HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-4-3 . .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLI::A7'ION!PERMIT 225 North 5th Street S?l"'~r.gfieZdJ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 . " SPRINGFlE1..C Job !.cc:::i~: q '3 2, fa. iJ/l hr,c.. I Dr. , /7..Q=3-"JI:Y-/.< S,ennJ. f.,r /d Ta:: !.at H C> l/ 66<:::. I ./ ~s~e8oor3.'.!3p , /. Stdxfi~sic": ~"""r: i-;'.e- 1'""~ (, \' /l7 ;-lit 9 <( <, Rc. 10 bl'J<<- Or. >)0 r '-"',f -f,'~ rJ Ac!d....lJs::r: c:.~: n n ~ n 'I",., Ac!.:!.;ticn Pr.or.e: ?), { -60 7' ( Zip: & CJw7 )?V7? Dsscl"ibe rl'ark: R~sL C1. rid LtL!< II ih C c. rc.je .'!ob{'l. .~~3 4-3-BI../ Aa'd..-es3 Dcrt:l of A?plic:a:iclt ~;on:r:::c:or8' I'?U..,IYI e-r' C-meN! Plwnbirtq !'wctriccl o Valus :t 0/'00 ,,:>0 ~ (o;)..wqq .~c.:e-:=: ~ -o."R /0. "'" Q 'fCf' '?~ .,/0 ~ €'.p. 5- ~c I.. M~~. .~6 tA-?EC ::<~ - (bT/;L "2 G, 2C> Siqr.ed: ~~ Date: ~,~ -?-Br Lise.." E:::iircs Phone / .'.fil:har.ic.:: 1 ......J.-cOPla:r-.Jcei~ r.ii:'!der !: i. ~h. resp07lcj.biLit:y of eM pen:-ri.t: MLd.u- CO BBe :hat aH in..apections are r.-.adc at :h. proper :*, t.".at &.(:Ch ~B811 is l'Q.....:,.,~!.. ;ron. tM strt!se. end that the permit CtU'd ". l..xated at the fl"07'lt of th6 property. .t!!lli.!..dir.g :r:vi.:io:-: c;"Frot:ed FLan I1r.c.Zl. rer.ta'in on tr.o Bu-:.Zdi.n? $it~ at all times. ?'?OCS!J{JP'! Fon ;,','SPEt:'!'I~lI R!'''l/Z'~lL 726-3769 (rccorde~~tate your City desigr.ated job 1f'..u;:bel'~ job ad6<(:8S~ t!!PS of in.:pfl::~icn l'~e:J~cd a:-.d :J,~en you :J'it.. ae reaay jOr- :.,-'!-'...l-lr..;....Jl~ "'OT~lr~tcrs or Q..'n8:"s 11C'1te .:nd phar.s nu.~cr. Requ~s:s l'flr:oir;ea bs;cl'e 7:00 C':: :,."iLt ba mads the BCTT:B dc-:j, requssts :rn::de efta' 7:00 Ct'7I wilt b3 made the n.c:t :Jerkin.; ~'. . r:llU!",.:"pff ""Cf-jOO'i:o':~:~,1 O SIr!' I:'l,sP!C::IJ.'!: To be rrac.e e::eav.:t::.;m~ .;ut prier :c u: f""",s. af:er U? of o cr.TD~.::tSr.A3 ?~l':,(gI,'1C_ ELZC':'!~.rr.1', ~ ,'.1ECH).'JI.;,U.: 'I'o De made bej-or~ cny uorlc is .;ovcred. o ~~.'l(; ~ FO{J:,tD,1TIC,'I: To alJ rrads af:dl' :1'enc.'te.:r Gr!l e=:cC"Jat~d cr.d I~s c:re er6cr;~d~ but ;1'';''1' :0 pourir.g canerst.. o U~'Dt:iGRO!F.,'D ?!'~'M:1I:l~, S;:"::R, :J.1Z'E.=? D,'?A.:.-:/~t;Z: ro ce. r.a.:;.s pr:.or :0 fii.- tir.g :rer.cr.eB. o lXJ U,'JCE.f?:'~CC.q P~:J,'.!3r:"C i ,'EC'!!ANrC~!.: ':0 :,e If"4C.II PrUl" c.o in.:trai.lat::on of ftcor ir.suz.aticn or deckir.g. . - ?JST .~,'I0 3~:'N: To be r.m::.'(: p1""~l" to 'Ln.a:aL':":ti.cn 0;" j!OOl' i7t3t.:Z.a:i07t or tUick,,,,. .~fJW;r.- ?~!.o~~r:!c~~~!::.:.~"" :EC.!f- ANI':A!..: .'10 "JO!'k ....a-;;-;c COI.'e!'ec: ur.~~L :r.cs~ irA~ec:ior.s ~~U9 ~ser. mcc.'1J :::r.d =??r:::l~e.:. ~""~ F;.~:::?!...lC2: ~or ~ ;)1.<:'::'''-1 "'c:ina mc:"riaili ar.d bej'ore 'j'rc::rir..g inspe~- tier.. FP.A.~I.'/r,: MI"~: be req'.l.0l3toi!d at:~r 0 cpprav.:~ of r~gh ptlJr.i>ir.g~ JLQ'c:r::- cat & r.:ec;.~i.=3L. Al~ :"Ooi"::7'I:} b~c-:.r.q 4 chimneys, at.:. r.:".I.se ';4 0 complJ:cd. ;'/0 ~r< is :0 oe CC7'l- . cccLJd unc:.l :r.ia inscec:icn ;'J28 "b..." mad, anC c",,"",'''d. <c/tl-€~ o o ~ , 1'our City. Desigr.ated ';ob Numb~ Is: rv1 I?lSULATIO,V/VAPO.9. BAR.'?rrR INSP::CTIOtl: ~ To be ~d6 after- aLL insul...:;ti"n ar..d . requ-:.rsd vapor };~BrS are in p lacs Cut cafore any lath, gypfJUr.r beard or U:2Z:Z: covering i.s cpplied~ and bl1;""oroe any ir..:r..dation ~8 concealed. ~ DHY';/ALl r:.'ISP::~TO.'l: To 06 made after aU ez..:r..Jat.L i.s in place~ but prior to any tapint;. 5<. L\ (jz'4 I I DEt.:OLi';'IO,~' OR .~:av;;; 3fJILDI;IQS :J Scni~;/ SJ'..Je:- =tr;J?ed ::t ~OP&r1::j z:i1':1J ~ Septi= ~ ~~~d ~~ f~llJd uith ~~8Z I Finct - ,/h/17t c::X-t.'e its::':s are c~mJlQt€d ---1 ar~ whsn d~t~:ior. is comptete or 8:~~- t""e moved cnC p'=,.es de"",,:! "p. 1 I J.!obi!e ilc;~:es =:J 3tock.ing C7Id SJt-:.t.p =:J PZumbinJ conn~c:ions 8~er and ~:.r ---, Electric=! Ccnr.ect~on - BLockir.g~ 86t-U? --..J and plumbing ccnr.Qc'tion8 nr..:st ~s appr~T:Old before reques:~r4 Q!ec:ri=at ir.s?Qc:io~ :J ACCOSSOf'"'d Bui!..iing I Fin:J.l - 11ft;:r ;::rahQ8~ --l etc. are c~~IJ:;d. s1d.rtir.g~ d.ecr.s~ O '\{ASONr~Y,: St~e! locat~~ ~ beams, grou~~ng'Ol" ver~~CGl8 ~ accordance wi:h U. B. C. Section 241S. O ~DSTO'J!: After inst:c:Llation is cc:rrpLdt~. .., o CURS ~ APPRCACF! AF.f?':)N: Aftar forms are arected out prior to pcu.~ng ~n.::rstii. SIDr'''ALK & :JRr.rdAY: For alL Ccn- Cl'otJ paving within utrect right- of-ocy~ to be ma:ie attO!r at!. uca- vatir.g currpl.e:a & to~ t..Or.ic & ';uO- bass ..~teriaL in place. o All pro;ec: cor.di:i~r~~ JUC~ C$ :he ~ns:aiLc:~cn oj' s:raet :r8~S, ~~~Lot~n of :rte re'l04.ired Zandsccpi".q, etc., muse .;e sat~sfi.(]d bo;fore :;..s 3l/Ir.;r:,'C FI:!AL <:an .be r3'1.iS8t~d. =:J FI::A:' i'W:.~I:,'C ~ :"1.'1:'[. :..'E:,u.A.'/ICAl. ~ F!:IAt !:..2::RI:~t .~.~ ~ .':'I,'IAL a:JI:'DI.'IC: The Final. Eu.iLdir.g Ir:spoi!c:ion .':';'"...tSt be !'equsar:ad -=t:~l" :ha :~11:lt P!ur.:bin.; ELac:l"'i.::al.~ and .'1ecn.ar:ic::l. Ir:spec;;i::ma ,':avo been maaJ and cpprou8d. -A':: :.!/..:IEC:'ES I.ND C[.S~NC'I17'S .'fUS':' 3E .4C:25$:3['2, .J.Eji.'Sr.'~!:r: :0 3E :.:'1C! .':: ::0 ::sr T? ~I':''! o m/c'S: When compl.te -- ?rovida gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. I?,:,. oj" 2 I JOB NO. ~4()Z4Is0LA.CCESS ! ::-:o!: It.ot Sq. F:';. I. 'f 1._ C-"-" I~ J ~.. ...."'#....::. .; of ,:;'''r-:.8.9 ' I. . ! ' - -- .o..a ...._<;r:" I I Topo~hy . . , I I-"~'l I.'i:~" I .i'.F~C ~.':~a - I. I I/oiT' 11'c~cL ;.:r:'cr~ I :~CCC33":-.J Is.o.c. ~!'.~~ VA!.!,'E I :;c"...cJ 1.5 = Eui ldir..g Fer:r:i t: St:.::.t:a SUI'::iu:rge Tot..::l cr~gtt3 I r;'2.\f I!'L-::..res I Re..id.:ntial (1 beth) I Sar.itarJ Sr..Jer I:'VJ./ I ;"'C't<<.~ Pl:.unbing Pel'r.:i t State Surcr~e T:tat C11c.!"-:1es I :!'E.'.J J .~l!S. Sa. f~. 'NiiJJ/E:--tend Cire-.li ts T01I?Crary ScrlJiCQ ;:'V'I I::? I I E1...z::tMcaZ Pemt St.:u Surc;..arce Tot.::Z O.t:r'::BS I I'i';.