HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-1-27 . .. RESIDENTIAL.. COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieU. Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division ~ 726-3753 ~ Job l.oo:man: q 9, b n. \ ) \ \() ILL T- A.....o.. Map 11 11-0~ -;l.G,-lJ'J. Sl.lbdivision: Tez Lot 11 ID ~ {)C Gl.msr: ~ -' lJ !. QKfi., ~f'L Q L;' p v ~~ . 0 ~ Addrs..: C\ '9. b n \ " M..cJ:i . , City: )b~^~ ^ "'?t~ --- Q ,} ~~, C><\ Addirion n Remodsl n ,~!(jbilR ,qoma Dat. of Apptioarion \ - ".:l I .. 't.. ';L :,;ontractors GsnsJ'l2 t Pl.umbing E2tlcmcaL :'ts::ha1:ic::.L C01I8t'l'ucrion LIZ1Ids2o F/wn.: 1:; ),/7" "I Q. 0 J... Zip: Cj Ill., .., Dumb. {lork: ~~ . ..vv-A.0 Vat... 7 I q. erG Address . .~cc.':,t! 16 5' 7 9 I/,. ~ ~ ~ IfF'/J() 1~{) .k>O - 1IjS:6~ Si.<med: Data: 4~-, ,-.2.1-1'2- Li30.1I Er:;il'CS PhorlC It is :JuJ ,..sp07Utibitity of thIJ permit hal.dJao to ... that aU iPUlpsotions are r::adc at :hs prop", time, t,lo.at (:CCh ;;ddresa i.s r.a.:a.;~. frotrr .It. ._... 01ld 'hat .It. p...... =od i. l.>aatod at ths front of .It. p""p""t':/. .9tli!.di."'lg Oiui:ior. CZf1F1"01....:i FUm shaU zoenrin on tha BuildiJtg Sit= at all timBs. Pr?OC!:DClP.E FOR INSPECTION RE.QlJEST: CaU. 7:!6-J763 (:roGCO%"tilzrJ stat. youzo City d.48ignatBd job mor.b.rr, job aJidzocss, typ. of in3;?8'cticn requestsd ar.d laf.-.ma you. :.n:n b. ready for> inspGct"".:on, Con_ ..._.....~... or 0:Jnar8 nc:me <:nd phoruJ number. .t?squssu rflcsi;;sd bstCH 7:00 i%':'t ""n bs nads 'M som. <icy, ...qus.'. nads oft::>' 7:00 "" r.n:n b. nads .It. .at :JOr1d.ng <icy. P""""~~"'J'~ r""",,p"'"'"~1 D. eIT~ rNSPE~]O,V: To b. If'GlU aftll7' s:cavo....... bu. p,.u". t:cI ..t up of f....... .0 UNTJERSr.AB PWNBINC. ELECTRICAL I MECHA.'lICAl.: To b. mr:rr.U before any work ::a ':ar1GNd. o D I'CfJ'TrNO ~ FOUNDATICN: To b. nads att" tNnch08 are ccavatwl and forms a:nr BNCt8d. but pJ"'i.or to """"'''iT'''''''''"''"' UYD!:RG.qom!D P!.UMSING_ SF:JIER. W.1TE.1?, D.f?AINAGE: To bs rrrJ:iIJ pri01" to [i1,- 1.""4 trencn.s. o UlIDF:.~FWOR PWNBrNO 4 MF:C!IANICAL: To oe .mas pl*'f..Or to il'l3tal,lanon of fLoor i"""Z<:rion or dsc1d.ng. POS'T AND BEAM: To b. trr:1Jk proi.or to inst4LlattC7l of f1.ao1' iJ1SUZaticn or dscki"iT. RO~'GH ?!.w~8rpp~EC"!'Rrt;A!. ,f JfECH- ADICA!.: No :JOrk. 1-8 to OC COL.n:;;;- ur.tiL thes. inspsc:itms have bun nzds and approv-=. . F'IPIPl.ACE: Ptoior to pLaair.g facing mat;sriaLs and bcfors [rarrring inspsc- tio,,_ o D D D F'RAH.r!1G: Mu3t b. rflqu,63tad af:QO -r'L"'..~.....L ot MUgh pl.wr.bing~ aLscm- c:aL & :r.schanUuzL. AlZ roofing bracing ~ chimneys, st~. nr..:st b. c:::mral.ted. ?lo wrk is to bo con- C8t;."l,ad untit tJri.o ins08Cticn has b.... nads and oppt'Ovsd. fOlD' City o.