HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2004-1-1 . . .. . ,eh, ~225FlFTHSTREET ~1 '~f'j\;,\ r:] ";j :'iF~:1 "';,\'", ELECTRI~" ~PERMIT'APPCICATION"""'" f,.1--- n r.. SPRrNGFIEIlD' OREGON47477 ({:" 0 I' i: . : ~'}', 1 (<.,.","",. ~ ~OCJ([)(L' 1".te '\::1..1 l" , ,~, ' .'" 1 " '",,,...,,, ''r t..", .1 t.. --:..J ":--... ~ I,,'~. ~, f::J>'~., '; INSP.ECTIQN.~.9~ST:^7~6:?7;69"l "1 ..'1,--,J' j"jCi!Y:iJOh N~m~:er.." , , , ....' " ',..', \.. ',:' OFFICE:'.726-3759, ,rol '') l I', ~j . .1 "I 1,. ,J, , '''" ,'" "~I:. ',' ~~Jr' tnjl'!;\~:[ ~.> r(-:, ~'~"7I'3:.t.COMpLkTE~Sq.ffiI?uL~'?ELOW, ">,.'>: y ;~ \~~,;} 'J], LOCATION OF'INSTALLATION .. 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