HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-11-13 .. RESIDITlAL" . APPLICAT PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-J75J Job Location: C\ 5 I 1 ( U \ )\ (\(\ \JT, ADeeGoor" Map H \ f\ (J'2- ~ C,4 (L Tax Lot H (')(000-.) StdJdivision: CkJner.fM'tQ ,.61 ~ ~~ NU{:~~<< AQJ{B): ?:>~~ g,\J\'r\:\ ",'>f\ ~ p}umc:,40-/Q'3z.." CitY:~l n1f-o'\.0} ~ zip: q~41{i ~m,' n Addition n Remodel n :.fobiln Noma Data of Application Cont.ra~to':"5 General i Plumbing . / _ ) I HechalliCal/r \ I ( 1 I El,ectrical I - I SllPenl>-lling__Electr~cion II q-aq Describe f\'ol'l~: ~~ ~ 'iIf' Address Value Lise. II I BIdrs Boord Re~. gxoires PI-.nnp I. .~ /?:r~ "3 I' {;: ,y~ ?if/!2 tf? 3' SiQr.ad: /Z~ Data:> 7//-/ ':?- $-<3 . I' I It is the responsibility of the permit hoLder to Bee that all innpections are made at ;he proper tim~1 tr.at each ~e83 is l'eadab:e from thtJ Bt}'teet~ and that thB permit oard ~i8 located at the front of the property. ABuiZ:1ing Divipior: approved plan, shalt remain on tlf B~,liZding sits at aU times. , PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEStrCAll 726-3769 (r~cdordel'D8tato your City designated joq nur.:ber~ job address, typo of in3poc~ic'l l"aqucstcd and when you win be l"eaay tor 'l,nspcct'l,on, (;o1ttractol"S or cA.mers name and phone number. Requests received cefero 7: 00 C't ~'ill b9 made t!t~ samo day, requests made after 7:00 an: witt be made th.e next :uorkin...] day. O PENCE: When compl.:;tc -- Provide gates or movable croctionn through 0 ~-0ru _!.L...-. _\- r I.' J!.l.l projeqtjqondit1:onn, ~uch as tile t'.nstallation of street trBes, co.'7lploti.:m of the 1"equil"Cd tahdscapir.g, ctc.~ must be satisfied before tho BUILDING FINAL ca1l be "t'aqucot.:zcf. 1'1 1'1 I FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Dtspcctioll must be l"cquested aftr;r t}w Pinal Plumbing Elactr'ical~ and Mechar.ical Inspectiona have been mado and approvad, Reoui"t'p.d Jn8Dp.ctin~~ O SITe INSPECTION: To bB m::zde after e.xcavation.. but prior to Set up of forms. O . UNDERSLAB. PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made before a~y work is ~OVCl"Gd. o FOOTING & FOUNDA T ION: To be "",de after trenches arB e:rcavated and forms are el"ected.. but prior to pouring cencretb' o UNDERGROUND PLtfMJJING. SEWER. W.~TE.r?, DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fi l.- l.ir.g trencMs. D, UNDERFLOOR PLm.mING & MECHANICAL:' , To bo madiJ pripr to instaUationlof floor insulation or decking. ' D POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to .instalz.ation of floor instolation or decking. I ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be cot:ered ,until. tho8a inspections havo been made andappI'Oved. FIREPLACE: PM-or to pLa.cir.g facing matorials and befora framing inspec- tion. FRA'~ING: Must be roquoDted after approval of rough plwr.bing~ alectroi- ool & mechaniaal. AU roOfing bracing a chimneys.. BtC. nr..lst be . completod. No uxn'k is to be con- ~ cealed until thio inspection has 'bs~n made and approved. o o o o o o o FI/IAC PLUMBII/G FINAC MECRANICAC o FINAL ELECTRICAL .1 Your' City Doaigr.atcd Job Numb61' 10: , O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION, To be mde after all insuluti::m aro.d .. requ~red vapor carriero are in place but befol"e any lath, gypsW1I board or wall covering is applied, and before any inautGtion ia concealed. I I I I O DRYWALL INSPlx.:rION: Te be made aftor all (i:rywall i8 in place~ but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bona , beamo~, grouti1tg 01' verticals in accordance with U. B. C. Secti01t 2415. D !'OODSTOVE: Aftel" i1l3tal.lation iD completed. , ' I , O CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afto":" forms are erected but pz'ior to pou"t'ing cori.::*at.. O SIDEWALK & DRIt'EWI:.Y: Fol" all con- cre:te pavina within street right- of1l.X.:Y~ to be made after all exca- vating cCtTlpleta & form lJOrk & cub~ ba~e ~ter>ial in pla.::e. ??9//"7? I DE,'./OLITION OR gOVED BUILDIiJGS ==:J Sani~ary 8~~er ~apped ~t p~op~rty lir.e =:J Septi.:! tank p:.:?cd and fitl.