HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1983-4-14 .. RESI~TlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Buitding Division 726-3753 JabT:.ocar:i.cn: 11"'1' a;>UIN""l.o-r Asa.ssars .\fa!>. \ rj {l~\n4 , StJJdiU'ision: (;l.m.r~ ..J~ 7W1'<'"lMI>orN Add:resa: I It:! \ 4'U1NAl...-r City~ .;.f~N6f'leLO ~ CiL~. n Additi.cn n Remod.! n HabiZ. .flame T= T:.ot # ()~~?fY) Pr.on.: "14G-~4~M Zip: .q'14--1"7 .' . t' ..CCIr..~ .. (n(Y7.;J ") . ~ Dtlscribtl i.'ork: Installing domestic solar hot water system Z Collectors x 'Drain Down Drain Back A-/I4-IE:;3> Dat. of App!icatiC1l :,;ontrac'tOrB ~! bo~ar ~oncep~s P!umitinq " " System System Valu. AddrtlS3 ", oW: ht-h $4,000 " Si.q70.sd: Dat.: r1~k !J-/f/-d' '<j Liso.tf Phon" E=:li.rS8 3/15/84- 345-0208 36214 " " " Etscmca! Robert Reiaert Electric 85197 Marriot Lane. (Pl.Hi11120-1696 I ,~achar.i.ca! .. CcPlSt"-ioti:m !.etdsr a "- ~M ,..BpCJ'lD'UIiLity of eM p#lZ'flf'i.~ i1ctde to 8.. :hat aLt. i.napect:o:...ans ar. r.tad.JJ a"t :n. ;z"OPtU" timc~ t1-.at a=ch .::idr.S8 is l"oa:!aa~. lram eka str..e, anti tJu:t the pazomic' etrr'd. ill t..;,cat<<l at :h. frmtt of the ~8Z"ry. .Bui!ding Of.vi~i.m: ~'fId ;L<ur. shaZ,z. rsma'in. an :ha 3u-:.Z4:iJtg Si.~~ at aLt tim.s. . ?!lOCSDl/P.E P'OR ~lI~~;:......rON R'::OrJES'7':CALL 726-3769trcccrd.arJ stats yeur City d.ssignat4d job I'U4:':bGl', job add.rcS8, eyE''' of in.:1p.c~ NqZuIst4Ui ar.d !J.0:1m you 1Jiz.~ b. ready far inspGw.:an, Coxtzoactcrs or <Nns:"8 1fCft'Q! end ;iu:ms rrumbcr. Reqrusts received '::.tcr, 7:00 .::t :.PiH I>. "'3lis thl: sama dcy. 1'Bqussts mcU tift.,. 7:00 all !Jill ba "'3lis ths nat :.>orkin; da-". ~"V.,: ""J"..ft rtr<mI'J:~:r.rt't O S= T!lSI'!C,ON: To lIa "'3lis af".... e:cat.Iati.:Jn. -'ut prier :0 set up af forms. 0, UN1)E:l1SLAB PWMllr.lG_ ;:U:C.UC,IL & :o!ECHANIC).L: To be mr::ds o.jora ~ work ia ~01)Gr~. o o o FOOTING J !'OUNDATIC.V: To be r.r:d.s attfitr l;1"l'7'lCnQS aZ'e c::ctrJatlZd a:nd . ft7l"m8 are arect~. but;z-iar :0 pcu:l"'ing cC7tCt'et.i:. U.VDI:RGROWD ?~IJMIIT!lG_ SE'.rF:!!. .,'TI:R, D.UI/JAGE: '!'o o. trr:C.s prior to li,l.- !...4 trB7lChs.. UNDF:F1PWOR PW/-!13ING & .\fE:C!IAI-IICAL: To be 11Gd.s p~r to instaLl.atian of f!oor ;nsuZ<:....:an or d4ckin;. POST AND BU"': To b. ,TrUU: ~:.or to ins'tal.l.::tt.Cn of f1.ooro insloOz4ticn aro dscki". . _=?Or.rCH ?!.tP.'Bnc. ?!:EC'!'Ft:!CA!. ,~ ,',fECg- ARICAr: No :.Jork is :0 :,C aot.'grct1 ~iZ. C;"CSlZ ins'06c~.:cr.s f:c:o.J6 ;,eer. mads end. 4';'NVB.::!. FnEP!.ACE: mor to p 7.a.cir.g lacing met.riaLs and ocf'ors frami.ng i.nspec- tior.. ?W!JYC: .Yust,;e Nc;"..l.6Bt:ed a.ftar Clppl'01Ja! of rough p1.urrJii"4. '!BCtri- oat & l1fec~z.. ALl rcotir.q lJraci,.ng & Oh:i.lffl1~YS. .~. 1l'l"'..L8t be . compLat:od. "'0 l.X1rk is to be aon- ~'CBCZed unt:il. :his inseecti07l ~s . b6~ r.ra4a ana approved. o o D o IClAZ' Ci.ty D.si.qr.ated Job Number I.: D T!lSL'LA'rIGN/VAPO.q BARRIE.q TNSP!CION: To b. ,"frUU aittJr al.Z insul.;:ti.;:m c=-.d ,'. required t1ap01' ba::t"!"'iars a::Z"B in p lac. but /;afora any Z<:th. gyp8lB1l 1I0ard or uzZ.Z ccvfl.ri,ng is appH8d, and bafoN any inauZaticn is ~ealfld. O OR~'ALr. msp~CT!C.v: Tc b. .'f!ad.s a.ttuo o;:Ll dr-:f1JaLl is in plao.. but pr-ior ::0 any tapi"4' O MASONRY: S:~.! !ccar:i.cn, ~ a6.am3, grcu...'t.ng or lJerucc:Ls :.n. accordanc. !Jith U. B. C. Saction 2415. O ;;oODSTO'IE: A.fta iNJta.LZati<m is acmpl.4'I1:.a. O CURB ,f APP.WACH _4PF!O.v: Afte forms are sr8attJd. but prf,t.na to pau.:t"irtg .:crrr..."?I!U. O SI!)E:rIALK & ORr/E:WAI: E'or aZ. CC1!