HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-2-17 . .. RESIDENTIAL" COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT ,.- SPRINGFIELD 225 North 5th Street ' ' Springfiel.d, Oregon 97477 Building Division ~ 726-3753 ~ Job I.ocatian: A.....ors Map . J 1- 03- ,2,lp-1J I Subdivision: T.:::: Lo. * f) If A h{j _.r: VI ec;; It. Mm1lf" <;/NtA~li: Mdro.3: 1..1.!1./... (J41 nUU...'t' - , City: SJ?P/J,/6/::dJ...'D ffiv-, n Additicn n RBmDdd n ,'!abiZ. Hmra Phon", Z!f/d - 3t, 7/ Zip: q7if77 ~~~ ISry'~ ' oI-/7-l:L v2~7S',11 Dat:. of AppL_~.,,_ ~=-;Ju~.-- P!Jmrbi1!g EZscmca.l .'JfI::1rar.ic.::l C01Ultructicn LIl7ldor A~"II~ ~ RCCB~'Ot ., ,.t:j l( (}7::l... /J/!, f! /5': 00 7'% ,6tJ:. :;!if; s: tPd SiQr.od: Date: /) d,d ~)l5- ' {.1.,ac.JI ~?i:rcs Phone It is ~1uJ Nsycnailriu'ty of thIJ pazrmi.t hol.t:iJao to ,.. :hat aU inop8Ctions are r:tt%l.UJ at; :M prupa" time, t1-..at (:CCh =dd:r.88 is r~!~ from .ho '_... and .ha. .ho p......:. =-d i. z.",crtod at tho j'rcn. of .ho p""p"'ey, '9ui!.di."tg Di.ui::i.or: appro1.'fJd plan shalt ~t2~ ~,o/'t1ing SittJ ~ aLl timss. PrtOC!:DURE POil .11~~I:oL..j.rOR HE9TJES'1': Cazz. ~V', r ~~) stat. yow- Ci.ty dasi.gnatlld J'ol: nurr.ber, job aa.az.cS8, typ. of in;;pscncn requested ar.d w.':mI you rJitz. be ready fol' inspcct'>.:on, ContNato2"8 or CUurs J'IQI'l'G c:nd phona number. .1:!~8t8 r8cei;;Bd bSj"CN 7:00 G:':'l ",;a II. nruJ. .he _. dq. '""_... madJJ aft"" 7:00 "" ",;a b. nruJ. tho = :JOrk<ng day. r_ City D.ftgrlatsd .rob IIlImbtzr I.: S'! /J.{) /39 . /:I~'''~~ r<JO~"'nr.'''\ . 0 SITS rNSPEC':IO.~(: To b. 1rr::d. aftlrr _..'_......... but pr-icr ta ..t' '4' of fam1l. -0 1INDERS!.AB PWNBING_ et.ECT1lICAL & . llECHA.'JICAL: To b. matU be'for8 any Wl'/( is >:ovU'.d. o o FOOTING ! FOUl1DATICN: To b. nruJ. aftno trcmchD. are ccavat<<i a7d forms ~ _"o't~, but prier> to pow-ing acncrGt:.. U.\rrJ!RG.qoU!!D PLllNBING\ SEJ/ER.~ w'1TER, D.f?AIllAGF: To be m:z.14 prier to fi.l..- ~\.r.g trmche8. o UllDE.f?FLOOR p"UgSnlG 4 m:CHANICAL: To be nt:tde pl"ior ~ inQta~lanon of f1.oora 1.7lSULation O'I" dscking. POST AND BeAN: To b. wr:uiA: pr'..or to instaLl..:::tt.cn of flooro in.8'1.OLaticn 07" dock..... BQYJ;!{ :I~.~r.~BI~9- 1rr;ECTRrCA!, & .YfCFl- ARreAL: No :.)Ork. is to oe COI.'Bred. ur.::i.L ~hC8. insP8ori.onS hau. bem nruJ. and _..:. FI!'.EPL4CE: Prior 1:0 pZacir.g fac!nq mat"rials and before frarrring inspec- tiar.. o o o o PRAJ.mlC: Mu3t b. 1"8CUII3tsd af~D' approval of l"mUJh pLUrr.bi.ng# aLsct:r";- oo.L of :r:echani;;aL. AZ.~ roqofing bracing ~ ch1Jmou:ys, .t~. nt"..lBt b. c::1mp taecd. ,'10 wrk is to b. con- oeaL8d wztil this insDecticn has b.." nruJ. and approu.d. O I.VSUL4TIONIVAPf'!