HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-6-16 Receipt ,~ :sq ,qi . .. RESIDENTIAL.. COMBINATION APPLICAXION/PEP.MIT - SPRINGFIELD ~ 225 North 5th Street . Spri1lflfield., Oregon 9?4?? ~~ BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: 4340 Aster Street Asaesaors Map.~ 17 - 02 - 32 - 31 Subdi1J'i.sion: Ta= Lot # 5100 OI.mer: Housing Authority & Community Services Agency of Lane County , A~es3:172 East 8th Avenue City: Eugene, OR n I I, I xxi - I I ,V""J Addi ticn Remodel Mobile tloml1 Date of Application - Contractors General 1) . -D 1 V"\ 0 ^ [, X'I "" so{ . PZumbing Phone: 687-4114 97401 Zip: Describe Work: Value $800.00 Address I ~ 4 () Tai'\..1.A..A. iJ vr~ i J. .1 .L) 'r .J .LC AJu... U EZeetrical Ne::har:ic::.l Construeticn Lender Building Permit 4 % Electrical Permit 4 % Mechanical Permit 4 % Electrical Label $ 8.00 .32 15.00 .60 17.50 .70 .20 $42'.32 lil Signed: Date: ;;~ l -Ie;.; .R1- Lise. # Er;;ir;!s Phone lf1frQ-l~ It is the zoesr;cnsibiZity of the permit holder to see that all inspeetions are made at the proper time, that each ::ddress is rea.::ab~e from tJua street, a7Id that the permit ea2'd is located at the front of the property. ~EuiZding DilJi::ion approved plan shall Y.;}.~;:'.31.tp~ha Building Sita at aZZ tUnss. PROCE:DURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST.: Call ~ C:roccoztdsrl state your City designated job nwrbezo, job addrcss, type of inspecticn - requested ar.d when you <JiZZ be ready fozo inspeetion, Ccntraetors 01' Ownsrs name a7Id phone numbC%'. Requests received before 7:00 a::r - ,-:',,",to,,. I>e rrmiit1isaanieacy-;-requ8sts mads aft~- 7: 00 am r.1i ZZ be--rrru1e the na:t :.JOrking day. ~~tJ !./9y " ~;u:~~i1-Dd r1'!8!Jl?etiC1ts ; 0: SITE INSPE~ION: To be I1UIi4 aft8l' , lU"cavan.:m, but prier tc 8e1: up of . forms. . '0, UNDERSLAB PWMFJING. ELECTRICAL & o MECHANICAL: To be mads before any - war k is ~ooezoed. :0 :D F"'..,()TING & FOUNDATION: To be IIrlde after trenches are lU"cavated and forms are erected, but prier to pouring C07lO%'et3. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING, SErIER. w'1TER. DRAINAGE: To be ma.::f.8 pri01' to fiZ- Ur.g trencJuas. ;0 U/lDERFLOOR l'Wft$flIG & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inatallation of fioor insulaticn or deeking. POST AND BEAM: To be made pri01' to installation of j7.001' insulation or decking. ROUGH Et~~~ IT.ECT.r:/ICAL & MECTl- .4NICAL: No :.lork is to DC covered ur:til these inspeerior.s halle been mads a7Id approve.::. ' FIREPLACE: Priozo to placir.g faeing materiaZs and before framing inspec- .... ~1.On. :0' :W :0' .~ PRANING: Must be requB3ted after approval of rough' plwr.bing. aZeetri- caZ & mechani.-:al. AlZ roofing braeing & ehiml'l;;ys, et.:. T1T'olSt be c::mroZetcd. .'10 work is to be con- oealed until this ins"ecticn has bsen made and ~!"t'.vf)ed. IOUZ' City Datri.gnated Job Number Is: I vvl INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To be rrru1e after aLl inBu1.ati.:m and requi.zoed lJap01' barri.ers are in p laea but before any lath, gypl1U1T/ board or ~lZ <XJlJering is applied, and befol's any insulation is concealed. I DRYWALL fllSPECTION: To be mads ---1 after all dzywalZ is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel Zocaticn, bond beama. grouting ozo lJertieal.$ in accordance with U.B.C. Seetion 2415. D WOODSTO'IE: Aft8l' installation is ccmpZeted. D CURB & APP.r:!OACH APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pouring .zon...'TEIta. D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all 0071- orete palling r.1ithin street right- of-way, to be mads aft8l' alZ exea- lJating oomplete & fOr:-:T work & <:ub- base mc:terial in plaae. D o ::ENC!: a'hen eompl..te -- Prooid.e gates or mooabZe sections through P.U.E. DEMOLITION OR !10tr::D 3UIL:::iCS :::J Sani ~ seuezo ::ar;ped =t ~op,!"I;-:i Zir.e :] Septi.:: tank p-.MTrped ar..; fiZZed :Jith gra-JeL --, Final - J,'hen c:bclJe it;e~s are o:::rroleted ~ ar.d when demoZitior. io oomplete or strue- ture molJed and prr:misiSs ~i-eane:i up. I Mobile Homes ~ BZoeking and Set-~p ~ PZumbing oonnections -- s~er =nd wa~er ---, EZectrical Connection - Bloekirq, set-up , -.,j a7Id plumbing aonr.eetu:ms m-olSt :8 a:??roved beforc requsstinq e7.ea::ricai- ir.spec~ion :], Aecesaol"d BuiZdinq --, FinaZ - Aft;;I'.?ore,r.es, sErtinq, de::ks, ~ etc. are oomp_et~a. o All project oonditions, such as tJua instalZat:ion of street trees, a~Z.Jticn of ;ite required Zandseapir.g, ete., must De satisfied befol'e tr,8 BUILlJ[;7G FI."