HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-4-8 (2) . .. RESIDENTIAL" APPl;ICATION/PEP.MIT 225 North 5th Street Spp'~~~fieZd, Oregon g747? BuiZding Division 726-3753 I..~. I Job ,",cction: UnCt0, ( 1111(\ b7'<l ABO'BCON -'!ap; ), - 03 - d'1:'" LJ L Subd~:r.:sicn: ') OP J - Tc= :.et; 0;006 ~_"'.r' [\[\ i Or\ ~ n~ 611 i n ~ Add.-,s"/I,/J':i.-: ~^ /"/lbrJl) City:C1~ i 11 ~~ 0 0 rQ. (lCle--> ~<~D"J Pr~e: 0A1o -5l~<O Uo: qfll{ 11 (j DescT""~be fl'or1\.: Add';' :icn ~~ n n n Remodel .'too';!", .':?crmJ "-I-K -Xa- rato of .-tppli::a:icl'1 ';:onI:rcctors va,ui$/ U}Xn ,00 AdarElS3 ... \:), [)i('~ ('.ri f I, "r'{in Ceneral ClrIl i A... _ PlumbiTl{1 el.ectrical N(I~hcr.:ic~ Z. Const~~c~i~ C~nder . .~cce:=;; ~ uoc~ct(P .. C~i ~oJc ~~ ! Siar:ed: Dat:o: fI I I ( }/Il rlfh ..J-f -K5 \'M?~ 0 :,~c"~1 -.() ?hort~ ~_____J / ,"" nLl'l-ffirun _ Your Ci~~' D6Sigr~tcd Job j~b€r Ia: D ZNSULAT!I)NI"lIlPI].f? 2.4?RIZ.':? I."!SF'5:C-:OIC:t": To be made after aU inS"..4.l.::tion arA rC~d~red u~or t~ers are in ~lace but bejore ~y lath, gypsum bcare or wtz. couering is cppl.ied, c:r.d before c:r.y in3Ul.a;ion "';S concealed, E:Qircs I: i.s the responaib...:Li.ty of' ths parmi: ;..oldar :0 tJee :ha: aLZ, i1Wpec:ions are ::-:ade at :hQ prop~r ti::lt;1 t,J..at '~:::ch .::ddrU3 i.s rca.:iab:. Jrcm the street, ad that the pCJ'"T.'Tit card is z....""'Cated at the f''l''O'"flt of the ?!,oper'ty. "~ui!..d"';~.g iJiui:io:-: ~~roT)ed p?cn ~ro-"'~'''' ....~;E au"';z.a~ S~:~ co; 2tL timss. P,'?OCSDlj;C~g P'OR INSPECTIOtJ p.=-~U=-~G.AI.L726-3769 (~ccorder) state your City desigr.::.ted job n:o::bero, Job adCrcss, type of' ir.3::;1ec::icn rtJquest;;d a:-:.::Z :;.I:en yeu IJin :'0 :-eaay for i.r.spccc--;on, Cor.:-t'actcrs or Ct..'?1e:-s r.cme cr.d ~;..ar.6 r.umber. Requt:stB receir.:01d c~fcre' 7:00.-::::: :.>iLZ. be lrade tn~ same d.c.y, requests mc.de after 7:00 a'n t.1'iU b3 made the rn:::t :.JOrkin.; day. _t?l!truir.~p r"5~'"'-~t:~_r..,.q O SITS I.'l~P~r::'::;.'!: ~o be r.r:cs aft2r e:cavat~Dn, ~u~ p~cr tc 3St u? of forms. O !!J!D~RSr.;'FJ ?L!.1.'.f9I.'lC. FL2C':'RIC.l[. { ,"'.'ECF:').;JIC':"i:.: To be rr.aai1 be.~'ortJ c.ny work is ~ovcrec. [KJ F'COTI?IG ~ FO!1,','DA':':C.'I: '1'0 ~e .-:ru:e aft~r :rencr.es are ~czJcted ar4 ferms are arec:2c, but prier to pourir.g C~71C:'e;';. [] lJ.1![)'SRG.~rJ.'!!) P:'li~.!2r.'G. s!n.~. :.r.17'!'.1, DRAiNAGE: :0 oe ro.:.-e p~or :0 tii- lir..g trer:ches. o UN!Jt,f?:!.CO:~ .r!JJ.'.f9;:JC ~ M~':H.4.'lIC~L: To ae maCe Frier :0 ~71~~a~~t~on of fZoor i716uLc:icn or ~eckinq. o ?JST AND 3EA.,'.{: To ~6 "'.cae :;l"'ior w instaLl..:;:~71 o[ floor ir.st.;i:.:ticr. or decki,,". o RO'-'C_".! ?~lP.'E!:!G_ ~'!E~.r?!C.':'!. .{ V;:C."1- AilI~A!.:. ,~'o ~or;: -:;,3.:" ~~ co~'.u'eG. ur.:~L ;r.cs. :r~~p,~:~er.3 ~~'4 :,eer: nL~e ~~ ~?r?u~~. FI.