HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 1996-3-15 '-' .' -e . SPRINGFIELD -, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 (541) 726.3753 FAX (541) 726.3689 March 15. 1996 Ronald Eakin 860 McKinley Street Eugene, Oregon 97402 "RE: Street Address Notification Dear Mr. Eakin: At your request, I have assigned the street address for your proposed mini storage project on property known as Lane County Reference Number 17032743, Tax Lot Number 05804. The address which has been assigned is II11 Rainbow Drive, Springfield, Oregon. I will notify the following companies andlor agencies of these addresses by sending them a copy of this letter: Springfield Police Department Springfield Fire Department U.S. Post Office U.S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments Lane County Assessor Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfield News/Register Guard If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3790. Sincerely, ~~A~'~' Lisa Hopper Building Services Representative .' 03'12'96 16:21 '5'503 i26 3689 SPFD DEV. SER. I4J 002 .,...... '"1'. . . AOORESS REQUEST Property owner: !2,"'A1-0 d C.".J::,"'/ Mailing Address: ., ~b IJ?" KO.lL41 S~ (d.lS,MSs.J"J city: CVG.f...cWC State: (!)ft Zip: 97~O2. Fer~on or T\gency reque;it.j,ng addr.:>ss if oth~r than ownar~ A9sessor Map #:_L1~()3 -2.t::-~3 ~ J't.. - :3 3S-S- TalC Lot '#: .sto t/ phone number where you can be contacted, , PrC'lpertigg ar.j:~ gcncr'nll.:; as~igned addrct::ees \-.hen application is made for a permit to impro'le the property_ Please explain specifically why you need an address assigned pL'ic,," 1:0 the prop~rt:,' beir'lg improved: ?~lS___~OIol~T1S/"-l~ C./'2.I-nc..~ 10 ~ ~'maA-(a~ buS"",II!;';S e.~NC. E:S,A-4t.uSt-W31) eN -rHG TS --. S' . L~l!: __\'.M:LP~ "TO __p~_o_ ~,.s Fii.IDA1f T~"~v..) I ~~~ Af4~ Fe it. MAtUIof I~ y 15l.Ul "" ll\crlD ! I! proposed Address :____ \ \ \ 0 'i2""'~\e.o...J ~I!-Nue. . ~ ':":"'_::::::_::':::::::_---;:~':"~~~----------------- Tax Lot I: ()S~.q- Approved: t/ If approved,~raddreSD Reviewed by: Nt. - (9) ~. 't\,Gt{o ,. ..~.... r, . . r:.; ,..; ,:\CCESS. EASEMENT. AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Paee I of OWNER OF TAX LOT #5805: The Carrington Company P.O. Box 1328 - Eureka. California 95502 RECITALS: A. Ronald N.Eakin 860 McKinley Street Eugene, Oregon 97402-2710 erO . .~r/ '~6b:.J.~ ~ L,SA'" oAlt..( ~ ~te~r Tax Lots 17-03-27-43, #5803, #5804, #5805 and legal descriptioos attached. OWNER OF TAX LOTS #5803 AND #5804: (at completion of Lot tine .adjustment, Metro Interpretation, Zone Change, and Site Review) B. The Owner of Tax Lot #5805 manages lbe shopping center know as The Centennial Center located on Centennial Boulevard between Prescott and Rainbow Streets. C. The Owner of Tax Lots #5803 and #5804 (modified for sale) operates a mini storage unit facility. D. Development approval, operation of lbe mini storage facility, and continued access to the shopping center requires that there be common access through the existing curb cut on Rainbow with access and easements for both Owners for the rust 115 feet (from Westerly property line proceeding East 115 feet) of lbe property line common to Tax Lots #5804 and #5805. E. Development approval of the mini storage facility depends on access and easement to construct a new 6 inch water line to a new rue hydrant located at mid point of the West- East common property line. F. Access and easement rights are necessary to provide ,,;cess for rue and life safety personnel and equipment. The Owners are agreed upon the mutual access, easement, and maintenance of the common areas as per the conditions of this agreement. WHEREFORE, in consideration of the forgoing and the mutual covenants contained herein, lbe owners agree as follows: . 1. QR,A]'ITOFFASEMENT The Owners of the properties described above herehy grants and convey to each olber easements for ingress and egress on over and across lbe properties for the rrrst Westerly 115 feet of lbe common property line. 2. USE AND A(Y'F~~ The non-exclusive use for access to the properties is bereby granted to Ule employees, invilces, ' customers, and permitees of both owners. The use of this area is intended for the access of customers of both lbe sbopping center and the mini storage facility. The rigbt of use sball be on a regular, continuous, non-exclusive, non-propriatory, and 24 bourhasis. 3. MtJNTFN~ The maintenance of lbe aecess areas sball be lbe responsibility of both owners to keep the access clean and clear. The areas of responsibilities sball be as defined by the common properly line between Tax Lots #5804 and #5805. . .. .. .ll. .' 'OCT-05-1995 11:59 aT DT . P.002/003 .-- ,-... o Page 3 of J IN ~s WHEREO'ku-Lt!:t 9wners have caused this instrument to be cltccuted this "'" _day of (.....&:fc..;o:I;\~99S. Owner of Tu Lot #5805: The Carrington Company l',O.1iolt1'3Z8 ~.EWl:ka. California '95502. ('By: f'" I;~ _G~r"d.lw". ~"date loAjt;~- /. Si~atWe: .' '" . ~d . .:\. OwnerofT~ Lot #5~03 ~804: . Ronald N. EakIn . 860 MeKlnlI)Y Stree Eugene, Chegon 97402-2710 By: 1?>JALb W,,-,t4 tjm ...Jc./'lS" Signatun:: ~.-d/' r , -", STATEOFOREOON ) ) 55. County of Lane ) On rh.:t,nJ.... Ill!}' of ~p ,...1995, personally appeared the above named ~llPA 1\. P..Al.l'i'l. 1_. who being sworn did wledgcthe fOIC&oing instrument to be a voluntary actari,ldeed. Before 1e: . 0fl'1CW, &FJl, . CiEll'IL~ . , ~~~O~380 vtCO'~!IS8O'lElQ'I'!S~.2f.I\l;I J / STATE OF eF.fi(JQN . eM- \ o;:.o12.l.J 11'1 ./" County offMn: ) ) 5S.' '-'/ ) .~) e e ; I/),.~' ',,1 w" I ell! I) u I ;1':. c A (U'nD tl:},. ),?"nl Jl. ,,1' (.', /lwr A,:' , .,/'" On the day of . , 1995, personally appeared the above named . who being sworn did acknowledge the foregoing instrument to be a voluntary act (lud deed. Before me; /' Notary Public (or On:gQn My commission expires: