HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-12-15 ~ . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT . INFOR/IATION LINt 726-3753 Sq, Ftg, I,lain ~q, Ftg, Access,l7-:?:S Sq, Ftg, Other flew Add Alter P.ep, --Fence Demo Change/Use Other- - I 1 INSPECTION LINE 726-3769 Job Address / 0?;5 6 Legal Desc'ription ,.-' ,) - . .r-,'::;'/U~..,) .'U"" i vel I i EIIERGY SOURCES: Heat Na ter Bea tcr Range ValuE of \-lark: ?"700, 00 BuildinQ Pennit Info: Describe Work(Le., Familv nesidence With Attached r.araQe\ I 7--0 ~ - ~ 7 - 3 Y- ~ Go 0.:2... Owner 'X-4;,v.8tJ<...V u;t(a..?e 4-/-:3- Address /~@.6 r ;? v:;, N L'3o<A..J {)c, Phone c::? p;:: L. /J. 1OaA... Build Single \J) \] ~ \P Construction L~nder ~ 6 7-" A'vV,O J;?;,<;, c:; C'.- Address j), 0. ~ ~,?g DESIGN HAH (name) Primary <:;iLcJ)'Z67e >?-.Ne;> /hsd c:- ?c..//,/ S/-IEO ~OVl-:i <.. Phone (address1 flies. nQ~) (exoiresl {ohane no. I Structural tu~c5;re4 #'''-- ;;; /./0": CA.. ef' ~ , tt~ ,\~3 Electrical /U G> -c f1echanical CONTRACTORS Inamel General ~"..,-z, e_.~ Plumhina /1./ .. v-e, A-J G' ;(-/ e... ~ A..) /J ?L.~ "<,,,. ,.,7.s7' (~)(nirp<;) %.::1 (I')hone no. ) (address' (1 ics. no.) , 5Q",3- - .:5"''''1=- f<lechanical A..; c _e.. ;\V\ ~V Electrical /~C? ----E PLUI,1BING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL Each single fixture FFF .QjARr,F 'lll.... FF"-..ctlARGE .1!ll..- Residence of furnace/burner to SQ, FT. BTlI' 5 'J'.L --1!!h Relocated building (new fix, additional) New circuits a1ts. or extensions Floor furnace and vent S.F. Residence (1 bath) Duplex (1 bath) each SERVICES Recessed wa 11 Sn~cp hp~tpr ~nn vP~t Sewer Temporary Construction Change in existing rp"inpnr:p multifamily, conrTl. or InrllJc;tri~l Appliance vent s~oarate Stationary evap. cooler Vent fan with sinrlle duct Vent system apart from heatino or A.C. Mechanical exhaust hood and rlurt Wood stove/heater Additional bath ~Ja ter servi ce Storm Sewer Of amps, ICOMM,/IND, FEEDERS I Install/alter/relocate rli"trih. feeders. I Of amps.1 I I I ISSUANCF OF PFR!IlT TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE L,\lI REQUIRES shall not be yali1 until the TOTAL CHARGES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical J1ortion of this permit label has been sinned by an Electrical SUJ1crvisor and returned to the Building Division I HAVE CAREFULLY EXM1INED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Ore~on pertaining to the work described herein, and that 110 OCCUPAllCY will be made of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that my registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ons 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in comnliance with OP.S 701. ' ed on this project. ~' HAlIE(please print) Qoc..he..{\e. QI2.AFT ,GilATlJ.r d~ A/~TE i'~. FOP. OFF I CE USE mv /' ' I, ~ Ftg. f1ain x / Value Sq, Ft9, Access/7"2:R1" ,st.SLvalue ?9~.-- Sq, Ftg. Other ,Value Zone/y?LJ/f Fi re Zone Type/Const, Bedrooms .r;-N Units Flood Plain Stories / Occy Load Occy GrouP.4--IT (V COIllllII n1l Pj'r Fpe Res Per Fee PI an Ck. 65%/Bldo Plan Ck, 30%lBldn 1f:?T: ~ / =< B.!'?:Z Ii'::y. ~'3 /~ TOTAL VALUATION -'_"'\ BUILDING PERI,IIT Charges and Surcharges ~ PLU!~BING PERMIT Charges and Surcharges _nk8~2.qn '3, ~;? Systems Development Charne (1.5~) - ,- //$.5""0 Fence Demo ELECTRICAL PERI:IT Cha rges and Surcharges Sidewalk Ale Pavi n9 Total Comb. rermit 7/. 