HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-5-7 . .. RESIDENTIAL" COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT - SPRINGFIElD 225 North 5th Street . ' Springfiel.d, Oregon 97477 Buil.ding Division 726-3753 /ob Loc~tian: I'1D"I Ra \ V\ h~\'Y \..onp- Asassaora Map # I 7 6 '3 d- 7 l-{:;L .. .- SUbdivision: _or: PM(.(<;t\\,\ I t>1\\\o.,..\11<; AddrsS3: l7D q Aa /(J h,., IVO bJ ()1/J , C!ty: c:::~....""~F"o'~ [!] n n n ~pr;ngf.iolrl TaLat' 6050 ( Plums: '1l0~ f/f716 Zi~: Q7/.77 ,VmJ I DuCZ"tb. Work: Install Solar Resources, Int'l. Mark Domestic Solar Hot Water System. Additicn RBmDdd ,~!obiliJ .rlam(l DIrt. of Applicaticn r.;ontractcrs VaZus ca;, G61UU'l:ll Plumbing CPD <;dbrlR~':;(\Jn:es .::r..v, Doue Richards Plumbine Adlboll88 ,~I~l\ f+a'';,~ R.d EtsctM.cat :'Isohar.i.=l Construction LDIdsr . Rcclti~r; " ~qoo~'. ~rJ, IV ) Liao.N 3"1;2;72- 20-162TB f E:::a:rcs 3!V3 3i83 Phone 0f'ir-Cf,:((~ 688-3385 It is :hs respcmaibili.ty of tlw pcmit haZdllZ" to s.. :hat aU inspeotions ar. mad4 at =hs Frct'a- t'imc~ tr.at ~h ;:ddruo is rG'a:a.;!. , fram tluo strs.t, and that tluo p_t card is !..>catad at tiuJ front of tluo propsrty. 'Suilding Oiviaior. crpprwad plan shalZ ~-'" an ,~?! Building Sit. at olt time.. JOlL,'~"'", 1 t"it...,....:.uu'P.E F'OR J."J~t:."'J..roN 8E..QuES7': Can. l f. C:rccozodirrJ stat. your City .usign.rrt:fJd J'ob rrwr.be, job addrcS8, typ. of in3pacticn . reque8ted ar.d w....m you l,11;H b. ready fOl" inspoct-.:cn" Contractczo8 JZO o.m.rs ncms and phcM number. Rflqus8tB recei;.:sd beterfl 7:00 a:: . :.oill be mda the sam. dt::rJ. roquasts mc:d.a aft= 7:00 "'" loIill b. mda tluo """'" ;,;orki... day. Q DrJU SCLJ . O ~CE: """" aomp~t. -- PrwiC.. FRA.."1.D1C: Mu3: b. rflqtUl3tm af'f:fIr .. _._l..' ... ...It.......'....h 'f h "..-1.. .,. ga.... or '1U01VUO". s6C..icns ...~"'~ ""'r':--........" 0 1'OfJ.g pwur.J;l1.ng" a"QC'tr"t- P.U.E. o:zL d .'1:8ehan~L. AU l"Oofi7tg % bracing ~ Chi.mn.cyB1 .t.::. m:.os~ b. (f)/ b' ~ aamoLstcd. .'10 r>>rk is to b. C01'l- 'r esciad Wltil .hia i7180seticn hcs UlV\ i VI b."" mc:d.a and approved. ~"""'tJf~,i.., r"r"''''''''~~ . 0: SITE INSP!C':'IO,V: To b. nflIIi4 aft.,. cccauan.:m. but: PM.ClI to _4ft up of forma. '0 UND!RSt.AB PU'NBrNC, E!EC'1"RICAl I ,l!ECHA:1ICAl.: To be ~ o.tore r:D'qJ work is .zwared. o rooTING ~ POUNDATION: To bs mda aftar trenchos are CaaDated and forms aN__ .........