HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1984-1-18 / .@ ~6 ,-I Lane County Authorization for: ~~H/$a/$ 5q:~Z tGt?CDOUT OF LOT/PARCEL BLOCK FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Applica tion-r'? /" C? / / Permit # /' {..? -(J / D Two Copies of Pla~s . DThree Copies of Plot Plans DMech/Plumbing Checklist o Legal Interest Document ,OPlan Check Info Sheet Nh,,~n~P /. 7 RANGE c? 3 SJBDIVISION/PARTITION (if applicable) PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY ~esidential D'Industrial o Commercial D Public, ::J Pr,oposed ~ing ~4/2G' READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. :O~~T,~ORIZATION HAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING [] PLANNING/ZONING: zoneq ~ Partition # Parcel # ::::::S~~ ~~g~j#~~ -- d~ ~//~ [ /1/0 It'! / D}l:TE CONDITIONS~ ~, ~ Parcel SiZ~~ /" ---..l..._","",,;., rear Date:/-/V"- crf? [] FLOODPLAIN: In flood hazard area? 0 No DYes, SEE ATTACHED SHEET. Date: ~ n " \ ; Jr:ANITATION: /\..~ Installation Specifications: ~4L~:-~~ .~~f;f{~? Cl.U../~ 1S1_d~ .J. ~, /-If,-r'! ~ D [] PLANS EXAMINATION: Type ; S. 1. # B. P. # Installation Record Issued? DYes D No Maximwn Depth of Trenches Gallon Tank Lineal Feet of Drainfield Group Use COMHENTS: Date: n TOTAL VALUATION $ CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT Description dk/j{~,-/ cY4./dt/. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0", , TOTAL FEE $$-4L.~C? c>&cJ, ~ __' J-Ifff~' ~ APPROVED BY BUJ:LDIN~_~SIGNEE (per ORS 456.805(1)) DA~~j LANE COUNTY DEPART~ OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION Sq. Ft. Fixed Fee'! Unit Cost Floodplain Fee Subsurface Fe\=s ....-- "l ~ - ~L/ Building tee I.lzch/P 1mbg Fee plans Check Fee State Surcharge r-#I: DEQ Surcharge - .1". .." ~, 't ~l:~~ "~" i \' '~ .~ ~."'.., ';(. "'~- " . I , ... .' ~\~. .- ". " .~ t.... '. .. . #. S'ETBACKSAND 9THERCONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE CATION OF THIS PERMIT;' CITAT.ION UNDER PROVISIONS REMEDiES .ALLOWED BY;, LAW.,' STRICTLY OBS'ERVED.' VIOLATION~AN'RESULT IN REVO- OF LANE'COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER . . .' . ~ \... ...,~ " WHEN ,READY FOR INSPECTION; .CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24"-'HOURS, ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INS'PEC- TION REQUESTS MUST' BE G'I;VEN.~' Have the fo'llowi'ng 'info~ma tion re,i'ldy:', perm'it miinber; JOb: ac1dress, : ty~e' , of"~nspe~tio!1,,,!~en,~,t, ,will be ready, your name, and phoii~"number, ar:,~:'any special directions to site. ;, '- BUILbING ~JVISIbN: 'J, '". (i . . ". .... ,J,'. ' :REduIRED' 'IN"SPECTIONS-:': 7" -. " .....;. . " ... "......: '---~-... , ",' , .~ . ,..' ~.. ...., .1'.\"Fb'Gnd,a"'tion" Inspe~,tion: ..To be made~ aft~r tr_en.che"s_..a~ee)cav9..tE!d .an~ torm~ e_rectg9..<g1d:.w.hi2!1' aJl materials for the foundation are delivered ,on the job. Wher,e concrete from"a centrai mixing ~lant (comn;~nly terme.d ".transit mix:d.'~L.;.:is' .to b: u~~d, mat~rials. n:ed' not.,be. on the job., ' . . .'>.. ' ~. '" .. . . -. - ." . -" . 2: Coricret~ Slab or' Under-Floor Inspe"ction: To 'be made' cifter all in-slab' o.}h'~der-floor' tluiidin'g , . ser.v:i.ce equipment, conduit, piping accessories; and "othe'r ancillary equlpm'en,t items are, 'in place \bu.( before'~any 'concrete is -poured or floor shea'th1.Dglns taIled, 'incltidJ;ng the sup floor":. .. . ., '.. .. - -, ' " ".: .,.... ',- . . . .. "".,' , .' . . ",'. ..'. . 3'.' Framing ',&' I,risula tion, inspections,:.. To be 'made after the :rooC' .all' framing,:;~.f ir,e, .blo,ck:Ln"g" 'aDd.,., . :bracing .