HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-8-3 . .. RESIDENTIAL" '=:>rI~' ~ r"'''/''''"''I.tI''' ~.._ wl"l...........1 .._.. ... 225 Jorth 5th Street Sp~;r~f~eZd, Oregon 97477 Build~ng Division 726-J75J Job !..cc.::i:,"," !..Lf> ~ 1(J.u.~ il , ,'( llJ 6,q lr4\ nld=jrY ') .I."..41or3 :~ SlAbdi:r.:"icn: Tc= !,at /I ~m.u. ~ m. Y fn -z,(} t<1/J 1-" () P _2,oftd L1J-~J .-J~.~ .~~ g- s- g'-( Vatu. #8'00 Q..."",.: '. Add.,-IJS3: C!~=,: Gr;r, n n n AdC~ :ien R~.Z. .'!ob~l. ,~0'!'!3 Dat~ of AppZiea:icn ~:on:l"'::c:ors C.merat Pll.l7nbing Et.,ctr-;ccz. .'.f.::Mr.ic=l. C01l.4eT-.Ie~~ l.l:"Id.r 'nLt.r.J.--LLP ~ rr:.1h J ;u~ . ........ G-n.t' ;:C/ Pt.., (} 7</1- 2t(gc( Zip: '97 f/7'7 O"'Cl"'";z,s ~lork: Acid."eS3 ~ To .r. 1--"",- II-- 0" .. .;cce;c: . . 7:-, (~"J 1LD 1 I 9 \/ Si.qr.2d: Date: Iv ~~3-H Li.3C.., E=i:>cs Phonf; .} 437 MJ()O ~ II/'-//f"( 1: U :11. N.panDibiU::!I oJ' tM pllfrmi: hold.",. eo II.. :ha: aH i7lDpecti.o718 are r.ItUU at :Ju, ;roF~ :imc.. e,&..ct ::::en =dd:raslI i. r4\':::':':': ;'"rcnt tis. streec. end that tho permi: card i. l..x:zeed at th. front of eM prcpere'';. .!ui.!..:!i~.g :>ivi:io:-: C?F:'o'/:ed ;Lcn s;..c~z, 1'1tn:J~n on t~ 3ui.Zdin.~ $:.t:; at all times. ?..~~~DVR~ ?on n:S!'!C"::~Jl1 .';>~~UE'Sl"_:CAll 726-3769 (rccOl'deJ state your Cit:y de$ig7-..::zt.:d job nur..bel", job aC:::!oC$S, tiWB of in=;:tI::~icr: l"sque#ccd a;-.d :J::en i'Otl ;.ri.l.L ae rea.a:y for i,...spcct-"...cn, Con'trac:ecr# or O!..-ne:"s nt:Ie c:n.d ~izcr.e m..;!%bcr. Requcs;s recnr:lld bsfers 1:00.:: :.'izt b. IfGci. the aarr.. Ct:;h requlls:$ :rJc.a.". cftW" 1:00 an fJ'iLl. bz r.r.lCB ths nc.:t :.lOr.lc:in; da:J.. xVO 55 0 '. _~I!C't~i"''''d r""-...",:..:.~.t O sr;! :"~F::C::-~J.''': ~o be MUfe a:~av..:t:..:m, ",ut i'r':.cr :: Sd: f:rrm$ . tr.lD~:~S{.':'3 ?~l':fl3I,.,r;_ ~::'Z~!~IC.~! ~ "~C,':',J:I;::,:.c.; ~o be r.m1d ~e/orrl eny uor.ic ::s :ovc!"ed. af:n- up of o o .~ r:iC ~ .:OOU:.'D,\ T r=.'I: To b. ,o:r:::.c., at:~r :r6rtCn,u CJ"e 2.:cctlated a,..d f~$ cr. erec:.a, but ;;1''';''1'' :0 pow-i".g C:::J1Cl'.:..:. o !r.:~!:iG::?'j!F.,'D .:J:'~"M:!7:,'~. S~::.f:!. :I. I:'!.:, D.r:!A.:.-:I,:"t;Z; ;0 ca r.c.;-e p~ar :0 /i.~.. li.".g :rer.c;..,u. o UllC~.f:!::'cc.q !'~:J~~~"G .'~c:!A"lrt;~!.: :'0 ~fI n:ac:a pn.:r ;0 tn~c.:::"kl:t~OPl oj' [Zccr -::r..suZa:-::cn or dilci<ir.g. M~~~3~~ ~bs~<<cp~~r~ tl'lo8:aL':'::-::.cl1 0;" i100r i713LOl.a:iOJ1 or tUck."". o o :t"~tt;;" ?:~:.'~~:.'r: _~~:~~f'~~~ { .'.I!:C.1- AN;~)~: Jo ~~~ ~a :0 jc co~e!"~c w::~L :hcs., ::r..s::lec:iC7:s ~-v" ~ecr. maCe ~.d =:;;::'7Je'::. F7_~!?!.A"'''Z: Pr-ior:o ?t.a.:-::r--1 !,c:-Jo.t; mat"en..:i" a.,..d before lr=-:rir..g in.pec- ciDr.. o D ~P.~~!.'