- ~6ta pa't.'ir~ ~~t:hin street r-;ght- or".wc;h :0 be ma:i..IJ a.f=llr a.t! e=ca- vat"":n.g ~cmpt.ste ~ tom wrk .J ::uD- bas8 nr:tmal in ?~6. D ?!lIC!: - s.?um """",!.ta -- ?:-rnJids- g;;;;; or .1!OVabts" SQcticns through P.U.E. D 746-1"l.';Ij ~3\58S DtltOl.ITION OR ;~:Ov:z 3f.,'ILDII7GS :J Sa:ni.:az..J SCJtIfI ~apped. .:::t ~opwt-:i tir.Q :J Sep~ :ank p"~..d c::-.d t~ t Z.~d 1..-;:h ;-n-.ull ---, eina.L - rl"hsn a:Xvs :.:e.~s arQ ~~L,,=cd ---1 ar.d 41Jum der.lCli:ior: is ~ompl..:~ or s-::-..=- t:urs moved. and. ?rcr.ri3cs ~t~ :.Lp. ". I Mobi. z.. .1cmes =:J B!cckin; and. Sat-:.p :=J Pl.umbi.ng :::cmnecticns - s::t.JtJr ~~ wat.r --, et.&ct:%";ccz C(.'m'!Qcti.cn - Bl.ock:.ng. "et.up -.J and pLumbing conr..ctiol"l8 nr...st =" at'Praved befare requesting QZ~.::az. inspBc:i<r.: :=J .4caq8S0~' Suit..:!-!ng ] ?irt.::lt - ;tfti!l" ;~ror.c8. sldr-:ing. decks. eta. are conrpl~-:.d. o AU ;;roiea: cond.;.;-:.o71S. J"'..u:'=: as thll :~rtSt:az.z.at{.on of s:rece :recs, ~c.":,:?!c;::"1"l of ::;w -required lartt1.acqJir.g, stc., mtIst bc satisti.ad ~cf'Ol"fl tr.Jl BlJILDING ?I."lAL ::an "e :>aCjU8st:..d. [fr enlAl. Pl.UMBli'lG o noVAL .IfECHA.'IICAL ~ E'INAL ;:L;:C'!'.qICAL r\.! ?INAL 3lJIl.DrYG: The Final. 3ui1.ding ':n.speat"':.on .':':USt be requcot8d ~r=u :hll Pinal P!umb-i.n; ~lec'C'riaal, c:1"ld ,'o!(Jchar.iaaZ Inspecr:u,7tD io,avo oeen maca aid cpprotJed. o I II, of 2 . 'Arr. "'A'IP.C'"S AND c'rA"OUT(! OIflc:'T' 3" 'c~<:'''~r- 'D .'I~',-:o't'1' "'0 3" ..,nl:" ,'Il" "0 .-"'!C"'7' IT"O 1;:""" I :I,...... , L.... ,'I. , . l.IlO "".. 11 ~... ;'''''...... w'" ......;lu..L;;;/I.;G. .'< .,....;lL.,:,;._.; .. ,."'...... ,.~;o ~...,j... ...~. _0: _ I JOB NO. nSl5g:=') Izon.: Lo~ Sq. no. s of !c~ COUerat;& # af St4M.SS To~aL Bsigh~ ,SOLAR WESS OCC'WXl1'tCtl G1'CU~: LOT TTP:; Intmor Comer Pa7IhandLe CuL-ds-.aa ,j.,"!:'''':t.."''1!'1ty ITEU SQ.F'TG ,tmn Ca::fot1Ctf I. . . 'Ji:!'":)O%".. I I ACCSS80l'""J TOTAL 7ALiJE IS.D.c. I 1.5 :: I !,,'C:::':':~) Building Psrmit St4~a SuzooJrmoga TotaL ':1urtva. I lIT,\{ I Fi:t".ao8S '1 B.eidantiaL (1 ba<hJ I Stmi;t:azoq Sswsr I..<:/:IU' I ~ Q..A/ I NO. , I I ?1.:mrbing pBZ'fr.i ~ Stat. Suzocr.tQtgfl Tat.a. t C1o.arafUJ I :XEM I Rlls. Sa. fta. I N...,/!Zt...d Cizocui ta 1.'/0. I FEE Ttrmpcrroary St1rViCB E1..&..-t'rt-i.ca.L Ptmrrit St--ts Surcirarae TotaL Ch=ce. j IT::M I ?o~tf ?TU'S I E=Mus't Hood I V.nt ran I iloodsta-.JB 1.10'/ I ptzrm";t; 13suanca Ma::}o.anicaL pormt StatlJ SUl'cJu:::roas I Tot;l1. Z. C1:'-~,!,! I - E:NCaCACliMSNT -- I Sec--U""i.tu Otm03it I Seorat16 I ,'47in.tI/7'ta7lCS I Parmit I Tota L C"ITt:r!7GS' I C1a~C"",,-: I Sidm.1aL< I,,,,,,,. I naotl"icaL r.ab.L -:;t. ~O'8' - fl I .lfobiZ. Bema I TOTAL AJ.!OUIlT DUE:' FEE F::E x Value I I. I ~.OOI ,261 5201. CHARGE :5.1)0 .20 I 5.2.0 I. CiiAi/OG II). DC) .L/O /0. t-!O . c.rzA.T:fce .2.0 I,. jj 2/.(f) p~(! 2 REQ.- . L-COG~ , T:;'Oe/Cor.st: 86az.OomS: I ErtZf"':1U Sources i !feat I I ::lata%" HRr'ltlt"l' I I Rang. I I Fir6D l.ace I I W00a3tot,;'Q II TU'08 I Lot Faa.. - I Setbaeks P.L. IHoU86 Caraae li/orth IEa.t South West I Acoe... I :ee8 -- Building Value & Permit i This ~6rMi.t ia ~ted on ;he e::?rs88 conditi.cn that ehs s!l'id. aonatrw.lction shatt, in at! r6spccts, ~onTom ~ ~he 'Jrviina:r.ctl ~ptad .;y ~hQ Cf.,~:j of Spr.o..ngfieZd, :.n.r:Zudir.g ;ne Zoning Crdinancs, requl..atir.g ~hB ccnstl"".lo:i.;n 21".d :.Lsa :)f buiZ.di.ngs, and m=i .;e au.cper.ded or rfJVcksd at c:r:y :i.me :q::'or. iJic- Za't"'.:cn of c:rt"1 pr~iaior.8 of said Crair.O'u::es. I 'P1..an. Chsek Pee: I CatD ?a-'.d: IB.cnpt N: I Sig>-.ed: Plumbing Permit No