HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 . ,.. ,u RESIDENTIAL" SPRINGFlELD .oj""".. ;~., APP~ICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street ~ . ~. ~d 0 up~~ngi&e~, regen BuiZding Divisi~n 726-3753 97477 ~lob Loc:;;ticn.: ,::;C/71 ~ \I)D~3~?J4' T= wt # () {?DO AS:jeseorz .'-fap il Subdi:r':sien: I)~-ner: ~~tI _-,d- ~. Maz.ess: If-! [}, Ii fi-, ~53(>J7 &/LL/ ~ ~ Ci ty : '1t:'!".J Add:' ticn .JLc/ , Phone: t it,- ?c.Y %S-. Zi?: 9' 7 ~o,-<;-. Describe. .iork: Ranod.eZ :J;/Lrd~ '-UJt-JJ~ ,I.foo":' Z;J .=!cma Date of AppZicatien ::onr:racr:ors Genera Z Plumbing SZectPicaZ .'-!echar.ic::Z Va~ue Addres3 Const~~cti~ C~nder Wb-ti~ &~t--rvlu--/i 7~ /:; - I,-/-R.::..- , .=?cce:;;= ,ii ~qLfP, I ~y--~ Si~,~lM \ ~-R~~~ Date: '--" Lise. Po EX"Dires Phon;;: :. It is the responeibiZity of thB permit haUier to see that aZZ incpections are ~ade at the proper t~~e> that e~ch ~ess is readab:e from the street, and that: the PcPm'':t ca.."Ci is z..."Cated at the frent' of the property. ~Eui!di~4 ~vi=ion ~?raved F~ s~~lZ remain on the BuiZding Sit3 at all times. ?'?OCSDUPS POR I?lSP~CTIOrJ RE'QlJEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state yOUI' City desigr.:zted Joe nw;;ber, job adircss, type '0 f' insrJec::icn r~quesccd a~d ~~en yeu wilZ be re~dy for inspection, Cor-tracters or Cw~ers r~e CT4 phone number. Requests received b~fere' 7:00 ~ ..>iZZ be rr:ade the same dc.y, requests mc.ae afta' 7:00 a:n wiZZ be made the na:t -..;orking day. Q r'\ (\ J\ "'lo Jour Ci~d' Desigr~ted Job Number Ie: t=> ~ ~~~ O MASONRY: Stee Z VND'ERG::?C'J;~r!) ?!'.J.J'~.6I:VG. S~:./2~~, W.1TE'.=?, , .. beam3, croutina 'DRAI;'.'ACE.o :0 oe rr:c..:ie ;:r-...c;z-t !;o fL (..- ~ Z. . accorWzce with 'Lr.q r:rencr.ee. , 2415. lJNDfR::'OC.'? !,:;;,',~EIG ~ Y:;<;HA,VIC,.'.,[,: ~ :.iOODS7'OVF:: . Aftar instaZZation is To ce ~-c.e prier to ~n3zciZJtion- of ccmplet~d. !zoor insuZc;;icn 0::- decKing. ' ?OST ,4ND 3EA!1: To be rr:ade rJr-:.or. to D CUPB & .4.I'P.rICACH ins=all~=icn of j~OO~ ir.Skiaticn or .=re 2~e~ted b~t deckir~. ~o~~rete. ?aaui~~d '!~sr~ct~~~~ o SIT~ I:1S?~'7:':ON: To be made aft2r excavctivn, ~u= pricp t~ set up of forms. 0, I UUD~PSL:"3 ?DU.-.fB!.'1G, ~lZC':'Rlr:A!. ~ /.fECEJ..aIC';'L: To oe mcae befo"f1ra any work is ':c-":~r'ed. D PCOTI:1G ~ ?C!.HlDAT:C.~I: To be ."7X1ce af=~r trenches are excxJated arA fCI'mscre erec=,ac, but; prier to pourir.q c~nc~et~. D o o o ROUGH ?!..!J~~E!.".'C. ?:E~P!CA~ ~ VEC,1- AHIC~~: .~'o -.;:Yri<~.3 ::J DC cOL'2rea, un~il;~cs~ :~~=ec:ic~3 ~Vq b€e~ mo~e ~4 =P?r?