HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 2004-9-20 ;, 11P"1D-I0D4 ,~l :91 pm . Fr...K & A Enllneerlnl, Inc. ldJffi~~ +S41-88'-8~ T-T!S P.OOlIOOT F-iS2 .a 'nglnurlnll K I A Elgine8rlng, Inc. P.D. &ax 28624, ED..... OR 17402 621 MI/lIII8L, Suite B, &111'" OR 17. (&41) Iii .... Voice (N1) ..... fAX 8llplbl.. 21,- Hayden IfomIls 2464 SN Glacier Pl8ce. SUIte 110 Redmond, OR 11776/1 Subject: QuaIily 888W11\C8 . house foundaIlon pad canstnJalion Jasper Meadows SubdMsion - 2'" AddIUon SpIlnglilld. Oregon 1'IlIjlIl:I:74JM S,... 1\ \'I.R r\P 11; f1'l ~I]a a\l ~ UJ PURPOSE AND IClII'E M 18ql8d, K . A EngilDer1~. b1C. haS complel8d mormtng lbe conslruclton of IndMdual foundation pads at the 8UbI8CI new residenllal8lllCllV18lon. 39 indMdual rouooallon padS WIlt tanstrucbld at 1he stte and Pl8P8red I8lldy for forming IIBW tounda1Ions. PrIor to CClIlstruatian, a Geotechnlcal ~gation' WIll made of the subdivision III develop speclllc lIIComl1lllldatlons for d8ve1oplng 1h8 6IIll lor IlI1den1181 (ou~aIfons, ~ and U!IIIllaa. 1118 purpose Of our sllVic88 was to provide...;" cons1Juctlon offoundalJOll padS to 8S&UIV 1hat l:Ol18\nJlItian crll8l1a ouIlIned In lhlI g8Ol8chn1c81lnvesOga1ion was eddnl88ed. . 'TlIt8 report documents foundallon pad consIrUcIion and makes Ie." ;, l8liOIlll for sullablllty for residential foundalfon ClllSIrucIIon. . fOUNDATION PAD EXCAYAnDN Gill. The foundlltion pads d8YeIoped for this project BIll to support COIIY8n11onally framed Ill5idenlial sIruotur88 cuppolt8d by cOllV8llllonal cast-ln-place CClIlCIltD spIHII foOtings. Due to the slope 1II1h11 Bb moat or IhII ~aIion Pllds WtI8 consIJucIed In two or morv benches, sspall!ed In grade by 1"" ";,, ,.... ,} 1111 2-f88t. FGundIIlGa Baill lbe geoIec1lnlcallnv88lklllllon (Boh) had pr8dk:led that hfgII plastiCity 811ls or clays would underlla the slI8. I!xcavallon for the pallS conftnned that in most of Ihe foundaIIllII pads, _ was lID 3-feet or a gmy, hlgllly plutlc, II1lId!raIlIIy atIIfo and moist sill. In sane Iocalions the gray silt contained I &lgnlllcanl aITIOII1t of 8llb- IllUIld8d IgnaoU8 cabbies. ThIs slit was oIl8n covered by 0.6-10 1.ll-feet of dan1l. very kJw.dans1ly peaty 81118. Weatheled 1 '. ,.,,,.n IUffaoeous siIIsIolI8 or sandstone WIll 8lICOlIIl\8nJd l, ." ~ the plastic 81118. '1IOIIll AslIoe-, Inc.. G""... ,. ~ mesIgaIIonfartJeJII!pIf M81d_ s.cond Addition, Splfnglleld, D/8aOIL FtbnIaly 18, 2003. g 'd ZW'oN S3~OH N3DAVH ~dtt:Z gOOZ 'g 'uer . " SopoZD-2004 OZ'81",,' Frri & A En.inllrina. Inc. +541-68408_ . T-m P.009lll0T HlS2 K . A ElgI_lna.llC. The VlIY pJask sIIIa and gray pIaslIc 8llI8 willi gobbles' were despest throlllih the westam portion of th8 sllbclMsmL Isolat8d ZllIl88 of gray plaslkl slit DI plastic slit wlIh cobbles WlII8 aIsll srmmtnd throUghout IhI cen1JaI and easI8l11 portions gf ths eubdMslon. Fa_1iaa PIlI GlIIllrlcIIoII