HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 2004-9-20 ~ . . *C60(Qlill'tt: +54I-1U-8158 T-m P.002100T H52 . ~ S.p-20-2004 '02:9Ipa Fr...K & A En.ln..rin" Inc. a '"gl"urlng K II Eqiln'lng, Inc. P.O. Bar 28&24, ElgtIl8, OR 17. 6%1 MIrtIIIIl, Saile IJ, Ell..... OR 17482 (l41)1I11.V_ (141) 1111"'. FAX . 8"b'. 20, 21104 Hayden Homes 2464 ~ G1acter Place, SuIIe 110 Redmond, OR 9771i8 Subject QuaIily 88llllIIIlC8 . house foundaIlOn pad c:onstrootion Jasper MlllIdows Subdivision - ~ AdtIlUon Sprfngllflld, Ol1llon PrajlIcI: 74J14 r-h'~ M~~~[) ')\':'h~ii ~'i'll!;;. PU.~h' i ,il. AND SCOPE M r&qUll8l8Cl, K & A EngiJeel1~, Inc. haS complel8d morftlrl~ tile conslruclfon of Individual foundllllon pads althe subject new resid!nllal8lllCl1Vl8lan. 39 imflVidual foundation padS WIllI canstrucl8d alltle slle and prepared I8lIdy forfDrmlng nBW fOImtla1Ion8. PrIor to COIl&IrIIoIion, a GllOIllChIllcaJ ~gaIion' was made at the subtIivision to dllVtllop specific 1IIC0ml1lllndallons for developing 1h8 sII8 for IIslden1181 t~atIonsr ~ and UllUlIlIa. 1lle purpose Of our alllVk:88 was to provkle . .,;" construcIIon at flIundatIon padS to lISlillIV 1hat cona\nKIlion crll8t1a ouIlIned In the gllOlllclllllcallnvestlgation was atldr888ed. . 11lI8 I8jlOIt docUllllris fowldalIan pad consIruction and makes recanmendaliOlls lor sulIablUly for resldenllal foundation consInI:IIDn. . fOUNDATION PAD EXCAVATION Bllln! l11e faL . ,,,;,, pads d8v8Ioped lor 11118 pmJllCl are to support convenllonally framed 1llSid8llliaJ sIructur8a IUIlpar\lltl by cOllV8l1tlonal cast-ln-place CCIlc~ SJlI1Iad footings. Due to the slope a/ 1118 Sb most 0I11l8 ~a\1on IIIIdIWlII conslnIcled In two or more benohus, separal8d In gIilde by I" ,,:. ,...:~ 1 to2.1eet. FauntIIIItllI 8aiII 1lle aeotecllnlc!llrMl8llGatIon (Boh) had pr8dIcbId \I1at high plas\iClty sins or clays YIOUId underlie \he sll8. ElIcavaIIon for 1IIe palls conllnned IhaI in most at the foundaI1l11 patIs, ltIere was 1 to 3-feel 01 a gray, highly plaJ1lc,lIIlllIBr8IlIIy aUIf, and moist silt. In some Iocationll the gray s11l..,;'1. oj a slgnlllcant IIITIOlIlt 01 suit- IllUIltI8tIIgJI8tIUI ctIIlbIe$. llds sm was olIlln covered by D.li-to 1.Q.fee\ at daIrcJ. very kJw.dens1ly pealy sillS. Weathered )'lIIOW-tan Illffaceous IIiIIs\on8 or sandstone was 8lICOUI1t8nltI undemeaIh the p/asIlc slll8. , IIoInl AW"'-" 1nG.. ~ msagdan forllll Juper MaadanllBcand Additian, SprlngIIeId, oraaon. FtIlIuIIy 18, 21m 8'd lW'ON S3~OH N30AVH ~dH:l 900l 'g 'uer - . . +S4H"-i' T-735 P.009/l107 H5Z SIP-ZD-Z004 02.31,. FrOl"K I A En.inoorina, Inc. K & A Elal_lng, 11G. 