/ BWrr/1 msPEC'!'ION, To b. rrr:u:. aft/n" aLl. .z:n.suz..-t'ion crtd ZOC!qV'"'...1'8d uczpmo c~ <D". in pLac8 btt b.fcr8 any lQ'th, gypl1U11f board. 0'1" u:ztz. ClDfJerin.g is app'Li.d, atrd b.tore any inavZation is conc.lIal.sd. O DRYl/ALL I!I5PECT:rrJN: Tc b4 nruJ. aftu aLl. ~n is in place, bu. prior .0 ='i taping. O MASONRY: S...! Za.."3ticn, bond b~, grouti.ng or l)wt:ical.s in a...-_...w.1._..... IJ'ith fl.B.C. Seati.on 2415. (!)(I _DSTOn: Aft.,. iMta!taticn i. ~ ccmpLst84. D CURB & APPP.OAC11 AP_~N: After forms are srsctsd, but prior eo pouri.ng .z.cm...--rete. O SIDEWALK .4 JRrnwA.1: For aLl. ccn- ersts paving :.nthUI St:r6Gt r-ight- of-wc.y, to be mc:;:.U, after aLZ uca- va~:.ng ccmp lAte .. J~or::r t.m"k & ~ub- base I71:t'maL in ?Za:6. D o !'ENCE: >?urn """",to.. -- I'r<tuid. g;;;;; or movab le SBCtU:ms through P.U.E. DENOr.rTIO.Y OR .'<<1\'!"' BUIL;;:ICS :J Sam.:ary tlfAJC' :c:pp.c. =t ~~ Zir./l. =:J Sflpti..:: tank. p".mrp~d a:"~ {-;z.'Z.ad :..'i.tk ;M'Jsl :J ."inc.L - .!llum c:Dcve itt:"fS a:t'fI ccr.ml.ted . ar.d when ::.r.rc~itior. ia c01?14:Q or struc- ture movlld and prm3u ~ Z4ane up. Mobi z.. HC:rllIS :J Blocking and Sat-:J.p =:J P'l.umbing connsctians .- S&:.J8r O'td watsr :J EZ.Gctrica:~ ccn".ct~ - Bloc1d:.:;, ..t-uP. and ?lumbt.ng .:onr.sct-:.cn.s ~.l3t ;8 ~Ba before reqtul8ti.ng e~.,:ricaz. i.r.spec::Ur.: :J ACCeSBOl"j Sui :.ding ] riML - t.ft~r .?~cf:es, s1drri1'lf, decks, e'te. are cr::mp:.at~a. o ALl. pl'Ojeat eondit:iorts. sue': as eha instaLZat".:an of s~e't tN.., ca:=:pz..':i.:m of :iuI l"fIquirfld landser::pil".g, (;tc., must be satisfiDd befoN tr,JI BVILJU:::; FI.7AL .:an !::e 1'~qutlst3d. o FINAL PLUKBING o fIliAL I~NICAL o PI.VAL Er.ECTRIC~L o o .':'INAL BUILDINC: The Pinal. BuildU1g Inspection ::1USt b6 zoequeotsd af-:er :i:a .r'inaL ?!.un:bi"3 EZllctrical, and. .'1echar:icaL Insp6ctu,no haua be,," f1JC1dQ and approvad. .ALL ,~fANHOLES AND CLEAlICUTS uUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTUENT TO BE <'-tilDE AT NO cas; TO CI'!'! I F;;;a of Z J iJob l/umber: . Occurxmct/ Grouo: iZone: i ,Lot Sq. Ftg. ~:: of lot C.:werag& i # of Stol'i.. : Total Hright \ Topography I !TEll I . I!