!AL ::an ::e raquestad. - 0 FINAL PLUMBING . 0 FINAL ME(;HANICAL . W ?INAL ELECTRICAL ,0 @ PINAL BUILDINC: The FinaL Building Inspeetion must be l'equeated af-;ezo =r.e Final ?!wr.binq electrical, and Hechar:icaZ Inspeotiona have been made and approved. *ALL MANHOLeS AND CLEANCUTS MUST 8e ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT TO BE M.1DE .1T NO COST TO CITY I F;;.~e' 7 of 2 . i ._l " ' .... ..,~._-_.. .1:JOb Nwrrber: 8'~ ,t;9~ OCaUpancy Grauv: . j Zone: i (Lot Sq. Ftg., : % of lot Coverage ! # of Stol'ie~ I ! Total. Height'. !Topography lITEM I iMain I lGc.raae I I Cazroort I Accessorll I SQ. FTG ISoDoC. TOTAL VALUE (vaLue) 1.5x Bui7.ding perrrri,t State SW'charge Total. Chazogea I ITEM Fi.xtures I NO. FEE I Residential. (1 bath) Sanitary Sewer I Water ' Pl.umbing Permit' State SW'cr.arge Total. Charaes lITEM i NO. Res. So. fta. NelJlExtend Cirrmits 2 Temporary Service Eleatrical.pem t State SW'chi.zrqe Total. Charges 'ITEM I NO. I FEE I F'u1'11ace !!!TU' S I E:::haust Hood I Vent. Fan I ~loodstove I 1 1 Permit Is8ui:Dice MeahanicaZ Permit State SW'charae TotaZ Charaes' , -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~ty Deposit Storage I Maintenance permit TotaZ Charaes CW'beut SidewaZk I Feme I ' I Electr'ica i Labe Z , , Mobi Ze Home TOTAL A1\10UNT DUE: ~ -~'_.~ WT TYPE' Interior COl7ler Panhandl.e Cu'l-de-sac x Va'lue $800.00 NA $ 8.00 .32 l $ 8.32 CHARGE I I FEE CHARGE. $ 15.00 Page 2 -- " L-COC #: Reference Numbers:,' T'1peICor.st: Bedrooms: I Ener'lJ}I Sources I Heat I Water' Hp.oter' I Range- FirepZace Woodstove TYDe Lot Faces - P.L. Worth East South ,West ..- Fees Setbacks House Garage Access. Building Value & Permit This permit is gmnted on the express condition that the said const1'Uction' shaZl, in a'll. r'espects, conform to the ,Or'dinance adopted by ,the City of SpringfieZd, inc!uding the Zoning erdinance, reguZating the const1'Ucticn and use of bui7.dings, and may be, suspended or r'evoked at any time upon vio- Zation of any provisions of said Ordinances.. ~ ~ PZan Check Fee: Date Paid: I Receipt #: ISigned: ' Plumbing Permit No person shaZZ construct, instaU.., aZter Or' change any neW or msting pl.umbing or drainage system inwhol.e or in part, unZess such per'son is the Zegal possessor 'of a vaZid plwrrber's License, e:J:cept that a person may do ' pl.umbing work to property which is ormed, l.eased or operated by the appLi- 'cant. l~ ., ..:~... 1,.' Electt.U;.s1 Permi t Where State La1J requires that the eZectricaZ work be done by an E7..ect;rical Contractor, the el.ectricaZ portion of this permit shaZZ roOt be valid until the 'ZabeZ has been signed by the Electrical. Contractor 0 ' $ 15.00 .hO $ 15.60 ~ CHARGE Mechanical Permit $ 4.50 3.00 10.00 $ 17.50 .70 1$..17.50 .20 $ 42.32 I I ~ Dan Smith Plan Examiner 3-11-82 uar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compZeted application for permit, and do hereby cer'tifythat aZZ information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any andaZZ work performed ahaZZ be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City o! Spl'ingfie7.d; and the La:us of the ~ State of Oroegon pzrtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY wiZZ be made of any st1'Ucture withou.t permission of the BuiZding Di- vision. I further certify that onZy contractors ar~ empZoyees who are in caT.pl.iance with ORS 701.055 wiZ'l be used on this project !If)1i~ddt1 /IeLp 6 -// ~P? Date ~ .