!r:: 1~3:!ls reC004ol3:ed al:olr C??rcv.:! of r::ru~iI pZi.r..bir..g, .;rZectr::_ azL 4 l::eci-.ani.:.2L. At~ :"Oo[::'1'l.1 br::zc-:r.g 4 citimn~'J3, .t.::. IT...t ~. eomoZ.::cd. ::0 -.::Ir< is ~o CIa cen- . c<<:'!Jd WlC-::Z :l:iD iiuC'ec:-:cn ;..a. . bc~ ma.:. tmc! crP,..,vftd. " rour City. CBcigrJ2.ted Job Numbc I:;: O I!lSi..'r.~'!'!O.vIVAPC_9. gARRIZR I,~'S?!C':'!O,'l.: To be r.v..::.a after all ir.suL..:::::i.:m !r".a . l'cqu-:.red vapor l;a:!"!""i.ers are in p l.cce eu't CGf"orB ar.y Za;h, gypsur.t beard or u:zl.L covering i3 appLi.ed, and bsfoI's any ir.a-..cZa:icl1 ~B con.::eaLed. DR~"ALL r,.,sp~C':'!o.'1: To as made after aLl. Czoo.1wLL is in plac., but prior to C1'ly tapir.g. O ,,<<SO:I?,!: StaeL l.ocat"-.:.o,." bo7u:!. beam3, arou:i7U7 or ver~icaZ-3 in ac::o~~s !.l"i:h Y.S.C. Section I~ G;or,:: After installation i. cc:rrpZ.~t..d. ... o o Cl.'P9 ~ .ti'P.QCACP. AP.~N: Af~~:" fO'l"mB are ~l'e:,:r;sd but prior to pcuring :cm...-retll. SID::-..IALX & :JRr.T"A'!: For all. CC?l- cret~ paving 1J'ir;J:in street righ-:- Of-we;;, :0 be. ma.:iB at:er at! uca- uati,..a :,:cnrpleta j ;'OM work .r ~uD- bass ,~:-er1:aL in pZ.a::s. CE".'OL~:-IO:! OR .\~v::; 3:.::r:';;JI;i~S .=J Scni~:I SIl'..JC" ::::;;?ec ~t: ~opW't;,. ti:>':Q .=J S~p,ti: tank. p'.J?.:d arod f-::l.l~ r.n::h ;rw:-.:. :J FinaL - rr'hmT: ~""V1l i~e:::s arB c~lQt~d . .I .... . ""- ~~ when ~~L~~~r. ~s complete or s~._~ turs r.-.oved t:rt:: prc:n.3et1 :Learut:: :.t.;1. Nob-i.?6 Hc:r:es =:J aZocking and S~t-:..p =:J Plwnbi'1'l.1 ::OJVl,4!'C:~ Bc.J1lr ant! W:41' ---, Electric~: Ccnr.ec~~ - Blocki~4, Sll~-U; --1 and pl.unun.ng c~J:ect';.ans ~8t =_ c:;J;Jr::-..... before NquRs:-;r.g Ill.sc=ri:aL -::1".B?flc:i:r.: .=J AC:G'ssol"3' Sui z..;-::ng --, Pi"..::L - I:ft~r .:~rei:~s, -.J e~. c::rG' c=91.s:.d. sk-:r:-::.,..g, de::y.s, o o :'!NCE: WMn eompl.tll -- PrcvU!" go:;;; or .7fov<%bw ucticns tr.n:;rugr. P.Y.t. o ALL pr~j~c: ::ar.di:~"8, ~uc~ C3 :hs ~n3:.:::L!c~::::n of s:ra4r; ~B~S. :~~!c:~J",o::^- N(j'04tred ~and.:;cC?i,..;, :;:c., :r.us:; =~ sa:::3;'iad ;;.::jortJ ~i-.. 3L'::'=::::: T!:!Au :oal't ;fl r.1t;.tss:.:d. ::J Fr.~').:' ?!:i.\'9!::C ]2f .='r:I:"!. ",'!':.~.'I!:~' =:J :!.~'':'' !:.z::.~!::'l. .=:1 o .":'!:u.:. a:./I:':r.','c; 11:6 f-::naZ E:..iLd.i.r.g :r.3;::le:::icn "':".lSt bfl rea-04a:::a.:i =...:"1' :10,3 .:"tn.:zZ nw:-:cin; E!3c:ri~al, ~ ~ecr~~::c=Z ;r.spec:i~n~ :~O ~4Qn .~~ ar~ =pprovoli. o -A=: ".!:'::E!~:?~ ~ND C:'~':'NCl1'::; .'!Us: 3€ .~C:::SS:El..r. .~:.ij':S'Z':~:"':: '::0 3~ ,~~1C! ;~:" ::0 ::s: :-, Cr:'! I ?=;~ ! of Z ;Jcb :I",,",cr: 'D40S ~ V : Z.;r:c: OCCUDancu c. LeT TYPE : Lot Sq. Ftg. :': "i lot C"veragc: :f! of Stories , Total HeiGht . .."cpo:;zou;..'ny i ITE:.f 1 fNain , 1 Gc:race I Caroort 1 ACCBSSOl"U SQ.FTG TOTAL VALUE I Is.D.c. I (VC(.UC) 1.5 :z: Sui tdir.g Permi t State surcharge TotaL Cha.