HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/14/2011 Work SessionCity of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2011. The City of Springfield Council_ met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, November 14, 2011 at 6:40 p.m., with Mayor Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors Pishioneri, VanGordon, Wylie, Moore, Ralston and Woodrow. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. 1. Council Ward Redistricting. Bill Clingman from Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) presented this item. On July 11, 2011 and September 26, 2011 the Council met in work sessions to review information presented by Mr. Clingman regarding 2010 Census data and Council ward boundaries. Mr. Clingman presented four possible scenarios for Council review during the work session on September 26. Mr: Clingman brought interactive software to adjust the boundaries "live" based on Council direction. This software allowed the Council to immediately see the affects of any changes. Mr. Clingman said he could start from scratch, from the existing boundaries, or from one of the scenarios he presented at one of the last work sessions. He reviewed the scenarios previously presented. The red lines on the map were the existing ward. boundaries and the colored areas were the census blocks that came as close as ,they could to emulating existing ward boundaries without splitting the blocks. They needed to do that in order to use this interactive software. For the final map, those blocks could be split to provide a better line. Councilor Ralston said he liked the Growth Scenario as it seemed to have more clear lines. He suggested having the boundary go straight down 21St Street to Main Street instead of jogging over. Councilor VanGordon said he would also like to start the discussion with the Growth Scenario. He referred to the boundary between Ward 2 and Ward 3 and said this scenario had a more natural break between those two wards. Discussion was held regarding the areas that were expected to grow most and the figures in each ward to accommodate that growth. Councilor Woodrow said she also thought the Growth Scenario was the cleanest and best place to start. Mayor Lundberg agreed. She noted that cleaner lines made it easier for citizens to know which ward they were located. City of Springfield - Council Work Session Minutes November 14, 2011 Page 2 Councilor Moore asked about the Highbanks area which was currently in Ward 6. Discussion was held regarding the number of residents in that area and whether or not it should be moved to Ward 5 or stay in Ward 6. That area would stay in Ward 6. Councilor Pishioneri suggested using 52nd Street as the cutoff and the freeway in the area running east along Highway 126. Discussion was held regarding the number of residents in that area. Councilor Wylie noted a jog in the boundary along the southeast edge':of Ward 2. She asked if the boundary could be drawn straight down from 7th Street to the southern edge. Mr. Clingman noted that moving the line would split that census block, which could be done in the final mapping. He noted the small number of residents in that block. Moving that line through the block would add 68 residents to Ward 2 and remove 68 residents from Ward 3. Councilor VanGordon suggested moving the line north of Centennial and down to E Street over to 10th Street, adding those residents to Ward 2. Mr. Clingman moved the line on the map to show the Council how it would affect Wards 2 and 3. He noted the jog as the line approached I -105. He noted that some of the census blocks had no residents, but included right of way only. Those blocks caused some interesting jogs in the lines. It was determined to keep the boundary along I -105 as it was in Ward 2. That block was full of apartment buildings and was difficult to split. Mr. Clingman referred to the Between Least Change and Growth Scenario. Discussion was held regarding some of the annexation island areas in Ward 3. Mayor Lundberg noted that it was cost prohibitive for many people to annex to the City. Council discussed moving boundaries between Ward 3 and 4, and Ward 2 and 3 to accommodate the first adjustment. Mr. Clingman moved the lines to show the affect on each ward. Mayor Lundberg noted that 10 years ago when this was done, Ward 1 was overpopulated because it had experienced a lot of growth, but things adjusted over the last 10 years. Councilor Moore asked about extending the line from 21St .Street straight up between Olympic and I- 105. It was noted that area was industrial and only had one resident. Mr. Clingman said the line between Ward 2 and 3 could be moved west to 6th Street instead of 7th Street. Discussion was held regarding lines between Ward 2 and 3 between I -105 and the edge of City limits and the best way to divide that area. Mr. Clingman moved the line so it went along 7th Street from Centennial to the edge of City limits. The wards that were left with lower populations were areas where the most growth was anticipated. With the proposed boundaries, Ward 6, would be about 5% high because there was not much growth anticipated in that area. Other wards would grow to populations closer to that Ward. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 14, 2011 Page 3 Councilor VanGordon asked about the population in the unincorporated area of Glenwood. He felt that growth in that area would bring Ward 2 up to the other wards. He would like to overlay those population figures to look out about 5 years. Mayor Lundberg noted that last time this was done Ward 1 was left with a lower figure because of the growth the area had experienced prior to the 2000 census. Over the next ten years, things had balanced out fairly well_ Councilor VanGordon said he felt choosing growth made sense. He would also like to look at school boundaries to make sure an elementary school was intact within wards. Councilor Moore said she appreciated that the Councilors represented the whole City. Mayor Lundberg said it was best to have the lines up and down as much as possible. It made it easier for the citizens and Councilors. Mr. Clingman noted the difficulty in making all the lines north and south and explained why Ward 3 wrapped around in the north end of Springfield. Council commended Mr. Clingman on his work. Mayor Lundberg asked what direction Mr. Clingman needed for the next steps. Mr. Grimaldi said they could bring back the final proposed map for Council to look atone more time either in a work session or when it came forward for formal approval. Mayor Lundberg said another work session would be best to see the final product. Mr. Clingman asked how they would like to see the final product. Council asked for a large map and printed maps for each of the Council members. Council Ralston asked when the new boundaries would take effect. Ms. Sowa said final adoption was scheduled for February. It would affect the May 2012 Primary Election as far as candidates running for Council positions. She said she could notify any potential candidates that had already expressed interest if there was a change that affected their candidacy. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m. Minutes Recorder — Amy Sowa 4Ch-ristinie ZL. Lu ndberg City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 14, 2011 Page 4 Mayor Attest: Amy Sowa City Recorder