='~?U,CE: Prior to ?i.c.c~r.g feeing mc:aria1.s' ar.d b;:fore f~r.g il1spec- tior.. o o PRA'!I.'lG: .'-/u3~ ~e :'e~u.e:;i:ed c;ter approv.;.L af rough pLur..hir'.1:;. <1Lect;~- cal & r.:ec;..ani~aZ.. ,.HZ rooj:.r.g brccing ~ Chimneys, at.::. '~"'3i: be .compLe:ed. ~o ~rk is to a~ con- .. cec'l.ed u.r.:iL thia inst]ec:-icn has 'been mad;: and appI'OL'ed. D DH!, WALl. nISF=CT!O.'l: Tc oe r.xuia al~er aU Cr-:ft.;a?L is in place, au t pl"'ior to ar.y taping. o Location, bond or verticaLs in U. 3. C. Section .\fASONR:!: SteeL OOZa::;3, GTC'''' tir.g a.:;cordance !J'i:h 241$. ;';CCDS?~'lE: Aftar instaLLation is cc,-:rp'l.a:ed. '83/513 DE,'.,fOLITION OR :.:DV:;; 3UILDI.-.'CS ~ Sc:ni:ard 8e:Jer :appcd ::t ~a?"~t-:t' Lir.a .=J Se?ti~ tank ;r...."'?ed arul f..,;n~c :.rith ;r:::;cZ ,I . , :J Final - [-/hen c:.Xtl'G "';t;e:::s a!"S cCI':::iz',J'Ccc: j ar.d when ~e~cZ~tior.,is c~z..at~ or s~~~~- tu."e ~aved ar~ ?r~_Jes ~Le~r.'a U? .VoDi l.:; Hc..::as =:J BLock"';r4 and Se~-~p =:J Pl~ir~ cor.nec;"';Qr.s S&W9r ar~ uc:Br ---, eZcct~;c~l Ccnr.~ct:on - BZockin;, 8et-~~ ---1 and pz'umbing connections ~~st ~Q ap?ra~id before ~equese:ng e!ec;~~aL ins9sc~ic~ :=J .4.cceesc~;3' BuiL.::.r.g ::J Fi~l - Aft~r ;~rcr.Qs. ak~r::ng, et~. are c~L~:;:~. a.aC~:3, o D CURB <'.1 .4.r."'P.f?CACH4?e:.JN: Alte:' fo"1"r.ts a:re ere~-:ad au.:; ?l"";or to p~,u''';ng .::c~rBte. SIDE:'.J.J.LK ~ JRnrc;r,.,"A'!: For atZ ccn- cretoz ?aving ~i~~:.r. stre€t right- ol-!JX:.Y, to be mcde a;'tar aU e:cc,- vatina ~omvZ.e;8 & fo~ ~rk & =ub- base .;'.ct;e~;aL in pl.=cB. D AtZ. projsc: cor.di:ions, J~C~ as the {ns;aLla::.on of street :roes. ~~~!ot~~n ~; :n& required l.a.nriscc:;ri.r".g, etc.. .~st be sa~islf.a:i b.::.-'~re the 3f.1II.CI,':G ?[.".'AL :cn :e r;uju3s:.2d. D. FINAL PLU;".$I,j'G ,,:~. l---1 FI,'IAL ,~!E~HA,'IIO.L :[] ?I,'IAL 2!.EC":'RIC/.:' :=:] @ PI:i,J,L 3UI!.:JI.'lG: The F:.ncL E:.i.i.l.dir.g !nspect:.:m .':'::.lS: b<9 rgqu.o13:ed=r~:er :r.a ~:;'-::r".al ?L;J.~bi,...; EleccricaZ., ar.c .\!ecr.a:":.:.c:::.Z Ir:s?ec~icYla rtevc been. :naca ar4 :::pprcv:J:i. o D :"!NCE:: irher. co:;tj)LGte -- ?rovide gai:2S or mouaoZa. aec:i.cns :hrougr. ['.U.S, .AL~ NANHC!.ES AND C:'SANOV':'S .'IUS: 3E A.C~ESSIE!.E, ADJr.JS7::~,~',!, ':'0 EE ,'.:'1CE ..!1' !,'O -::-$'; T'J CI':! I ':)......~ of:! D I JOB NO. ~'=\151~ , i :C"":a: I.:'" Sqo ,eg. .~ Jf !~: ~~8ras~ I. f"' . :.'!' 0 .:; ..":-~es I l :'o:a! .:.t"rigit: I I Tcpogra;;r.y I I:'!:! I SQ.F':'G 1",=," I~=c.a , I f :.lr:'.:r: i I .~c.:'essj!"J J~~ 10 ?~.-1[, :IAt,&'! IS.D.c. I 1.5 :: ( :':C:~UCJ EuiUling ?er:r:-:: State Sur!1n..rge ':'o:aL ~r.a.."'ge3 I [~[.V 1,"0. I I I I I FL~es ResidzntiaZ (1 bath) Sani'br>'j SetJer I :Jete..'" I PI:.unln.ng Perr.:i t State Surd"~e T.:'tal cr~rces 11:DI l,'iO. I I.f?eso Sa. ft:1. l.'l~/E=t.md Cirocu1.;8 ITempcr~ Se~Jice Ele.:'trical Pe~t St:::te SW':!ha..rae Tatal C'rurt'ces I I?,.V I P-.a-r.:2CtJ ~TU'S I E=haz.:.s t Hood I Vent .