~e~. FT~=:~?!.AC2: Prio'r to plc.c-:.r.g. f"ccing mc.ceri'al..s ar.::i b~Jore j"rc::nr.g inspec- tion" D o FR.4}~T.'Ir;: l"fu:;t:;e rec;u.2ated .t;.f-=er approv~Z of ro~qh ;Z~~i~.q, aZectr<':- cal j ~ecr.anicaZ. AZZ rooj:./".q bracirq ~ chi,nn~us, et~. ,~~ac be . cOmPZe,;cd. ,'10 ';'r'<. is to :;,z con- , cec:~ed :<n;;iZ this ir.8pec::{.en ;-.as 'been mada enc approved. D INSULATION/VAPOR ;:!,4RRE.'? I.'!SPE'C'!'ICN: To be made after alZ insuZatwn 1I!"4 reauired varor ~arriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum be~c or uxzZl covering is c:ppEed, a/"4 before any insuZation is conceaZec. Dc!.!OLITION OR ;'.!DV:;; 3UILDIiiCS I SanitaI"d se'Jer cap;;ed at pr?p;;rt':f Zir:e ~ Septic tank p~~~d and f:.ZZad with ~ra_eZ I Pind - ./hen c0cve ite;::s rre cc,,?Zeted ~ and when i&~cl~tion is cQ~Zete or st~~~- ture moved ar~ Fr~;sas cZ~aned :<;;. , Mobi La HC;71es =:J =:J ~ BZocking ar4 Set-:<p ?Zum0ing connections s~er c:r.c uJc.=ar o DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made ajter aU c.z..dz.:aU is in place, but prior to c.ny ~aping. EZectr<:cal Connection - BZocki~~, set-~? ana oL.umbinc conr:ections m-.,,;.st te c:n;raoz.:ec be;o~c requ~st~ng eZec=ri~al ins?e~~io~ Zocation, bond or verticc.ls in U.B.C. Section AP.';'OtV: Att~r forms pr";or to pC'",ri~.q D SIDEYALK d DRI~'E.iAY: For aZZ ccn- crer:e ;;avirq wi;;h~n street right- of-~y, to be mada afte~ aZZ e=ca- vatinq ccmpZete & fo~ ~rk ~ 3ub- base mcterial in ?la~e. ~ Ac=eF3qL~ 3uiZ~:r~ I FinaZ - Aft~r ?~rch.as, ~ ate., are ccm?Za;~d. skirt-;,ng, deCi<3, o ~~NCg: ~~en comDl~te -- Provide gat:as or movabZe~ aacticns through P.U.::. D AlZ project ~onc~=~ons, JUC~ cs ~he {ns=aLZa=~on oj s:raet :rGes, ~~.~~a~~Qn of t~ required Zandsccpir.g, etc., .77US t oe satisfied b.c./ore the 3UILDI::G :'I;','AL =::n =e !'2C{J.:2S c.2d. CJ, FINAL PWX3I:/G D. FDAC :.!E::.'fA.'lICAL o PI4'1AL ZLEC':.9IC/"~ o ,.--..., :---1 o PI.'iAL 3UnDING: ~ZeccrieaZ, and The Finc.Z 3uiZdi~q :ns~ection ,~st oe reauested ~fter /.!ecr.ar.-:,cc.Z Ir.speccicna ~vc been made ar.d' ::.pprav.zd.~. the ::.r~Z PZ~bir~ 'Au:. N-,,','EiCLES AND CLEANO!)'!':: !!UST BE .J.C::ESSIB!.2, .J.[),jUS-:,'~2::'!' TO BE :,~~i)2 ,"1' ,','0 :;::S7' TO crT'! I "~,.,, of ~ JO B NO, ?=qe 2 l-CO G~ SOL A RAe C E S S R E Q,- :'":!De/Cor'-sr:: 2gcir?o~s: , I 2nera!J Sou!,,~qS J I ,':ea-c ! I ;/at-e"!' ,~'f;C"=8!' I I .:1anqfJ I I .:'i reD ic.ce ' I Wooa-~to~a I T:.;'C~ !:7a: I Lot Sq. ltg. I !~ ~f !~: :~e~=~~ I . ! ,'i of 5toz-.:es I ~ . 1 :r ' . l.o...a... ...at.cn: i - I Tcpogra;;hy I 1[7'2.'1 I ',fain !':~c:ce SQ. ..:'TIJ ! :..tr==l"~ I. I .-i.C~e33~"!"~ I I i I Is. D. C. 1.5 = ! 7'OT,-1L. :'ALvr ( :Jc.~U{;) EuiZding Pem:"'~: State Surch~ge To~a l Cr.a:oges r:c~.J.