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Permit Electrical 2002-9-30
': " A~ NewRe~idential-Single or Multi-Family per dwelling unit. '1\ d ha~lRI\?l\\'t%Jded: The t~6~~~~~~:~~i~~ s9pecitic land use zoning ana \,j...~ (l Pprovai Li) JOB DE~TION a '. ~ J.e80 ''l.n. or less ~Eu3/v'/vc::--CT ZonIng <f __:;:):'01. "~~il;v"dlo00 1 Date -- - sq. ft or oortinn Permits are non-transferable and exoire,,"'eO Signature lereof .' .. I\b\UO . ,fwork IS not started WItllln 180 days Each Manufd Home or of issuance or if work is suspended for Modular Dwelling 180 days. SelVice or Feeder B. Services or Feede,'s Installation, Alterations or Reloe,ition: /. \)~'t- / &. ~ m amps or less I ~ \~ {;, ~1l1 amps to 400 amps CIty , , Phone / -,'X-'Y;, ~~,,*\ ~\)<:/I.O 1 amps to 600 amps \ ' {t- \, 'Y;,1-' ~S '? ~'Y;,\) 601 amps to 1000 amps SlIpervisor License Nl!ln~~Jl1 _~~ _'"' ':\~ ~'V'\J Over 1000 amps/volts , ':\)01:- ~'\ "'~>;;)V- ~~~ Reconnect Only Expiration Date~ ~y~ ~~(J \S 7jQ.. \S ~. . \'<--\,:) f'.)~\"'R.'Y;,<;) ~~~ C. Temporar)' Services or Fceders . Constr Contr. N.mnber~\\\~ .t..Y~ ..,~ '? Installation, Alteration or Relocation r . 1 ~~". ~<sy .c.; ,\ '\ ~~'\. . ,. . 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 . . INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-3769 . , , OFFICE: 726-3759 ' L LOCATION OFINSTALLATIO~\. Is/D W D",,; V\,4--\~ LEGAL DESCRIPTl..OJ'I 17037-7] L 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY Electrical' Contractor Address , . Expiration Date Signature of ~UI)c.r'Vjsing Electrician \Owners Name!2~ /"1;(,"V/~t: ) Address /3/(/ VV. C{ l//A//Jd Citv 0;;/ --'I Phone~ a{ -~f:S!i OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I o\m which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. . . Ownc.;.rs SJlJnaturc: [qO' ~3IH,I\!:('c./~~ : ::9~\:!H8 ~ . ',inn :1; l'O::mJ lW\1 :':DO;;; O~ d3S;31\:!U LgLOtOO-tO'USN\1~J ELaCAL PERMIT APPLICATION Cit). Joh Numher n7 ~ 00 l{ frO -0 3. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW Items Cost Sum $106.00 $ 19.00 $ 50.00 $ 63.00 $ 75.00 $125.00 $163.00 $375.00 -I- $ 50.00 .:;-f""\ " $50.00 $69.00 $100.00 200 amps or.less' 20 I amps'lo 400 amps . _ Over 40 I to 600.amps.;' ,- ,.f_~_ .'.' '.' '- . ~Ovcr,,600 ~~lPS ,0/ 1 OOQ vO,Its see... ':)'IIBll'~b L' ", ,- ,~-- ': ' ,\ ~"(1 ove '~r\' . ~ ~ _ \.t..... ~ '. ~ -. ". ,:". . 'Z I' . C' ...' ,.- .'" .~:\ . \ - \..' ..; \ \. - '\.,\:. ",,\ -~"""'. \.' ...,',' , ,...... ..,")v r,o:' ":".'J. .'\'-' ,',' _.,\' ,',\' .....' .D:~ B)::!nch,~ii:c~its~" ~,S~ ~~~\""," -.~ ' . ,O\~.rJf(;.\.'\_ Ne\,'. Alteration or~Extension Per Panel ,',-.:" <........' '>.'Of _ ".'_.' _ I. ' ~:' O"~ '0'\.. ,- J" '" . ',' ~~ >One':C'irciHt' yt". .)(J:.J ,~\~\,. r:.. . \' < v" "'\\'~' ,<,,<fiCh Additional Circuit or with Service or Feeder Permit _ $ 3.00 .' :' $43.00 E. !\liscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each inst~llation Pump 'or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Res Limited Energy/Comm $50.00 $50.00 $25.00 $45.00 1\1inimum Electric Permit Inspection Fcc is S4S.00 + SllJ'chaq~.::cs 4. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE. 7% State Surcharge 80/0 Administrative Fcc :SO 3-'0 '(OU S7~ TOTAL