HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1999-3-9 L~ iii: ~Vi LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORI<: _J()41 D.J J I VI!} 1+ 17_6~1 ~/ RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726,3769 Office: 726.3759 ASSESSORS MAP: LOT: . SPFlINCFIELP J:IJDS BLOC/(: CITY: DESCR/BE WORI<: NEW . JOB NUMBER Cfio ') I t, 225 Filth Slreel SpI/1101l,,/(I, OleOOI1 07.177 TAX LOT: OS)Ot} SUBDIVISION: PHONE:_ 741o-l2.9~ 7./ P: _CjJ':ElJ DEMOLISH __. onlEn PHONE CONTRACTOR'S NAME ADDRESS CONST. CONTRACTOR' GENERA' ' PLUMBING' MECHANICALl.D~v.f. PlDw... #11'//1'';9 /95/ l>>llLlif ELECTRICAl' ExrlllES tJllL/.IdJ b.~ZI!19 7?h-DI{j) OUAD AREA' . OF BLDGS: OCCY GROUP: . OF STORIES: _.__ WATER HEATER: - OFr-/CE USE _ LAND USE: _,_ N OF UNITS: CONSTR, TYPE: HEAT sounCE: _____ RANGE: __ FLOOD PLA/N: ZON/NG CODE: ___ If OF DOHMS: SECONOAFlY HEAT: ___" SOUARE FOOTAGE: "._._._ To rcquC~H an Inspectlon, you must c~11l 72G.37G8, ThIs Is Ol 24 tlOur recordlnn. AJllnspccl/ons rCllllC$tccJ before 7:00 n.m. will be made the same worl(lng d.1Y. In:;pcction!;i rcquc5tcd o.tter 7:00 a.m. will be mndc (he followlnu warl< day. /~~~/~ :~~':'~C~/P E~~;~~,~ S ~~~~vcr. . D Tcmpornry ~Icclric D Site In:;pcclion - To be mndc Mlar excavation, but prior to ::Jell/no forlT\5. D Undcrslnb Plumbing/Electricnll Mechnnlcal - Prior to caver. D Footing - Afler lrenche:::. J.re exc~lValed. o Masonry - Steel IDeation, bond beams, groullng. D Foundnllon - After (arms Clre erected but prior to concrete p'nccmcnl. o Underground Plumbino - PrIor to rllllno trench. . D Underlloor Plumbing I Mech:micnl - Prior to (nsulatJan or dec!(inQ. D Po:>t <lnd OC<lm - Prior 10 floor Insulation ar decldno. o Floor Inslllntion - Prior to decldno. D SClnitnry Sewer - Prior 10 filling trench. D Storm Sewer - Pfior 10 fillinQ trench. o WCller Line - Prior 10 filling trench. o Rough PlumbinG - Prior lo cover. o Rough Electric..1 - Prior to cover. o Electrical Service - MllSI be approvee] to Obl.1in perrn:J.ncnl eleclrlcal power.' o Flrepl<lcc - PrIor to facing mJ.lerlals and framing Insp. o Fr.l/lllno -. Prlor to Cover. D Wnll/C'cllinO Insulntion - Prior 10 Cover. D Dry.....'nll - Prior 10 I,'ping. D Wood Stove - After Ifl::otall,l:ion. o In!>erl - After tlreplacc approval and InstZlllntlon of vnl!. D Curbcut & Appro:'Jcl1 - Aftor forms arc '.'reeled but prior to placement of COl1cruh.:. D Sidewnlk lo Drivew:l\, - Afler cxcnviltion is completc. (orlll:; oneJ sut).bn!>c ma~t'rlill in pl,ICC. D Fence - WIlen completed. o ~ltroot Tree:. - When all requIred trees ore planted. o Fin.1I Plul110ing - When nil plllmblno W9rlt Is complct,c. o Finnl E1ecllic;ll - When ill! electrical wOrl( is complete. @ ( Fit I Mechnllicill - Wllcn all ccilLlnical worl~ I~; completc. o Fin"l ULJildill{J - WIlcn .111 rcquired In!>pecllons hLlve been approved tlnd building Is compleled. o Ot,her MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Olocking nntl Sel.Up - When L111 bl()cl(ln~l I!> complcte. o Plull\bill\) Connections - When 11O/TH~ hiJ:j been connecled to Willer ;\l1tl :;evlt:r. o ElcClfic;ll Connection - When blor.ltiIlO. :;e!.up. nnd plumbing In:;peClltln:; have been opproved imd Ihe 110ll1C is connected to 111(: :..:ervice p~lncl. I I FinO'll - Arler all required l/wpeclion3 .He approved and porches, sldrllng, dccl<.s, and venting hnve been Ins/ailed, ~- i ~:: ::~CI:g. I LOI coverage Topography ToloI helglll Lol Type. Interior' Corner Panh'-JIldlc Cul.dc'~~c BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. X !o/SO. FT. Main Garage Carpor! Tolol Volue Building Permit Fcc SI~IC Surcharge TOlnl rec (A) Sct\)m:I(:) . .J:b.... HSE I_GAR N ACC I I '.' S THE PROPOSED WORI< iN THE, ./ISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? II yes, Ihis oppllcollon must be signed end opproved by Ihe H1slorlcol Coordinator prior to permit l:;su<lncc. _5_.__ ____ .'!L._ __ ____ E ----.. VALUE " SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM FIXlures Resldenilol Both(s) N' Sanitary s~wcr Water 1''1'. FT. Storm Sower FT. Mobile Home Plumbing Permit Stale Surcharoe TOlol CllOrge MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhousl Hood Venl Fan N' Wood Stovc/lnscrl/Flrcplo.cc'Unil p;;;J-nllffr. --~--- Mechanical Permil Issuance St~tc Surch~IIUc Total ParmI! (B) (e). Mobile Homo MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS (D) State Issuance Stale Surcharge Sldcwall< " Curbcul II Demoll lion Slole Surchnrge Talal MIscellaneous Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (exclu(llnO eleclric"l) (A. 0, C. 0, ~nd E Combined) FEE /5r(jIJ jt!.. (} II _ t.f1L!L 2-~ U> APPROVED: BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT Thi:::; permit is g(onlcd on the express condition lhallhc said con:;lruc!ion 311011, in 011 respects, conform to the OrdlnLlncc odopled by Ihe City 01 Springlield, including the Development Code. rcgul<1ling the conslructi6n <1nd use of buildings, <3nd may be suspended or rcvol<cd at any time upon viol<ltion 01 Llny provi:;ionG of s<lid ordlnnnccs. Plan Cllccl< Fcc: 0:110 PiJicJ: Rccel pi Number; Received By: PJ.1ns f-lcvTc-wcci-'t3y-.-'---'-- DOle Syslems Development Charge is due on all undeveloped properties within Ihe City"limits which ore beIng Improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS elffJ/"'f'lk.:,lflLiJj... I- / ;l.t~,JI \ ( By signature, I :;talc and agree, thai I hayc carefully examined the completed :Ippllclllion and do hereby eartHy Ih<11 ,j,1I Information hereon is Irue :1ncl t:orrccl, and I further certify thal any and nO work performed ~h.111 be done in <1ccordancc wilh the Ordlnancu:.i of the City of Spring(leld, .md the Laws of the St.1{e of Oregon perlainlng to the worl< described her0in. ;Jnd lllal NO OCCUPAI-JCY will be rna<lc or any Glructure without pcrrniG:jion of the BuildIng Safely Division. I further certify II"1JI only contr.1ctors and employecs who arc in compliancc'wi1l1 ORS 701.055 wIll be used on this proiecl. I further o.gree to cn~ur 111at all required Inspections arc rcqucGtcd at the pr Lime. that Doeh oddrcss Is readable from tho Glroet, II . I tt permit C.1rd Is Icealed at the fronl of 1110 pro perl 1C .:lpproved ~;ct of pl;)n:; will remaIn on tile olle, 011' 0 durl. ~~n~ru'llon. tJ/).r>Alu V (j- O<1t(> VALIDATION: O~>p9 2- ::./f/q~ '2~ t-d cJ/tJ;;J RECEIPT NUMDEfl DATE PAIr> AMOUNT RECEIVf:D FIECEIVED OY