.icn or deCKing. '. POST AND BEAN: To be made prior to D CUPB Ii ,4,T'PRCACH ins=alZaticn of f100r in3~Zaticn' or ,~e ~reote~ but deckinq. "con:)rete. location, bond orverticcls in U.B.C. Section o o '.4PPCN: Afte~ forms in~~o!" to pcr..l1"'~"'.g o ROUC;? ?!..!J~1P!:.rC. ~!..E~.~:!CAL j !,(ECH- AHIC.J.!..: .~..'o :;ork .~.3 t:; be cot...eree unci Z ;r.cse :'r'.3r;ec~i.:;?':s h....-ve b€er;' ma~e ar~ zppr?ved. FIP~P!..AC2: ?riOl' to pZacir.g ,f"c.cing ma"erials a,.,~ befo!'e fr~,.,.g inspec- ..' v!.or.. D SIDE;r.IALi<. d DRI.~/Ef./AY:, For aZl ccn- crete paving wir:h~n street right- of-=y, to be made aftgr all, e::;ca- vating ccmplete & for';77 wrl,k & suO- base mc.terial in pl.:l:=e., o [] o P2NCE: When> compZ~te ~- Provide gates or movable' secticns through P.U.E. FRAHI.'lr;:' Mu,:;t:;e rec;ue:;ted cf-=er approv~l of ro~qh ?l~~in4, electr-~- cal & mecr.anical. Atl roofir.g . bracing !i chi,nneys, etc. ,~..lSt be ,comPleted. Jo,'~!'k is to ~e con- ,'cea"led ur.til this ir.svec7icn r.as ' "been made end approved. D ?;f:JQ40r; 'DclfOLITIOH OR /:O~: 3UILDI;;GS ~ Sanitarj s~~er ~apped at property Zir.e ~ - ==:]septic tank p~~ed and filled with ;ra~eZ ~ :inal - i/hen cbcve ite~s Q!'e ccr.pleted ~ and whende~cl~tion is cO~i2t8 or st~~~- t~e moved ar~ pr~3es ~&e~nea U? Mooi!g Hcrnes ~ Blocking ar~ S2t-~p ~ Plumbing connectior.s sewer ar~ wa=er ,~Elect1"':cal Conr.ection - Blocki~4> set-~? ~ and Dit~bing connections cr~st be ~~~~~ei befo~c reauesting electrical ins~e~~io~ . ., =.J. Ac.::'esso4'~. 3u't..l::.::.nq ~ Fina~ - ~ft~r F~rc~es, ~ etc. areccmple=td. 3 k-=-;t1t~ng, deCl<3, o AZl. pro.;eet cor.c..:.=....ons, JUC~ C$ the -i.ns~az.:a~~~.n ",or" street =l'aes, :~':7!a;::~"n, of t~ . required Zandscc:pir'..g,. etc. ,:71'US t oe sar;-:"sJ!'a~ oeTore the 3UILDI:/G : r~.A.L ~cn :;e rZti..J.9S 'C3C. ':i---', ~ FIUAL ?WXBI::G 0, FI:lAL ,',fEC.'!A:1ICAI:. [J ?!NAL ZLEC':'~r::!Cri:' C~J. o PINA.L BUILDING: The Find Bu.ild:.~.g Ir.s;;ection ,-:-rust 0<3 r'iiaue~]t;ed ,::,r:er the ?:.r.cl ?lu:::bing ~lectricalj' c:n.d i.l'!eahar.~cc.Z InspecciQna i1ava. been ma.de and. ~:;"Orcv.z:i. 'AU, NA,'IHC/2S AND CLEANC!J':';; NUS? 'BE X::2S5IBLE,' ADJUS-;:!E:/T TO 3E :,~'.;;E !!T :':0 ::S: TO ':I':'! I :J~'-e of ~ I i JOB NO. ,?=;e 2 l-CO C<} SOL A RAe C E S S R E Q,- .3e~?oms: ! :~a: I Lot Sq. P~. !~ ~j Z~: ~~e~aqz !, oj ~t~r-~es I ~ . 1 :J . . \ ...O...C... ..at.cn: i . I M PO . I ... c. gr-:::; r:y I '.Jr:~.1.f 5';...:"TIJ 1,,,,-' ".__'1 'I ':..:='=c~ : ! ;",.......z.r:;":;~: I. I .-iC::8SS~r'~J I I I lO~..tG ZJ.LU~ .'7c~.A.::;~""..c".J . .'JrO"...l:i.. LeT TY?~ Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value S.D.C. -. -r- ( :"'C';"Ui:) 1.5 :: EuiZding ?e~~t State Surcn.:r!"Je ZOot<: l Cr.a:'ges I I~ ::,'.