HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-6-16 RESIDENTIAL .. COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT . 225 North 5th Street SpringfieUJ., Oregon 97477 - Bui Zding Division t 726-3753 = 3. Job Loca.tion: 4340 Aster Street ASGesGors Map .4 17-02-32-31 Suixiivision: - SPRINGi=tW)_ Ta Lot # 5100 Oz.mer: Housing Authority & Community Services Agency of Lane County Address: 172 East 8th Avenue Eugene, OR City: I '1""" i l Addi ticn I xxi RemodeZ I I ,'fobi Ze Floma Date of AppZicaticn :;onrrrzcr:ors GeneraZ \) J; l \'\ 0 J) C'" \'""\ S-{ . PZumbing vl~ '\. ..Q. 1 J) P1-.one: 687 - 4 114 97401 Zip: Deacribe Work: VaZue $800.00 Add.~e83 I <i) Lj () T{1 Y'\.U.A. (j (A .Q.. C_A,/LL L..../ EZectricaZ :,fe~ha:r.ic.: Z Construction Lender ~ :SCl Jq I Rcce"':'~t ~ Building Permit 4 % $ 8.00 .32 15.00 .60 17.50 .70 ~ $42.152 Electrical Permit 4 % Mechanical Permit 4 % Electrical Label Siqr:ed: Date: ;;JL- I~ - /?; . /? 1,- Lisc.1# Eroircs Ph.one l r: r. q -1 Lf"if( ; It is th6 resFontribiZity of the permit iwlder to see that aZZ inspections are r.'.aO.e at the proper time, that each d.dress is rea.::ab~e from the street, and that the permit card is 'Located at th8 front of the property. AEui?ding DilJi::io'!: ap::roved ;:Za:n shaH. ...._;n on the Building Sita at aZZ times. ~~~4 PROcrDURE FOR INSPECTION ,T?EQUEST: CaZZ ;,.' .' 'C:J.ccordmo) state YOUZ' City designa:t:ed job mur.ber, job czda:1oCS8, type of inzpecticn ; reque8ted ar.d w.l:en you <JiZZ be ready for inspection, Contractors or Olmsrs name and piwne number. Requssts received before 7:00 = -- (-.....7r1iii-mcid8thii8amedt:y~-l'equ6sts mads afta' 7:00 am wiZZ be-mads the nut :.JOrking day. , Your City Ds8ignated Job Numb6r Is: <1 ~() 1/9 '9 _~~(J'U1:.,.etrf r'"m~f!'I:1:f':'rt~ ;.' O. s:r:s INSPEC':IO:'1.: To be nr::z.rU after e:cavari.m, but prior tc set up of forms. -','.0 UNDERSLAB PWMFJING. ELECTRICAL & f.!ECHAi'lICAL: To be made before any work is ~ovared. ~D roOTING 1 FOUNDATIC.V: To be mads after trenches are e:cavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncreu. U.'!DE:RGROU.'!D PWM!JING} SEWER, W.iTE.'?, DRAINAGE: To be rm.:i.e prior to fiZ- Zir.q trenches. ~D :0 [J!'DEt~FWOR !'W,',f!JING ~ MECHANICAL: To be made prior to insr:a.~Za'Cion of f'Z007' insuZation or- decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made pri07' to ir.sta~Zaticn of f7.oor in8l.OZation or d8c1<i.nq. ROl!GH ~~k}BYkX. ~ECT.rIICA'[, & MECFl- ,4.NIOL: No :.Iork is to be cOL'erea w:r:i~ thcse inspections have been made and approve.:. PI!~EPrACE: P1'ior to pZacir.q fc:air.g mar:erials and befor-e framing inspec- ~ . ",1..01:.. jD ;W :0 lw PFlAHD1G: Must be reauested after approval. of rough pZwr.bing, eZec1:ri- cal & :r:echani:;a~. AZ! roofing braaing ~ ahimneys, et.:. l7l'..:st be =letcd. ;Vo work is to be con- cec:ied untiZ this insoscticn has been mads and ~..t'.vf)ed. ~ INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER Il1SPECTION: ~ To be mads after a~~ inBuZati.m CU'.d raquirfld lJapor- barriers ars in p Zacs but before any Zath, gyp8UlTl board. or wZZ COlJering is appZied, and before any insulation is conceaZed. D DRYWALL nTSPrCTION: To be made after a~Z drywaZZ is in pZace, but pri.or to any taping. O MASONRY: SteeZ Zocat:ion, bond baams, grouting or lJerticaZs in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After instaZlation is ccmp~e'Ced. D CURB & APP.'t?OACH AF!':ON: After forms a.re erecr:ed but prior to pouring ~n...-rete. O SIDEWALK & DRr/'F:TIAY: For- aU con- crer:e paving within street !'igM- of-way, to be made after aZZ. e:cca- lJating canpZete & fom work & ::ub- base mcteriaZ in p Za:Je. o ::F:NCS: Yher. compZ<;te -- Provide gates or- movable sections through P.U.E. ;! DEMOL-ITIO!! OR .'10!::' 3UIL:::::iCS ::J Samt:ary seue!' ~c:;:pei ::.t ~oFC!"t;j Zir:e :=J Septi:; tank p-..;mped w..: fi l...ad :.Ji th ;;ra-.Ja L ~ ~ FinaZ - Jolhen ci;ove i.t~7'!S are c:::....rolated .. A ......... . .. : c:r.d wlten ~emo;.t._-:.or. LS co~Zer:e or stz".lc-: ture moved and pr;::rri:;.;s =I.eane:: up. ; MobiZe Hcmes :=J BZocking and Set-~p :=J PZumbi.ng connect0ns -- sa.Jer =nd :.Jater ---, EZectricaZ Connection - BZockir~, set-up -.