HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 2004-9-20 . . . IIP"IO-2004 .~2:9Ipa Fr...K & A Enlln.erlnl, Inc. ",..~In-~"~ K I A Elgine8rlng, Inc. P.O. Box 28624, Eagen&, DR 17402 621 MI/lIII8L, Suite B, &111'" OR 17. (&41) III. ... Voice (141) _1868 fAX 8llpr..6a1 20,- Hayden IfomIls 2464 SNGIacIer Pl8co. SUIte 110 Redmond, OR g776/1 Subject: QuaIily 888UI'IIlC8 . house foundaIlon pad construation Jasper Meadows SubdMsion - 2'" AddIUon Sprfnglilld, Oregon PnIjIIcI: 74JM SCAN~~~~ PURPOSE AND IClII'E M 1'8ql8d, K . A ~iIDer1~, b1C. haS complel8d morftl!lng lbe conslruclton of Individual foundation pads at the 8UbI8CI new residen11818lllCllV18lon. 39 indMdual foundallon padS WIlt consttucl8d at the site and JII8Il8rec1l8l1dy for fDm1Ing IIllW founcls1lolJ5. PrIOr to construoIion, a GllOtBCld:allnveslfgalion' was made or the subdMsion 10 develop specific I8COmlTlllllda1lonsfor ..: ,: .,1. ., lI1e site forllsklenll8lf~atlDI1S,~ ami UlIUIIa8. TIl8 purpose or our alllVice8 was to provide ITIlnllOl' construction or foundaIIon pallS to 8S&U1'81hat comuotill1 crlllll1a ouIIIned In IhlI geo!llchnlcallnvesllgation was addr8888d. . 1llI8 r&pOrI documents foundation pad construction and makes recammtllld8tiOll8 for sullablllly for residential foundation consInJcIIon. fOUIOJA11ON PAD EXCAVATION GIIIIIII The foundlllion pads daveIoped for 1Id8 pl'OJ8Cl are to suppoct conven1lonally framed residBJltial811\1ctur88 cuppGl1dC! by COIlV8IIIIonaI cast-ln-plBce conCI'8lB SIJIlIad footings. Due to the slope 011118 SIIll most or 1118 ~arlOl1l111ds wtI8 COl15tI\IcIed In two or moro ~he8, sapal8t8d In grade by apJll'lllCimaleIy 110 2-f8et. FIlUlltIIIlalI 8aiII TIl8 Geo1!cllnlClllnVosllllatlon (Soh) had predk:ted 1I1at hIgI1 plasIiclty e111l; or clays woukI underII8 the alia. ~avallon for 1IIe palla conflnned that in most or the foundallll1 paas. 1heIe was , to 3-feet or a gray, highly pIullc,lIIlIlIBnlIlIIy atII'f, and moist &lit. In sans I. ..~'. . the gray el~ contained aslgnllfcanl8lTlOtl1t0l sub- IllllIld8d IgnBouB caIlble$. llds sll was DllBn covered by 0.6-10 1.ll-feet 01 ~ very Iow-denslty pealy 81118. Weathered )'lIIOW-tan IUIIacsous sIIlslone or sandstone was 8lICOl/11!8nld unde~ the plastic sDls. '1IOInl ~---"Ino., G,...",~ :.J1mdga11D11fortJeJBlIpllI'MAdIlW8 &.cond AdditiGn, SpInaneld, 0II00n. FtIIIUIIY 18, 2003. E 'd lEL9'ON S3~OH N30AVH ~dtt:l gOOl'g 'uer . t541.GB4-G3~ T-135 P.OO9ID07 HI2 '.' .. hp-Zo-I004 OZ,31pa Fr_K I A Enllneerlna, Inc. K & A Elglneerlna, IIC. The gray pZlk: sIII8 and gray pl88llc 81118 with oabbleawere deepest throuilh dill wastem portion of !he subdivision. IsoIaIBd zones of alllY plasdc silt Ill' plastic 8IIl wIIh cobbles WIlli aIsD encounllll'ed throughoUt Ihe cen\Jal and easI8n1 portions orlhB eubdlvlslon. Faluulldim PIlI GlIIalrlclIoIl Because IIIIIlIep\h