HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Fire Damage Report 1989-6-3 " 1 STATE OF OREGON FIRE REPORT~ STATE FIRE MARSHAL lREDEP..., G).I-' 'KG ALAHM NO., I) f ..... Dept. Responding ....5p{'iA U; f.'!L Ir.! -- DO NOTWllITE tN TillS SPACE CONTHOL EXP. NO. 1'\0. / ;)07 County ~a1f; , , o o Sun 0 T_ O Thur ~ Satur ALARM TIME Mo, 0 W~ 0 Fri /l./':;-U ZIP I $7'-177 ARHIVALTIf.,lI.: TIMfo:nACK IN SERVICE 1l{f"Cf ISO CLASS 3 INCIDENT ADDRESS /4i'{. CENSUS TRACT 3~ I i,113 DOBloplionall n:LEPHONE ADDRESS j-"O-(; 0 DOB (optional) '7<11. . f'{ 21- TELEPHONE ~ OWNERNAME(Lut.Fint,MI) ADDRESS DOB (optional) TELEPHONfo: N!:."""'-- 6 F1REREPORTEDBY(~t.Fin.t.MI) \&c...U 11 /.((-, I " Gk 7 METHOD OF \ 0 TtltpnJne Direct 0 Rldio ALARM 0 Municipal Alarm S)'Ittm 0 Verbal o Prh'ate Alarm S)'It.em 0 No Alarm Rec'd 8 I OF FIRE SERVICE PERSONNEL , OF ENGINES RESPONDED RESPONDED ~ ?.. ADDRESS D08(optional) TEI.EPHONE :,u. "^-'- ~ o 911 {Tie Line) Voice Signal Muni Alarm Not Clauirled Above Mutual Aid (ntingui. ,or in\'eltipte only) o Recti\'ed 0 Given 0 N/A I lOTHER VEHICLES RESPONDED (donotinclud,PA's) ::z.. I lOF AERIAL APPARATUS RESPONDED o Other (List) o 88h.... o Not Clauined o Undtt.ermined o Vehicle Fi~ o Bnah. Grau. Leaves o Truh. Rubbish ~~-Extinguished ~ Make.shiftaids o Portable Extinguisher I TYPE OF ACTION TAKEN o Extinguish 0 Removed Hazard o Im'estigation 0 Stand By o Hand.laid hOlJe/h}'drant. standpipe o Master Stream De\.it-e o Not Classified Abo\'e 9 TYPE OF SITUATION FOUND ~ructureFire o Other Prop. w/\'alua 10 METHOD OF EXTINGUISHMENT o Automatic Ed. System o P~.conned. hose/tank only o Pre.connecthoSC!/hydrant,st.andpipe 11 FIXED PROPERTY USE d WE.lliN~ M MOBILE J >EAR PROPERTY 12 ROOM/AREAOFi'IREORIGIN Ji!lil\'~ f"" E.o\-)\ I",d/ E EQUIPMENT r YEAR I MAKE INVOLVED IN IGNITION 13 IGNITION FACTOR I PROPERTY COMPLEX (lC applicable) I MODEL MOBILE PROPERTY (Complete tina M) SERIAL' I L1CJo:NSE, I MAKE EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN IGNITION (Complete Line E) (;r:'Yu/'"/<,O'" Cnrd, MODEL I SERIAL' I VOLTAGE ~'I.I."'~~ 1 ON U FORM OF HEATOF IGNITION {l J-gf{!~r.Ctj 15 ~\j::LOFFIREORIGIN IlJ' Grade levelta 9 feet nu(\.. [0(1& - gf(dii1J~ ~(Q Cm'I'(1)~ ] MATERIALFIRSTIGNITfDWASMADEOF ~ (,','rf-. iJ'!4ldcLr-jI'"J~f(' o 10 to 19 feet 0 30 ta 49 feet 0 O\er70feet o 20 to 29 feet o 50 to 70 feet o Objects in Flight Contents Vehicle and Contents .00 .00 .00 ITEM FIRST IGNITED; wif6 INJulCtdt'il!.l o Below grd.level 0 o NotClauified Other Undtlermined TOTAL ll.\~nrm 16 VALUE Building 1.