( I :i-~es I . " b i Resw.mtuzZ (Z ath) i Sc:r.i t.:l!"j Se'.Ji!!~ I :/ater I l~lO. Plumbing Pern7'~t State Surcr~e T:;ta! cr.c.!'ces I :::DI ' :iO. ' I Res. Sa. f'ta. I ,'1c:w/E..:"1;end CirC'~i ts I I Ten:pcrCJ"Y Sep';ice I I EZe~tricaZ ?2~t State Surc;,.ar-::e Tota l C;!a:!'ces I ~c-:-'A I :'.J.rr.ace ?ZOU' S I E::haust Hood I Vent Pan I ' , ;.1::!odsto:;e -/ 1;:-:;. , I I I / Pe~t 13=ce Me=r~nic~Z Pe~t State Surchc:r-:rc To~.'1! ("':..cr':it?3 ::;1 C.':''; A c.::.',:::.'!,:, 1_. . I~e~~~~tu D2~c3~t Storage !1a:.n t e?1.cr -::! a I '" '~ _ Crm"....... I To.t,::Z C''1C:r-:es I Cur!:iC'.lt ! SiCe:.Ja Z:': I I ?qn=e l'El.:!ctr-:.ca Z !.~eZ : ,\foci la Heme , ill J1AdJ 1~ I'~O' ". tr . VOU'IT '~U' <,.. _ ..n...J ...,,~. . :.J l.;. C2ARCE: , j . C.i.ARGE i . . I I I I I CH,UtGE: I I I I strU lonD iC)7)c) ho 16~o 3/.~o I :'ot ':aces - I I ?,~. .:!OU3e WOr'oh Irasl; ISOl..th !West T':ipe/Cor.s''C : I I ::ner'o'.J I I ! I i I I I , I I I T:.J"Ca So:c!'':Jes Setcac.v,.s I CQ.:raae 1 'Access . I ' I I j ,:ieat ;/ateY" .=-fec:.=2't' 3anq'i! ?treoiace Wooa:;to".Je E'"es I I , J I I I i · I J Building Value"& Permit This permit iG granted on the e::press:Jondition that the sefid. constI"~ction sh.a~Z, ~n a.Zl.r'esp~~ts,;onfcr-n. to' th~ Ordinance ~do~ted ~y the City' ~j Spr~naf:eZaJ ~nc~ua~ng ~~e 2on~na Crd:nance, reauLcttna tne ccn3t~{ct:cn ,and ~;~ of buildings, and m=y be- aU3per~ed or r'~voked ~t any ti~e ~pon'vic- Zatien of any pr'ovisions of said Ordir~nces. I Plan Check Irate ?aid: IReceipt #: ISismed: Fee: Plumbing Permit I j No person Gr~Zl cons~~ot, instaZZ, aZter 01' change cr.y r~w cr e::isting plumbing 91' drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a validplumcer's license, ~cept that a person may do plumbing ~ork to properPd which is ow~ed, leased 01' cperated by the appli- cant. ,/ Electrical Permit Where State Lcw requires th.at the electrioal lJork be done by an Electr'"';oal Contractor, the electr-~cal portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contraotor. . Meche n i c a I PermH PZan. Z=c::niner l-'a~.a ! I I · " I I I j , , . t fftt;:h ~ 4:. /i~" II }"k:< . ' I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINF:D the comoleted :::>:>lication for :>ermit, end do hereby certify that aZZ injo~at~on hereon~ is true a~d c~rrectJ ar~ I ju.r-:he:r ce!'tijy that any ar.d all work ;:erfcJ'!':'ned shall ce do:'!e in accor- danoe ~th the Ordinances of the City of Sprinqjie~, and the L~~3 of the State of Orea~n D$r~inina to the work described herein, cr~ thct NO OCCU- Pl-lICY wilZ c~ ~a2e oj any. 3t!"~ct~e without permission oj the EuiZdinq Di- vision. I further ~e!'tify tr~t o:'lly contract::!rs ~~d ~l~yees w;,~ ere in c~pZiance with CRS 701.05S wiZZ be used en this prQjzat