~f ,,'/1:.1 ::'t":" ~..::c.r;t ?7f)'S I I F.=haust Hood. I I I V.",C F::n I I ;!i>odStO'"J8 I I I I Perrrit I:;su::nca ,"ffl.::r.an'ic::.Z Perr.r:.: Sta~c Sur::hcr'3c '!'o-;:l !;J-crJ::e!J ':c::--'=cr:~.J -;:-':"~::: :.~': :!:! !~,,;eri.cr C'Ol"'1Er.' .... Pcmi*.c..,aZoi Cul-as-sac ./ ..1 I I :r ~'aLu.! I I" I I I qa:::>. C()I I I. FEE I I/?... po J . - 7'P I /@~f't>I' C."I.~CE I I I I I I. I I I. :':.::":_~G~ 15:.:;:>0 /Z) c>o .60 ,):~O I. C!!AR~! I I I , I , " I I , . 2.'lC.~CAC.:!.'.!:::!:, SeC'.u-:e-J DZ=03i.t Star=:e ,~n:"...::r~.q Pe..~~ Ta~-:L V.t:MCS C\u'';C'.l: Side:..xzl<. .r:"'lro.::e ~.c,,..:.cd L~"'! I (/lq I - ~ !,Vot:iZd il:;r.:s L-:n'Al ,,"'..'CU.'l'! C~E" rl!l I f . I I I , I ,20 I : I ~~, ~o I. ?~q;] 2 . L-COG~ REQ.- -:-..:eIC.:r.3';: Eold..-:Jor.:S: I I =1'!81"T.J Sa-.J.l":es ~'ea; T:;:-a I !oat F-:=ce3 - , I .~.L 11Io:'';i1 lEes = 150'"";' lWest;: 3~:='2cks l.:icr,;,s-l I ':::.rc.ae I i I I Access. ilC';2ZO H~~:~'!" 3aru:;e :f.r'eo~c.ce ;.toea:; :Ol.;e Fees Building Value' & Permit This p6rm-~t i,3 granted'on the erprQS8 condition ~hat: ehs s~id. constZ"Uc:-::on s;..aZZ, in Illl res?ccts, canjcrm to the Ordinar.ce .=dop:e.:: by the =!:~ of SDr":ngf'ier..::., inc!ud"':7lO ;ne Zon.ina Crd-:.nar.CB, reauL::-:.r.a tn, ccr:3tl'""..l~:;icn ~~ use of ~uiZdings,War~ m=? ~cw su~pended or r;uckJc ;t cr.y time ~~cr. vic- La:ion of any pr~visior.8 of sa-::d Ordi,r~e8, wew..y I~ ':::~.R' ~?~ I Plan Check IDa:. Pa;.d, IR.cc~pt #, IS~.d: Fee: N"A_</~.- J' I Plumbing Permit No person shall cons~..lat, in8~l!, a!ter or changs cny rAW or e-~seirwg plumbing or drainage systen in ~holB or in part, unless such ?BrSOn is er~ legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, ezcBpt tr.c:'t a ps:'son rr.a'J do plumbing work to prapert-:i which is OLJned, leased 01" opemt.d !Jy the appl.i- cant. / ,. Electrical- Permi t "here State LaLJ requires tr.at the electri.cal. work be dene by an E1..~mcal Contractor, the electrical portion of ehiJ permit: sr.all roOt bs vaZic! until ths 1.abel has b~en sig'11ed by the Electrical. =ontractol', . . Mechanical Permit ~Z!'/;k:- 72~F~ P l.an z.==:nner ~-3-8Y W;B I HAVE CAilE.":'ULLY ELt'1.I.'JED t,":8 conrpt.zt€d appZicaeian tor ?e!'mi:, end de hereby certity that all i~fo::r.atio" herB-on is true an:i eorrcct, and I ~ t..u>tr.er cer:ity that any an: an ,.;ark Ferlo~ed 3hall be dtr.-.e in aC~,:Jr- da.,..ce :.lith tha Ordin=nces of tr.4 City of Springfida, and ;hz l.c:.;s of ti:a Sta.tB of Oreg:m pzr-:.::ining tv the war:': desmbcd here"~n, c:n.d :;..at .vo OCC!J- FL'lC'f :.l'iE bB :ra.:a of anu at:-uct'...troiil withou.t o3-rrti.s.Ji0:1 ~f :hlil 3u:.Zdina !/':_ trision. I ji.J':h.zr cel'ti.f"J :r...:::: a~l!l ::on:ra:':ors c;-.d e:::;:~1JBe.J /Mr.D erg in compliance ~th CRS JOl.OS! will bs'used on'this ;rojzc: Z:. #-S;;~ Si;r.3d . '/-f-~<"; Ca:2