HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-11-2 (2) AUtio 1" IJO':---. NOTtfIED . ' - .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr"~ngfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-:575:5 Job l.oc~tian: 1202 Ouinalt Asae'Gors .\fap # 17-03-26-41 Subdivision: O:.mer: Byron Inrunan 1202 Quina1t AddzoeS3: City: Springfield, Oregon Ua~, n Addition n Remodel n .',!C'b~ls Hor.ta Tc.-: l.ot # 16000 Pr.:me: 747-2023 Zi;;: 97477 DesC1"";be fIIer1<: Garage remod1e into family. Addition of Bath Data of AppLic:aticn :::on::l'ac=ors 9-9-82 G€neraL r.~np. r('ln~trll(~Ti on PLwnbi"" Corwin Plumbing ELectricaL Builders Electric Mechar.ic::L CO"8tl"'~c-:i07'l !.cpuis1' 10,000 VaLuer Add.<OOSS3 815 Dorris. EUQene . RCCfr~:;"; fi , 'j:j9..9P/) w)lllCLJ ~ Si.qr.ed. Data: dwo2) , ~ '7t=j-gl)j--- Li3C.# E~i!'cs Pr.onc; 1715 October 1. 1982 688-5836 ] I I r:. is the responDibility of ths perMit hoLder to see that aLl. inspections az'e r.-.a.ds at the ;;roper timc~ t"',at &acn .:Cd:rsss is r~:i' from ths stl'flet, and that th. p~t aard is t..ocated at the frcn.t of the property. "Eui!di!'l{J !r~l.ri.=ic!': a;J?!'Ovea pl.an s;..c.Zl. remain on tr..a Building Sit;z at atz. times. .PROCgDU.~E .r:'OR INSPECTIDN REQu.::'ST:CALL 726-3769 (zoccorder) stat6 your City :iesigna.ted J'ob nur.:bel', job cdZcs3, ty;e of ~n3p4Ja::icn roquestcd :rod when you l.liZl be :oeady for ir.spact~7'I, Cor:tractC:NI or OI.me:os r:c:l'Ie ~ phar.s ,"'.Ur.tbcr. R,qu&s:s recsil.:ea. cetera 7:oa .:::"l :..'iLL be made t~ dame dt:':b requests made after 7:00 c:n will. b3 m:zde the na:t :JOl'kin.; da~'. .l?t!"!'-J,:,..ptf ~"'f,.,p,.,:i.FrJ" O SITE INSPEC':'ION: To be made after e=cav.::tion, hut prier ~ set up of toms. O U~/DE:~S['~B ?U'.'1BIIIG. E['EC':!lIC.1L ~ I'.!ECHA,'~ICAL: To be made before any lJOrk :.s ~avt!red. o l'YJOTfliG ! FOUNDA.TIOfl: To be r.ru!.e after trenches ~8 e::::cavated and forms are 8rectad, but prior to pouring ccncret.. U!!DSRGROU;1fD P:'U.\fBING. SE'~R. ;J1,!,r!?, DRAINAGE: To be rrrl4e pr-:'or to f-:.L- l.ir-fi trencMs. o DJ UNDERFWOR Pr,W.fBI:1G & ,~fECHANICAl: To be ,-r:aris pl'ior to in.3ta L Zat-:.011 c~. f!oor insuZation or decking, POS!' AND BEAU: To be l1'".adt: :;:Irior eo inst:an.::t:icn of flool' insl.:~::ior. ?'7' decki", . F!O'-'GH ;)r.[P.!!![;'IG. ?r.ECT_9ICA['1 .'fECR- ANICAL: No ~r~ is to be co~erea untiL these ins~ectior.s ~Jq beer. t:".ade end ~prov~.=. F1F!?PLACE: Prior- to pl.c.c-:.r..g feeing. materials and bejore fl'aming insptIC- tier... GJ [] o 1.r--:1X F'P.A.'!1JlC: ,'.f'J.st be reque3ted aftfI1' L-Jg approv~l of ~~~rt pl~bing, ~lectri- cal & mechanical. AU raofir.g bracing ~ ehilr:ncys, et". r.r.J.st he . completed, .'/0 :.;:;rk is to be cen- , . ceaLed until :hi3 i71Svec:icn r.as . b.