HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 2004-9-20 . . . , . Fr...K & A Enlineerina, Inc. ~1_,..fbltCRlp!z; . ,. ., OIpoID-2DD4 '~2 :91 pm . K I A Elgineerlng, Inc. P.O. Box 28624, Eagene. OR 17402 621 MI/lIIIIL, Suite B, &11118, OR 17. (&41)IIBi lIaIIVoIce (141) ... fAX 8llplllllllle. 20,- Hayden IfomIls 2464 SN Glacier Place, SUIte 110 Redmond, OR 9776/1 Subject: QuaIily assurance. house foundallon pad construation Jasper Mll8dows SubdMsion - 2'" Addlllon Sprlnglilld, Oregon PrujecI: 74.04 SC!\N~~E[) . PU,.' i ':',; AND IClII'E M r&ql8d, K . A EngilDer1~, b1C. haS complel8d monltorl~ lbe conslruclton of IndlYklual foundallon pads at the 8UbI8CI new residanllalSlildIVl8lon. 39 indMdual foundallon padS were constlllC1lld at1he site and ,..."", , , I8lIdyforfDrmIng nsw founda1lons. Poor to construolion, a GllOteChnlcallnve31lgation' WIllI made of the su;,:i l,L n 10 develop specific 11lC~ ", ,<i, ,. s for developing the sII8 for IIsldent181 roul\dallons, ~ and lIlIUIl8lI. T1l8 purpose Of our sllVic88 was to provide rmnllOl' conalJUcllon of foundallon paas 10 8S&UI8 that conatnmlion crflllrla ouIIIned In the g8Olllchnlcallnve&tlgation was addra88ed. . 11118 I8jlOII documents foundatlon pad construction and makes reoamrnenclaliOll8 for sullalllllly for residential foundatlon coostrucIfon. fOUNDA11ON PAD EXCAYA110N G8IInl 1M foundation pads dsveIoped for 1I1Is pl'OJeCllll1l to support CllflYenUonally flamed IllSidsnlial sIruclunI8 cuppotl8Cl by cOllY8llllonaJ cast-ln-pBce conCI\ltD SJlIBad tootings. Due to the slope ar 1118 B88 rmst Of 1h8 foundlltlon padS were CCll15trucIed In two or morv ~hB8, 88p8/ll18d In grade by III, ":,, o;,..1y 1 to 2.feGt. . FaundItIGa saill 1lIe geotechnlc2llrMl8llaaUon (BoIr8) had predicted that high plasticity e11ls or clays would underlie the alia. e<<lavatlon for 1IIe pads conflm1ed that in most of Ihe fOUlldalJon padS, 1here was 1 to 3-feet of a llflY. highly plu1lc, rmdsralllly atIIf, and moist sill In some locations the gray s1~ COIItaIned a slgnlftcanl amotJrt of sub- Illllnded Ign8OU8 cobbt8$. 1l1Is slit was oItlln covered by O.6-to 1.D-feet of -. very kJw.dens1ty peaty slll8. Weal/Mnd )'lIIoW-tan tuffaceous siltstone or sandstone W88 encounlBrlld undemealh the plastic sllt8. 11101re AssOl.'.......I/IG" G...,,,,.:,, :..il msIgIIlanlorf1e JIIlIplII' MlIadIlW8 SIcond Additiln, Sprtnglleld, 0II00n, FtIlIUIIY 18, 2OO:l. g'd 19L9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~dH:l 900l '9 'uer .' . . . +S41.6B4-B~ T-T35 P.QOSIOOT F-9S1 . . ,.top-ID-1004 02,8IPlI FrOl"K , A En,lno.rina. Inc. ~ K & A flalneerlng, 110. The gray pJasIic aI1I8 and gray plastic elll8 with oobbleswWe deepest through the weslllm porUon 011t1a subdivision. IsofalBd ZOl188 of gray plasllc slit Dr plastic 8IIl wfII1 cobbles Willi also encounlsted throughout !tie central and easI8n1 portions lIIlIle