HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-2-23 .. RESID'T~AL" COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Sui Zding Division 726-3753 fOb lcc~tion: ASGS880rS Map ; J '7 (p J- Ra. il1 h.+.n 11- tJ "),~ 2. 7~ '3 J Subdivision: Q "'-'.---- Tc:J:l.ot# /)()II~ kll~ J.la~ n'''A ~ 10;.. hA~J /)~. r 10000r: SU Sa.. ~.~ AddN.3: 17 (. 2. "., 0 ~. City: ~.J , ", Q,,~., n Addition nRlI11fOdd . n Habila Rama Dat. of AppLication X :2. -.2 3 - 8'J...... ') c> Phons: '"/)- 0 ff. /., Zip: '171{ 7, x~ ~~ Duarib. Work: :.:ontraCtor8 Gen#raL PLumbing tlscmcaZ '- :.lsclrar.;.c:.L I'I-'t< '---'-" Construction t.endat ~ VaLu. \( J.~ ~* .RCC~{.,tl 5'iS \ \ ( ) AddrU8 ~s.~o \ CJU s~c:A( ~ Dats: ".,J!l h,.;.I~. X' 7 1\ ' Liso.1I Eroircs '-" Phone It is :h.s t"fIsp07tl1ibit.i.ty of tM pnmit hDl..d.J- to 8.. t:1u:t all inspections are r:rad4 at :hs prcpao time, that cc.ch .::ddr.88 is rcad.::.bl", fr'otrr tM ._et, and that tM penrrit =od is L-'Cated at eM frcnt of the prop...ty. -9ui.1.ding o-;ui::iot-: approvsd ~Lan shell. l'CJJIa'in on t~ Building Sit~ at aLL t:imss. P!WCrrJTJ!?E FOR .l11,;)c-r.l...J.rOH ~01lEST: Call..1 (.zacccrdltrJ stat. !:Jour City 34Signat.d iob mor.bc, job addzocss, type of in3?8CtiC71 1"6qUf'!stlld ar.a w.~ you :.n:z;z. b. ready for inapect".:on, Contractors or CUwrs na:me a:nd phcna nwnba. RSqtU8t8 r.caived bejeN 7:00 a::7 -lJf.ll.b.L~__dt:y.-~tB.mr::de.aft~~,-OO "",."";LL.bs modtI tM =t '-"'rki.ng. day. r_ City Deftgrrated .ob _.: Is: ~() \ SCO P"''''W~t''''d.. r,.~p..-H~, 0" SITS INSPEC':'10N: To b. 11I2d. aft.,. __"'_"':"". but pMcl" tc ..t' up of f07ffftl. '0 1f!{IJERSLAB PWMBIl/G. ELEt:TRICAL & MECHANICAL: To ba 11r:11U bafera cury wrlc is .:otJared. o o FOOTrNG ! FOUNDATIC."I: To b. nr:za.. aftR' CNnchss ara _..__...I and ferms aN "aceed. bue pM.ar to pcwring -..,,~-. .....~. UNDE:FlGROU!~D PLUM!JINGL S~. W.1TER, DRAINAGE: To bll nr:z.:u pri.er to fii.- l.ir..g trfmc!ta8. o 1!IIDIJRnoOR PW/.f!lING & .!fEcrlANICAL: To b. na:uta p:rl.or to ~n3ta l. lanon of j7.ool" insul.c:t'Wn or <ucJd.ng. POST AND BEAM: To be made proi.mo to instal.l..:t1.cn af f1.oor i11Sl.oLarian decki.ng. rf(J!l'!fl. P!.lr.!8I,"P.' ~EC'f'q!CA!. ,i MECH- ANICA.L: No ~r/( is to QC ca~G!'cd ur.r:i 1. thoBII inspflo:ions havll bQ'cm mads and approv~. . FIP.EPUCE: PM.ar to placir..g far:i.rr.g mctr:ari.al.s and bej'erfl frartri.ng i.nspeo- :ior:.. o o o o F'RA1-~ryG: ,'1uat bfl rflqwlDtsd aftsr '4:"Y. ......L of MUgh plwr.bing. al.Q'ctM.- cal. d :r.acharti.:u:L. ALZ t'Oofing brar:i.ng ~ chi.mPtcys, Q't.:. nr.at b. camrJLlltad. ;'10 r..t:lr1c is to be con- cec.itZd until thio insl'Bcticn has b..n modtI and "f111Z'OVed. O INSl/C.ATIONIV4MR BARRIER rNSP!:C':'IOH: To b. nua. afta- aLl. inBIlL..-ti.,:m and roaqv:..zwd vapOI" l:~ azo. in place but befere any lath, gypt1Um board or 1Jatl. covtlr'ing is appz.i.4l'd# a:J'fd batON any inaul.ation is ccmc4l'al.4d. O OR'!IIALL IIISPECTTON: To be modtI aft~ al.l. ~z.z. is in pLaC8, but pl'i.or to <my taping. O MASON1/!: SteeL /,acation, bortd beam::r, gr'OUting OI" veticats in a~_~w ...~8 :..rith (J. B. C. Ssation 24 .... Aft... instaLlation is I DDfO:.ITrO.'1 OR ,'1Ot7' ~r.;.I.JJ.._..I.;;s ] CURB d APP.WAC11 AP,DJ)N: Afttr:' forma :IN sreatsd bu.t pMor to pouring .J07L...""rfIu. O SIDEWALK f DRIVEWAY: Fer all con- crete paving r.nthin streor: right- af-r,clh to be ma:isI aft8%" aLZ. uca- vating CcmpLstfl d form wrk f zub- bass rrr::tmaZ in pla::s. o o rggg,: ""." oomp L<;t. -- I"1'wi.de gar:ss or .77OVablll sscr:icns through P.U.;;. :J San1.:tJ:rJi 8tAJU ::c;pee. ::t r..._v~'1"'t":i lir.s ::J S.ptl;;: tank ;r.ompcd a:-~ r:,'L'Zad :.-it.h ;ra:Jel :J Final - .IlIum c:.OavQ' i.t~8 are ca..~rpl.tBd - ar.d wJum :!cr.lC~itiar:. ia crr.r:L42':J ar strua. turs r.tOVlId ar.d prc:ri348 a Z..ansi up. I Nobi. Ls Hems. =:J Bl.ooki.ng and SBt-"P =:J Plumbing conn,atians .