HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 1989-6-14 l .. RESIDErMIAL" APPLICAT IOmERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding.Divis;on 726-3753 fYu ob Loc.:ltian: 1105 f!1l~blYw \'1t\~~f\~~\ (D\Tl.~ OOC800r.: Map N divi.9":on: a.m.,: N I1frlu n /Jr)rJ+otJ Addr...: 11 D 5' ~tU n bfftU City: 3aM n n Rcmodo 1. .'Job-i la flom<J u} J 4JfC) Data of Applicatic'l 'ant. rac tors GenernlGY\l?lft" (p11"YU-f7~ Plumbing ( Nechnnicnl EJ.~ctrical Tc:r: Lot II Phon": '7/J-Vosf;8 Zip: Deocribc r,'orh: w-hwt: Value ~.'''' ~~ J<...) },52-' o' /\ - J "'1.gr.~ {pA} 1.j..})fl1 I Data: Expires /0. !J#.ft/ Lise, II IJ71S+ Bid rs Boa rd Re'". 3tl-~ f. (1 ~ P).onFi Acldrpss Nit.! (het.1L sJ- -/fi!I;tt7tlU-.- , Suner'Vi_sing Elec t r,il' LIJ'I ..... !t ":4 ~h" l"flOy0110ibility of eha pormit holder to BOO that all inopootiono aro mado at thll proptlJ'" tim&~ that Qc:oh ;:ddrflU i. rO'a:o:..-:o prom tho Bereat, and that the pCJ'mi t oard io l.xated at the /1'Ont of the proporoty. .Blli!di:'l!] (){vi=io.~ llP;I'Ol.-'cd plan shell. J'cmm'n on th:; l1u-:.ldbz[1 Sit:: at all. times. f!WCSDUP.E Fan TIIf:PECfION nr.OUEST:CALL 726-3769 ()'ceord!!r) atatu your Ci.ty de8~!Jnated Job nwr.bor. job acd.rcos, typo 01 in3poc:ic/l roquc3tcd ar.d l.Ih<<:1l you wiL l bc rcady for inspeoti.on, Contractoro OJ' GUners name and phono nwnbcr. RequcstIJ recoived bolor, 7: 00 c:'1 :,'ill be trade thc uame dc.y. requests medo after 7:00 c:n lJill b:t roodo tho next wrkin.] day. 11:. Your City Dani9r.atad Job N,unbcl' In: . Jl?J_A:,.~,. ~4'();l ~ P.f7l1i.,.,.,1 r,,'lrlPI,tic:n.<J Sl'l't: TNSP~:r;':'ION: To b~ nKJdo alter c.rc(fv.:ztian, !Jut pr'iol' t~ :let lip 01 forme, UNDERSLAB PLLWBINr., ELECTRICAL & NECHA,"/ICAL.. 'fa be madi! ualol'o any tJOl'k io .:Jovcred, FOOTING ~ FOU,\'D;lTIOIl: To be mada aftar tranChe:l are cxcava ted and forma arc eree tad, bu t pl''iOl' to pouring eCncrct:, W,'DSRC.WU,~'D P:'UM:JINC. S.c:t.'F.,r? W.1TE,rl, DHAINA(;f.... ']'o!Je m:de priol' to lil- lir-!J trenehee. UNDEHf'WOR Pr.W,'llING ,~ J./EC!IANICIIL: To ba made prior to irwtaUation of floor inaulation or clecking. posr AND BEAM: 'ro be rr.(ldc prior to 'inDtallatioTl of floor inat.:lation or dcckinr;. ROUCII pr,U!tRmc. ,c:r.f:c-rn!CA!. .r, NF.CII- AN/CM.... No !.JOt.];. ia to bc cOI:er'ed ur.tiL thcae itl3pec~ior.3 hmJc beer. made arlll appr'Ovc:!. FIREPLACE: Pr~or to plecir~ facing matoriaLs and before framing illDpeC- tior.. FRM~TNr... Mw;t be raqllcDtccl after appr'ov..JZ of ,'Ouoh pLtur;bin!1. ::leetri- cal & mec}umi..::al. Ill! l'Oofi7VJ braeina ~ chimncyo, at.::. nr~at be : completed. No work io to be con- . coeled until thio in3peetion has . been IMdc and approved. ,... D INSUI.A'I'TON/VAl.l()R 11IlIUlIf:R INSPECTION: To be made after all inoulati~n a~ l'cqu-:'l'ed vapor l;QJ'r-tcro aro in plaos but bafor'C) aTlY lat},. ClypOIU1f board or wll ooucrina io applied, and bafore any inaulatio11 itJ oO'leealcd. , I D.