person ahalZ. eanstruct, i.nstaL!., aUsr or chtmgs c:ny Mr.1 cr e--:.stir.g p1.wnbing or drainage s!fsteon in :.;hoLe 019 in part, unLess such pesen is tr.s l.cgaL posseS80r of a uatid ~l.umbar's Zi.canas, 6:CSpt :ita: ~ ps:"son r.ny do pi.wr.bing "",,,k to pt'<7pSt'ty ~Jriah i. 0fJMd. L~ad 0" <7pSt'!1.tad ;,y thg appLi- oant: . Electrical Perm it rIMr. St:a.ts !.o:LJ requires tr.at tke eLe~caL work be do1uI by an E1.4cmcaL Contractor, the eLscnricaL portion of :his per'!:'li.t shaH r.ot os uczLid until. thg JabaL has b.... sigMa 1Jy tlra Ehctl"icaL ~ontt'ac1:O'" Mechanical Permit Pi.an .:zamt.r.er .:;cz;a I. I I I ! SAve" CAREFT.1l.L:t ~U.J.!1lVED :.is compZ..,tsd appZication lor' ?ermit, :md do hirreblJ (u11'tify :hat aU --:::-:fo:mation hereon is trt..4.8 and aorrcc-:, and. I tJ.1'tr.u aer:ij'y :hat any ~ aLl. work perior:rred 3haLZ b. don.s i:t aCf:oro- dan.cs :Ji.th the .... "::~,........S8 of :hs Ci.ty of Springfi.el..d, and thz ~a:;..:s ,,.. :na St:a.te of OrQg:Jn paot....-i.nin.g ~o the !Xlrk dsse:-;bca her...;n, end :ha:: ,vo occu- PANCY ~H ba :rr::.:s of a::ny 3truat"..a># :Jitito-",c ;ermi.s3ion of tha 3uiZding Oi- ~sio1'I. r It.rl''thero ~er",:ii""i :h:::.t on.Zy :1ontr~:orlJ ar.d ~7...:ilees :Jho as ~r. at:r.rpl.i.cmcs with ORS 701. OES win :'8 UScu:1 on :m.a ?roJ'!Z,,-: . I I ,. Xv-SMt1ov- -P-.: ~UA Sigr.2d \:!/14-/.~3 -. . l ..!.. .--e (~J 4Jj(..pl--~"TPf2i? . ~Mf' ~F C::::>N I/.e.~ I""L--(WP _ -z."'/~ -rF1u~~ ~ ~ "...::;.. W' 'f'L>-(v-I~1? '1 ~--(:.1"e.. t4-1,p. ~p.."-~t-l ~ ~1'OfC' ~p..Il--'? , . -./ '-- ~~"n~N '/,e:.11 L::J - '/ .1<FC0 --10 r---l L----4 I I I ' ~~e: ~ ~N~~ ""MJ~ . ~1e...T vI~ t:;;.To-/E. ~It;."'. W.I-I. F'I'-MIL.--( fZM i II Ii ,~~1"~ ~~ b (. W1~Ii-J :,'-OUI~ 'I ., ,. I' I! ~~I~ e1~e::. { ~1.rTt-i TI A~~ ~TH ~HI""11:::.c.,.L.Ji<r::. p:'c::::>. ~.~ ~I ~.~~'2. ~;;,tJ~, ~ ...,(~ ~~~t.D Ai~ ~ ~ ::: WIUIAM A. RANDALL ~ ~i~A~q · EUGENE. OREGON . ~ ~ '1'" OF \)~\.~ f'"'L..~N 'I ~II r":?~ ~~ ~c;::.e:;~1 INc... . . . eAfAA ..,..-...... , ,", \----;;;;;~... ''it _ eAJ- .... Ie ...... t:: - 'lj7I"":ll~ MHO ONI.lSIXJ )lNY.l .lYJH Hd / ,/ r:: - [ -----. _ _ _ ---.... .----~ [-----'-'-. -------1 '~I. r I II .. ~ ~ --~~-W ~~' 1 ~ (!) MfDA ""':1 , ...... G- ..,......0 = ~'<? -l- _ I . I ..,1.... ''2Iclo'-\l )lNY.l 1I0J.)310S --' ~ '- -. !II! .. II .. -. r--- 5110.1)3110)1 I j j' _JI )I.lYW3H)5 WUUS )I)Y8NIYIIO \ \ / I / / , , . . SOlECTOR DRAINBACK TANK to 'roft'I cell.ct.... " //./'. >x\x:~.:-; -, . 'j .~.; ';.,')::- ') '~/ :" j> /.~, '//; .;" ,_ ._-' . . x;. "X/: / "/ I ,'r ).' /' . 'Y 'V >'.: ,........... ....~ ' ' ' , , :;><;.. II -:/; ,,~. , x ^ ~ II /''- ~ I~ ,II II~. . ~ x 'I % / ~,'.. " II ~ ~ )< x I x>/ ~ ....;-...,........ I 0- ~ x ___ ~,.. ..: '.x. ,/ ,,,,vY0J" ~ .~~.. '.'. r' V X '/'/ 'y- .. ~ -"- -~,>//;. ,--.' /:::. i): r=4' 51 Ii2~1 I ~ ...... gat. ..I.. ~ .. ...- ...... Ei;';nIA/Dr~S MAIN OFFICE . :201) 469-0399 Telex 642-317 P.O. Box 3900, Somerville, N.J. 08876 . SOlECTOR PAK 3000 SERIES West Coast Office (714) 545-5960 18005 Skypark Circle Drive, Suite G, Irvine, CA 92714 SOlECTOR PAK 3000 AND 3200 The Solector Pak 3000 and 3200 are closed loop, drain-back solar systems using water as a heat transfer medium. An enlarged return line and eniarged shell and tube heat exchanger allows a reservoir of air to stay in the system to assure the drainback effect. When the system turns on, the water is pumped through the Soiector array and drains back the return line into the heat exchanger shell. The potable water is pumped by a separate circulation loop from the