andllll8nt or solis varied significantly 8Cf'llSS lite aubdlvlelon, .,aah pad was evaluaI8d IndMdually ID d8IIIm1IllB IIIe proper d8Plh of excavation and lIle amount or select no 10 be placlld in the llMll8VIIlIon. for Il1Q Gf tho fat, ",:.. paela, the depth to wealhel1ld slllatllns or sandstone was I8ss than 2.fBet end, In Ihes8 cases, the foundation pads Mil 9lCCa'tated to bedrOCk, and gnllltd smooth, JeveI, II1lIlrBe from loose materlal6.ln ~ cases lh8 baSe of the lllfCIVItIQII was in two benches 68Pl1/11!8d in gntde fIlIm 1 to ~f88t S8Illct aranullr II.. p1aclld b1the pnpared excavaIIon and brougl1llO fooling grade. In those arras ~ d8lll*' lIl'8Y p/88IIc &II, the sills wallll'1llTlOY8d 10 a minImUm deplh 111 B-inchea bIlloW foolIna pie. The balInms of lIlll excavaJIons were graded smoaIh,level, and free from IlloSll maIBr1sl8. In most cases the base of the llllllIV8IIon waeln two benches aepandlld In lIl'8de from 1 to 2.f8el 8etect granul8r nn was placed In the pttIpaI8d 8llll8VIIIbn and brought to toolInIl grade. In aD cases whenl peaty sII8 were encountered, lI1e pealy-allls were comple\etf removed frOm IIlll foundallon erea. . hlllllIrInaIIr .. SsI8ct graJlllar ~1/s conslslBd of a eub-base material and a b8S8 rnaIBItaI. The aub-bue mablllaJ was Plaoed 00 1Il8 prepared subgrade in the IlUld8Iton pads and can9IatDd or a S-lnch IIWIUI: wtlJ.ilradllll quany ,,', ','''''' the base rnaIBrlaI WlIS placed over Ih8 SlJb.ilaSe rock lIIIl COl18IeIlld ofll1 ~ minus denae-gradad quarry aogrBg8IB. Both ..... ",.,"~",. W8181l1lldUced atthe MllI'S8 Bros. Quany In Sprlnglleld. 1l1O lllJb.bas8 tI*IIlIl8B gBfl8l'8lIY ranaed from 81D 12.jnch88.1laS8 rock lBIlIIed Imm 4 to 12~ In VdcIn8a. In a Ivw auea (IolB 33lhRlUgh 39) 1he IUb-lle8e rock was eliminated and basa rock waa used excll8lVBly for1he sslecl gl'1lllll1ar fIB. 1be selactalllKlllrfiDe W8Ill well cc..,...k.l in 12.inch maximum lifts (loose) usl~ a llI88I-Wh88led VIbl'lIlllIy railer. WaIsr was Ippli8d a n..._1 to maiJJlain oplillUm wal8r conIllnl during compac\lon. DenaRy al8tIIcl er-..I'III SUb-base 1l1e cIeIlsIly ~ lh8 aulHlase WE evaIUaIBd by InSpectIOn of plac;cmenl rnetI10ds snd tleld mluaIIon of water Cllntllnl 11uI dlll18lty was considered edequaI8 It passes by the large vlbndDry 8ls8kIrum raRer did not IBM VIsIble marIeS b the aub-ba&e lIIID"lIIID II hedges of the drum snd if the soil walBr conlBnl appearvd to be near opUlIUBII88 Glbs1II4I1llll1n!he fteld.' I' I SquemIIia a 6IlIlIII1IlIlIUlIt of lie \InIr I11I118aBlB in ltIe hand did IIlIl produce 8i~free watIr and WClJId mnatn In a .".: ....' unIlvmlll8l wttlauIk,".l8CI8Ietffllllq_ Project: 74.04 Jasper Meadows SUbd'rvision Pb888 n, Sprtngfield, OR CIlenI: Hayden HOITIlS Pllge2~S rIO,,"'" "Ill' 20,2004 t'd lUS'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~d9t:l 900l'9 'uer