~IOLIT IDN DR I,IOVED BUlLOII/GS ~ SanitaJ'Y aQUCl' :Jappcd :it p~op~rty lir:e =:J Sapti:1 tank pumped. and. Ii-Uod with 31'a:;;:l. ---, Final ~ rlhen abouo items are acmplotcd --.J ar.d when domclitior. ie oomplete or Dtl'Il~- turo moped and prcmi#ee cleaned up. , JoJobi lo IIcmos =:=J BlookinU and S.C-'p =:=J Plwnbina connections -- 8C1Jal' and loIa~er :::J Elootrioal Conneation -'Blooking, oot-U? and plumbing connootions trr..lst te approved before ~oquDsting etBo~l~oal inspaotio~ . \ ~ AoasDoor',,' Bui l~ing ~ Final - Aft~r porohos. skirt~n9, deoks, ota. ara oomploted. D DRYlIIIU. INSPf:Cf!ON: To bo mado aftcl' c~Ll c!J'ywlL iu in place. but pri.or to any topi"!!. MASONRY: Steal locatio'I, bo~d balUn:;. grouting or' uel'tieala in aecol'dance vit" U, B. C. Section 2.JJ5. WOODSTOVF... IIftar inutallation iu ccmpletcJ, [] FIOAL PLUMDTflC 'All project (Jo,ldition:;. :.Jllc}: aD tIle 1"'latallat~on of u.tl'oat trOllS, co.-:rptotion of the' 'requircd laml:lccpi':g. eta.. nruut bo satisfiod bafor(l tho BUILDINC FINA4 c:an ,bo l'sqtloDt:Jd. o FINAL NECIIA.'lICIIf. o FINAL ELECTRJCI.L o o D o CURD .{ Al'PRDACII APRON: AftOl" formB are aro~tad but pl'ior to pouring jon,:}I'cte. s/m.'/IIT.K ,( DRII'f.'flt.Y: For all con- crete patJi.ng withill utroot ri!Jht- of-wcy. to be mado after all o%oa- uuting cClnplete & fOlom tX}rk & cub- ba!1C nutcriaZ in pkl::s. o FINAL DUn.DING: 1'1ft: Filial Building [nopcotion must be ~oquootod a/tol' tho Final Plwnbill:/ f:lcetriaal, and McdlC/r:ielll In8pectio,:o havo boen mads and appl'OPld. o o ;oF-Nef:: '"IU!r. complete -- ProtJido !1l1te~ or mouablc uootionu through P.U,r:., ~AU. IMt.'lICU.:S AND (.'l./,'Mlf.\ln':' !/V.','7' m: IiCCl-:S:;IOLF:, AVJUSr/ll-:/r!' TO m: f.t1DE I1T NO COST TO CT7'Y I P~'~IC of;: D SOLAR ~CESS OccuDQnc~ C~: LOT TYPE IntBri.or~> Conurr ."'~': i JOG NO, 2011a: Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ ~f lot CJII.ragc ,f of Stol'i.. Total H.ight Topography I I rTF.M I Nain I Gr..J'nr.e I C.,rnm't lt1cccnnorll sq. FTC I I I Is,o.c, TDTA& VAWE tva'UCI 1. S '" , , , Building Pll1'mit , .' .sea tn Surcnl'U"(JQ Total Cha,.g.. lITEM I NO'1 FEE I FiJ:turao I ReoidmltiaL (1 bath) I I Sani t.1ry S(1tJcr I I Watmt I I I I Plumbing P"m t State Suro1-.o.rgfJ Total Charase I 1 TEN ' NO'1 fEE R(!f1. S(1, ftn. N.w/E~tend Ci~uito I rempor~y'Servico I I I I eto~trioal P6nmit Stetn Surchar(lfJ Total CharClJD I ITEM I F'w"''\.7CO I!T'U'S I E::;}lautJ t 1/00d. I Vent Fan I JI::Jodnto:J6 No.1 I I P"rm1. t [sBuanca MlIchanical Ptntmi:t Stato SuJ"CMN7C Total Cha.ra~ttJ' -- ENCROACmlliNT -- SOC:lritl, D:ZOO3it . I.' ;"',';;ih.'\",.,,,',. Storo(1o I Mnin tf!l1an.::n I Pcrmi t .:.)., " \',.ofI ~ ; "/', I' .... , ,"",,1,' I I Curbcu~ I Sid_lk I fCrl:11J I Elffctrical LabGl I Mobils Homs I I Total Char'Q'D8 dOl I TOTA~ AMOUNT nlJE:' x FEE Panhandl. Cut-ds-oao Valuo '. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CI/ARCE CHARCE C/lARCE I I I I L I I I , I ../,.......... ,.,.jl:...., i I I I Lj-, 4-D I I I I I I " /4-. '-10 A , I ' R EQ.- L-Coc't Typa/Cor:nt: . Badrot?m::; : I wt Fact?n - I E1tIH"f}1I SO;l1'~(!n T:/ra I Sa tlxrckn I !laat I P.&. lIOUDG ~ r./1l'aqn Accc:':J, I I WntcJ' Y"ntrl' INortl' I I I Rmlr,r'! . ~r.nnt I I I FiJ'cplf1c(! South I I I Wood;:;tot:~ IWnnt I I I f'rum Building Value & Permit Tllin pr.rmit 1:0 !1rantr:d 011 ,tha nxprann conditio!l f,}lIJL thr: II.Jitl COllntl"UcUOtl nhaLl, in all r'f1nl'cctn, cOliform Lo the Ol,(!t:llfll:t!r. ,'uJopr.I'..J h!1 d,c Ci~!f of Springfield, inc!udi.n!1 the ~nina Crd:'IIf1/1Ca, 1'r.:,/ulf:t.L11U tll,! ec,wtl'll.::ticll mid IIliO of Imildill(1tl, amI m::y bo Gucpandod Or' ,'cuokcd aL f.):y t:.,..,..; IlPO/: uic- lation of CHry 1'r'oui.1im:n of naid 'Ordinallccr.. I Plall C}1I1ck rf!r:: I Catc Pa:.d: I Rec::ipt If: Itiiarlad: Plumbing Permit I I i I I A No percoll nhnLl COHotl'lICt, illo;all, attar or cha.nGc <='11!J neW eJ' c::istillG plwnbina or dJ'ainal1a nyntc.71 1:11 :.1holc or in part, udcsn :;uch persoll ie tht: lcUal poooannor of '0 vaUd plumber'e licell:;c, t.!xcapt that a [M:"SOll may do plumbirlg work to [lI'Oll(!I'(.y whiclt ia oWlIcd, lamJcd or opcJ'ated by thr. appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where 5tato lKIlJ rcqu-iJ'f1:'J tl:at tho. e1.ectricaL lJO"':': be cIOllO by all ELr.:::tJ'ical' Contractor, tho olectJ'ical portion of ~hiJ pQl'rnit DhaLL I:Ot be vaLid ulltiL the labal han bean cianed by tho ELectrical :;011 tJ'ac tor. A Mechanical Permit PLait t:.r.rJllLIIOJ' ual.t! I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application faT' permit, and do hOl'oby certify tJll1t aLL i:-:fo:-mation horooll in truR and cOI'rect, cm:i I further certify that any a,..d all. lJOrk porlor:t1cd 8h1lB be d0.'16 in ae~or. da.nctJ with tIle Ol'din..:1nCtM of thtJ City of Spri'IGfi"Ld, and tho: Ur..J8 of tho. " Stato of OroG.?" ptrt\Jiflill!] to tho. work coocribcd hero:.n, end ;}Illt NO OCC!J- PANCY wiLL be l1U.ie of any otruoturd' withO:.lt p3rmioJion of t}U! Bu.ilding Oi. vision. I fllrthnl" certify that o.'1Ly co"tractoro al:d c7IpL.?yof:lJ /J}:o are in ccr.tpL:.anco with ems 701.0SS will bo u.sed on tllio projGct ~~~/t:~ ~/;v/?'~ f)6t,! { ., ~~. ,./ (. , DATE: JU/IJE APPLICANT (PROPERTY OWNER): . . S.O.P.P. #T-4.1a APPLICATION FOR A SECOND DRIVEWAY / 'IJ {'1?9. rnv4~1 lYN f~ HooToN 5 f?r?../NGfC.. 'E /0 '17,/77 AD~RESS OF APPLICANT: /7&5 r<t9//Vr5(9W oa; ve (fi '30 v€") 7:2 6 -{J~ 'ifF? ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR 2ND DRIVEWAY: , APPLI CANT'S TELEPHONE NO. : The following conditions must be answered affirmatively in order for this application to be considered for approval: Property is either a single family residence or duplex. YES v NO The proposed driveway will take direct access from a minor street (not a collector or arte'rial street). YES v NO The driveway will have a minimum setback of 30 feet from the curb return of an intersection (for corner lots). YES v NO The proposed driveway (parking area) must have a minimum depth of 20 feet between the front property line and the garage, carport, fence or wall, if any (identical to setback for garage). YES V" NO . 1). ' 2). 3) . 4) . (.' \ o. S) . The second driveway must have direct access to a garage, carport, rear yard or the side yard where the vehicle, trailer or boat will be stored. YES ~ NO 6). If the vehicle, trailer or boat is to be parked/stored in the side yard, there must be a minimum setback of S feet between the stored' vehicle and the side property line. This setback is for fire fighting access and to comply with the intent of the zoning code. . Setback sati"sfi ed YES v NO 7). The proposed parking/storage area must not create a vision obstruction to adjacent property driveways or to any vehicular movement on a public street. Satisfied YESV NO Applicant hereby agrees to install the requested driveway to City of Springfield standards. The applicant further agrees to have 6" of concrete in the sidewalk area adjacent to the proposed driveway and further agrees to pave the area behind the back edge of the sidewalk adjacent to the driveway with a minimum depth of 3" of asphaltic concrete or with a minimum depth of 6" of portland cement concrete. The area behind the sidewalk shall be paved to the property line or for a distance of 4 feet which ever is greater. The applicant agrees that if he/She does not pave the area behind the sidewalk within 30 days of cutting the curb opening, the City of Springfield has the' authority tD close the driveway access by the removal of the curb cut. All incurred costs shall be assumed by the applicant and if unpaid, said cost shall become a lien of the property. ( -2- . .S.O.P.P. #T-4.1a . "~J When this application is approved by the City, the applicant (property o~ner) must obtain a driveway permit from the Public Works Department Building , Division. \. PER~.lI T FEE a. On an improved street (existing 'curb): $12.00 plus 12~ per lineal foot of curb cut. b. On an unimproved street (not curbed): $12.00, c. On currently unimproved streets that'are under- construction: $12.00. PROPERTY OHNER'S SIGNATURE: /7~~ j( ~ I ///~ / DATE: t1 /Y' /~C; APPROVED BY: ~~ -m 7t' ,,- -- -~L t'RAFFWDIVISION c:r- DATE: ~-It.f-8Cj BUILDING PERMIT NO.: tAl t.j / !'C; f'1t>~ '- DATE: I TRA 9-1 ATTACHMENT: City of Springfield Standard Drawing No. 3-11 Dated 10/8/82 . ' t . ."' 71 ~ f' ~ -- ~ .t ~ r_: I p~ ;:.,0 ~ "' pI< :'i ~ .. ... ~ - . --- . '('-J~ I'IIV'6 ~. . ~------ ~'-'--- -, -- ( ,-- (~- \ -- - ------ . :W,G l-JI J I -- -'"