storage tank through the tube of the heat exchanger thus transferring the BTU's gained by the soJar array. When the solar loop is off. the water in the Solector drains back through the supply line and is replaced by the air from the reservoir. The water in the supply and return '- lines will settle to an equal level inside the building. Thus "_ reeze protection is achieved by the use of gravity rather . than any mechanical component that may fail and pre- sent the potential for a freeze up. TO SOLECTOR ARRAY 6 COLD WATER SUPPLY TO HOT DEMAND ( I ~ 1_______ :> ... ~ :>K i,..K: " I, ~ .. .. :> <II fP u ~. = :. =1,OVAC STORAGE TANK ".. II SOL ECTOR PAK SCHEMATIC AND TANK PIPING ~ The SP3000 and SP3200 are iden- tical except for the solar pumping loop. The SP3000 contains one solar loop pump and is rated for a 22 foot lift. The SP3200 has two pumps and is rated for a 44 foot lift'. The lift is measured ver- tically from the top of the solar loop pump to the top of the solar array. Generally speaking a SP3000 is used for a one story home and a SP3200 for a 2 story home. " . List ratings are based on average pipe runs for typical installations. Longer than normal pipe runs or a greater than average number of elbows and tiltings may reduce the lite capacity of the pumps, . . L I ,.. .I -I n n . SPECIFICATIONS n o Solar Loop Circulator (2 ea. provided on SP3200) - Cast iron,..cartridge type circulator. - 125 PSI operating pressure. - 27 feet of head at 0 GPM. -1/20HP. o Potable Water Circulator. - Bronze, cartridge type circulator. - 125 PSI operating pressure. - 10 feet of head at 0 GPM. - 1/40 HP: o C-30 Differential Controller. - 200F on SOF off differential. o C-100 Dual Differential Controller optionally available (provided loose from Solector Pak for Remote Mounting.) o Potable water as heat transfer fluid. o No required maintenance C Installation instructions and Homeowners Manual provided. o Shipping Weight. - 3000 - 85 Ibs_ - 3200 - 951bs. e~. r----12"-1 ,,' , 1- -COIfTlItOLlIfI ~I- -SOL... ..- POTAlILI .--.,t,TEflPUtIW " NOTE: SPECIFICAl'lONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. DRAW~ ING IS DIAGRAMATIC ONLY. NOT TO BE USED FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES. -~ 0" J< .bll 3. "-- u lid RECOMMENDED USAGE The Solector Pak 3000 series can be used in place Of closed loop antifreeze systems or open loop wastedrain systems. Although designed to stand on the ,floor adjacent to the storage tank the appliance like simplicity of the Solector Pak 'allows it to be located away from the tank. The Solector Pak is ideally suited for new construction as well as retro-fit in- stallations. The module can be plumbed to any solar tank (including those with immersion heat exchangerS) or can be fitted to an existing electric tank of suffi- cient capacity by field modification of the cold water dip tube. The simplicity of in~ stallation keeps initial costs down as well as life-cycle costs because there is no required program of regular maintenance for the Solector Pak 3000 series. Contact your local Sunworks representative for details. SPECIALISTS IN SOLAR ENERGY EQUIPMENT OlVlSIQNOF SUNWORKS, INC. A.SUDSldl.ry01 ASARCO T .3000-068' . . . . CO~C.TOlL -'""1. ",y.,." AUlH. ~L..e. - I ~ 14 Ilr". AUJH. TU~H{.lr - I~. ",Z-" I'IVO'T' ~Il""~ MOUNTIHGI .TOP_ Of COLLE.CTDR_ !i!OOF llAFT"eJC:. '\ PU\ >-- I~U '" Ilt'J AI...Ut-1. TWI'II-i6lf / I~---- ilj""4""Z." -"'I-UI'1. MOUH'rlt-lC;o i:>H ~IL.JCONE. E!'>ED ATTAGJolW wi ~/&. eeL-j . \ ~. ?\ \ -~F I-1AT"I:'jl:IAo.L- '-PL."'