(0 ,{'jr'Jh cfJOo .00 LOSS .00 .00 .00 .00 ~-o --D-... ~2storin 8' 5to6slories to 3lo4.lorin 7tol2slories 'I BUILDING SIZE (Grnd Fir Only) [J 1000.4999 ~ ft cr"O-999~ft 0 50Q0-9999sql\ 19 CONSTHUCTIONTYPI-: U HeavyTimber U Unprotect.SteelBldg o Steel&'Concrek',3.4hr.proL 0 Prot.ect.SteeIBldg 0 Prole<:L Masonry F.xl. & Wood Int. F..xTfo:NTQio' DM..fAGECOr\FINED TO; Flame Smoke DETECTOR PERFORMANCE -so o 5O.toriesormoA 17 NUMBEROFSToRIF.8 o Istory 18 BUILDING AGE (In Years) B 13lo24stories 2Sta49slories o IO.OOO,19,999sqCt 0 5O,OOO.99.999sqCt o 20,OOO.49.999sqft 0 IOO.OOO,499,999sqft U Unprole<:t. Masonry Ext. & Wood Inl. g} Unprotected Wood Frame o Prol<<ted Wood I-'rame 0 Not Cla..ified Abc)\'a SI'RINKLgR PERI-'ORMANCI-: o SOO.OOOsqft I Theobje<:loCoriJjn I 0 I 0 ~Inroomofori(in-oper. 2 Part of room or area of origin 2 ~ 2 0 2 NotinroomoforilCin-oper. 20 3 RuomoCorilCin 3 0 3 0 0 3 Inrmoforigin-notoper-firetoosmllll . Fire.ratedromp.oforigin . 0 . 0 0 . Not in rm of origin-not oper. fire too small , I-'oorofnrigin , 0 , 0 0 , In room of origin-not oper. power disconnect 6 Structureofodgin 6 0 6 0 0 6 Not in rm oC origin-not oper. power discon. 7 Extended beyond structure of origin 0 7 0 0 7 In roomoforigin-notoper.dead b.atttry 0 6 Not in room oforill'in-notoper.dead battery 6 Nndamageofthetype (N/A) 9 l3 0 9 Nodeteclorprellent 0 10 Undetermined 21 REMAHKS Weather Conditions (optional): I 0 F..quipment operated 2 0 I-:quip..houldh.....eoper....:didnot 3D I-:quip.prellentfiretoosmallwUpC!r. 9 0 Notclauirl('(Jabove o 0 ~rmined or not reported 8 W"Noequipmentpresent(N/A) Sprinklers Controlled Fire: lofHeadsOpened ,,:so NOD o (t)llt.llnback 22 I-'olluw Up In....esliption Rc.quested Y_ N_ Ifyes.who....,iIIinvestigate 2:1 Num~r{Jrlnjuril'l Fire Servire Other 24 Membt'r Making RI'Port~..lhlllJ Q J1 UVf (, 7!i Additiunallnf"rmalilln by I J Nurnlll'ro!lo'lItalities Fire Service Title r <-I .c..ftICtiN G - 3, \!<) OthH Date Title D... 814,440.10 (R-86) (") :to 0::: en'" ..,1.""' ~~ ."." -0 "'''' f)l> I.""' I.""' (") :to 0::: en'" ..,1.""' ~~ ."", -0 ~~ I.""' I.""' .00 (") o ;:: '" I.""' ~ t'l ." o '" > I.""' I.""' :t o en .., ;::: t'l ~ .00 en --l '" c: Q c: '" t'l ." ~ en o Z I.""' -< ,. . . aQOSI)& FD-16 FIRE DAMAGE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD DA TE : r. - ~ . p, c, TO: Building Department FROM: Springfield Fire Department SUBJECT: Structural Damage to Building Address or location' of building I ~q ,~ Ra.-,iJ. !b0 Name of OI'mer Ll4rr'l Q~ij/u." Type of building rlwr,t!iM' I (Dwelling, Store, Warehouse, etc.) Estimated value of building $ Estimated loss to building $ t..{O,OdO ~o Date of fire r.. ~ . ~ <; Location of damage in,building riLe Iki e (HI lAJCdl ) , (Roof, Wall, Exterior, Interior, etc.) Structural weakness as a result of the fire )Q (Burned rafters, Beams, Joists, etc.) Additional pertinent information ~ El ectri calHazard 'A... (Wiring, Outlets, etc.) cc: j1J~ 0-.e. ~}(;LFLc),_ Signed ~'!"'" (2. MLW,rJfl,