-bin I Gcztaaa [ Caroort I ACC8SSDrU I I S~.FTG TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. lva'U~J 1.5 = Building Ptrrtrtit Stat. Suroharg. Total Charg.. IITEN I FUtur.. I Rssidential (1 bath) "llO. FEE Sanitary St1W6r Water Pl"",bing Pmr.it State Surcr.arge Total Charaes 1, ITEM Res. Sa. fta. IlleJJ/E::J:t<md C'il'OUi t. I Ter.rporary Se:rviCB 1110'1 I I I I I Ele:Jt:M.caZ Ptmrrit State Sur:iharQs Total Chart::ss lITSM I Puzon::COB ETU' S I E=haust Hood I Vent- Fan I Woodstove NO. F!E '/1 I I Perrrri.t I38uanc2 Me::hanic:zl Pemt State SUrcharae Tn"tn. 1. ChnrnetJ I -- EIICROACHNENT -- lse~~tu D200sit Storage Mainte?UIl'U:e I Permit I TotaL ChaNC!8 i Cw'bc:u: I Sidew Zk I Fen:!e I Electrica I Lahe l I MOM Ze HomB I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:; LOT TYPE Intencr C0l'?16T Panhandls Cul-de-sac x Value CHARGE FEE CHARGE CllARCE /t),Oi) j,<): ()O ,hr') / c:;: hrJ /S~ D:' on Pags 2 Reference Numbers: . L-COC #: T'",pe/Cor.at: Bedrooms: I Enerau Sources T-.me I Heat I rvatep PlU'ItJ'!l' I RangS I Firo8rJ lace r-: Wood3tove .---.- -1 I Lot Faces - I Setbaoks I P. L. House Carage AccesS. IlIorth lEast South IWest ..- Faes I I Building Value & Permit This permi t io granted on the express c:ondi tion that the said construction. shal.Z.. in aU respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incLuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccmstruction cmd uaB of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at eny t-:.ms upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. * * Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Rect:ipt II: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shalt. construct, instaLl, aLter or Chan.gB any nezu or mating pl.wnbing or drainage 8Y8t~ in Who1.B or in part.. unLess BUCh ptU"son is ths tsgat possessor of a vaUd pLumber's 'License.. 6%Cept that a person may do plur..bing r,;ork to propsrty which i. =d. leased or operated by tho appli- "oant. I I I 1* I I I I I I I , * Electrical Permi t Where State LaL1 requizo8schat th4 electrical tJOrk bs done by an E1.acmcal Con'tractor, ths etectrical. portion of this permit shall not be vatid until. the labsl has been signed by the EZectl'ioal Contractor. Mechanical Permit * /l Plan E:taJfn.~ ",",. ~-/7-Y~ I HA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths aomp Leted app tication for permi t.J and do hsreby certify that aU info:m.ztion hereon is true and aOlTeot~ and I f'.aotJ..er certify that any ar.d all. work perfornted shatz. be don.e in aaaor- dance :.n.th the Ordinances of the City of SpringfioLd., and the La:.Js of th(J .4 State of Oreg.m psrtaining to the work cssaribed herein~ end that NO OCCU- PANCY rdZl be rrade of any structure lJitho-04.t parmission of the Building Oi- vision. I further certify that cr.'/.ly contractors and e:rrpl,;,yees wh~ are in aampliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project I f~(/~~~;h/ I * Si7f.8d ./' t/' .;2~'7 / ,r:z. Date