(WOC::>P ~e,....TI-lIH60 -- . \ ) ~ "'l-j ?\ \ ~.... ~E:fC?~ IN/~~ !'4.-..IL-S e:.;-~.j e..-J t? . SOLAR CONCEPTS P.O. Box 10185 · Eugene. O. -0"- 97440 · (503) 484-7053 . . CO~CTo", '....IC"'Y4. -ALUM. ~64.-f:: ,tl""l!l Al..UH. TU&IHtoI i v..t "z.~.:t. "z.'4 l'IVOT" ~~ ~~i MOUHTltol'" ~L-e~ . , - I . 1 \ . . / , ~..... '. , 1/ I "" . - ----..,.",1(0+' ~z.' AL.Ut_1. 110L.JI'1Ti/"tGo &~I'-ET '011 61L.ICOHE. ~e.D 'JltTTAG.!-lCO WI !lie OOL.:r '-..."" " ,-" . /..:...... 1.../ "...., '-. ....... '- " "" .-- ROOF t'1ATe~...!AL .. - - PLYWOOD '5 L-lI:AT>-lIr-t"'l _ "m" ~'-T " 4-lI'-'"t~~ !"e-T"""""e;E::N ~! v-{ I (PI- -; I".il NAn.:..$ ~HE!<Nt:::' ", MOUNTING 5i5TEJ1 .But 1ut1 OF COLLECTOR SOLAR CONCEPTS P.O. Box 10185. · BUJtene, Oregon 97440 . 15031 484-7053 I I , . lallll Fall! .. Miller & Sun Enterprises. Inc. 9450 S.W. Tigard St.. Tigard, Oregon 97223 State of the art solar collectors Incorporate all copper waterways. anodized aluminum frames. low Iron content glazIng. and highly Insulated enclosures. Miller & Sun collectors have these features and more: Including EPDM gaskets. protective backs and Integrated freeze sensors for positive freeze protection. 10 I\~ ~. 9 ~ 3~ 3'1 r '" n '~J SOLAR CONCEI:; ... 211 West 8th 4S4-10~~ P. O. Box 10185 ... Oregon 97440 , 35!S/16'" 47!S/ls'" 7 Construction Features 1. Bronze Anodized alumInum frame. 2. E.P.O.M. glazIng gasket. 3. Low Iron glazing. 4. Absorber plate. 5. Risers. 3/8' 0.0. copper. 6. Non-gassing fiberglass Insulation. 7. Fall faced isocyanurale In~lllatlon. 8. Aluminum backing Sltt".l. 9. Sealed corners for weatli~rprooflng. 10. Headers. '\I.' copper. II. E.P.D.M. gromml'ts. 12. Integral freezl' S"Ii'''!'. 1:3. Mounting br:ll'k,'1 4 ~ SERIES A . . . ' Miller & Sun SERIES A collectors are a combination of economy and performance_ Incorporating an economical aluminum absorber using a permanent. high conductivity thermal bond, this medium performance collector is Ideal for all types of hot water systems, SERIES A collectors are the highest quality and most durable aluminum plate collector on the market today, SERIES AC Efficiency 100 80 - 60 40 20 0 The highest performance In solar collectors is achieved with all copper absorbers selectively surfaced with black chrome plating, Miller & Sun SERIES AC collectors have this feature and more, All copper, black chromed collectors can out-perform other kinds of solar collectors by as much as 35% In extreme conditions, SERIES AC performs with the best. SERIES A weJ&bt Dry 69 Ib, 13' x 6'1 Dry 140 Ib_ 14' x 8'1 Dimension. 77~/16. x 35~/llt x 3%-13' x 6'1 9P/16" x 47-"/16" X 3%"14' x 8') Ala Gross Area 18,613' x 6') 31.9714' x 81 Net Area 17_613' x 6'1 30,2414' x 8'1 AbIoJtlu T~mpered. anodlztd aluminum High temperature silicone bond ExcdJent heat transfer. 180" contact Fin efficiency 93'" Silicone base Oat black coa.Ung Plaid ........ . Risers. 318" 0.0. copper Spacmg. 3%" on center Headers.3/"",'copper Brazed header-riser joint . Pressurt tested to 135 PSI II_are ' . Anodized aJuminum frame Architectural bronze finish All joints fully W<atherproofed ProtecUve aluminum back plate GIuIDC Iron oxide contmt .04" Wind loading 150 mph + 34. )( 76" x 'hi" (3' x 6') Thlnsmlttance 89.8'4 46" x 96" x 3/16"(4' x 8') Transmlt~ce 89.1'" G_ E.P.O.M. glazing gasket E.p.n.M. header gasket lDaaJatlOD Foil raced,' lsocyanurate I" back &: sides Non-gassing 2' fiberglass R-vaIu..' Back R,I6 Sid.. R-8 - Integrated fruze sensor Heliotrope f'S.5 _e 1el"pentare -WF to 5007 Recommended now Rate ,2 to 1.0 GPM _ c) _ I '-<'~"V " ...,,;j .