HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 16 Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) Appointments AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 12/5/2011 Meeting Type:Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Kevin Ko Staff Phone No: 541-726-2302 Estimated Time: 5 minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Community and Economic Development and Revitalization ITEM TITLE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CDAC) APPOINTMENTS ACTION REQUESTED: Re-Appoint Judy Harold and Robyn Sattler to the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) with Terms Beginning January 1, 2012 and Expiring December 31, 2015. Appoint Karen Hageman to the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) with a Term Beginning January 1, 2012 and Expiring December 31, 2015 ISSUE STATEMENT: Three positions on the CDAC are scheduled to expire on December 31, 2011. All three are at large positions. At the November 21, 2011 Council work session, the Council reviewed six applications to the CDAC. The Council recommended reappointing Judy Harold and Robyn Sattler to the committee. The council also recommended appointing Karen Hageman as a new member to the CDAC. These recommendations are being presented to Council for formal appointment, with terms beginning on January 1, 2012 and expiring on December 31, 2015. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Applications from Karen Hageman, Judy Harold (incumbent) and Robyn Sattler (incumbent). 2. CDAC By-Laws DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The CDAC consists of six at-large positions from the community, one representative from the City Council and one representative from the Planning Commission. The CDAC advises the City Council on all matters related to the City’s housing and community development activities which are funded annually by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds received from HUD. The positions available are the result of upcoming term expirations of Judy Harold and Robyn Sattler, and the resignation of Scott Spiker. The notice of available positions was posted on September 27, 2011 and applications were being accepted through October 28, 2011. Six applications were received and presented to Council at the November 21, 2011 work session. At the work session Council made the recommendations to appoint Karen Hageman and to reappoint Judy Harold and Robyn Sattler to the CDAC. Staff is saddened to learn of the death of Frank Cross. Mr. Cross was the Planning Commission’s appointee to the CDAC, and served many years on the committee. His contributions were invaluable and his presence on the committee will be missed. The Planning Commission will be asked to appoint a new representative to the CDAC. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE BY-LAWS Article I – Name This Committee, being duly and officially established by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, shall be known as the “Community Development Advisory Committee”, hereinafter referred to as the “CDAC”. Article II – Purposes Section 1. Formal Purposes. The existence and work of the CDAC are important expressions of the desire for citizen participation in the City’s housing and community development activities, which are supported by block grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The CDAC will recommend for Council adoption: a. Short and long term housing and community development needs, objectives, and priorities listed in the Eugene – Springfield Five-Year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plans. b. The annual selection of projects and activities to be supported by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Programs; and c. Other plans, policy documents, or items required by CDBG and HOME program regulations and/or which could reasonably be expected to benefit from citizen participation. Section 2. Extended Purposes. The CDAC provides a means of citizen involvement in an advisory capacity to the Council in policy decisions regarding the City’s housing and community development needs. The CDAC provides a forum for citizens to assess and comment on all aspects of the City’s community development performance. The CDAC’s responsibilities and authority shall be on-going without a set date of expiration. The CDAC’s responsibilities and roles shall include at least the following: a. Ensure that citizen participation is meaningful in all phases of the City’s CDBG and HOME supported housing and community development activities. Attachment 2-1 b. Ensure that there is effective communication between citizens and City officials. c. Ensure that technical information is available in an understandable form. d. Ensure that citizens receive thorough, accurate, and timely information and responses from City policymakers and administrators. Article III – Membership Section 1. Membership. Members shall serve as volunteers without compensation. There shall be eight voting members as follows: a. Six citizens who reside within the corporate city limits of Springfield, or within Springfield’s Urban Growth Boundary. b. One Planning Commission member chosen by the Commission. c. One City Council member appointed by the Mayor. Section 2. Appointment Procedures. Each citizen member shall be appointed by the mayor