-en made ant! approl"..ed. rOW' City DeGigr.at.zd Job Numbu I:;: fXXl INSULAT10NIVAPO.9. BARRIER INSP=C'1'IOtl: . To be made after aLL insu~ti$n w.d '. required vapor barrie1's are in place but befo1'e any lath, gypSWl'l board or wI.I. covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. ~XX DR"r.JALL ItlSPECTION: To be ::rlde after' all drywaLL is in place, but pr-:.ar to any taping. O MASONR.?":' S:~e l location, bona beam:J J grou.. -:.ng or- vertica la in accordar.ce l.Jith U.B.C. Section 241$. ilOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpi..et~d. ~ o CURS ~ APPROACH AP.~N: Afte,:, foms azte erected but prior to po"Ul"";ng ~rete. SIDE'.lAlK J DRI!T';AY: Fol' all con- cretil paving within st1'eet right- of'-I.JC.Y, to be made aftar alZ. exca- vating compl.ete & form work & ~ub- base ma:terial in pLa.=e, 821483 I DENO[,ITIO!! OR ;'.:OV::; 3UILDI....CS :=J Sartit.::::r':J se.Je1' :Jczpped ::t P:.OP':1':-;I Zir.a .:=J Septi:J tank pu.":,:?~d a~.d t:.LZ.za. uith ;ra-';,aL I Pinal - flhen c::h..-^V8 ite.-::s a:re cC::1Ol..:ed ~ and when ie~Z.ition is compLate or s:~~~- ~-e moved ar~ ?1'cmi3es cZ.B~ned up. I Nobiie Hc::-:es ~ Blocking and SDt-~p =:J Plumbing connections e_ s~er ar~ we:sI' --, Electrical Ccnr.ection - SZockir~, set-u~ ---1 and pl;m:biY'.g c01'.r.Bctions ,':'l'"..:st :a <:ppr~1;6c. before requesting e~ec;ricaL ins?ec;ic~ ~ Aaces.:::ol'!,' Buil..:ing I finaL - I'.ft~r ;~rai:llsJ skirting, decka~ ~ etc, are ccmple=~d. o Atz p1'oject cor.di:ions, ~uc~ as t~A {"8:aLla~ion of s=rBet :rees, ~~7.?~ation of the required l.andscc:pir.g, etc., must be satislied ocjors tr.s Bf..1I[.i:JI:;'C F[;,lAL ~an ;'8 l'gqu98t:d. o PI.VAL PLUM8I::G o FINAL :.fECHA.'IICAl o FINAL ELECTRICAL. D G FINAL BUILDING: Ths FinaL Bu:ilding Inspection ::"Il..ist be !'Bqu.est:sd al:~l' t1:11 .:Oir.c.l. ?Lu:r:bir-a EZec~rical, and Necr.a..":.iccl. !n.spec:iont1 havo oBen rr.ade and approu.:i. . o o :'ENCE: ::ther. comoLc:ts -- Pro~U:!e gates 01' ,~able. sections through p.a.E. "AU .'-fANHCLSS AND CLEM/OUTS HUST BE ACCSS~Iar...EJ .4DJl/ST!:E,'/T TO SF: .t.10E AT !:O C':)S,;, TO C1':r I ?::.t;8 of 2 o l~ac2 I ~.2.l"":ior~ I 1 :1.cceSSOl":J Is.D.c. I Water II1'EN I,'?es. Sa. . SOLAR'CESS 6661 Occu:::ancu CrO'.l:J: S~. PTC I 252.751 I I x 39.56 I JO B NO. 821483 I iZeme: RI. ILot Sq. Ft;. 1= ~f tot Caverag& 1# of Stories Total H.n.ght I Topogn;:hy lITE:.! I ,'.hin lITEM IFi:::~es I Resid~mtiaZ. (1 bath) I Sani tar;! Sewer TOT At VALUE (uc:.:.uc) 1.5;:; I Building penm;t I ()U. ~ Stat. Surohczzog. L/. / G Total ~'g.3 ! 0 g ,llpl I NO. Fe;: 1 Ptumbing PermU I I I ....~.O() P. .oU h9..001 State Surcr.arge Tetal cr.araes .'10., 2 I I I . '" ~f"\"O 'E:lectr-r..cat Permt...... .( .L State Surohar~e I. ~O TotaL Charces <3/ . J(.[) FEE Nw/Ertend CirC".J.i ts fto. Temporary Service I ItEM I F'ta'r.aC4 ETU' S E=hau.s t Hood Vent. Fan I I ;'{:w;dsto:;e I I NO. FEE , I I Pernri.t IS8U:111C2 Mechanic::L Permit Stat~ Surc~c Tntal C1-ar'N"ItJ -- EtlCaCACEX::.':T -- 1< 't 0 '. iw8~.J.l"~ u J=03~w Storage Maintanan.:!e I Pcrnri t: I TotaL C1ra:Mcs I Cur!",ut I Sid_Ii< I :'er:c;z lE1ectricaL LebeL ! ,\{obi-le Homs PLAN CHECK FEE DUE 'TOTAL ",....'OU,'IT DUE:" I / 93. '7 to I 10,000.001 I This pe~t ia ;ranted on the express aor.aition ~r.at tns s,did. .zonstruatton sizaU, in all respects, conf:n~ to the ?rdinar.ce ::;do~te.i by the City of I SpI"'~ngfieZd. inc!udir:g the 2'onir.g erd:nar.ce, reguZc:til~g the acnstr:loticn c:r.a u~e of buildings, and m:z.y be suapended or revoked at cr.y :i::-:e ~Fcr:. vic- I lation of' any ?r~Ui3ior.s of said Ordir.cnces. I I..S'--&J\..\'\\t,t, L\ () O' r) Cov:~ - _' 10.000.001~i:5\\5.J.\5\ \)~~G\\ J~CUl \...QLtffL) NA: ,. \ b'\t\.'. '" ,......;>o..,..D '\ to -, , 0,.Q 6- '"\'J...U u..Jl \j i 'KSlJ\.f'l\-ctfJ ' 52.00 I l\i{j~1 I .!2nlnanCheci<Fee: 13.20 I IV \I, j 0 '-I lea". Paid: 9-9_82 I. /i P. IReoeipt #: 59657 .)(]"\. . ISig>:ed: L1ncla Plumbing Permit LOT TYPE -X....- Ir:tericr Corne:- PanhandZe CUl-de-sac Value 2.08 54.08 CHARGE 25.00 25.00 1.00 26.00 CHARGE 15.00 I 15.00 I .60 I 1 S. t\O I. ':HA?CE I I I NA 2.40 98.08 P=.ge 2 . -L-COG~ REQ.- R3 3 T:.;pe/Cor.st: VN Bedrooms: I I EnerTJ Sources I i .,eat Access. I I ilate1." .tJ:<atp!" I I Range I I Pireo kce I I ;:{coas:oL'e II Tr."oe I Lot Faces - I I P.L. IflOl''':tt Ecsr: IS""th l:Jest Setbaaks I House I Carc.qe Fees Building Value & Perm i t I ! r I I I I I I I I I I. I No person $r.aZl cons~~ct, instaLZ, aZter or change any r~w or e--isting plumbing or drainage systen in ~hoLe or in part, unless such person is tr~ LegaL possessor of a valid plumber's License, except t,..at ~ pe:'son may do pLur..bing work to properi;'~ which is ownsd, l.eased or operated by the appti- """t. / Electrical Permit Where State LaLJ requires tr.at the eLectr"':'caL work be dons by an Ele~tricaL Contractor, the electrical. portion of :hi3 permit shall. not 'os valid untiL the label. has been signed by the ELectricaL ~ontrac~cr. Mechanical Permit (~gLL~Y'~ 3.-(1-1?9~ I HAVE CAREFULLY E.!A'1IHED the completed application. {or perr.r':'t, c:nd do hereby aertify that all i~{o~.atian hereon ia true and correct, and I f.uotr..er certify that any ar.d all work par.formed shall be done in ac~or- dance :vith the Ordin::n.ces of the City of Springfield, and th;; w:.;s of tha .. State of Oreq:m p$r~ining to the wor,~ described here-::n. end ;hat NO OCC!J- ?JUlCY '.rill be rrrrd.e of any struCt'..a'Cl tJithout parmisaia:-: af the 3uilding Di- uision. I further certify :hat o:-:!y aontJ'actors w.d e.~l.:;yees wr.o are in compl~e with CRS 701.055 wilZ be used on this proj~ct I. 'iiJ~A _ ~(&+(f f./