- 8aJel' =nd !Ja~ar --, Elt:etricc.L CCn7tacticn - Bz.:,ck-:.r.; ~ Bet-up --.J and plumbing ~scticna r.:",.3t .:e a;??zoovsci bQ'forc req:us:-:'ng alQ';J:ri.cai. -:.r.spflc::ion ::J Acc8Bao'1'&' Sui :.ding :J Fin.::L - I:.ft.r.?:Jrc.."r.fls, s~n:in;, d.s:;ks, Gte. azoe c""P:.~t::a. o ALZ. prejsat condi-:ians, sue!: as the -:'ns~L~.:on of 8:Net :rus, C"~t~:i.:rn of :iut rcqui't'fld l.andscqnr..g# ~tc. # must. bQ' satisfiod bofore tJ-.. BlJILCI.-;:; FZ::AL =::n :a rlquflst3d. o PIllAr. Pr.1JMBING o FINAL :IITHANICAL o ?IIVAL E!ECTRICI.L o o J'INAL BUnDINC: ThB FinaL BuiZding 111specticm must ba requQ'at.:! al":U' ;r.e .r'inal ?!.:.ur.bin.; F:ZGcmaaL# and .'!schtzr:o:.caL Inspecr:umD kava barm made and approv~d. .ALL MAl/HOLES AIID CLEAflOUTS HUS! BE AC::ESSIlJLE, ADJU$TUEN'! ':0 SE MADE '..:T NO COS: Ta -:I'!'! I F;;;s of 2 _I IJob Nwnber: ; ; Zona: ~()\8. OCCUlXl1l.CtI Group: ! Lot Sq. Ft;;. ~:: ~ f 'lot C~verag;; t # of Storiee f Total. Hsight !Topography i lITEM I iJ.Jain I Ga:raaa SQ.FTG Caroort ACCBssoru I Is.D.c. TOTAL VALUE 1.5 x fVC/"UC) Buildi7lfl Perrm.t State Surcharge Total CIra:oge. I ITEM NO. I Fizturss I Re.idsntia! (1 bath) Isanitaru S61.IJsr I Water I P!WIIbi7lfl Perrm. t Stats 5W'cr.a.rgs Total Charoes 'ITEM i NO'1 FEE Res. So. rta. NaJlF::J:t871Ji Circui to I I Temporary Ssrvics I I EZe~trictlZ Permit Stats SW'ahtrfoae Tota Z Chara98 lITEM I F"urn::ce eTU'S I E=haust Hood. I Vent Fan I Woodstove NC. permit 13suanca Mechanic::l Permit Stat9 Surcharae TfJtnl. Charr.rnn I -- ENCROACHI.fEIIT -- SeCT..lritu Daoosit I Stor"aqe I Maintenance I Permit I i eurbcut Total. Charoocs side.>a!k Pen::s el.sotrical. Label Mobi ls HClmB I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:- LOT TYI'E x FEE FSE Interior Corner" Panhand!e Cut-de-sac Value CHARGE I I j I I I I I I j CHARGE CllARCE Page 2 Referer.ce Nwncers: . L-COC #: T:.Jpe/Cor.st: BedPooms: I I Enerau SO'.aoces I I iieat I I W01;R'1' tlpft1;p." I I R(inqe' I j FireD Lace I t-- WoodStove r-IJve I I I -1 I Lot Face. - I Setback. I P. L. I House Ca:rape !North: I lEast ISouth i IWeet I I Access. I I I I ..- Faes Building Value & Permit This peI'mit ia granted on ths e:r:prss8 condition that ths said construation. shaU, in all. '1'espects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the Ci"ty of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regul.ating the constructicn and use of buitdings, and m:zy be suspendsd or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. , - I I I I- I I I I I I I I ,- IPlan Check Fee: Ivate Paid: I Receipt ,~: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shaH construct, instaH, a'lteT or changs any n6zJ or existing pZumbing Or" drainage system in whets or in part~ unLess such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's Ucense~ e:J:Cspt that a person may do p!umbing "",rk to property which i. owned, teased or operated by the appli- """t. Elect~J~1 Permi t Where State LazJ '1'squirea tr.at the eLectrical tJOrk be dons by an KWcm.cal Contractor, tits eLectrical. portion of this permit shatt roOt be vaLid until the labe! has been .igned by the E!ectrica! Conmwtor. I - Mechanical Permit I I I I I I- I I I Plan Ext::nnnBr Utlt;B ,- I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further CB2"tify that any ar.d aU work peIffor:1Jsd shall be done in accor- dance with the Ordinance. of the City of Springfield, and the La:Je of tho State of Oreg~n pzrtaining to the work describod herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY IJJiH be r:r:zde of any structura U1ithout parm1.ssion of the Building Di- vision. I furth6'1' certify that fr.'lly contractors and e:rrpl"oyees who are in aompz'iance with ORB 701.055 liJil,l, be used on this pI"ojsct A~ ~ r1 1-1 ~-..- ~ -~ 3 -t;:L Date I - Signed