~ ';ob _"" Is: O rNsptATION/VAPO.q 8ARRaR =!!CTION, To be rrr:ui.Il af'tllr aU inlrIIL.:t~ a:"Id """"'..Hd ""l"'" ~ aN i.. plac. bu. I:.for. any loth. gypsum beaM or &.Un oovllZ"i.ng is appt.illd, and a.foN any inawlatiol'l i.s aoncsa.'Lcd. O DRYWALL mSPF:CTrON: To b. nads aftu" aLZ c:J:oywaLZ is in pl.acs~ but prior to any top<"iT' O NASONRf: St..t t=:zrion, bond . b(lQ11fQ~ grouting Of' tJ8J"ticat.s in accordancs rJith U.S.C. Stiction 2415. I":/! 'o'OODSTOVF:: Af'"" ......Uarion is ~ XmpL.t~. D CURB & APPROAC11 AP.rKJN: AftII:' forma are .r.atsd but prior to pcuring .:on...-reU. O SIDE.lIALK d :JRI"IWAY: For aU C07l- arst:. paving within street: roight- of-U:::Y~ to be ma:U aftllr' aU -=ca- tJat'.:ng ccmpu.t. d f~ work & ~- base nctmat in ~La::e. D ."F:NCF:: """" campz.... -- ~ g;;;;; UfO ,"ltOVabL. s.ctions through P,U,E. o >? ,2.,()' //J 7 'DE!-fOz..ITION OR ,\:tit'!" 3UIL:::ICS :J Sa:ni~ tltlI.Je ::c:ppflti ='t t':"Op~ Ur.4! :J Stip1:i.:: tank p-.mp~ CC"..; j'-;t7..d :.lith ;:rcrJ8L j :J FiraaL - .tI1Um c.b..""Ve i,t&1S ars ec:~rDt.a!:Bd ar.d 1Jfum .:fer.:c~i.tiar. i4 Car.1?Ult:, or struc- ture mculld ar.d prcri3u a lsane up. Hobi!Q HcmllB :::J stocking and Silt-:l? :::J Plumbing Conn4Ct~ns .... st::Jer ~ ua:ar :::J Elcotricc.z' CC1'tl'tecticn - B1..ack-:.r.:; ~ set-up' and pLumbi.ng .:onr.soti.:ns rr.".::.rt .:s tI?pro7JIlQ btifol'c zooqwtsting tiz'il~=r1.aaZ -::r.spsc::io:-t ::J AcaesS'ol"'",' Bu:i.:a::~ :J Fin.::t - t.ft~r.?Ol'c.r.lls~ sJdrt:~rlf~ d8cka. .ta. are ccmp:'iltca. D AU proojllat ccm.di~nll. such as tM instaLZat-'.:on of at:N.t trella. C'~l.;:i.:m 0;. :iuI l"fIqui.l"fId 'La1u1.sccp1.".g~ etc. ~ must b. sanstiod betor. tr.ll 3l.'IL/)I;:~ FI:"AL :an :e l":zqus8t:zd. o FnlAL PWNBINO o F~NAL MF:':RANICAL o FINAL El.E=IC~L ,0 o ::rN.4L aUILDINC: The FinaL 8ui1.ding !nspBcriml must aa '1'equflotlld cf~flr ;r.e f'inaL :~ur.:bi.ng eZ~ct:'ricaL~ and .'1eahar:icaL lnapectiono havo be8?l madll and app'I"C,wld. .tAU ,~fANHOLES AND CrEAl/OUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJUS'nfENT '1'0 !IE M.1DE '!oT (VO COS; Ta :!'!'.! I P;;';B of 2 ... JI !JOb Number: ~ :1- ODh 7 i Zone: I ,Lot Sq, Ftg, ::: ;;f lot C::veragr; ! # of Stories , ! Total Height ! Topography lITEM I,.bin I GcPaae i CarrJOpt IAcces80Ml SQ.FTG . Ocaupancw Grouv: WT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-saa x Value TOTAL VALUE IS,D.C. I (vc:t.U~) 1.5 :r Bui1.dirl{1 Pezorm.t State SuI'aharge Total Charge. r ITEM I NO. , FEE I I Ft:rturBB I Reaidsntial !l bath) I i I Sanitary SeL16r I I I Watm" I I I I I PLumbirl{1 Pezorm. t I State Surcr.a:rogs I