eubdlvl&lon. Fa_1iaa hd GlIlllrlclloll BeC81l8ll1ho dePIh end 8l48nt of solis varied significantly across the subdivision, ~h pad was evaluaIlld IndlYlduaOy to d8IlInnIne!he propardlllllh of excavation and the amount 01 selectfID 10 be placed in the lllCClMIIIon. For ~ 01 ~ fCllll1d8liOn pads, the depth to wealhel1ld sl~stDne or sandstone was IBss than 2.feet and, In Ihese cases, the foundation pads WIlI8 8llCa'fcI1ed to badrOCk, and oradad smoolh, JeveI, and free from loose mal8r1als. In ~ cases thll base of ths excavation was in two benches sepanDd in gnKle flllm 1 to Zofeet. S8Iect aranular II wu placed In thll prvpared lll<<lMIIon end brought to footing al1lde. In those .,. m daepar lJl'8Y paslle sit, the sills WBI8I81l1OVed to a minimum depth fl1l1-Inchea bIlloW fooUna grade. The baIIIlrns 01 the emavaIlons were graded amoaIh, level, and "" from IooSll maI8~alB. In moSl cases the base of tho lllUllIVatIllII was In two benches eeparatBd In grade from t 10 2-feet. 8etect granular fin was placed in the prtlpal'lld 8XC8VlIIkIn and brDllllhllo fooling arade. In aU cases where paaty sits W8I1 encountered, the paaly-sllls ware com~ remaved frOm It8 foundallan iIIlllL . 111ta18mdar JIiI& SeI8ctQl3llllarfiUs c. .,~"~,,J of asulHlase matertaI and a baSe rnaIBl1aJ. The llUb-base malsrlaJ was placed on lIl8 prepared subgrade in th8fOll1dalton pads and consf8t8d of a 3-lnch mRls weu.grad8d qU8tty aool1flll8. The baes malBrtaI WIll pJaced over 1118 SIJb-IlaSe rock lIIIl COl18l8IIld of a 1 *"Inph minus denaa.graded quany aggl8g8l8. Bath aggl808l88 W8I8 produced at the Morse Bros. Quarry In Springfield. 11lO 8lJb.bas8lt*lkMs8 aenet'8lJy l8IIIIed from Bill 12.inch88. Base rock ~ed from 4 10 12-i1ch98 III tldcllne8a. In a fuw Dues (IolB 33 thnlugh 39) the sub-ba1e rock was eliminated and base rock was used exckl8lV8lY Iorthe i8Iecl granufarflB. '!be selecl QI1IKIr. fiDs W8I1I weD eel" ......;..J in 12.inclllI1lIldmum IIIls (loose) usina a sl8el-Whe8led VIbratory roller. WaIsr was Bpp/ied as necasary to maintain oplinllTl watsr conlanl during compaction. IlllnIIly a18c1cCla-1ar fill SUIl-base 1lle density of the 8ul>-base was evaIuaIBd by rr..,....lI... of pla....,_.: metIlocIs and flsld evaluation of 'tI8ter content. The den8IIy W88.....:J.,:.J sdaqual8l1 passes by the I3Ige vIIratory etsekIrum roIIsrdld not IBave VISIble markS .. the 8Ub-ba&s a,'" .,' ".. at th8 edges of the drum ancI if the soil WlIlar contanl appearsd III be near opttlT11lRl B8 clstsImned In the Ileld.' . SquemIng I snBIlI1IIlWIt Of lis IIn8r IlIureaatll in tile hllllllllld not produce ailJlfficlrltfree wlllr and would mnatn In a . ItIIIivetJ UIIIIGlm ~ wiJKluI.",1IdaIely fljJ~ _ Project 74.04 Jasper Mesdows Subdivision Pha88 II, Springfield, OR Client Haydsn Horres Page 2 of S SSptsmller 20, 2004 v'd WS'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~d9v:l 900l'9 'uer