~,:. II'" SUed aD net aperture area. % EffiCiency 100 80 60 40 20 {) 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 I) q \'1 II :\'j -' .-- SERIES AC WeJ&bt Dry 74 lb. 13' x 6') Dry 1491b, 14' x 8'1 Dime.u1oll8 715/10" x 35~/16. x 3%"13' x 6') 97'/10. X 4P/ls. x 3%"14' x 8') Area Gross Area 18.613' x 6'1 31.9714' x 8) Net Area 17.6 13' x 6'1 30.24 (4' x 8" Aboorber Copper, half hard temper High temperature solder bond. Excellent heat transfer. 1800 contact. Black chrome surface .95 :t .02d .10 :t .02 E Plaid ........ Risers. 3Je" 0.0. copper Spacing. 3%" on center Headers. :V.." copper Brazed header.rtser Joint Pressure tested to 135 PSI ED.cl.oaure Anodized aluminum frame Architectural bronze Ontsh All joints fully weatherproofed Prote<:uve aluminum back plate GIuIDC Iron oxide content .04" Wind loading 150 mph + 34' x 76"' x 'AI' (3' x 6" Thlnsmlltance 89.8'4 46" x 96" x :'1111" (4' x 8') transmittance 89.1" Guketa E.P.D.M. glazing gasket E.P.D.M. header gasket lDJ,ulaUOD J . Foil faced tsocyanurate I" back & stdl.. Non.gasslng 2" fiberglass R-vaIu.., Back R-16 Sides R-8 _r Integrated freeze sensor Heliotrope f'S.5 8errtce 1e1Dpen.tare -WF to 5OO'F Recommended now Rate ,2 to 1.0 GPM (1)'-) "111 1111 lJ.'" l,:n lI.'m o:C, . . ....I <t Z o ~ z a:: w to- Z ..IN i5Sl ()~ '. ~1l CO >u J:O . . . I. MARKETING: Hydro-Coil International P.O. Box 7203 Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 342-2645 Telex 910-459-2027 EUG II. MANUFACTURING: Hydro-Call Manufacturing Co. 521.C Searls Ave. Nevada City, CA 95959 III. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Hydro-CojITM is a high performance tube and finned stainless steel alloy heat exchanger for heating water with wood or coal stoves and furnaces. SIZES MODELS 12' ,.- ". ". 5512 5514 5518 5524 SS12.l SS14.l SS18.l SS24.L L Denotes RIght Angle Unit Basic use: It is scientifically designed, engineered and fabricated as a safe and efficient heat exchanger to transfer resid- ual energy from stoves and furnaces, etc. The heat transfer is from the inside of the fire box to the Hydro-Coli to the domestic hot water, space heating unit or hot tubl spa. Approvals: The Hydro-CoW is pressure- tested and certified as a boiler to 5,000 p.s.i. The pipes have a rated guaranteed bursting strength of 16.142 p.s.i. The unit has International Association of Plumb. ing and Mechanical Officials Certification (IAPMO File #2356)_ Limitations: The efficiency of the Hy. dro.Coil heat exchanger is dependent upon many variables, i.e., stove efficiency, fuel combustion, length of combustion, placement of coil, pipe run to water heat. er, temperature of incoming water, hot wa. ter requirements and the demand cycle of water user. The valves and controllers are an integral part of the system and should be approved parts and installed by a plumber or a person with basic plumbing skills. IV. AVAILABILITY AN 0 COSTS: It is available through a network of stove, solar and plumbing dealers and ex. perienced contractors located throughout North America. The cost will fluctuate somewhat according to quantity, freight, and other variables. V. WARRANTY: Hydro-Coil guarantees that its materi. als comply with the quality and standards as represented in their product informa. tion brochures. The Hydro-Coil has a LIFE. TIME WARRANTY against any failure due to defects in materials and workmanship for the lifetime of the original stove Installation. The installation must be done by a plumber or person with basic plumb. ing skills who can install per all