Because Ihe deplh and 8ld8nI gf solis varied significantly across the eubdlvlelon, .,aoh pad was 8Y8IuaIlld IndMdually III d8IBnnlllB lIIe proper d8Plh of excavation and !tie amount of select no to be placed in lh8 lllIClIVIIlIon. for IIIlUW IJf tho foundaIion pads, 1Illl depth to weathsred SIllslDIllI or sandstone was less than 2.f8st and, In Ihese cases. the foundation pads WIlI8 excavaIed to bsllrOCk, and graded IrnooIh, JeveI, and free from 10088 malVrtale. In ITIlllll cases the base ol1l18 excavatlllll was in two benches sspanDd in grade from 111l2-f8llt StIllct Granullr fI was placed In 1Illl prvpared mccavalIan and bmugllt to fooling grade. In those .ru5II'deep<<1JIlIY plastic sII, the sills Wire .: '" ,: 10 a minimum deplh at 1&-inchea billow fllollna grade. The baIlulT1ll Of Ih8 8Xll8VlIIlons were glBdsd smooth, level, and me from Iaose matlll1sl8. In mosr cases the base Of the lDlC&V8IIon was In two benGlHIs ellp8llllBd In lIIlIde fllIm 11D 2.fll8l S8tecl granular ffn was placed In Iha IWP8flld ,,,.,,,,,:00 and brought III fooling grade. In aD cases whel1 peaty 8Ila WBII 8IlCOlIntered, II1s psaty-elll8 were C .1." ...,.' removed frOm the foundllllon lI/lllL . SlltlllIJInuIU Pill Select graooIar ~11s cDl1Sist8d Of 8 luIHlase materlallUId S D8S8 maI8l1aJ. The 8ldl-base rnlIBrtaJ was plaosd on lIlB prepar8d subgrade in 1118 lOlI1d8Ilon pads and cansl8Illd 018 S-lnch lN1US waU.gradSd quany "" '"",. The base maIIlrtaI was placed over 1!18 SlJb.ilaSe IllCk IIIIl con8I8IBd of 11 ~ minus dlllllllllIradecl quany eggregalll. Both lIlllIl808I88 W8I8 produced at the MC11'S8 Bros. Quarry In Spr1ngt1eld. 1118 sub-bas8 tl*lJcn8s8 g8lllllBl1Y lIIIlIed from 6111 1Z-inch88.11as8 rock ranged from 410 1Z-ilches In 1hIc1ln88S. In a fvw GU88 (IolB 33lhnlUOh 39) ttJe aub-baae rock was~: .: .;.J and base rock was used eou:k1s1V81y for1he seIecl granular liB. The select gl1llRl.fi118 W8Ill well cc......."J in 1Z.inch 'If,., JIR lifts (loose) using a stael-Wh88lsd V1bra1Dry roller. Wster was IJlPIi8d 18 necsssary III mainlain oplinlln wablr ~..I...~ during compaction. Dally al8cIecIBk__ fila SUb-base llle densIly "Iha aulHlase wauvidualBd by InSpection of plal;cmenl ,;" ,,' 8IId field mIuaIIon of 'IIlIIllr content. The d8n8IIy was cansIdered adaquaI8 r passes by the I3rge vIbraIory BtsskIIUIII roRer did not Iaave vIslbIe /lliIIkS" the llub-basulllll8Q3lB 11th edges of the drum IIKf iflhe soil WlII8r contsnt 'f..'I' :<, ,,; III be near gp\tmIIIIl88 d8Illl,,"..d In the IlBId. I I SquemInjI a snBIlIIIlllIllt 01111 nner IlIDI8lI8Is in lhe hind did IIIIt produce siJlfficlld flllll WItIr and WGUIll mnaln In a .".: ".1 unlIlinn biI wittaul~"ll8daletylalna_ Project: 74.04 Jasper Msedows SUbdivision PIIa88 II, Springfield, OR alent: ~ Horres Page20fS Slptamb8I' 20, 2004 t 'd m9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~d9t:l 900l 'g 'uer