-J and pZumbing conr.ect~ns I.'.'"..::;t !:a a??rovea' before requesting eZec;;rical. ir.s1?ec:;io:-% . , :=J Ac~eSGoZ"d Bui:ding I Fina Z - Aft;;r _ ?:Jrc,r.e8 , s Erti rI{.", d2cks, --.J etc. are comp;.er:<;a. D AZZ -project conditions, such as th6 instaZZation of s~eer: trees, c~Z.;;;ion OJ ;;I!e required Zandscc:pir.q, etc., must be satisfied before tr.e BUILD!.";:; F!::AL ::an =e rzques1;ad. . 0 rINAL PWMBING @ PINAL i.fE;:!lANICAL W ?I,7AL ELEC':RICAL o @ :?IN.4L aUILDINC: The PinaL Building Inspection must b!1 requested after ti-.e FinaZ ?7..ur.:i:Jinq SZectricaZ, and .'fechar.ical Inspecr::.ons luzv!1 been made and approlJad. o 'ALL :,fAl/HOLES AND CLEAl/OUTS MUST BE AC::ESSIBLE, ADJUST~fEflT TO BE MADE /-T iVO CDS: TO CIT! Fe:.;e of 2 ~ ... I i Jeb Number: 8'~ 'I9f , ; 2ane: ;Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ of 7.01; Coverage II of Stories Total HeiGht T opor;;rap hy ilTEM i i ;\fain I i Gerace i ! Carport I Accessor!/ I I IS.D.c. SQ.FTG TOTAL VALUE ( vcz/.uc) 1.5:1: Bui Zdir.g Pe:t'I7fi t State SUI'charge Total Charges I ITEM NO. Fixtures I Residential (1 bath) I I Sanitary Sewer .1 I Water I I I Plumbing Pem t State SUI'cr.arge Total Chcraes ,1'1 ITEM Res. Sa. fta. I N;"'/Extend Ciraui ts Temporary Service t i j Electrical '?......~t I, State SUI'charqa I Total Char(:es lITEM NO. I Purnace ETU' S E:::haust Hood. Vent Fan I Woodstove I Permit 13=8 Mechanical Permit State Surcharae Total Charaes ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~ty Deposit Storage I Maintenance I permit Tetal Charaes I (,'urbaut I Sidewa lk I Fen:!e ' i ! Electrical Labe l l'Mobile Home TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: A, Ocaupancu Group: LOTTYFE , NO.' I 12 I I 1 I 1 '1 I Interior Corner Panhandle Cu'l-de-sac x Va'lue $800.00 NA $ 8.00 .32 8.32 i $ FEE CHARGE FEE , I CHARGE' 1$ I I 1$ I j $ 15.00 15.00 An 15.60 -"'" r~G CliAReE $ 4.50 '3.00 10.00 $ 17.50 .70 1$ 17.50 I I .20 ~ 42.~2 Page 2 Referer:ceNwnbers: L-COG #: I Lot Faces - I I P.L. North TijPe/Cor.st: Bed.~ooms : I Enerau SoUZ'ces I Heat I I I I I I I ,I T.roe East South West Setback.s I House I Caraqe I \ I I I I I I Water Heater Range Fireplace Wood3tove Access. ..- Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the said const1'Uction' sha'll. in all respects. conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield. inc!uding the zoning Crdinance; regulating the censt1'Uctien and use of bui7..dings. and may be suspended or revoked at lZTly time upon vio- lation of any provision~ of said Ordir.aru:es. A A Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: , Receipt #: I Signed: I I I I I I Plumbing Permit No person shatz. construct. inatatz.. alter or change any new or existing plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part. unless such person is the legaL possessor 'of a valid plumber's license. except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned. leased or operated by the appt.i- 'cant. A E1ecttl<\91 Permi t Where State Law requires tr.at the electricaL work be done by an Electrical Contractor. the electrical portion of this permit shatz. T',[)t be va'lid until the Zahel has been signed by the Electrical Contraator. ' ( A I I I I I I I Mechanical Permit " I r I { " I I I I Dan Smith Plan Examiner 3-11-82 uar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit. and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and I fUI'ther certify that any ar.t1 atz. work performed shall be done in accor- dance iJJith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield. and the La:,;s of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. and that NO OCCU- PANCY wilt be nude of lZTly st1'Ucture without permission of the BuiZding Di- vision. I further certify that only contractors ar.t1 employees who are in caTopliance with ORS 701.055 wil'l be used on this project ," -/41/ // a/;I()/.(A~"4i!1 6 -/v! -P? Date