applicable codes and per Hydro.Coil Installation Instructions. VI. SAFETY: The Hydro.Coil can be installed by a plumber or an individual with basic plumb- ing skills. It must be installed to meet the uniform plumbing code, local building codes and all approved plumbing tech- niques and locally required permits. A temperature/pressure relief valve is an in. tegral part of all systems. . .1lJII~ f""'RYDRO-COIL - I 1I1II1 ' , ~~H' . U~ll . " 1~ '"' '''' '.1 ~ ~>.. VII. MAINTENANCE: The Hydro-Call shouid be periodicaliy checked to make sure the nuts and washers are secure. Creosote build-up can be brushed off with a standard one- inch wire brush. Creosote build.up will normally burn off with the next hot fire. If flow restriction due to unusual mineral build-up from the water occurs, the unit can be flushed out without harm. Most of- ten the hot water heating system would be restricted long before any build-up would occur in the Hydro.Coil. VIII_ TECHNICAL SERVICE: Additional Technical Data and special installation assistance is available from the Hydro-Coil HOT LINE (916) 265-3826 or write Hydro-Coil Manufacturing Co. IX. MARKETING INFORMATION: Color brochures, owner's manual, win- dow display stickers, marketing guide, newspaper or magazine publicity exam- ples are available. Additional product in. formation is available upon request from Hydro-Coil Internatlonal. X_ TECHNICAL DATA: A. PHYSICAL FORM-A stainless steel, serpentine tube and fin heat exchanger with bulk-head type fittings. B. WEIGHT AND DIMENSIONS- SS12+SS12l-S' x2'x 12". 7 Ibs. 0 oz. SS14 + SS14l-S' x 2" x 14', Sibs. 3 oz. SS12+SS1SL-S'x2'x1S',lllbs.160z. SS24+SS24l-S' x 2' x 24". 151bs. 2 oz. C. TUBE MA TERIAL-Schedule 40, .113" wall thickness, #304L (high nickel content) austenetic (non.hardenable at high temperatures) stainless steel ASTM A 312, ASM-5565, MIL-T.6504_ D. FIN MATERIALS-.063" thickness, #304 stainless steel. E. WELDS-#308 filier rod, full penetra- tion welds.1 F. HEAT GAIN-approximately 15' F heat gain for water flowing through Hydro.Coil at 3 g.p.m. G. SURFACE AREA 12~ 226. sq. inches 14" 287.5 sq. inches 18" 370.0 sq. inches 24" 520. sq. inches H. MOUNTS-Nut/washer "bulk.head" type fastening method (mounting hard- ware supplied). I. PRESSURE TEST -Pipe rating-guar- anteed bursting strength... 16,142 p.s.i. certified test to date.. .5000 p.s.i.~ J. SYSTEMS-PRIMARY UTILIZATION: Passive "thermosyphon" method- . (most desirable). Works if the stove is low. er than the storage tank3 on a short run. Pumped method-uses circulating pump and storage tank. Solar/stove interface-for year.around water heating using a solar system and storage tank. SPEC- SHEET ~~ N!! I(ij -< The manufacturer Is responsible lor the technical accuracy 01 this publication. SECONDARY UtiLIZATION: Hot tub/spa/swimming pool-heat con. tribution. Hydronic space heating-uses base. board, radiant floor heating and/or fan convectors wIth a storage tank. r:;-------------, K. PARTS- I I 1. PressurelTemperature relief valve- I I (150 Ib.l210' F. maxI is activated by I either pressure or temperature. It I must be an approved unit installed ac- I I cording to manufacturer's instruc- I tions (DO NOT ALTER) and must be I l.. -"Iumbe~o~:..?utside. _ _ _ _ -..I 2. Tempering (mixing) valve-limits max- imum water temperature from the fau- cet. 3. Air vent-to bleed unwanted air from the system. 4. Gate or ball valve-designed to cut off or restrict water flow. 5. Unions-to disconnect stove or fur. nace from plumbing. 6. Drain valve-installed at the lowest point in the system. 