and City Council from a lists of applicants during an open meeting of the Council. The selection process shall be open and widely publicized. All Springfield citizens over the age of 18 are eligible for membership. Preference shall be given to persons likely to be affected by projects and activities of the Community Development Program, including persons of low and moderate income, residents of lower income neighborhoods, the elderly, persons with disabilities, members of racial and ethnic minority groups, and female heads of households. Section 3. Tenure. a. Terms of citizen members shall be for four years and shall expire on the 31st of December. Three terms shall expire every two years. b. No citizen member shall be appointed to more than two consecutive full terms, except the Planning Commission and City Council representatives shall serve at the pleasure of those respective bodies. Attachment 2-2 c. A member originally appointed to fill a vacancy created by a resignation or dismissal may serve the unexpired portion of that term as well as two consecutive full terms subsequently. d. A member who moves outside of the City’s Urban Growth Boundary shall be deemed to have resigned. Section 4. Ex-Officio Members. An ex-officio non-voting member of the CDC shall be the City’s Housing Programs Specialist or the designee of the Housing Programs Specialist. Other ex-officio members may be appointed to the CDAC by the City Council upon the nomination of the CDAC. Section 5. Officers. A Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall be selected annually by the voting members from their number. The Housing Programs Specialist or assigned staff shall act as recorder of the minutes and perform other staff work as necessary. Section 6. Voting. a. Each voting member shall be entitled to one vote on all motions or other official actions presented for consideration at meetings at which the member is present. b. Proxy voting is not allowed. Article IV – Meetings Section 1. Calling of Meetings. Meetings may be called by the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Housing Programs Specialist, or a quorum of the membership. Advance written notice of the time and place of meetings shall normally be mailed to all members. A member may waive notice of meeting, and the attendance of a member at a meeting shall constitute such waiver of notice. Section 2. Conduct of Meetings. a. Official action may be taken at a meeting whenever a quorum of the membership is present. A simple majority of the currently appointed voting members shall constitute a quorum. b. An act of a majority of a quorum present at any meeting shall constitute an act of the CDAC. Attachment 2-3 c. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised, unless otherwise provided. d. Meetings shall be presided over by the Chairperson. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall preside. e. All meetings shall be conducted in compliance with ORS, Chapter 192, regarding public meetings. Article V – Staffing a. The City will assign staff to administer the Community Development Block Grant and the HOME Investment Partnerships Programs and to assist the work of the CDAC. b. All staffing roles and necessary financial support will be determined by the City Council taking into consideration recommendations of the CDAC. Article VI – Subcommittees Section 1. Subcommittees. a. Subcommittees as needed shall be appointed by the Chairperson. b. Members of a subcommittee shall serve until the work of the subcommittee is completed or until their successors have been appointed. c. Members of a subcommittee need not be members of the CDAC except that at least one member of each subcommittee shall be a voting CDAC member. d. Ex-officio CDAC members shall also serve as non-voting ex-officio members of all CDAC subcommittees. e. The CDAC may dissolve subcommittees or remove individual subcommittee members with or without cause. Section 2. Subcommittee Officers Each subcommittee shall have a Chairperson appointed by the Chairperson of the CDAC. Section 3. Subcommittee Meetings. Attachment 2-4 Meetings may be called by the Chairperson of a subcommittee and shall be conducted in the same manner as meetings of the full CDAC. Article VII – Removal of Members Members shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority and as specified herein. Removal for non-attendance shall be based on the following: a. A member who fails at any time to attend either two consecutive meetings or any three meetings within a twelve consecutive month period without prior notification of and excuse from the Chairperson shall be deemed to have resigned his or her position. b. The CDAC may recommend to the City Council dismissal and replacement of a member whose attendance record over a period of time is deemed to be unacceptable to the Committee. Article VIII – Amendments to By-Laws. a. These by-laws may be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the current voting membership, subject to the concurrence of the City Council. b. Written notice of proposed amendments and the nature thereof shall be given to the membership at least five days prior to the date of the meeting at which the proposed amendments are to be considered. Adopted: July, 1980 Amended: October, 1981 October, 1982 December, 1984 April, 2006 Attachment 2-5