9"5 11ECHANI CAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharges Curb Cut TOTAL I 7t9. ~3 r . . ~ . . " .! i COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) PERMIT VALIDATION I. Appl icant to furnish A, Job Address B. Legal Description 1. example- Tax lot 100, lane County Map Reference 'II 03 43 2, exafi)Ple- Lot 1. Block 3, 2nd Addition to sprlngtield Estates C. Name, etc. of owner and construction lender D. Energy Sources 1. example- heat/electrical ceiling/or forced air qas 2. examyle- waterheater/electrlcal/or solar E. Square footage or valuation. etc. I, example- 1250 sq. foot house. 500 sq, foot garage 2. example- if new project, check-new - if addition. check add, etc. F. Building permit information: 1. example - construct single family house with an attached garage 2. exam~le - remodel existing garage into family room 3. exam~le - convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G, Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural Specialty Code H, DES I GN TEAl,! AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job site corrections, etc. II, Abbreviated P)umbing, Mechanical. & Electrical Schedules A. Except where blank spaces occur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s) to be installed B. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the full schedules C, BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES D. As noted 'on the CAP, the label must be delivered to the electrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor ;s -!!2.l authorized to sign the electrical label. III. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application, :and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when 'the permit is issued. 11flr~ , (z/ I C;_<{f V, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Clerk c-C--- I PROJECT CONDiTIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: I' Additional ~roject Information: PLANS /7-/S-B-ZS name srn~~;F:LD ~ ~ .. .quired Inspect'ns .. IT IS THE THAT EACH PROPERTY, RESPONSIBILITY OF TIlE PER!1IT HOLDER TO SEE THAT ALL INSPECTIONS ARE MADE AT THE ADDRESS IS READABLE FRotl TEE STREET, AND THAT TilE PER."IT CARD IS LOCATED AT THE BUILDING DIVISION APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON JaB SITE AT ALL TIllES, PROPER TItlE, FRONT OF THE PROCEDURE FOR REQUESTINr. INSPECTIONS, Call 726-3769 (recorder) state you CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBER, job .:lddrcss, type of inspection rcC'\uested and vlhcn YOll will be re.::.dy for the in::;pecticn. Contractors 0:." o\..rners name and phone nu.1\hcr. Requests received before 7:1')0 am \,;'i11 be ~ade the same day. requests received after 7:00 am will be ~de the followinh work day. Your City Desip,nated Job Number Is, s::5~ /0ft!59 Job Acdros s, /::?.:).o .7I/T>'<< J'jp,tv- z:::??/ lr~ Owner'~~A>~ ,f(LLL~~ ~. Phone, Contractor:_,~A'G';>:j -?" ~ Phone, 3Y'~-3p~.::G o o D [t] o # o o D D o o o o o o o o SITE INSPECTION: To be m~dc after excavation, but prior to setup of forms. UNDERSI.J\B PLlJHBINr., EI.ECTRIC'.!. fl ~IECll^NIC^L: To be :mlllc befere any work is covered. CONCRETE SI.J\B INSPECTION: To be made n.fter all inslab builc.ling service equipment. conduit, piping, accessories and other ancillary IA equipment items ar~ in place but ~ before n.oy concrete is poured. 1;(1 FO~N~& FOUNnATIONS: To be made after trenches :lrC excavatell and forms n.re erected, all steel in plnce, hut prior to pouring concrete. o U~nF.Rr.ROUNn: Plumbing, Electrical, Gas. Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, '~:ttcr nn~i.in;lge I ~ To be made prior to I.:OVClllig or fi 11 ing trenches, 1.1=: 4?'Y 7' UNOERFLOCR: , Plumbing. Electrical, Hcchanical. To he made prior to installation of floor insulation, decking or floor sheathing. POST & RE~l: To be ~~de prior to installation of floor insulation, dccldng or floor she..ting. FLooR'INSULATION f, VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made prior to instal l~tion of decking or fleor sheating. ~lASONR\': Steel locution, hand beams grouting or vcrticnls in nccordance with U.B.C. Sectien 2415. R("JCr: S!lEATHl~:G A~m N.\II.tNr.: Prior to install ing any roofing. ItOUGH PJ.I!MRINr.. ELECTRIr.Jl.L f. MEr.!l,\NCIAI.: No \,'ork is fO be co\'ered until these in~peCfio:1s h.lVe been made n nd approved. FIN:\!. PLU~mING D \~ [JK] Arnc lIRAFT STOPS. ClIRTA1N NAI.I.S, FIREPLACE: Prier tc plncing facing mnterials and before framing inspect ion. INSlIlATION & VAPOI~ MRR!ER: To be mnde nftcr all insulation :::.nd required vapor barriers are in place but before any Inth or gypsum hO~lTd interior wnll covering is applicd. FRAMING: To be m.,de after tht' roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing arc in place and all pipes, chimneys and vents arc complete and the rough electrical, plumbing and heating ",'ires. pipes and ducts arc approved. o o =:J LAm ANn/oR r,YPSllfol BOARD ]~SPF.CTlON: 'I To be ~1de after all lathing and ~ gypsum hoard, interio~ and exterior, is in place but before any Ploste,ril~'=:J is applied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. SPECIAl. INSPECTIONS: In accordance \dth Section 306 of the Building Code a special inspector shall be emplo)'cd by the O\\'nerl Contractor during construction of the fcllowing work. A cepy of the special testing reports shall be furnished to the Building Division. ~ ~ =:J STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: In excess of 30(1'1 '1).5.1. (306 a.l) FIRE & SEPARATION I'lALL: Located f, censtructed according to plans. o o WOODSTOVES: After instnIlation is completed. SIDEloJAI.K F. ORIVEWAY: Required for all concrete paving within street right-of-way, to be mnde after all excavating complete & form work & sub. base material in place. CURB AND :\PPROACII APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. STRUCTUR.~1. \~EtnS: Preformed on the job, (2722 f) HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING: During 311 holt installation and tighting oper3tions (306 a.S) SPRAYElI ON FIREPROOFING, (U,B,C. Standards 43-8) SPECIAL GRADING, EXCAVATION AND FILLING: During earthwork. (3060.11 I'; Chapter 29) =:J r.LlJ- LM-l BEAHS: Inspection Cert ificate, by an approved agency, furnished to the City's Building Division before beams ~re placed. (2501-U.B.C. STDS. 25-10, \ 1), o o PARKIN!: LOT: After gravel pI~ce hut prior to pl<lcing or concrete. is in asphalt *In addition to the inspections specified hereon, the Building Official :nay make or requi rc other inspections of any construction work to ascertain coopli~nce with the Buildi~g, City or Zoning Codes. CITY'S SITE PIAN REVIEW BO.\Rf) INSPECTION: ~lust be reGuested 2 days in ndv~nce of the dnte yeu wish i~spcction. All project conditions such ::I:> Inndscaping, parkin& lot striping etc. mu:;t be :::oll:;lleted ~efore rt'questing this inspection. FI~AL EI.ECTRICAL FINAl. ~lEC1IANIC/\1. FINAL BIIILnlNG: ~lu5t he requested :lftcr the finn.l Plumbing, 1:1ectricol. ~lechnnicnl nnd Fire l}epnrtm~nt inspections n.re mnde and approved. No Occupancy of the premises can be made unti I a Certificate ef Occtlp:lncy has he en issued by the Building Divisicn and posted on the premises r:INAL FInE IJE!'AnnlENT SICNATURE lIATE . ,\1.1. t-l/\NIIOLES :\Nn CLEANOUTS ~ll1ST nE .