7. Swing check valve-to prevent water backflow. a. Pipe insulation-to retain heat gained from Hydro-Coil-active (pumped) system. 9. Circulation pump-to move water through Hydro-Coil. 10. Differential controller-turns on pump when temperature is available at the Hydro.Coil. 11. Plug sensor-measures temperature at stove or furnace, 12. Probe sensor-measures temperature at the bottom of the storage tank. Hydro.Coil Manufacturing markets pump/ control packages which include all of the parts listed above. 25 ~ \9 ~ @ @ @ = p :l I <Jl m ~~ 3::~ o () 3 I -> ~z G) m Jl o Q ,... RIGHT ANGLE MODEL SS12.l 'Patent Pending 'All welding done by cerlllled welders. 'Each unit Is Individually pressure.tested at the faclory to a minimum of 200 lbs. 'The term storage tank can apply to an intermedIate storage tank, solar storage tank or a conventional hot water heater. 7~ 3/.." N PS /"" ~ Flang. Cad PI! Washer -..r % - C-=-=R ~ :- -~ ~ N"' ? Rea'WdIl01S10...e~ I. Pressure Tf'mperoturt' Rch'ef VaN" J50PSJ/210"F. 2. Dielectric Union (Nof m>eded i/b,ass or slainless used betweE'nHydro-CoiJondcopper.) 3 Check Voh.>e 4 Air Venl 5. Tt'mpering ValvE> ~_~n' Q>'~"'~- ~. ".. ~, , . ~~~ @ -t (j) :v Q) r:r- :::J.lg; ~ . -' -----'"' HOT ~ CD . SCHEMATICS 3;/ std. Pipe r--"' Thread II '0 i I I 6" [I , ~ 0- PASSIVE "THERMOSYPHON" METHOD PUMPED METHOD l. Pressu.!' TI'/TIlX"atu'" Refl..j V<lW., ISO PS/I 2/Q"F. 2. Diell'ClricUllIon (Nol rl<'<'<kdiJ bros~ or stu;nless used bet,(,,'..nHydro-Coi/andcopper) 3. C1wI:k Voh.t' 4 Air Ven, 5 T l'mper;ng VOM> 6 Gat.. ValV<' 7. War", Hearer Dram Blnsulotedpjp.. "...."-..-k~ o -,--- o "" 0 1 '-D' ~ .------ ......,_.., 0) I CXi ~ _'."00...,.,. o 0' '0- ~~-=t~. I 0 -r --~ ,..,~ -- "'COLD HOT. J30".... o 6 Gat.. VOWI' 7. War.., Hearer Drain 8 InsulatE'dPipEo 9 G,cularing Pump p- (j) . ... 5'1t" ..... ...... 2. __ " - l!1TEEE ~ o 10 Con/rolkr 11. PlugSensor /2,ProbeSensor "" PIT valve outlet location varies with tank manufacturers-may be on top. PUMPED METHOD WITH SOLAR COLLECTOR o ~ HOI10 HOUile F' 1. Pressure Temperature Relief Value 150 PSI! 210" F. 2. Dielectric Union (Not needed if brass Or stainless used between Hydra-Coil and cappeL) 3, Check Value 4, Air Vent """T;~ -IL.::\lr '" ' C " II IF,om$ola, Col!e<;to, / -' , Jf.""'"'O"''''' '"' 0) I 11__ ,10) @ " " ~IIIIIIIII r- dHOT. ~ COLD 10 ,::::~;. i Tlnk I ~ ,.~" TO Sola' --00 CoIleeto. '. t(!) rm II ~, II Wlle,nealer ~ "CD o 5_ Tempering Value 9_ Circulating Pump 13 Baseboard Heater, 6, Gale Value 10_ Controller Fan Conuector Or ,_ Water Heater Drain 1I, Plug Sensor Radiant Slab 8 Insulated Pipe 12_ Probe Sensor ~, /l'--. /'" ..t'; .\'":::- 1'- --,-'-'-'--, I . -;:'< -/":":"j i'~lL-;:-; ,<:,,~J:'i" /:' .... '-"0" .__.J:{/ ,lGtOIt, ./"-1......... I .. f - <',/,1 l-r... .... '..... .>;- :~':1 I', ,'I-':/'J !;.(~: ~'I . ~ ~- .........;!j'" f!QUlIl'__/"'~""""", < .':--', /1 I ,..~~- " ,. ."'---' ..... . - .... ~ . 'I' v ..,--1 ' II~- f t--... J .r::'-- , ,'{__ '/ A' ,:;.< /'" <if . . " " . 1 8" ~ TYPIcal Mounhng Oelarl """to_.. ~0~ v...ltoOuu"',-: CD 0~ , . , . QJ ... COLD 'O:;UlI" .......,.......... ,( .~.",~ i;;'~ .~;(~;j0~'~ "-. 1.;;-- ) f-.:,.. .....;t ........,. . "':I./" "~ "'1'...... '1CUIf'/ .......... r< __.l". ;;, / _y', "X" r;~" .~( ->r:":-~ "l .., I.""h-I ~<:: .J {"}!S1 '-"J/ ... ~'~/"-.._... ........ '-" f'_x /. 'f"<,: '.' , i-i ,( -:.;:::/', 1,.-' j,t:,. .-d t}.:.. 'I ,,' "';V/ . Plumbing Diagrams 01: Hot tub/Spa. Swimming Pool, Hydronlc Heating and Drain Back Storage Tank Methods are available upon request.