=. but pf"iara to pcuri.ng ccncret.. o D D o o o U.\'DE:RGROU.'iJD PWMSINC. SE:fIER. V.iTE:'?, D.ruINAGE: To bil rrrJ:ilI pn.or to t'f.L- Li.r.g trencMS. lJllDE.T:rFroOR PLUNgING & UFC!lANICAL: To be rrnde prt.Oz- to inataz..z.at1.On of floor insuk:tion 0'" decking. POST AND BEAM: To~. made pM.or to 'i.nstaLl.att.cn of f1.oora inBL:Z4tion 02" dBeking. :t?O'-''i!1 ?!.JIHBI.'1..ti. ;r.ECTR.!CA!. J MECH- ANICAL: 110 :.)ark is to be COt:flZ08d w:til. those insp.e:i070.a hav. b.m:. mds and app'rOV..:!. FI!L1:1'LACE: Prior to pLt:cir.g feeing mc:t.ri.az..s and before framing inspec- tior.. rauzo City D._~'#......,...J Job Numbco Is: O INSULATIort/VAPOR BARRrER '[.'lSPJC':ION: To be nr::uJ.. aftsr aLL i.Mu.l.:I'tWn Gt"Ut 'NqV":.Nd t1apc2' b...... ,~...~ '_ are in p lac. but bafer. ""y lath. gyp.... beard or wzz. oovlIZ"ing i.s appl.i4d" cmd before any i.nsuLation i8 CC1ICfItl.l.<<i. O DRYWALL I11SPECT:!ON: To b. mda aftu aU. ~L1. is in pLaC8. but pl"ior '0 ""Y taping. O HASONRY: S..sl lccaticn. band bQC:Dft3. g'l"CU:ing or t.llllrti.c.c:l.s in a...~. IJith U.B.C. S.atim1 241~. D :.KJODSTO'I'E: Aftw instaLZation is ccmp~.kd. O CIIRB .c A!'PROAC1{ AP,f?ON: Aftlit' forms :Jr8 41r.cesd bu.t p1""".:or to pouring .xm...""7'8t.. O SIDEWALK & iJRrIE"JAY: Fer aU. emI- eree. par.rl.ng lJ'ithin streQ't Z"i.ght- of-r.x;yJ :0 be mads af~w aH e:eca- lJa'ting ccrrrpl.ilt. & tom fJO'rk & ~ub- ba:ss matmal in ?La::s. DEMO:JTION OR .\lOt'!" 3UIL::.'lCS :::J Sam.:azoy saJlI1' x:;pei ='t r:oP~' Zir.4 :J Sspt'i..;: tank p-..mrped a:-L f';l.:~ :.:ith ;ra:u,L ::J Final .. .Ilh~ aD...."'V. i::::TS are cC"~fplQtBd . ar.d whlln dsr.tC~i't"";or. i4 c~l.:, 02" atruC. tur. moufld and ?z-cri.:JeS ~z..a1t~ up. Mobil. Hcmss :::J Blocking and Sst-:A.P ~ Plumbing connsetiana -- swer end water :::J EZcctrica~ ccnnect~ ... Bl~ck-:.:.;. Bet-up. and pLumln.ng .zom:ect~ns r.:".J.3t ;. c7?~'ea bsfC"l'c reqtUst'ing eL..J:M.cai. ~r.sp.c-=io:1 :::J Ac:.saor':t' Sui :.:::.~ , ] Fin.::.l - Aft~r.?::n'c.r..s. s~rtin;. d.scks. .tc. al"e camp:..t~a. o ALl. p-ejea't conditi.on8~ sue.1: as tM instalZat::on of s:ra.t trus. cC:':':p!.;!:i.;m of :iUI requi1"8d landsccpi.r.g. G:tc." 17lUSt b. sat-;sfi.ati. bofo'!'