HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Sewer Connection Record 1971-10-14 , 11 .( /- , .1,.;.j ~ 703. i3 49(,.u:;'- . . CITY O~ SPRINGFIELD, APPLl CATION AND AGREEI.\ENT FOR SE\.IER HOOKUP Project SP-84 App 1 i cat i on is hereby made by the unders i gned p'roperty owner for permi ss i on to conn oct the fo 11 owi ng deser i bed property to a city san i tary se\~er 1 i ne, e'tmed and ~aintained by the City of Springfield, ~nd I ~9rco to p~y ~uch a hookup c charge of $4.50 per front foot of the prpperty for the first 150 feet in depth to be served by such cJty sewer line in lieu or an assessment against the des-' cribed property. An additional $0.03'per square foot will be charged ,ror any additional property beyond the first 150 feet~ Property Description: . Address: 112<; Rainh",.. Beginning at the intersection of the eqpf right of ,way line of Rainbm{ Drive and the southerly right of way line of Centennial Boulevard; thence South along the east line of Rainbow Drive 160 feet; thence East 125 feet; 'thence North 215 feet to the southerly ~ine of Centennial Boulevard; tKence'westerly along the southerly line of Centenn~al Boulevard to the point of beginning. in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. 23,437.5 square feet at $0.03 per sq.ft. =' A~ditional expense incurred constructing 10" c~ty accepted line in Rainbow Drive, credit $703.13 496.65 , Yaid October 14, 1971 Se\~er hookup charge: ($4.50 per front foot) $ 206.48 This agreement has been computed as being one-half (t) of the equivalent cost of an eight (8) inch lateral 'sani tary sewer at the rate of $4.50 per abutting front foot and does not include the cost of a house connection to said city sewer, ?ewer user charges, plumbing permits or other such costS to be assumed by the pro- perty owner. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON Y'Y'L. ~-';. Q L, ~'.ciJ ~ October 14. 1971~ By: PROPERTY OWNERS: r,f G~,o41-1-. ~~ -CoVv~~' Date: STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss County 'of lane ) BE IT REHEI1BERED, that on thjs /4;/? day'of (Q('/~'-C-- " 19...lL berore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and ror.J.j:le said County and State, per- sonally appeared th.e within named ~J ~ :?,;~-<'" ...~ 1/ the identical individual and aCknowledged to me that known to me to pe described in and who executed the within instrument ~_ executed the same freely and voluntari ly. WITNESS my hand and seal this day and year last above written. " , ( .-rLJ~ C- /~'1?V1~ Notary Pub 1 U: ~ 2..... /'773 MY Commission Expires