'Ih8 gray _ sIlIB and gray pIasllc slll8 with oobbleswere deepest Ihrouilh d1e wes1llm portion of1he subdivision. IsoIaIBd Zllnes of GI'llY plaGllc sill or p/aslic silt with cobbles Will also encllUllllll1d U\roug/IOUt It18 cen1JaJ and easI8m portions allhl subdlvlslan. FaundlliaD PIlI GllIlllrlcllall BeC81lSll1ho _ and IDItent alllOl/s varled significantly across the Bubdlv,*n, ll3Dh pad was evaluaI8d IndlVlduaJIy III d8IIrImlB IIIe JlfOIl8r d8lllh of excavation and 1111 amount 01 select ftD 10 be placed in Ih8 IlIlClMIIIon. for ~ of tho foundaliOn pads, lIle dlplh to weathlllld 81~slDne or sandstone was less than 2.feet and, In these cases, the foundalion pads WllI8 excavated lD bsdrtlCk, and gradsd amoolh, JeveI, and free from loose maIlIrlU.ln ~ casas thll base olll1e lllCCMIIon WillI in two benches separated in grade fIlIm 1 to 2..f8et. seIect granular II wu placed In thll P. ..,"..J lllCClIY8lIon and brougl1l to footInG gn*. In those atUS ~ dee!*'1II'8Y plasllc 6ft, the sills weill RIIl1OY8d 10 a minimum depth fl1ll-1nct1ea bIlloW footlna glide. The ballams of lIl8 excavaIIons were glBded srnoath, IlIVel, and lree from Iaose mal8~alB. In most cases Il1e base 01 the lllCCllVlII/on WB8 In two benches separalBd In grade from 1 to 2-_ 88tect granular fill was placed in the prIIp8I8d 8XCaVlIIton and bfllllOht ID foaling grade. In aU cases whelI peaty sII8 were sncountered, 1I18 pll8ly-SJllS were comp/tl9t1 removed from Ih& foundlllkln lIIlllL ....1IrInaIII' Pill SeleCt graooIar fills cansl8l8d of 8 sub-base mater1a18Illl a baSe maI8I18I. The IIIlb-IIuI mablltaJ was placed on 1118 JlI8Il8IUd subgr!de in Ih8lllli1da11on pads and COII9IatBd of a S-lnch mhls walJ.gradSd quany aggI8fl8!8. 'Ib8 ba$ellllllBltal was pJaced CIWl'1ll8 SlJl)..Jlase rock lIIIl COl18I8IIld of a 1 ~Il\lh minus :. ",..raded quany lIQG/8G8I8. Bolh ,'..' . "",:. were produced 1Il1l1e M0t'S8 Bros. Quany In Sprtnglleld. 11Ill8lJb.bas81Hc1ln1S11 g8ll8l8l1y l8IllIed from 8 to 12-inches.1Iastl rock ranged from 41D 12-1nch881n 1tIIC1cn88ll, In a law OUBS (Jotll33ltmlgh 3S) 1I1e 8U~ rock was eliminated anti bas8 rock was US8d llXC~ for1he uIlIcl gtalUlIar liB. TtI8 68Iact DIaIII. fiD8 W8II waD I.... .........J in 12-inch IllIIldmum lifts (loose) using a lII88l-wII88lBd \:~. ,,;,, J roller. WaI8r WIll applied a ............Jy ID rminlain oplinlm waIBr ....;.,l. during compaction. DlIlIIIIy of Scllcl....1Ir ~ SUb-base 1l1e densIIy It 1118 8ulHlase was evaklaIBd by InSpBCtfon of plilclmenl melI10cIs and t1e1d mIuadon of 'ti8ler contllnt. ThlI d8n8IIy _ considered 8d8qullI8 It passes by the IaIge YllnlDry 8Ia8kInJm ro/Iar did not laM VIsIble markS ~ Ih8 fllIO.bue aggRgIIlII at tI18 edgelI of 1he drum and if lIle eoiI W81Dr conlllnl appeam!1D be near oplInUIn as dldmll'.ed In the IIBkt' I SqueezInG I snllllllIIIllUlIl otlla lIIIIlr IlIDIUIIJltI in tile hind dld IIlIt produce silJlificlrllftee WIl8r and MlIIId nmaIn In a reIIIMIy unIllIIm II1II wit1aut k,".1lldaIett IR1g _ Project 74,04 Jasper Meadows SUbdivision Pba88 0, Sprlnglleld, OR Client Hayden HoIres PlIge2tlfS 1ieptamIl8l' 20. 2004 t'd lW'oN S3WOH N30AVH Wdgt:l gOOl 'g .uer