. :r.. BUIU!.":C FI:"AL :::m =s 1"!lqtles'C3d. W nllAL PWMIlII/G o nVAL ,~NICAL o ?I,VAL ~U:CTRICAL o o PINAL BanDINC: The Fwl. Bui.ld~ng !nsp6etion must bo requcatc:! af~ar :i-.. ~r;oina.L ?~ur.:!Ji.n; EZlict't'iaaL. and .'!f1cirar.1.caL Insp6ctumo havo been ;ncu;iQ and approvBd. ttALL MAl/HOLES AND CLEAllOUTS UUS'! BE AC:ESSIOLE~ riDJUS'nfEflT ':'0 BE M/IDE :1T NO COS; TO .;r:y I F;;;o oj" Z . -,\ IJOb llumbcr: ! Zona: I jLot Sq. Ft:;. ~ ~ "l lot Caverag& l,~ of Stori.. ! Total Hoight 1J..,t''':J.~hy ; . Occu:pancu Group: WT TYPE Interior Corner PanJumdl. Cut-de-saa lITEU I i:'kIin I I Gcraae I CaJ"'t)Ort I ACC8SSOMJ SQ.FTG TOTAL VALUE Is.D.C. f1X!l.ueJ 1.5 :r: Building Permit Stat. Suroharg. Total Ch=g.. lITEM I Fi:rtul'SB I R.oid8ntial (1 bath) I Sanitary SewS1' I:watert I NO. I PI:mUn:ng Pom:it State Szaocr..arge Total Chaross 11TEJJ NO'1 I Rl!8. Sa. 'ta. I N"",/E:t:1;tmd Circui t. I I Ter.rpo~ Service I I I Electrical Perrrriti, Stats SurCharQ8 Total C'harcS8 l.1.7S!.f I F'urPu:ae ETU' 5 I Exhaust Hood i Vent Fan I WOOdstOV8 Permit 13suanca Mechar.ic::z.Z permit State SUrchara~ 7'n"tn I CharatW ENCROACHMENT -- S~~rit~ D$POsit S1;ora.gs }.1aint~e Pon1!i t Total C1lal"Ol18 I Curbcu. I Side=lk IF~8 I Elsc'tma 1. l4b8l I Mobile nania I I I TOTAL AMOUNT OUE:- x 1 FEE I " nn I I I I I I I I FEE: I/O., I I I I FSE Value :;,cyQ I .201 b,l.O I- CHARGE " nn ';_00 ,20 ';,20 CHARGE: CllARCE ,~: 10,40 Pag. 2 Reff)rer.ce Numbers: . L-COG #: Type/Cor.st: Bedrooms: I Lot Faaes - I I P.L. INorth lEast ISouth Iw..t ~ Eneroqy SOUJ"C8S I I Heat Access. I I Watep ~~ntp.~ I I Rang. I I I Fireo lao. I L~ WOod3tove 1,-1 T'..lDe Setbacks House Caraqe Fees Building Value & Permit This perrrr'~t io granted on the express condition that tha said construction" shaLl, in an respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpringfieZd, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the oonstruction and use of buHdings, and may be suspended or rwoked at c::ny t-:.mB upon vio- lation of CUlY provisiona of said Ordir.ances. . Iplan Check Fee: Date Pa-:.d: IReaeipt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person chaH construot, install, aLter or change any netJ or msting plumbing 01' drainage system in whole 01' in part, unless suoh person is tha legal possessor of a valid plumber's