HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 2004-9-20 . ~ ~ .' 11P"1D-20D4 .~2:9Ipm F"..K & A Enlinmlna, Inc. +~I-SU-S~S5~~~f; -a ,nglnurlnll K 11 Elgine8rlng, Inc. P.O. &ax 28624, Esgen&, OR 17402 621 MI/lIII8L, Suite II, &111'" OR 17. (&41) 1111 ... Voice (&41) IIlIH868 fAX 8llpb'. 21, - . Hayden IfomIls 2464 SN Glacier Pl8ce. SUIte 110 R,.:, '", J, OR g776/1 Subject: QuaIiIv 888UI'IIlC8 . house foundallon pad constnIation Jasper Meadows SubdMsion - 2'" AddIUon Sprfnglilld, Oregon PllIjlIcI:74JM SCAN~~ED PU.:,' i ,ill; AND IClII'E M reql8d, K &A r.. ,.-. . I ,',' b1C. haS complel8d morflDrlllll tile conslruclton of Individual foundation pads at the 8UbI8CI new residenllal8lllCllV18lon. 39 indMdua/ rouooaDon padS WIle consttucl8d at 1118 slte and , , ,,: ,~ I'8lIdy for flInnIng IIIIW foIu1datIon5. PrIor to cons1rUcIion. a Geotacl1lt:sllnve3lfgation' was made of the subdivision 10 develop speclftc I8COmnmlallons for developing lI18 sII8 for IIIk1ent18l fOUll,datlons, ~ and UlIUlIIl8. 1lle JlUIP068 of our alllYice8 was to provkle.. ".1" conatrucllon of foundation palI8lD IlSliUl'8Ihat con$Ulltion crltllrla ouIIIned In the g8Cl!llclmlcallnvesUgation was acldre888d. . 1l1t8 report documents foundation pad con&IJUcIion and makes reoamrnend8liOll8 tor eul\ablUly for resldenllal foundation construcIIon. . fOUNDATlCIN PAD EXCAVAnDlI Gill_ Tl1c foundlllion pads llmlloped lor this project are to support COIl\ ,.J , ,ly framed residBJ1lial sIruclunls cuppol1lld by convenllonaJ cast-ln-pI8ce conCI'8tD CInar! footings. Due to the slope or Ihe SllIIIlISl Ollhe f!lundlllion pads were COl151rUctelIln two or more benches, saparated In grade by apprllldmately 1102.f8et. FaundIIIOD Saill 11Ie aeotecllnlcallnw8lklaUon (BoIre) had predk:IlId 1hat I1Igh pluticlty e11ls or clays WIlUId UI1dmIIa the slI8. ~ for till palla conflnned that in most of Ihe foundaIIDII pads, 1henI was 1 to 3-feet of a llf1Y. highly plallc,lI1IIlhI_ atlIf, and moist silt. In some I"..~.. '. the gray llIh,,:"; .;J aslgnlllcant amountal8lJb. IllUIlded IgJ\8OU8 caIlbIes, ThIs silt WlIll aIlIln covered by 01i-to 1.D-feel of ~ very low-danSl\y peaty 81118. Weathlnd 1.:.. "n 1uffaceous siIIstone or sandstonII was encountered l .;,. ",Jllh8 pIasIIc slllB. IIIOIre AsaOr--...In;" G ,,,,,,'. ,;..1 mdgaItan lor tie JIIlIpIIl' M8IIdowe B8cGnd Additilln, SjlIInglleld, Or&oon. I'tbIUIIy 16, 2lXI:I. 8'd W9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~dH:Z gOOZ'g 'U!f . .- . 5op-ZD-IOU OZ,31pm Frri I A En,lnurina, Inc. +S41-SB.