=:::'''''..c".J '~l"Y...l:;: [."'''" -7'..r:;:;o \"IJ. .. __ oJ Ir.tertor Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac X I"alue ,I I I J I I !. I J I I':':;,\f 1'/0. I . -- C2ARCS I :i-~..;:res I I .. . 1 (Z bc:th) I i .'?es-U::271tuz~ i Sc:ni t:z'!"j Se-,,;er I I ;;c:~e!' I. Pt:unbir'.g Perrr:i t State Surcr.a?]e I Tota! Ch.arces I k 12[.'1 · .'iO. I . -~ CliA.RGE I 1.ges. Sa. ftC!. I N~/~-tend Cir~~its I I Tempcrc:ry Ser>.Jice I ,I I I I E:lectricat Periri t State Surcfzar<::e Total c;,Ln'ces 1:7':;,'1 I ;;t]. I "'':''~ C!f,JJiCE: F~...::c1€ ETU'S I I 2=haz.:s t Hood I I Vent Fan I I I ;;:,odsto;;e I f Pe!'r!'t'i.t Is=ce .'1e::;..anicaZ Permi t State Su.rc~e '!'o~,::Z ~.cr'YP:J -- Z.VC~::CACH;~:~:r:' I", .... D . ,~e~~!"__u 2~Cs~t I Storo:!qe "'~a~71t~r~e I p '.. . _ crr.t'!,.... TotaZ CllCr':"es Curb~~= J Side:,;a Z~ I" i ~.q~e j 2l~c'Cl'-:.cal r~eZ , i .\fooi l~ H:;me "~~.uJ I ~O"" r 'l'OU"T DU'" k \ _ .l"\oJ 1'\4..1 ,,-,. . ...... 0 U I I I I I I I I I I /o~ f ~(U) ~ l) I Ish 0 l k I I I ! I r · 3/C,{ 0 z:.ot :~ces - Setca~,v..s , 2.::'. IlIcrth cast Sou. th jiVest I ::~'''e c.V'.....~ I I I I Cc:rc:ae I . , I I' I 1..:i':Jcess. i I I I Fees Building Va'lue & Perm i t This permit is granted on the express ~ondi=ion that the said.const'!"~c,;ion shall, in all respects, ~onfcr.n to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SprinafieZd, {,nc~uding the Zonina Crd:nance, l'8oul.c.tir'"a ti1e CCY!str:lct:'Cr: and ,.u;~ of buiZdings, an.d m::y be~ aus-penaed or r~vckec ~t cr.'d t:'.718 upon uic- Zaticn of ~y provisions of said Ordir.ances. Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Receipt #: I",' , t~~gnea: Plumbing Permit No person shall ConS~Act, instalZ, aZter 01' change any r~W or e=isting plumbing 01' drainage syste~ in ~hole 01' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e=cept tr4t a person may do plumbing ~ork to properPd which is ow~ed, leased or operc:ted by the apPL.i- cant. ,/ Electrical Permit Where State Lc::hJ requires tr4t the etectrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contrc:ctor. Mechanical PermH P lc:n 2=(;;rn net' l}ar:e I HAVE: CAREFULLY EXA.'1INE:D the compZeted application {ot' permit, c::nd do hereby certify that atl info:omation hereon is true ard ~orrec=, ar.i I f.a>";r.er certifii that any c.r'.d an c,:ork per;'o-=ed shall be done in accor- dance ~th the Ordinar.ces of the City of S9rn~ngfield, and the L~~3 of the State of Orecon D$r~inina to the work descr~bcd herein, ar.d that NO OCCU- PANCY wil: b~ made of any' 3tr~ctura without 93rmis3ion of the EuiZdir.g Di- vision. I further ~ertify th~t o~ly acntra=tors ~~d ~l~yees Wr~ are in c~pZiance with CRS 701.055 will be used en this project ~.~4f.llk,,'I~/g'~ A . _