UCen8S, e.:cept that a psrson may do pZwnbing IoJ/)rk to prop.rty ",/riah i. OloI7Ied, loased or op.rated by tho appZi- "oant. " I ,- I I I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I- I Electl1c;:gl Permit fihsroe State LaLJ requires tr.at the elsctrical work be dons by an El4lctrical Contractor, ths el6ctrical portion of this permit shall roOt be valid wr.til the label has besn signed by ths Electrical Contractor. Mecha nical Permit Plan Eza:mt.ner u,,,,. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths oompleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that all. information hereon is true and correct, and I f.uotr.el' certify that any ar.d aU /Jork perfornled shall be do~e in ac~ol'- dance with the Ordinances of the city of SpringfieZd, and the La:.Js of the State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY UJill be rrnde of any structure without parmission of the BuiZding Di- vision. I fW'ther certify that (Y.1l.y contractors and e:rrpl.oyse8 who are in compl.iance with ORS 701.055 will. be used on this fll'oject ~,~W\ 5-7-82- . SignadV Dat. / . . :lliSyGAl..V, }411 lSoL.r, r " . , quI' vYlAlt~ 'riJ A LV M, Fl?-/lMl! _i(}!.-., / , 1,' \,1- ~-~ WASH&!./ :'J ~SSALIlNr i' C'~ J , ' .. ~ I ,~, 'Nolc:.' ___oft" AL.l.... pAfl.rS ~Al..\I. CYL. Al..\)M IN v,;.. , ' ",: , . .,,,' ,'I '. \ CPO SOL.AI'L' Q.E,>Ot)(2..c..es,; Too{PlC.A~ a...COF- MOVNJ' " ill . ALUM. IYl,.* "N~U: In.M ~.;( xl.f PI2.ES. I\1.D'\T2,') O'f\.. ceo I'rfL , , _ (l..CO~INC:, , , ~ :$'IHt' "", 't-" ~ (tp., f\E'fl.- 0Yl- "S -m V c.\\) 1L."n- W\ Sl'Y\ G>E:'n- l\lO~; Fr'2.AMC:: e,a.I\C.\NW ~ LE"Co S; '3/,+'" EM T 12.\ Db l V L...GW DV r\ vi' 11> 4- '. A-(J;,IJ'JI:. 4-' I LEc" S III- I, It UJ No . c::; m \J c...:rv tl-i\L 'f'liIJ(;Lf. I fl.\) l'-i l.0 I il \- ~\ Ca..C~ '8.'2ACiN , -z;. /81- K. V' c.- (, ALV)\N I '2E"O :> fEEL CC><..L. FRAMe. Tf:.OJlR. GLA c'lUt!i Al..lJ'V1,,,jJ2t:D M.fLA;e. ~tZ.rf...E..~ro~ . - Ccu.e.<:TeI!. .. .. :5cPi'L( LINE ".'" (cct't'C1Z. ro,~^,,,) , . 1\ l35c>I<BeR P,Pe: _ 'oNArF:Yl-/ ?,1.cP. (,,-yCO'- MIi(YUe", ;... ~ A - CCLL SEM:>cia.. LA rA"~ :>8'J~ I DIFF. I ~ CONr-Q.ot... I . \!.cu..e:.rc~ 1} ReTtJ.'lAJ i.-IJJE c:.cu:> ~rt12. ,,,, i <:HE:tl/- --.:'~. 4' P..lZe.,a "^'-'" - t o.-...~ J.rE ~.t "AW.zs -J L='- u~~ Sc~AR S,cI2AGE rANK.. {NO \ AV,Iot.tAItI . ~ ~ r\..CoW REsm~TE.'il US vA-Co ?