-e~ T-T35 P.OO9/DOT HIS! K I A Ea~Ina, lac. The gray ~ sIII8 and gray pIasllc 81lt8 with oabbleawere deepest through Ihe wesf8m portion of 1118 subdivision. IsoIa!Ild ZOI188 of aray p_ slit or plastic 8IIl wllI1 cobbles WlII8 also SrmJnIllted Ihl'OUllhout l!le cenlJaI and easI8n1 portions a1l11e eubdlv1slan. faunJIIIiaD hd GllIIllrlcIIoII Because 1110 lIapIh and Illd8nt of solis varied slgnificanlly across the eubdlY~n, eaah pad was evaluaI8d IndMduaJJy III d8IIm1Ill8 the JII'OIl8r d8lllh or excavation and tile amount 01 &elect 1ID to be placed in the llICC8VlIIIon. for Il1llIr of tho faundaliOn pads, Ills depth to weaII1el1ld 811lstDne or sandstone was /ssI: than 2..fBet and, In these cases, the lollllll8lion pads WllI8 excavated III bedroCk, ancI oradad lmooIh, JeveI, and IrBe from 10088 malVrlaIs. In ~ cases the baSe of ltIe excavatICIl1 _ in two benches sepn!Bd in grada fIlIm 1111 z..f88t StIecl ara_ II WU placed In the prepared ma:avaIIon and brought to toolIna grade. In those..~' ",", III8Y plastic &II, the sills WlII8 nmMld to a minImUm deplh clllHncIloa below toolIna grade. The ballnllll of the 8XC8VldIons were glided 8IllOlllIl, lWei, and tree from IaoSll malBl1als. In mosl cases the base of the 8lGl8VatICIl1 W88 In two benches Bepand8d In grade from 110 2-rset. Selsct granular nn was placed In tire Pf*pai'lld 8lICIVlIIbn and bl'O\lllht 111 fooana arade. In all Ga$llS whenl peaty 8Ils W8I8 BlICOUntered, l/1e pealy-8lllS were comple!lltf removed from IIl8 fourxlllllon lII8lL . .... 8rInaIIr Pill Select graIIIIar fiDs cllIISl8l8d a1s lub-base mater1aIS/Id all8.S8 rnaIlll1aJ. The 8Ub-bal mllblllaJ was pla08d on 1118 prepared subgrade in lI18. loundaIton pads and con9lBIlld 01 8 S-Inch IMUc waD.graded quany aggl'8Q8l8. Tba ba8B ...,!O: was placed 0Y8I'1h8 sul)-!lase rack alii .., ,,~,~:.; of a 1 ~ minus dense.graded QIlll1'TY aogl8g8/ll. Bo1h lIll. ,...".~:,. W8I8 produced atltle MlIl'S8 BIllS. Quarry In Sprtnafteld. 1118 8Ub-basG lNcJrn8s8 g8ll8l8l1Y lII1IIed!rom 8111 12-inch8.8.11as8 rock ranged !rom 410 12-ilch9s In thlclln888. In I fvw GD88 (1018 33 thnlUGh 39) 1118 aub-ba8e rock was eliminated and base rock was UB8d excll81V8ly tor1he &elect granular lIB. 1l18681ecl granullr fiDs W8lI weD colllll8Cled in 12.inch ",.. ,JIR lifts (loose) using 8 sbleI-WII88lBd V1bta1Dry roller. WaI8r was IlJIpIi8d II necessary to mainlllin oplinUm walBr canIIInl during compaction. IlIInIIIy If 8111cl..... fill SUb-baR' 11le deI1sIly ~ th8 sub-base was evaIUaIBd by InSpection of plac;llII1DIIl rnetI10cIa 8Ild flllld evaIualIon of wmr conlMl 'ilia d8n8IIy was consIdenld adequllI8 If passes by the IaJve Ylx8lDry Bls8kInJm roller did not leave VIslbIe maills tithe BlJIHJa&e qg~ IItths ecIgsll oflhc dl\llT1l11d if the eoiI waI8r conl8nla",. :.. ,J 111 be near opUmum 88 cL.,.1 .~ In the IIeId.I I Sq\IIlBZInG. SlllllllIIIIllUllt or IIsl1nBr IOGI8lIII8 in lhe hand did not produce siJlificlld free wltlr and would IIIlllIIn In a ,,,.i '" IIIIIfann IlIII wlt1aul ~,~,IICIatf!RIg _ Project 74.04 Jasper Meadows SUbdivision Pha88 0, Springfield, OR ClIent: Hayden HoIres Page 2 at S S8pIamIl8l' 20, 2004 t 'd ~U9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~d9t:~ 900~ 'g 'uer