Total Charaes IITEI1 NO. FEE I I RtZs. Sa. f'ta. NClJ/Ertsnd Circui ts I Temporcay SerrJice I I EZsamcaZ Permit I State Surc1moQe total Charces I ITEM NO. I F'urn.::c~ I!TtJ'S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstove -I I Permit 138U1.Z11Ca Mechanic::l Pemn.t State Surcharae 1'ntn l Chara~n 1,-- ENCROACHMENT -- Securitu D2DOSit Storage I Uaint~e Pcnorit Total Charaos I CUl'bcut I Sidew. lk IF~e l'Electrical. r..absz. I'Mobile Home I I I,TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:- CHARGE CHARGE FEE I C/JARCE I I I I .5', t>{) I I /O./}{) I ,C;,/H) I ,In 1J 1.11, t;;.,~ i) I I I h I~bo Page 2 '~-l I, I . L-COC #: Referer:ce Numbers: Type/Cor.st: Bedrooms: I Enera,lJ SOUI'CeB Heat j Water Hp.f1ta7' I I Range I I I FirsD lace I L Wood3 tove III TI(06 I Lot Faoes - I Setbaok. I P. L. House I Caraqe INorth lEast i ISouth I IWe.t I Access. ..- Fees I I I I I I Building Value & Permit This P6rrrr-;t io granted on the e:z:prss8 condition that the said construction. shall, in all respects, confonn to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning crdinan.cs, reguZating ths ecnstructicn and uce of buitdings, and may be suspended or revoked at cny t":.me upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. - I I ,- I I I /Plan Chsck Fee: Dot. Pa-'.d: IRsodpt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person Dhatt const'zruct, install, attar or changs any nmu or msting p1.urnbing or drainage system in tJhole or in part, unLess such person is tM legaL possessor of a vaLid pLwnber's ticunss, ezcept that a person may do p1.umbing >JOpk to fIl'opspty ,,/rich i. owned, leased OP opemted by ths appli- .aant. - Electrical Permi t Where Stats Lazu requires that the sLsetrical. work be done by an Electrical. Contractor, ths el.ectrieal. portion of this PBrmit shal.l not-btHHZUd-wt1ri.1,-- the labe I has been .igned by the E7.sctrical ContZ'aDtoP. I j - Mechanical Permit I I I I I I ,- Plan G%am't.ner uo.. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the oompleted appZioation fop permit, and do hereby aertify that aLl. information hereon is trus and aorrcat, and I fuPther certify that any ar.d. atz. lJOrk pel"fornled shatz. be done in accor- dance 1Jith tha Ordinanaes of the City of Springfiold, and the ~s of tho .t State of Oregon pertaining to ths oork dsscribed herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will. bs rrr:zds of any struatura withtrolt permission of the Building Di- vision. I further ael'tif'l! that onLy contractors and e:npL:'yees wh9 are in comptiance with ORS 701.055 witt be used on this project ~.~ a,~o..QL,.D S1.gn8d ----, ).r,,,^ ~ 7-~~ D4b