=':::n. I . I iloodsto:;e I 1;,''::.1 I I I i I I I Perr.d.; I3Su.::nc2 Me::r.c.nic.:::l. ?erni. i:: St.::J.t~ Sur::hcroc '!',,~.-:! ~rr!"~"'!l -- ~.'/CR~ACE.'E:.": -- 1<. . IJe~~:-..tu De~cs~t I Stor~qe I :-!a"':ntt!'r..c:r-'e , p '. .. ar.:"l'!... I Tatal C"f'u::r":cs Cu.r.?C'.it Sid.e.JJ.Z:~ I,"nce j E!C!c ::ric.:I Z , l,lfobiLd Heme r.c:;el I :'OTA!: /.NOU.'lT DU~:" SOLAR 'CESS t;c;:>.t::ancu Ijl'O'.t:;: LeT 7??! Ir.te'!'ier Corne::" Panitandla c-",l-de-sao x i'atue I , I I I/:?ec>,- I V~~-I I i 13.-' .sc.1 /J.s2./ . I i I I CHARGE CHARGE F2E CHARCE I I , I I j /,. 4? I P=ae 2 . L-COG~ I I I' i' I' I' I. I I R EQ.- .;:~oeIC:;;r.3r:: 3~i.."'~Of!':s: I Znar:r'J So:a>':es I Sea: I I :;r..r:~'(' :J",,..~::!.,,, I i I ~~-:~ ~~~~ II I r:J~Z I i.,ot;; :aces . I Setca~y.s I ?~. I ~O~3e I C~~ce . ~cce3S. ttlor~h lEast Sot:. tit IWee' Fees Building Value & Permit This pemit;; i:; granted on the e=press condition. that the said. ,zonst:r"'..Io:=ion shall~ in all ~espccts~ confo~ to the Ordinance acoFted ay tha C!t~ of Sprir..cf'~etd, ~l'U!~uding the ':::ol'rina Crdinance, reJ'.tlctina t;ha ccr.st:-:I.::icr. c:r.d u:;~ of' buildings, end m=y i;;~ w ;;uopencie:1 or r~vokec ~t cr.y t:"7T8 :';';'07: vie. laticn of zr.y pr::nJisior:s of said Ordir.ances. Iplan Check ;;'r:.P.: Cat;:! Paid: jRec~ipt #: IS~ed: <;',70 Plumbing Permit No pereon chalZ construct, instal!, a!ter or change any new cr e:icting plumbing :;;1' drainage sY8te~ in ~hole or in part, unless such ~erson is tr~ legal possessor of a valid plumoer's license, e:C9?t trAt a pe::"son ma~ do plumbing work to proper~~ which is owned, l~as~d O~ operat~d by the app~i- ~t. /. Electrical Perm it I I I I , . I I I I I I I I I I Where - State Lc:1J requires trAt the etectr"~caL lJOrk oe dons by an Ellt~trical Contracto~, the electrical por;ion of thia ?ermit shall r~t ba valid until tM Zabel has b~en siGned by the Electrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit ~,ft:r;"~ -r? '-/-25-Sj> ua::J I HAVE CARSFUU.Y EXANINED ;.tr.Q complated ::.pplicatian jar permit, and do hereby certify that all. b-:f'o.:T.lation he!'eon :'8 trua :1,..:1 cor"!'cc=. w,d I T.J.r-:her ce!'t....jy that any ar.d all work ;srfo'!":11sd 3hall. be do:1e i:1 :1c~or. danae :.rith the Ordi,...::r.aes of the City of' Springfidd, and thz Lc:..;a of th3 .. St.:J.te of Orecan ozrt..::inina to the work desc:-;bcd herein, c.r.c. the:: ;VO OCC!J- ?t.!lCY will. bj rrads ol c:ny" st:ruatw'a withou.t ;gnmiaaion of the Eu.iZdir.g Di- vision. I further ~ertij~ tr~t O:1l.y ~cntr~~tors ar~ ~lvye€s w~~ arg in c~pZiance ~th DRS 101.055 will be used en this projzat VOtJ/1/lM _ ~ ~ st/n:id (J - c::J z1 L/~'i) ~~3 Data