~a. ?u~~ ~6 6 {- *' n~~~:~~,- .I \ t "11A'';\ Flu.. ~ lltW", "Dcc&..E WALL /:>(p~:~ V.4<..ves HCYlr EXcHAAiGE1'2. Her vv,ven " lQur ; r;;",pEJ2J"''' _~ VAL.'IIe. I if! , , OiP rrul3€ I ?/Y R€\.JO" I VAUle: . {ElO""""') , ....E:XJ5T7-"''"' ! ColiS 02. ElEZ<. . .:.. AIC~ H0\"TEl'!. 1t1lAl "-'en;: : I. N:>R.T"l(-:SOU~ mA'_I(.ltJ<;, StI,,-,"N i~ CCNJE:>.> leNe. o,-.J'-'I 2. pvu~e. '\A-Nc(.. 'Sts~ \..,'s.€'O li".i~~ Onte:J1....W.SE ~n:.-:o . ... "', UST OF' PA12..tS ..,,, I So.<:AN MAt2.J<N CoUEtrot. - HI otwUi I S>r:.?Cc;.. e ~ eP!>/'J .z.,6.,..t;2,'L.O ~A: T1'VJL{e?J1 / rAce." oO~6 PLJ-""\p( 1lLJ--I'3/l.,AJ2~)-s.4.c...I.o,..r ~ I An?i72",- ~AJ'J$'C.", m~;c.(",z C((....AL} I w-tITS- 4/oA rL/'1PC72I.NC 1/.~LUE("/Z.E"q"AL.) I v~A--rrs - Ice >0. L 1/'" R.ewt..-P vA,-"t (ntw,L.- al2 Eq.) I """'.1r?"S _ PIlEs.s~'IZ(; 1Zt:,-Ue:F V'A'VL(:a:CL"I1''''ItG40~) I .sW.AJ' - c:.H~'K. VAL.II,i (,t3JZ(,olJllf!.) I 1";~lJ'C1'J~8Nr CN~-n.~y C-3c.- 0,,:,, C~j,?1C4... F 8~(;i4J at!' c;Are- 1I,<tL.v,E ~ yt.... s~,z. ,-"p(MA~ 13t:) 3 b/lCi(;2c t>/ZA"lAI VAL.V"S> ....II'/"SF (C,JoW (u:V~ 'al.) /.! ...... _ 1" fL."t171- ~ ~/Z.t,;~J u;. -4 n. Y" ALV,e:s --. OdW t 5JZe. rz. ~;tnH ) _ it wAI'O'L J 1't<()P. ~L.--I<.ot- /wI C-v/Z.I21.:SJO"u J AI /lJlJ 1/"ZIo't ~ VI. J:.'Z.. ~'t- T'fI':L M or: Co c:.c/1~02 T't.13I",,~ J:f At2.m.;fFLI:x ;.. Y4. "/.I.i$4.'....AnCN (fl. ~r/l.. ~ ntoz",t;. C~!"'r't.c: ~,-t>. .,,;)c-I'\f.so~s. A MIS" ~ c.;;;.PI'~ rlrnAJG..s. S<..Loct ere. j rifZ:I/ rLIJw 1"'1ETE'fZ.. (V'....IZ.JC~:~ .5..,,~'t/0z~) . I ~t..C;VV ~....rn..ic.n;:.'2. (. vA/'ZJtl'-6 P}/;"TdCVS, :S"vI'PLIO?') ~ g"! A...rCYLNArE. l:S pO.~" rc. ~O Dw,-o/~ ;7. PlZoP, G>L-y'CO l- (1I"'-",<1I') 33 <,Ill 150 bO I FI2~C:2IN" Pol"" (oF) D -1l.1-3Y'b~ ~ paaTE.C.f76/'J n. & p(2()t;;Orn ,e io~;= 13.E1-0w J-CwEST I2.ECc.I2r!Jeo re:.I11f't:,:nArtJ/tE. SOLCA N - CLOSE D LmP SISiEN\ o i ST rt.f.X-'rW 61" c. Po 'SOVl R... ((.ES::-o,'1. Ll:S./ 110/0 tvluA G.lI..(.Gl'lc --, , -m------c:u6i:iV/:.-c,-'Z.e-,---- ... SCALE; Nc,,",;: , PH'- ,,1::,{,,-002-1 ..-- .. . .~. ...:,.;...... .. Z-4' 'TU-VSS ,..,S c.. U'i &'("1"4-. ItEL.<.O 'Tll.~S~, ~ t=...-r4- z....~ I="Il2.e 1'~~6. Ir6~e:.~ I 1 CN<;~EI @. E-t\, S,I{)E N"'IL @. z." O.C. <;71'Gr6-S~E.D uN G"Ac.1ol ..IOS: / c..J N"'l.';" \"~ ~o~LM c...t"-NTI'- 5"1S~6t> TIZ-"S<;' E$ ",R"E A,f'Pr-ovE.O. . ..