~d with i1l"a:Jot :J Pinal - TI'hen abovo ita:i/8 are completed . and when d~l.itior. is complete or Btru~- ture moved and pz'cmi36s .:!loaned up. I Mobile Hamee =:J Bl~cking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections -- SCWGl" and watOl" ::J Electrical Connection - Blocking~ Bot-up ~ and plumbing connections nr~st te approved before requesting eLectrical inspoction =:J Accescol'"'d Bui !ding :J Final. - Aftal" porcr.es.. skirting, decks, etc. are completed. "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS }/UST Be ACCESSI8&F:, AD.TUST!fEUT TO BE M.1DE AT NO C{JST TO CI'!'Y I Pa~":a of 2 JOB NO. Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ :;Jf lot C:werag~ !I of Storios Total Height Topography lITEM SQ. FTC Main Garaae Carvar t I I Acccssoru I I Is. D.C. TOTAL VALUE (val..ucJ 1.5x Building Permit State Surcharge Total Cha.':"ges SOLAR AC~SS Occuvancl./ Grou. LOT TYPE Intel'ioT' Corner Panhandle CuI-dc-sac X Value PEE 11TE~1 I Fixtures I Residential (J bat/,) I San:it....u.1J Sewer I Water I Plumbing Pern:it State Surc1-.apge Total Chal'aes; NO. CHAIIGE H::O'" ~ REQ.- L-COG~. Type/Cor.st: ~ I Enerall $oul'Ces I .<ieat 'Access. I I I I I Bedl'ooms: T.I/ve I , I P.L. INOI.th East isou th IWest Lot Faces - Setbacks Ifotwe Cm'age Watel' Hp.ntp.1' Range Fil'eolace WOod3tot:e , , Fees Building :Value & Permit This permit io granted on the express condition that the oa"idconstt'Uction shall, in all 1"eBpcct~, conform to the Orodinance adopted b'y the City of Springfield, inc!uding 't~e Zoning Crdinance, regulating the cCl1struaticn and une of building8~land m3Y be Dunpended o~ ~evoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any p~.?visionsiof said Ordinances. I j I I I, IPlan Check Fee: IDatc Paid: I Recdpt #: ISig>led: PI~mbing Permit No percon fJhall consiMU:Jt~ instal?.~ alter 01' change Gny new O~ e:::isting plwnbing or> drainage syste:n .in whole or> in part~ unless such per80n is the legal pOSD8SS0r> of a valid plwnber>'s licenB6~ except that a person may do plw::bing work to pr>operty which is oz,med~ leased 01' operoated by the appli- cant. , . , Electrical Permit 11'l't.'M I Res. So. fta. jNJIJ/Extend Ci~cuits I Tempol'ary Service I Ele~tl'ical Permit State Sura1111J'qe Total Charges lITEM I F'w'nace ETU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I WOodstove I Permit IfJsuanca Mechanical Pel>rrrit State surcharoc Total CMraefJ -- ENCROACItMENT -- I Secuztittl Deposit I Storage I Maintertll1U!e I Permit Total Cha1'Ql1s Cw>bcu t I Side1Jalk I Fcn~e I Electrical Label Mobile Home \~i\9 ~\ LVY\ l'roTAf, AMOUNT DUE-. I NO. ' I I I PEE CHARm: I NO. I I FSE CItANCE \~OU Wher>8 State Law requires that the electrical work be dOne by an Sleatl'ical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Eleotrical Contraotor. , Mechanical Permit , Plan Examiner vate I 1t,1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and eOl"l"cct~ and I fUr>theJ' certify that any ar.d all work per>formed shaH be done inj accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springficld~ and the U..;s of tho 4 State of Oreg.?n pertaining to the work described he"'8-::n~ and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rrrlde of any st:ructur2 without permission of the Building Vi- vision. I further certify that o:1ly contractors and e:rrplDyees who arB in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this p~oject ~~~ 1I//3!.f'1 Da{e ,..