\CCESS1HI.E. An.JUSTIoIENT TO RE t-1Aflr:' AT ~O COST TO TilE eln'_ ~ i ~~10f?23 . . 1(\' cr _ FD-166/83 , SPRINGFIELD FIRE DEPARTt1ENT. ~u-lL ~~">L.. INSPECTION REFERRAL FORM TO: Electrical Inspector )( Date of Referral /6/:L 7 (~l , ' I I I I Occupancy RCL~toow Uill",Cj-€. II. pis. oJ Address I;:).. S-o #Qct.':"'b.. \ DIr OC<!.U.f'<lA...T: U~~ (2,LlSl"y Ilpf. #'8 Envi ronmental Inspector Ph,# 7<11o-307S EXPLANATION OF REFERRAL (1-01,,-, I? L~ o-G 0.ec...-\- V.L~ ('_~ p.,jI.q'-l..I~ ~~J d"-,.......___ 'J\l-<))~"J Lt-L1ov> ;}l'I.-t;, L,~ If..... :;I (l"f"o,r=->VL P~~J <,{)a..n/c S~D~+~~ Q.uJ- ;[ lno:J:i.v~ !oL.c._~^ J "--;;'""Wn w..:tt,. lix~ tZtv- i- F'<A4A 0 J U . J ACtION TAKEiJ (Attach copy of orders) 3:JO Plumbing Inspector Inspection Number Building Inspector Mechanical Inspector C~A-o.- ~o ~, lo(;!-\(~") r,;9ac... By. If /h'/'8 7 ~ Date ' IJd O.J"."" " ~ ~~t~ C-~ ~. tvvv--, 11 t ~ (k~ v--~~ ~ fJ v--'~ ~ ~.--f ~~, (./~ll r ~~~ v-vU b\- P ~ ~~ · rrnav~.~~- ~~ oyYJcv-u. ~ ':;~ ~1.-j7 . " .SPECTOR (~ ~J.~ DATE "a.ln CITY OF SPRINGFIELIJ Job'Number ~ 0 11 B- J BUILDING DIVISION 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 WE HAVE INSPECTED THE ELECTRICAl WIRING AND EQUIPMENT INSTAllED BY YOU AT THE PREMISES NAMED HEREIN AND SUBMIT ;~~ "r:~uv~~~ n ..~. 6~~~~R ~ 11. ^ ~ V ~~" lOCATIONOF 1'1,- (\ - tY' _ Utx ,),.,_ ~ '-1.7 - I~n........-.,- JOB -1rJ,::J(I k' ^ o WIRING APPROVED FOR COVER V 0 A PERMIT IS REQUIRED o APPROVED FOR SERVICE 0 HEAT CABLE APPROVED FOR COVE'll o WIRING tNCOMPl:ErE 0 UNDERGROUND APPROVED FOR COVE'll o WIRING COVERED WITHOUT INSPECTION 0 CONDUIT SYSTEM APPROVED FOR COVER o DUE TO THESE PREMISES BEING lOCKED AN INSPECTION COUlD NOT BE MADE o DUE TO NO ONE HOME AN INSPECrON COULD NOT BE MADE . q WIRING APPROVED ,FOR COVERING EXCEPT THE FOlLOWING :t:t_...W~ ~~-~, OM-^ nAJL 0.. ~ .J~__~~ ~ U'V\R~J ~ )"1 ~~A , I ~~~ t--'. y. i....>>,.~ ),A- oOi~l~:.J ~J, J,A-~~.. 1..e~ ~_.<, ^ ~ fh'=.Q Y, '4-J~ 2'ftl AaALf"hA_~. T^ ~~+.- 40 ~~ '"i ,.r,,,~ jl._..._~ v:-~.~ r 2..-." ~::t'~" ~_~ OO^~_o ~Q ~ A:l,+,iiA. 'I. V- 6~ j-J~ ,,~ At. K. Briggs Company. Inc.. Eugene, Orogon 464245-8 -' OMPDRTANTMEBL Ctl/lVl II ,II '1'.;. r/t7\ A.M. ,.-~ T1M~ ....{-* ru P,M. ~P&vrJ lJitI~~t &:/./ (Ln! · '?if!;; - gqsf- ~ FOR OATi: M OF PHON1=' . AREA cooe "'-""'E~ EXTENSION TB.EPHONED ,~ PlEASE CAlL KI CAME TO SEE you Will CAlL AGAIN I WANTS TO SEE YOU i RUSH I RETURNED YOUR CAlL II SPECIAl ATTENTION I MESSAr'::c by ., " , , ~ ...- " CITY OF SPRINGFIELD APPLICATION' AND AGREEMENT FOR SEWER HOOKUP Application is hcreby made by the undersigned property owner for permission to connect the following dcscribed propcrty to a city sanitary sewer line, owncd and maintaincd by the City of Springfield, and I agree to pay such a hookup charge of $4.50 pcr front foot of the property for the first 150 feet in depth to be served by such city sewcr line in lieu of an assessment against the described property. An additional $0.03 per square foot will be chargcd for any additional propcrty beyond the first 150 feet. Property Description: Address: 1250 Rainbow Drive SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION LATERAL Sewer hookup charge: front feet @ $4.50 per front foot = , 207,439 square feet @ $0.03 per sq. ft. = $6) 223.17 This agreement has been computed as being one-half (~) of the equivalcnt cost of an eight (8) inch lateral sanitary sewer at the rate of $4.50 per abutting front foot and does not include the cost of a house connecti.on to said city sewcr, sewer user charges, plumbing permits or other such costs to be assumed by the property owner. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON By: At..<J,(l.1A..) '71[ C-~ Date: ()~v;2.(p /C/1J- PROPERTY OWNERS: RAINE, 0, W VILr:;-A~, INC. ~hp.r ?~( 1Z;~ );~1(.l-b,,/ ~ D.'Hu~Peniston, President STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss County of Lane ) BE IT ITh"MEMBERED, that on this 25th day of October , 1973 bcfore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, pcrsonally appcared the within named D. Hugh Peniston. President of Rainbow Villag7, Inc. identical individual described in and acknowledged to me that he known to me to be the and who executed the within instrument executed the same frcely and voluntarily. WITNESS my hand and seal this day and year last above wri~ _ /1 /1( C?!:!"yu-1 ~ /U...'2.J ,r A ~) /Notat J~)..l,C 1 October 1976 My COllmlission Expires , '" .... .'".", I, . , t / , . . . ORVILLE 0, CASWELL AEOISTEA1:l LAND SURVEYOR PHO:\E 688-6746 4047 CONCORD AVENUE EUGENE. OREGON 97402 July 6, 1972 P.f\.C.T. For Acti,on' Inc. 1475 Ferry St. Eugene, Oregon DESCRIPTION: Beginning at the re-entrant corner of the Robert E. Campbell Donation , Land Claim No. 59 in Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Heridian in Lane County, Oregon, run thence South 890 11' East along the South line of said ,Claim No. 59 a distance of 1224.17 feet to a stone monument inscri,bed "ith a cross, marking the Southeast corner of that certain tract of land conveyed by thatcertain deed to Geol'ge D. Smith, recorded Septemb,er' 20, 1945 in Book 297, Page 434 Lane County Oregon Deed Records, thence leaving said claim line and ' run North 10 26' 53" East along the East line of said tract conveyed to George D. Smith a distance of 556.30 feet to a point (said point being on the center line of Rainbo" Drive), thence leaving said East line and run North 890 II' West 30.0 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNL~G, run thence North 890 II' Vest along the South line of that certain tract of land 1I0nveyed to Leslie A. Crane and "anda Crane by instrument recorded July 12, 1947 in Book 351, Page 392 Lane County Oregon Deed ilecords, a di.stance of 577.01 feet, thence run South 10 14' West 495.56 feet to a point on a spi.ral curve marking the Northerly ri.ght of "ay line of County Road (Cenntennial Boulevard) thence Northeasterly along the Northerly right of way of said Cenntennial Boulevard along the follo\dng courses and distances, thence along the arc of a 100' spiral curve left (a= 6; s=30) the Ihord of "bich bears North 880 32' 50" Eas~ 23,92 feet to Station L 20+34.03 P.S.C., thence along the arc of a 6 curve lEft (the chor" of ,"'hich bears North 780 35' 34" East 286.91, fee' to Station L 23+41.53 P.C.S., thence along the arc of a lOa' spi.ral curve left (a=6; s=30) the chord of \o/hich be:n; North 67u 20 I 5'1" East 96.85 feet to Stati.on LE 24*41.53 P.T., thence North 660 22' 00" East 64.13 feet to a point marked by a 3/4" pi.pe marldng the South\o/est corner of that certain tract conveyed to Shell Oil Company, thence leaving t.he said Northerly ri.ght of ,-laY li.ne of Cenntennial Boulevard and run North 10 26' 53" East parallel to (and 155.0 feet West or) the East line of the forementioned tract conveyea to George D. Smith, a distance of 207.36 feet., thence South 89u 11' East 125.00 feet to the Northeast corner of said Shell on Company tract, thence North lU 26' 53" East 161.40 feet to the True Point of beginning in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon.