HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-4-7 " S':.-..J:: " 'I IN~PECTION LINE , 726-376,il' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CotlBINATlON APPLICATION/PERMIT S S. f' 1 d ErlERGYGSOURCES E' 1 t' Aspen t., pnng le Heat as & ec nc Lot No. 17-03-34-2-3#200 l~ater Heater Gas Range Gas Lotocky Val UE of ~;;'OOO. 00 \ Builc;inq Permit Info: Describe 110rk(i.e., Build Single Familv Residence With Attached Garaael Build one story Social Hall with detached cross tower, driveway, and parking area. (lies. no.): (exnires) INFORrlATlON liNt 726-3753 Sq. Ftq. "lain 4 .bUU ~q. Ftg. Access. 144 Sq. Ftg. Other LUe\~_ Add _A 1 ter _ Rep. Fence Demo Change/Use -Other - - 10 Job Address 704 ~ ~ ~ Legal Description Tax Own~r Bishop Innocent Hilariom St. Nicholas Diocesc Address 2245 West Rice St., . Phone Chicago, IL 60622 Construction lender SAME AS ABOVE Address DES I GN TEAr1 Phone (address I (name) WEGROUP pc/Architects John Herrick Builders Electric Harvey & Price (name) (phone no. 344-3249 687-0129 485-0922 746-1621 863 East 13th Ave. 1684 Will amette 293 Monroe P.O. Box 1910 (address) 338 West 11th, #110 P.O. Box 1910 293 Monroe P.O. Box 1910 Pri ma ry Structural Electrical t1echani ca 1 , CONTRACTORS (l ics. no.) (expires) (ohone no.) Ga 1 eM. Roberts Harvey & Price Builders Electric Harvey & Price Genera 1 485-4253 746-1621 485-0922 746-1621 Plumbinq Electrical ~lechanical PLUt1BING ELECTRICAL NO.1 I FEE CHARGE NO. I FFF Each single fixture Residence of 'J)( total *2~ 7.5'0 ~ SQ. FT. Relocated building New circuits alts. 0 (new fix. additional) or extensions MECHANICAL r.HARGF NO. I FFF r.HARGF furnace/burner to =< 6.-=-- 4 256~~34 BTlI's~ 7-Sh <7o::.:~- O Floor furnace and vent IS.F. Residence (I bath I I Duple~ (I bath) IAdditional bath I Ha ter servi ce '2~(!)'/ I 1 I SERVICES 600 amp. I I~-t I I /:'-"o-of I I I I I I I~sta~l/alter/relocate I I I 11'lood stove/heater I dlstrlh. feeders 0 amps.I:7:?~ YS.,. &;, I ~ /7p/~ ..1 I /:n.S-cJ J -... . - I I I I I I I I 1~.~1 I I o I Recessed wall Soace heater and vent /I/Y?~.. 1/ Appl iance vent seoa ra te O I Stationary evap. cooler V~nt fan with 1'<" -I ~J 3 slnole duct. ...-. /. Vent system apart from I I o heating or A.C. Meehan ica 1 exh s,t ' 11 hood and duct (~l tcheh) I r, I I~~c I I / /Temporary Construction /Change in existing residence amps.1 I ISSUANCF OF PFRI1IT I HAVE CAREFULLY EXNlINED the completed ap!1lication for fJermit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfjeld and the Laws of the State of Oregon lJertaining to the work described herein, and that rw OC.CUPAIKY wi 11 be made of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that my re~istration ~lith the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ons 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees \~ho are in compliance with OP.S 701.055 l.fill be used on this project. I'M" (p ,.." pd't) ~ k: .A1. ,Az, he... 105 e "-'-l :".<--c_s lO'''''!RE_ ~-Ac~ DOTE.9"J'- f7 FOP. OFFICE USE ONLY Zone.c.~......&'l-s-c:::~Type/Const. 5=-/#;:::. Units S<1. Ftq. rlain 41::;-~ x Value -q;o,r~~~ Fire Zone Bedrooms Occy Load ?3i35 Sq. FtlJ. Access x Value'" Flood Plain Stories I Occy Group,A 2-/ Sq. Ftg. Other.5/~ W~ Value Y~p--t:/' <!Jif~~/;Y#"C P#-~ 0'..I"-~ ~~ ~~ - TOTAL VALUATION3;r,~~ ~~ Te:> ~h" ~oar: c.....r./.........~r/~ ~ 1~7S~€'7 /~~y / BUILDING PERNIT - c;.- E' .L" I Pliin Ck. Comm/lnd -'" ~.r ISystems Development I ,_ .r- .,,-~ Charges and ---_.c2_":?~'Z~_ 65%/Bldq Per Fee ?4'"5"C?7:2 Charqe 0.57;) /5~,? Surcharges U? /c.L Plan .Ck. Res 1-:iJ .1/.... "'IL-. . LfI. l...; . rP L 30%/B1dg Per Fee 1~~.4f:- r~ #h'..b-........ &!5' ---2;i~- ::::' ~'~I ;~;' ---'22...:2~-' Sidewalk 7. 