~ '.... , ~.., ',: ,.\J,~, ,; . ~. , /70'" 17/1 }2^'N13D~ (..001') ~'-:".'!_\).\J,,"'i-.., '_"'~'_r'__"""""'~' ...,_....~..... .__ _.~........__, .. ..~.:~::.~._............"..~...1, :t<\.: r ~ i PaR.. i ,''':" '.' I I SL.M.ER.. PAUL . BOIl..OER ; I ,"; t..~...,-,.._'"~,.__.,,~,.... .. "~'_"'"'' _.,.""~ _".,.,...._.. ,__...."....,.,.; ,.'" I '}' .~. i.:i:~..~ ~.: Df':(i;l. ~ 2h'::~~i.: NOA.J~ ~J.~'i~ II-Z'-n L..' 3r;'~. :.~. I' ~; .....'~ .."._,:r...............~,~iJ..,....... ,.....N-.:.>.".~._...""'_..,...;...-"-........m.-._....\,, "'.\. _ ......._;..._......_....'-' _..-.........._.....,...._,,.......___......._...... ........._.............., ~........_-:';....... ,.....,.........,.,;lI..-........ 1j,:ik';((~~!'(;J..~ J;Ji, a 41,,'} << . i"lI '';' , . I' ,:.Ji'f H.;,;?' :'1 ' '::;~ 'p,~. ~ Jj~~t~\ {.' l"~ tw.... 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C. ,I-Hi. ~o~c.M c......NTtL.. 5 ,,/SIZ..e.t> T~\J$-s. E$ "'R-E ....,.-'...~~......~ ........-_~..."'''"'~...._.-._............._..~..~...-....,.....U"~......~:'2;'*.,........,~__;._'01'>."""''''''''''' ..... "'.. .'. ,-. ~_'o-"'o-"""., .'.~, ........ i, I I/ZUSS. '1'-~--" _. "-"'~--'-' ,'- f , . , . I' ~_"_........ ..~. ..... ~..r._~.' .~.. .. "'>O__~''''~''' _'" ~~"''''' ",'_1_ I FeR. ! . / , ~"'..,""""..........--....................._.,........" :i"~~J~ ...~,...."..~,. .... ......,~..... ......................._. ..... ........ .f~ -: :d' 0:1 ~:( ;'../-.' k IH;.~i.r NONe {.;.\-:'i' 1/- Z f:J- n i......."'.........-..-".....'I....o.,<;;h....J.~.04-~"""'~M4-"'.' ~ .......~..,~.;~....................,....~.. '.. _,.... . "'..___ ""<.~.......-~_...__..i.......:_....._.....,'_.. .. ....,_.......... . a~," l~....~:..'~)}.l.. :' ..v~'t~~~ '.... . II ~~ t.i ::9....:;<;\ rr:.. ~ ~..--' .--!~ l.I '4 "~~,~;;.l" f~' ~<r . ,,~" ''''~','-' :It: ~i t'l't.; ;j,~' ....-,- )'~a" /,:j.~Ji!i':b_' ,.... ~.:.< f!'~ I ,\ T l-" -, ,trJ. ~ ...... _ .' :.... - ,-,_ 'M '" i~" ' .""> .I',. . (~h:~')\.-. I;';'.~ l: .l~ .qif~' ~, f..\ -5 MOD,F/c:..^"T/ uN , 17 04 of 17/1 '2 ... "'oj 13 C IN t-oo P SL. M. E IC.. P Au '- - BI.,)H..OER ~'!::~. \:, .. " '. ....)'-0' u.u, l , -:" u,U. r - . . ~~:'~:~:~~.~: ,~.,.' '.' \"",'~j.l , ' ~. . ' 1 ..~:"'.._-";;~:....:~:....i ...