~ge. 1 I'J'EN 1 . 1 Ft.rtures I ResidentiaL (1 bath) ! Sani tarw Sewer I Water . NO. FEE PLumbing Pern:i t State Surcr.arge Total Chal'aes I IlEN NO. FEE Res. Sa. rta. llGlJ/E:::tend Circui ts I I Temporary Service I EZs::!trical Permit State Su:r~ha:rqe Total C'ha:rces I "'\1 I:IG. I FEE ....-. ! .='urn::ce ETU'S I I I E=haust Hood I I I I Vent Fan I I I W:>odsto;;e ., I I I Permi t Issuanca Me::!hanic:zl Pel"mi t State Surcharoc T"tal CnnrOPlJ ! f:.l/CROACI1:.tENT -- I Sec-..critl.l D2DOSit I Storage I nainte~e Permit Tetal ChapaC8 Curbcu: sideLIJLk Ipe~9 I EZectl"ical Label I ,'.lobi Ie H:;me 1 I I I TOTAr. AMOU,'IT DUE:'" Interier Corner PanhandLe Cu I-de-sac x Value CHARGE . CHARGE I I I I I I I l . CHARCE I I I I /5_00 I I , 00 I It> I . Lo 0 I 1,5.(~1l I . I. I I I I I. )$- LuO Ref~~er.ce ~~=ers: :-'w'CC !l: .- I Lot Faces ~ I I P.L. INorth lEast Sou.th IWe8t Tiipe/Cor.st: _, Access. I I I I I ; ---'j E,;Jrooms: Setbacks House CarGoe 2n21'r:~1 Sources H~at; ", :\'"/:tel' _Up-atr!',. Ha11f:e Pi reo lace Wood~ tOJ,:e ;:":;:'.1 Faes '. Building Value & Permit This perrrr;t ia granted on the express condition that the said ~nstl'UC'tio" shall, in aZl respects, confo~ to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the ZOning Crdinance, regutcting the ccnstruaticn and use of buildings, and m:J.y be BUDpended or revoked at cny time upon vio- Lation of any pr~vision8 of said Ordir~e8. " . I I ,. Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Rec;;ipt #: Sigr.ed: Plumbing Permit No person shaZZ ConBt~ct, install, a~ter 01' change any new or e=isting plumbing or drainage SYBt~ in whole 01' in part, unless such person is tr~ legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e%cept that a person ~~t do plwnbing work to property which is owned, laased or operated by the appZi- "cant. Electrical Permit Where State LeA; requires tr.at the electrical ZJOrk ba done by em Eleetrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shalZ r.ot be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit Plan 63:annner "'''8 I HA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that azz. info:omation hereon is true and carl'cct, and I f"..J.rthel' cel'tify that any ar.d azz. lJOrk performed shazz. be do:'1s i."1 ac::or- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfic1.d, and th~ LccJs of tho State of Oreg.m p::l't.::ining to the ZJOrk described hel'e~n, c:nd that NO OCCU- PANCY LJiZl be ltrlde of any structure L1ithout p3rmissicm. of ths Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:'1ly con~etors ar~ ~loyees wr.o are in compliance with ORS 701.055 L1ill be used on this pl'oject I fhdA~fpJ;. ~d t. S.gn# I jl/ tZ.A1=f /c;g) Date/ -- 1