88 I A/CPaving I --:23$. e::>C> .ITotal .Comb. Permit I /B(::2. B:3 ____Y~Eq__~I~'bCPt ~~_ I TOTAL 7,.176:;,'tP z~ 9'8 <::. r""'-- ~~ r . ...._ PLUf1BING PERMIT Charges and Surcharges ELECTRICJl.L PErmIT Cha rges and Surcharges r1ECHANICAl PERMIT Charges and Surcharges -..~ -~ : J !I'll! \,:" I :-.., , . COMB1NATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) PERMIT VALIDATION I. Applicant to furni~h A. Job Address' B. Legal Description fjt;~ '. . 1. 'examp 1 e:- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 43 .' 2. example- Lot Ii Block 3i 2rid Addition to Springfield Estates . C. Name, etc of owner and construction lender D. Energy Sources 1.. example- heat/electrical ceiling/or forced air gas 2. example- waterheater/electrical/or solar E. Square' footage or valuation, etc. 1. example- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage 2. example- if new project, check new,- if addition, check add, etc. ' F. Building permit information: . 1. example - construct single family house with an attached garage . 2. example.- remodel existing garage into family room' 3. examPfe- convert single family residence into restaurant (chang~ of use) , .G. Value of work as defined inSectiori 303 (a1_of the Structural Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or con~truction delays, 'Building Division Staff must be able to cont~ct appropriate persons regarding design information or job site .' corrections, etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical Schedules A. Except where blank spaces occur in ihe desc~iption portion'of the Mechanical and Electrical' Schedules, the appficant need fill.:.in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s) to be installed . B. . Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electri'cal Schedules .. 'are available at the Building Division _,', ,I. To conserve space .'on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated . 2. If th~ item( s) to be ins ta 11 ed a re not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the full schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL'FelL,OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES . D. As noted on. the CAP, the label must be delivered to the electrical. co~tractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor is.not authorized to sign t~e efectrical label. - III. Applicant to.sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be used as A worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staff will prepare a type .written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his' signature. . .,.IV. Fees and Charges. Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees a~d charges are due and paya~lJ~ ~Ihen:~hepermi.t is issue'd.-' '. ..' ., .~ . ", " .,. .. "\.:.' , ...,.. ,'. .. '~ {~~.~~~ ... '}:~ ~, : , , Vi 'FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Clerk. PROJEGT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: . , .....', .Perm~t applicant.exemp~ frplI! regist~a'tion with the.Builderts'-,Bo'ard'becaJ'se:'~ \ .', ..... Add i.t i.ona 1 Project Informat i:on: ~. \.." \.;.~~' . ~ \ -' ....:~ ..., '- .', "'.;;,;,;><0>' ..::", ,,-'1-,.,,"t <~.,~. ?:.~''':--:''';''''i'. :'\.".""v.~. ...~;."'I~. ,-/ ":J-':'-':~":"::: '-:-.' -'. ..i<" . -',- "'. .,~~~. '" .. "; " ~:~~ '. ~~, ;~~ ..... ~ . .1'; .,. :~~~~:~;~.~'; ;:. ~~;;,~:",~,' }~~t~~ :~:~::.~(~. '. . " ".... .' . ~', -r':::-. ~.~~.~ \,"" ',';..' , -, , . ;~":::- .$,.;....~ ..:) :'~.-:- ~,..;.<~ "'~ P.LAN~,'''RE V I EWr:,D,,;BV,,;, ." -. '...., .;-" ~~ .. :" .". ; ri'ame' .i::it>B;ye' . ~~~'ign~:tur~a~~' --// -,/ " '. l1EV~5-e::-L-) date ~-,G-:'-8"9 "~5'. " '.. '\;. ~ .... _..~ I : \. ~:"'I....' ~ ~.'t.. ... . ~. "', "~. ~~'2 .~ . "'': ,." . .