HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 15 Arts Commission Applicant Appointment AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 12/5/2011 Meeting Type:Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Carrie Schindele- Cupples, Library Staff Phone No: X2237 Estimated Time: 5 minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: ARTS COMMISSION APPLICANT APPOINTMENTS ACTION REQUESTED: Re-appoint Riley Smith to the Arts Commission with a Term Expiring December 31, 2015. Appoint Roka Walsh to the Arts Commission with a Term Expiring December 31, 2015. ISSUE STATEMENT: The Arts Commission has two vacancies on its board. Two position openings were advertised. One vacancy was unfilled during the prior appointment process, and one is a term expiration of commissioner Riley Smith, who is eligible to reapply. The Arts Commission received two applications. Applicants Roka Walsh and Riley Smith attended the November Arts Commission meeting for an interview. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment I: Arts Commission Charge Attachment II: Application of Riley Smith Attachment III: Application of Roka Walsh Attachment IV: Arts Commission Member Profiles DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: In response to news releases in October 2011, the Arts Commission received two applications for two vacancies. The Arts Commission reviewed and met with all applicants during its November 14, 2011 meeting. The Arts Commission recommends that Riley Smith be re-appointed and that Roka Walsh be appointed to the commission. Riley and Roka will both complete terms that will expire December 31, 2015. Riley Smith is a business owner and artist. He volunteers with A3 school and is interested in event organizing and fundraising for the Arts Commission. He has been an active member of the Arts Commission in his previous service. Roka Walsh is a student studying psychology and art and has been a working artist most of her adult life. She is currently involved with the Eugene Storefront Art Project, The Collective Muse, Emerald Art Gallery, Springfield City Club, and a project mentor and judge for the Act-So NAACP Competition. The Arts Commission believes the candidates are eligible and qualified to serve on the commission. The Council reviewed the applicants at the November 21, 2011 work session and agreed with the recommendation to appoint both applicants.. Arts Commission CHARGE The Springfield Arts Commission was created by the City Council to promote the arts in Springfield. The Commission gives assistance to local artists in the form of grant sponsorship, networking, education, exhibits, and occasionally funding. The Commission may co-sponsor art events and exhibits. It works closely with the Lane Regional Arts Council and the Oregon Arts Commission. Source of Existence: Council Bylaws: Yes Code: No Sunset Date: Council Membership Number: Nine In City: Majority Out of City: Minimal Terms (2 max): Four years Ward: No Qualifier: Area residents with a 97477, 97478 or 97482 zip code only are eligible. They may reside outside the city limits, but must have a qualifying zip code. Appointed By: Council application Meeting Time: Monthly; Second Monday - 6:30 p.m., Library Meeting Room (Location subject to change) Funding Source: General Fund and Room Tax Staff Liaison: Carrie Schindele-Cupples, Librarian I, 726-2237 Council Liaison: Councilor Marilee Woodrow Attachment I –Page 1 Springfield Arts Commission (SAC) Membership Profiles November 2011 Dr. Gary LeClair: Dr. LeClair has been a member of the SAC since 2009. He is an amateur photographer and art collector. He is on the Boards of the Eugene Symphony and the Eugene Concert Choir. He has had a lifelong interest in art. His other interests include dance from modern to classical ballet, as well as music of all kinds from heavy metal to opera. Sally LaMarche: Ms. LaMarche is an artist and Springfield resident. She has volunteered at the Springfield Museum and is currently a member at Emerald Art Center. She has exhibited her work at Emerald Arts as well as in the City Hall Gallery. As a member of the Arts Commission, she assists with exhibits in the gallery and as host at receptions for the gallery. Paul Roth: Mr. Roth was born and raised in Springfield and graduated from Thurston High School. He is co- owner of Roaring Rapids Pizza Company in Springfield. His interest in the Springfield Arts Commission arises from his participation as a lifelong musician, which started while attending Briggs Junior High way back when. Currently, he plays trombone for the jazz band Swing Shift, which is a resident company of the Wildish Community Theater. PJ Sargeant: Ms. Sargeant was a SAC member from 2002-2006. She rejoined in January of 2009. She is currently a member of the mural maintenance, the mural planning, the youth arts, and the archives committees. She is a visual artist. Niles Schartz: Mr. Schartz is a long-time resident of Springfield and a self-employed interior design and remodeling contractor. He is interested in work with the City Hall Gallery, a supporter of Springfield’s 2nd Friday Downtown Artwalk and bringing art experiences to Springfield-at-large. Riley Smith: Mr. Smith is owner of and artist for Lifetime Tattoos of Springfield. He has a particular interest in promoting the Downtown Artwalk and improving our community through access to artistic opportunities. He also mentors and supports young artists to pursue art as a career. Robert Winkleman: Mr. Winkelman is the owner of McKenzie Photoworks, and has been a photographer for many years. The current Chair of the SAC, he became a member of the commission in January 2006 and is a member of the City Gallery committee and the Heritage Arts Grants committee. Scott Wylie: Mr. Wylie has been a member of SAC since 1996 [excepting 2006] and is a former Commission chair. He is a well-known artist and designer whose practice focuses on building/landscape design and planning and the interrelationships of these disciplines with fine and applied arts. This career path stems from his lifelong passions for drawing, building and using his imagination. Wylie managed the City Hall Gallery for many years and continues to help jury its shows. He now spearheads the Luigi Testa Sculpture Siting Committee, helps with the Puppet Festival and assists in Youth Arts and Arts Heritage workshops. He is currently active in the Emerald Empire Arts Association, volunteering frequently for its Family Art Sunday Programs. He frequently gives public testimony and writes articles on historic preservation, land use and design issues. As a construction contractor, he often builds and installs his works. Attachment IV—Page 1