~re, in plac'e and, all pipes, 'of ireplaces, chimneys', and ven ts 9.,:r:~ .,complete an'd..a',ll Tough 'elec't.rical ,and plumbing are ,approved. ,All, wa,ll ip.sula b:onand vapor,.ba,rriera-r:e in p'lace. ' . .;~' T ... ....... . ~. ... -. """ - -~ _ '_ ~ ~ . ..t.;~. ~...' _ 4. Lath; ,and/or' .Gypsum Board Inspection: To be. made after all.l:athingc:.-n:a.' .'gypsum"board, "'interior an'd.~xt:eFior, is ~I). plac!8 but before any plastering is'.ippli:ea and'before gypsum board joints and fas.teners .are taped and fi!lished'. ' . ~" - - .... .~_., ~ ,,. . .. ~ M . 5. Finai Inspection': To be ,'made after the building is complete:_aiiq. before' occupancy. '.. , , ",APPROVAL REQUIRED. ': No work shall be' done on any pa:rt of the buflding or 'structure beyond the point indicated in' eq9h quccessive inspection without first obtaining the approvaL of the building official. Such approval shal,l 'be given only after 'an inspection'shafl have been nia'Cle of each successive step in the c'ons'truction 'as indica ~ed by, each 'of the inspecti.~ns, required. ' ' . NOTE: .' ~ll .b~,:i lding permits require insPE?ctions, f.or the '1o':;:k author i ze~ ,,>such a's but'not limited ,to: A."Bl06k Wall: To be made ~ft~r reinfo:r=cing-i's inpla"ce, but before-any grout is~ poured. This' irispection, i's" required for each' bond beam pour. There' wi 11 be' ,no approval. unti 1 .tl1e pl)1mbjng andelectrica},i~sp~ctions have been made and a~proved. ' ~. Wood Stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is comPlete '. 'Installation shall be in accordance with an, approyed,. n:a tionally recogni zed testing agency and the manufacturer I s installation ,instructions'.' ' C. Mobile Hoine: An insp'ection is required after 'the mobite home' is connected:' to an approved" "., sewer or septic system for 'se,tback requirements;, blocking, footing conn,ection, ti"edown's,. skir'ti'ng, a,nd' plumbing' connection's: . .'. -,' " - , , .. . ',' ." c ' ' , , 1. Footi'ngsand piers to. comply with State foundation requirements ,for mobile homes or as ~~commended ~y'the manufacturer. 2. Mobile 'home minimum finish floor'elevationsnall 'be'c~,rtified 'when required by a flood- plainmanag~ment letter. 3. Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspec- tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. Swimming Pool:, Below g~ade when steel is in place and before concrete is; poured. Above grade when pool is installed. ., . r ," ': I APPROVED PLANS MUST BE" ON THE JOB SITE. AT ALL TIMES 'DURING WORKING' HOURS.: THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF .WORK-DOES"NO,T;;'BEGIN,:~ITH~N: 180::".DAYS:;' OR>IF{:\:VORK IS_SBSP.ENDED OJ~ 'ABANDOilED 'F.ORMORETHAN ,180 'DAYS. SUS;E;ENSIQN OR ,R12YOCAPO~. MAy..,oCqJf lI~ 1:HIS PEI~I.uT,,>~S ISSUED ~m'FT,H.E BA9,~.s, ~F,:-..INCOMPL~TE -OR E;~f<ONJ;:OUS INFORMA'I:~IE\N,.~ ~<: 'J~). L\,'-,<, -";..... <~ ......;" '. ,- .... ~\,t;,.\" \ _. '~ ' ':. ,.",..::~.:. _, ~.. .-" n ~ .. >, · ~. ~.'; """'.2. ".A!,..Y?~: PROG~EB.~N~\plSt..~HE ,POINT 0F REQU,IRED INSPECTIONS WILL PO SO_ ~~\ Tl!~.I.~ '9W~ _R:~~~:, :'" >' '., '.. I . SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: l. 2. Perini~s shall be effective ~or one year f~om the date of' issuance. 'Upon completing the constructionHfor 'which a ,permit 'has been issued, the permit holder ;shall notify the Lane County Depax;tment of Plann'ing and Community Development by submitting the' fnstallation 'rec'ord' form. The Department shall inspect the const:ruct:ion to determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the construction qoes comply with such 'rules,' the Dep'artment shall. issue a certifica,t'e of satisfact:brycompletion to the permitl holder. 'if the construction does not comply wlth 'such rules, the Department shall'notify the permit holder and'shall require 'satisfa'ctory, completion bef,~re ,issuing the certificate.' Fa~lure to meet the requ,irements for satisfactory completion 'wi thin a re'asonable time consti tutes a vio- lation of ORS 454.60~, to 454.745 a.nd this rule. . Setbacks Subsurface ~ewage Disposal~ 2 Septi6 Tank From: Interior property lines 10' Edge of road right-of-way 10' Buildlng foundation 5' Wells~ ~ther water sources 50' Drainfield ,10 ' 10' 10' 100,' _ ',C i4;;'Z5 -, , , ;- ... tl. t, " -I~.. '-!:'-. \. ~\ .:""" .. .... .: _.......4 ,. \ '""'.. .'1 , ."-~:'~: ~c . '. , , ;- ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET lane cou.~ty COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! L)~l~I~f'~_L1L____- (~~ q 7 '+ 12_ ZI P CODE MAx lIVe i1<ALJm~t\J !1J.PNA/,{) PROPERty OWNER ~qtJ AsP/;.fu $1 - MAILING ADDRESS 5 P,11,LM-; :fi~Q) 0 fZ CITY STATE 1) : 6 J PI<.ICt.r:-C I,. i r- rv\ A l(. I rJ t6 ~ILA u W\ A I'd PERSON MAKING REQUEST ~qo As 1)~ fU 5t ~ MAILING ADDRESS '1SCf d-I ~ ^ ~7- 1 't1 ~~t BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # 2 , PROPERTY ADDRESS ~ ~~ (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS) ~1n'E BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 51mE HOME TELEPHONE # ; j I i . I Cr7L;77 I ZIP CODE I ' I . 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (REQUIRED INFORMATION) II )! TOWNSH I P i ' (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation 3 from ~;r~.t;:nt) ((; C9-O RANGE SECTI~N TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING ACRES I I ' I ' I; I I ' I 4 SUBDIVISION (if applicable) LOT BLOCK I 5 REQUEST (state exactly wh~t you plan to do) S'tJt1I,/~ J-r~jp ., f/ll.~~~ tv .~~"~/ 1 ,aJwlUJ1 ,~UJlJA~ 6 DIRECTIONS, TO SITE: 8w::t O)u ~/vo~_~.:-~o f fj ~e.".. q:ftJ..tk. ~ ~ Oft ~, Sf ..- /1JitJcJL, ~ A$~,I(lPArlAAN/~ /~Vw1~ tUN. ~_'."_.".._""'''''..''.'_'."_'''_'''M."' .., ._,","._w, _ _. '....... I,~_! ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** NUMBER ~ (j) ZONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE: DATE ~ --l .,1""'7 TIME IN: OUT: LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, OR 97401 / 687-4061 r r r' ~ ['," ;) . .. 1 \ n \ l~ , APPLICANT FRAUMAN, MAXINE TL~ 1703342200600 SUBDIV ~EW BLDG. TiPEUSE R BDRMS 4 C) I..,j j\! E r;: (I l"i E " . LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGTRECEIPT ~ 7684 DATE 011084 t-IDDF~ f::'?O' tlSF'Ei\! ST..., SPF( I 1\!GF I ELD.. CJF:EC.ON LOT BL!< 1'1 H ....! 1-' r.....' ,. ...... ,.. II .." II'" ....j... ."'" "'j' I " :I!: J:5 .... ...1 ',,"I" I~' t) t.:..' 'I t,.1 "11.) r.... ::. ..:+ ::: I:.} ,'::. 'I ,':.. l::j NC).... COi'--.!NE'C:TC)F;:S: 1'1ECH(:IN I Ctll... F'EE I STt-ITE Sl...iF:CH(.~d:;:GE. PLr~lH CHECI< FEE' CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION I::: F' !~!p 1(7:n . \:"p ,~p OL NO. FIXTURES: l'1ECH SIUI:;.~ 1:)[1< . I... r;: S'I...IR !...c ..? (:. ::~ -4 :s: :0 ;~~.I \l : II \ c::(.~,'rG : (:IPP F~(:'i FP, ,:,;.1 [~ G~ tJ : (.} . EST. COMPLETION DATE . ~:::~::;... 00 CI< Tt!!<Ei\.! FlY r;:LH 1..\ UNITS 001 STORIES r:~lDDr;: , SO FTUNIT COST VALUATION FEE D (} \' 5,1 ..~ :5 .~ () () . E:-("t C: H .... /\.11/ "'(/11 r t r (':, ~:) :;.;~ :::::(j ... ()()' ~:) ... 00 SDS.' S'I ~::aCj< OTH 'i' ';'1';'" .!. I::' ~~. . 'f ...., ..::. TOT tli... FEE:p;:J" HI TRS, TL Plat Subdivision Lot Plan Block C74-1S0 Vicinity Map Job Location Permit il Permit ii Permit Ii (Address) For For For ~q 0 (J.~PJ.1i,- <; t \ I k Ac.lGf - $fuAR.F LrfT N Permit II Permit il Permit II f~e b A(u) f:;AJ !-l.t2..6A / / / / / / J-.1ou5~ ASPf: {'J SI. rF.lI.)(t -n (\l 2- G '\11 ~l(' ~IAt\ll. ])f.AtP e:) r\ ClJ.RAbf .-:.1..:-:, . , .. ('weLL Sflt:[) !J ? / c:. )1 ~ For For For